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Out of the Spotlight [Suncoast Society] (Siren Publishing Sensations)

Page 12

by Tymber Dalton

  It looked like he was about to check that fantasy off the bucket list for her. One of many he’d helped her scratch out over their time together in this dynamic.

  When he shut the car off, he turned to her. “Ready?”

  “You’ve already picked out the design, haven’t you?”

  “Of course. Don’t worry, it’s discreet, and tasteful.” His smile faded. “And if anything happens, something you can easily have altered.”

  “Hey, don’t talk like that.” She reached over and palmed his cheek. “Buddy, you’re stuck with me for life. It’s you and me against the world. I don’t care what anyone says, I love you, and being with you feels right. Not just as your wife, but as your slave. Being your slave is more important to me.”

  “Too bad the IRS doesn’t agree.”

  “Fuck ‘em,” she joked. “They’ve got sticks up their asses.”

  “Or they need sticks up their asses.”

  “The point is, yes, I’m scared. Terrified. But I trust you. I have faith in you. Nothing can shake that. If we’ve made it through this, I think we can handle pretty much anything life throws at us.”

  He laid his hand over hers and turned his face to kiss her palm. “Thank you, sweetheart. You have no idea how much that means to me. I hope I never break your trust.”

  “If you were going to, it would have happened long before now. I think it’s safe for me to give you my heart. And everything else.” She smiled. “Property of Sir.”

  “How’d you guess?” He waggled his eyebrows at her. She must have made a face, because he immediately followed that with, “I’m kidding, sweetheart. Let’s get inside.”

  * * * *

  If Leigh had freaked out at the last moment and absolutely refused to get tattooed, of course he would have backed off and let her not get it.

  He wouldn’t, however, deny how gratifying it was to see her nervous lower-lip biting turn into a delighted smile when the tattoo artist revealed the design to her.

  She looked up at Lucas, her eyes bright, and a smile on her face he wish he could also make permanent. “I love it, Sir. Thank you.”

  He leaned in and kissed her. “You thank me now. Wait until he starts in on you.”

  “I can use numbing cream on her,” the guy said.

  Lucas looked to Leigh. “Your call, sweetheart.”

  She nodded. “I’m no dummy.”

  They got started, Lucas holding her hand, his thumb stroking her knuckles as the tattoo artist first inked in the lines before starting on the shading. Two hours later, the design was complete and she let out a relieved breath as she finally looked at it.

  He was wrong. Her earlier smile paled in comparison to the one she flashed him when she saw the design inked on her flesh. She pulled him in for a long, slow kiss. “I love it.”

  They received instructions on how to care for it, then headed home.

  At the front door, Lucas stopped her, scooping her up and carrying her in.

  She giggled. “Really?”

  “Hey, I want to do this right.” He carried her into the bedroom, gently laying her on the bed, before he went out to lock the front door. When he returned, he stretched out beside her. “We’ve got the rest of our lives together now,” he said. “I promise you, we’ll be okay.”

  She nodded, but the sad look on her face made him almost wish he hadn’t said anything.

  He took his time undressing her, kissing her flesh as he bared it, spending long, slow minutes between her thighs, building her up, not letting her get over. Once she was fully naked and squirming under his hands, he got out of bed and stripped before rejoining her. He stretched out over her, sliding his cock inside her before pinning her wrists over her head.

  Staring down at her, he said, “Come for me, girl. Give me what’s mine.”

  He knew she was close, and he had patience. He slowly fucked her, waiting her out, drawing her closer and closer while holding back his own release. It wouldn’t take him long to catch up like this. It never did.

  She caught her lower lip under her teeth, gorgeous, beautiful, helpless. He loved everything about her and knew he might regret many things in his life, but marrying her would never be one of them.

  When she started to come, he felt it, her body squeezing him as her eyes fell shut. That was when he started fucking her, pounding into her, making her gasp with pleasure as he finally let go and came with her. When he finished, he rolled to his side, taking her with him, holding her in his arms.

