Stellar Proportions (Cosmic Soul Mates)

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Stellar Proportions (Cosmic Soul Mates) Page 8

by Jeanette Lynn

“Molilah is MINE! You even think about being with her in a non platonic way and, brother or no brother, I’ll rip your arms off and beat you with them! Mine! My woman! I married her! So she’s MY WIFE! So, THERE!”

  Our entire group, and I mean Everyone, froze at that.

  Married? When!? My jaw hit the floor at his proclamation.

  Something borrowed something blue


  “Married?” Mama asked softly, “You two got married? You got married ‘Nye bear’?” she asked again. After a moment she added, “Without me?” And even though she had a smile on her face, her chin wobbled slightly, like she didn’t know whether to be happy for us, or if she wanted to cry at feeling left out of her oldest son’s big day.

  “Soul mates Mama,” I said softly and her expression immediately changed, a huge smile graced her face and she beamed at me.

  “Oh! Soul mates, how lovely.” She clapped her hands together and then yanked at me to get me up off the ground. “Soul mates oh!” she sighed, like it was the most romantic thing she had ever heard of.

  “Whoooaa! Whoa! Whoa! Hold up there Jethro!” Mol said, pushing her index finger into my chest. “We did not get married. I think I would remember getting married. Don’t you? I’m telling you pal! We. Did. Not. Get. Married.” She punctuated each word with a poke to my chest.

  “Uh Mol?” I said.

  “Yes, ‘Blue Balls’?” Mol answered. She had her arms crossed over her chest and she was wearing a mutinous expression. I leaned down so I could whisper in her ear. I cleared my throat a little nervously.

  “Remember what we did this morning and how we were you know? Uh.. we got uh.. you know?”

  “Yyeesss, soooo?” she said drawing it out slowly and gave me an ‘aaaannnnd?’ type of stare.

  “If that happens or when it happens, it means you are what Rellians would call my..erm.. ‘soul mate’.” I held up my hands in a ‘hold up a moment’ gesture and hurried to finish. “It only happens when a Rellian copulates and it’s with that special someone. Someone that’s made just for them, their other half. By Rellian law, the act, you know what I mean, itself is enough to bind us together... in marriage.”

  She stood there stunned for a minute and then gathered her composure. She narrowed her eyes suspiciously.

  “Sooo, what your saying is, we had crazy monkey sex,” she ticked her points off on her left hand as she went, “‘Captain Winkey’ got stuck, and now we’re married?” As she said each word her voice rose and I blushed and then blushed harder as the people around the spaceport started to stop what they were doing and had begun to stare at us. It’s not easy having your equipment reduced to being called ‘Captain Winkey’ in front of god and everyone at a crowded spaceport.

  “Uhm, yup, that sums it up,” I admitted.

  “Lalalala! Ughh! I’m not listening….I did not just hear my bestie using the phrases ‘crazy monkey sex’ and ‘Captain Winkey’ in relation to her ‘relations’ with my demonic brother! Lalalalaalala! Oowwe! what was that for? That hurt Auntie ‘N’! What gives?”

  “Shhh up Boy! They’re talking. This is the good stuff!”


  I rolled over in my bed and groaned. I had forgotten to shut the curtains again. I pulled my blankets over my head to shield myself from the world. I snuggled down and sighed. Aawwee, I sighed again. And then an odd sense of deja vu struck me and I popped up out of my bed. I looked around and realized I really was back in my apartment, in my own bed. I was home.


  But I knew none of what happened yesterday or the day before was a dream. Muna talked Neyenn and Jaye down at the spaceport and convinced them it was best to let me have a little time to myself, to absorb everything that had happened in such a short amount of time.

  I heard a clatter in my kitchen and smiled. Must be Jaye, I thought and chuckled. At least some things never changed. I put my robe on and slipped into my piggy slippers. I wiggled my toes in my slippers and headed off to the kitchen. Hopefully whatever breakfast Jaye had made himself was edible, this time, and, if I was really lucky, he might have made enough for two.