  He felt her tears before he saw them, quiet, gentle tremors before her body started shaking. He held her, not talking, waiting her out.

  Finally, she whispered, “Thank you, Sir.”

  He tightened his embrace. “It’s you and me, baby. No one and nothing can break us. I promise.”

  When she finally fell asleep in his arms a little later, he slid out of bed and made another check of the doors and windows, just in case.

  He hated that he was now paranoid.

  Because of him.

  Because he’d dared trust someone beside Leigh and they’d gotten their hearts ripped out, their lives destroyed.

  Never again. It didn’t matter what he’d said to her, never again would he allow anyone to come between them. He would spend the rest of his life making this up to her, making up for his decision to let Nick into their lives in the first place. A decision he wished he could take back.

  Not just because Nick had broken his heart, but mostly because he’d made Leigh cry and had broken her in a way Lucas didn’t even know how to begin healing.

  Chapter Eighteen

  The hardest part for Nick was keeping the plan secret. Clark had only gone along with it when Nick promised him he’d still be fulfilling his contractual obligations. He’d needed Clark’s help to put everything into motion without alerting the press to it.

  He couldn’t tell Lucas and Leigh. He didn’t know if they’d even speak to him, much less still want him, but he couldn’t risk the press finding out any of this and springing the news on them before he had everything ready.

  When he showed up at Ed Payne’s office first thing Monday morning, a little over three weeks after leaving Florida before, at first Nick wasn’t sure the attorney would speak with him, either.

  But after Nick went through everything, handed Ed Payne the paperwork and Payne’s paralegal notarized the contract, the man’s expression softened.

  “I can’t and won’t force them to accept this, Nick.”

  “I know. And I understand that. I hope they’ll see that I’m sincere about this. The money and the house is theirs, regardless.”


  He blew out a weary breath. “I know they got married. But I love them and I miss them. I wasn’t just using them. I fell in love with both of them. When I left, I thought I was protecting them. I want to make amends, of course. Plus I want to see if there’s still any room for me in their life. But this deal is for them regardless of whether or not they accept me back.”

  “I’m not going to lie to you. They will need this if they have trouble finding new jobs.”

  “I know. But if they do accept the deal, they’ll have jobs. Guaranteed. They’ll be my business partners.”

  “They’ve never done this before, as far as I know.”

  “I know they haven’t, but I know them. They’re perfect, and they can learn everything they need to. I can teach them, or get help from people who can teach us together. Please, give them this.”

  Ed Payne sat back and studied Nick from across the desk. Then he slowly shook his head. “Do you have any idea how badly they were hurt by all of this?”

  “I can only imagine. I take full responsibility for it.”

  “They think you just used them.”

  “I didn’t. I never expected to fall in love with them. Like I said, I thought I was protecting them when I left. I thought the press would follow me, not hound them. I never wanted them to come to any harm.”

  “So what wil
l your cover story be now, on the long-shot they accept this offer?”

  “They’re my personal assistants. Everyone in Hollywood has at least one. One of my friends has five, and each one handles a different aspect of his life for him. One handles nothing but his schedule and answers his phone, and one of them is a PA for the other four PAs. My manager has been begging me, for years, to get one. I never wanted one before because I valued my privacy. The press usually leaves them alone because they’re not stars, and they know the PAs always sign confidentiality agreements. It won’t look strange, them being with me everywhere I go.”

  “I’ll call them and ask them to come in. Are you going to hang around, or what number do I call you at after I’m finished talking with them?”

  “May I stay?”

  “I think it’d be best if they didn’t see you when they get here. Let me present everything to them first, then I’ll call you in. You can hang out in the conference room.” He reached for the phone on his desk. “Let me call them first to make sure they can even make it.”

  Five minutes later, Nick’s pulse raced. They were on their way, would arrive in about half an hour. Ed had his assistant clear his calendar of morning appointments.

  He pointed a finger at Nick. “By the way, I’m going to bill you for all my services. For them before, and for this now. I was working for them for free as a personal favor to them. But since you’re so eager to throw cash around, you can pick up the tab for them.”

  Nick smirked as he fished his wallet out of his pants and handed over a black AmEx. “There you go. Charge away. I don’t care how much it is. Overcharge me, if you want. There’s something like a million-dollar limit on that card, I think. I’ve never tested that, though.”

  Ed stared at the credit card on his desk for a moment before he picked it up. “You really are serious, aren’t you?”

  “Totally. My life is miserable without them in it. I honestly believe this is my last and only shot for true happiness. Money means nothing to me if I don’t have them in my life to share it with me. I can afford to take care of them. I want to take care of them. They deserve it.”

  Ed stood, the credit card in his hand. “You fuck them over, I’ll keep you tied up in court until you’re ninety.”

  Nick held up his hands. “I swear I won’t do that to them.”

  Ed sharply nodded before going out, presumably to charge the card.

  A moment later, Nick’s phone chirruped as he received an e-mail notification from the credit card company.

  A charge for twenty-five thousand dollars, paid to Payne Law Group.

  Nick smirked. That was actually less than he’d anticipated the lawyer charging him. He didn’t care. It was a small price to pay. Hell, considering the size of his savings, everything he’d put together in the past couple of days didn’t even put a noticeable dent in his bottom line. All his years of frugal living—comparatively speaking when considering Hollywood standards—had more than paid off.

  Now all he could do was pray that this gamble paid off, too.

  * * * *

  Lucas glanced over at Leigh when she spoke. “Do you think Ed heard back from him?” she asked. She wasn’t looking at him, but staring out the passenger window.

  She also didn’t need to specify who she was talking about. Lucas knew.

  His fingers tightened around the steering wheel. Ed hadn’t—wouldn’t—say what it was about, but his suspicion was that yes, Nick/Trevor had come through with some sort of deal.

  He only hoped it was enough to get them through this storm so they could put their lives back together and not some insulting pittance that would truly prove how little they’d meant to Nick after all.



  He hated the way Leigh rarely smiled anymore, despite all his attempts to cheer her. The way she’d withdrawn.

  The way she curled up in his arms and cried every night.

  He wanted to punch the sonofabitch for that more than anything. Yes, he’d been hurt, his heart broken, too, but he could deal with it.

  Leigh had paid an even higher emotional price. She’d always prided herself on being strong, independent, self-sufficient, and this had unexpectedly laid bare her tender, emotional underbelly in a way that had completely gutted her.

  His heart might be broken, but her soul had been broken, her trust destroyed.

  For that, Lucas wasn’t sure he could ever forgive Nick.

  When they arrived, the receptionist immediately showed them back to Ed’s office, where he stepped around the desk to greet them both with hugs.

  “So cut to the chase,” Lucas started as they settled into chairs. “What’s going on?”

  “Nick Trevorsky has presented me with a very…unusual offer.”

  “Unusual how?” Leigh asked.

  As Ed summarized, Lucas felt like he’d been punched in the gut a second time. After Ed finished, he stared at the two of them for a moment.

  “Well?” Ed asked.

  Lucas glanced at Leigh, who looked as stunned as he felt. “Is this for real?” he asked Ed.

  “Very. I’ve already gone over all the paperwork. The contract is notarized. The house has already been purchased, closed on, and quit-claimed into your names. And he’ll pay any income tax hit, too, as well as insurance and property taxes.”

  They sat there in silence for a moment, staring at each other. Leigh was obviously waiting on Lucas to say something.

  “I…” He closed his mouth, his train of thought totally derailed. He’d expected the movie star to come up with a few thousand dollars. Maybe in the five-digit range, perhaps even six. Long-shot, maybe a seven-digit dollar amount.


  “Is he serious?” Lucas asked.

  “I went through the paperwork,” Ed repeated. “Everything’s in order. He’s serious.”

  Leigh still stared at him, looking to him for guidance, leadership.

  A decision.

  Lucas felt like he’d been dropped into an emotional blender. He finally turned back to Ed. “What do you think?”

  “As your attorney, I can tell you that it appears to be a totally genuine offer. There aren’t any strings attached to it. Whether or not you want to accept it, well, I refuse to pressure you one way or the other. I’m your friend, and it’s too easy for me to inject my opinion. Professionally, I’ll tell you I see no fiscal or legal downside to this. No risk for either of you. If I thought this wasn’t a good deal, I would immediately counsel you not to accept it.”

  “But you’re not doing that,” Lucas said.

  “No. I’m not counseling you to reject the deal. I won’t pressure you into taking it, either. This isn’t a criminal matter where a plea deal has been offered. This is a civil matter, a contractual matter, a personal matter.”

  Lucas glanced at Leigh again. “When would this take effect?”

  “Immediately. I have the paperwork. The initial deposits will be wired to your accounts by this afternoon. And I have the deed to the house and other paperwork to give you.”

  “Wait, when did you find out about this?”

  Ed stood and rounded his desk, heading for the door. “Just this morning. Wait here.” He left.

  Leigh reached out for his hand and squeezed. “Do you think we should accept it?” she whispered.

  He was still trying to process it. A house, guaranteed. A cash payout to them regardless if they accepted the rest of the deal. If they accepted, guaranteed salaries for the next five years. Equal partners in the production company. All their living and travel expenses paid until they were able to take over full-time duties with the production company.


  But it would mean…

  The door opened, then closed.

  Lucas felt the man’s presence even before Leigh’s sharp gasp alerted him. He didn’t have to turn to know who stood there.

  “Hey,” the man’s soft voice said.

  Chapter Nineteen

her heart, Leigh had thought she’d never again see Nick in the flesh. Only on the big or little screen, and even then she didn’t know if she had the heart to watch his films anymore.

  But to see him standing there, his hair back to its natural color, glasses on, a miserable look on his face…

  It was all she could do not to get up and run to him. And she hated that.

  He broke our hearts. Shattered our trust.

  Yet here she was, a heartsick puppy willing to let go again.

  She felt the anger, the fury, radiating off Lucas in the chair next to her, but he didn’t speak.

  Nick finally broke the silence. “I’m sorry. I left the way I did because a reporter was onto me. I thought by leaving that I was protecting you. I never imagined they had already traced you guys to me.”

  Lucas stood and faced him. “You’ve ruined our lives.”

  “Please, I love you both. Please let me make this right.”

  “You lied to us about who you were.”

  “I know. I was trying to protect you. I never thought things would lead to this. That I’d fall in love with you both, or that leaving would break my heart and yours.”

  She stared up at Lucas, afraid to say anything, afraid that it might tip Lucas the wrong way. She knew he was outraged more on her behalf than on his own, and she loved him to death for it.

  But part of her didn’t want to let Nick go, either, and she knew Lucas felt the same way. Although his love was now buried under layers of anger and pain.

  Lucas snapped his fingers. Nick fluidly stepped forward, dropping to his knees in front of Lucas, head bowed.

  For several long, tense moments, neither man spoke. Leigh realized she was holding her breath when her lungs screamed and she softly gasped for air.

  “Why are you doing this?” Lucas finally asked. “Why all of this?”

  Nick didn’t raise his head. “Because I love you, Sir. And I love Leigh. And even if you don’t want me back, I want you two taken care of and able to make your way. It’s my fault that all this happened. I take full responsibility for it. I’m so sorry. I know those are weak words, but if you allow me back into your lives, I promise I’ll spend the rest of our lives together making it up to both of you and showing you both how much I love you.”


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