  The smell of coffee hit my nose first and then the sound of meat sizzling in a pan. A blue arm was sticking out over the fridge door. The occupant was bent over, grabbing things out of it. The door closed and Neyenn’s head popped into view.

  “Morning ‘Short Stuff’,” He grinned at me and then set a container of pineapple juice on the counter. “Hungry?” he asked, reaching for a glass to pour the juice in.

  “What are you doing in my kitchen?” He looked at me again and then motioned for me to have a seat at one of stools at the breakfast bar.

  “Uhm, making breakfast?” I sat down and he handed me the glass of juice. “So, how do you like your eggs?” he asked as he put the juice container back into the fridge.

  “Over easy,” I said absently as I watched the biceps in his arm flex as he deftly flipped the meat in the pan.

  “Kay,” he said.

  “Thanks ‘Blue Balls’,” I said as I sipped my juice. I set the glass down and started doodling patterns on the tiles with my finger.

  “My pleasure ‘She Devil’,” he grinned and winked at me. I woke up a little more at that and smacked my palm down onto the counter.

  “Hey! Wait a minute here! Bucko! Don’t distract me!” I picked up my juice for another sip and gestured at him with it. “I’m on to you buddy! What are you doing here? How did you even get in and don’t think a little juice, some eggs, and a sexy smile is going to get you into my good graces sir!”

  “You think my smile’s sexy?”

  I groaned and set my juice down, then dropped my head onto my forearms.

  “Did you hear anything else, besides the sexy smile part?” I mumbled and then looked up at him.

  He grinned, “Nope.”

  “Your hopeless,” I admonished him, shaking my head.

  “Hopelessly in love with you?” he said with faux puppy dog eyes and a goobery expression on his face. He looked pathetic. To complete his look he batted his eyelashes at me and I busted out laughing.

  I picked up the object nearest me, which was a dish towel and threw it at him. He caught it before it hit him and blew air kisses at me, fanning his face with the dish towel I had just thrown at him. I broke out into loud guffaws that turned into a round of snort giggles.

  My front door opened and I looked up to see Jaye entering my apartment.

  “Hello my ‘dahling’ did you miss me?” Jaye grinned as he shut the door behind himself and locked it. He came further into the apartment and caught sight of Neyenn in the kitchen.

  “Awwee,” he groaned dramatically. “What the heck! What is he doing here?!”

  “Is that any way to greet your big brother Jayevellan?” Neyenn teased.

  “Don’t call me that! Nobody calls me that! It‘s Jaye! Just Jaye! No Jayevellan!” he scowled at his brother as he took the stool next to me. He pouted at me and stole my juice. He finished it off and handed me back my glass.

  “How could you Mol? After all we’ve been through? You take up with this... over blown, muscle bound, blue Gorilla,” he said, waving his hand around in Neyenn’s general direction.

  He sighed and then mock whispered, “It looks like it might not be too late. You might even be able to train this one properly. Look he can even do a couple of tricks.” He gestured towards Neyenn, who was flipping hot cakes in a pan with one hand and then putting the eggs from another one onto a plate seconds later. It was very quick and efficient, the way he did it. There was something graceful to his movements. I laughed at what Jaye had said and covered my mouth to try and hide it.

  “What?” Neyenn asked, “What’s so funny?”

  “Oh, nothing,” said Jaye.

  “Hey Neyenn? What kinds of things are you willing to do for a treat or a tummy rub?”


  This time I laughed so hard I fell off of my stool. I rolled around on the floor for a second,
trying to contain myself because I swear, if I don’t stop, I’m going to pee!


  “I really don’t see how he’s related to me,” I muttered as we finished putting our plates into the sink. I came up behind Molilah as she plugged the sink and started to fill it with cleaning solution so they could soak. I put my hands on her hips and start massaging them. I leaned in a little closer and started nibbling and placing little love bites along her neck. She moved her neck a little more to the side, so I could have better access.

  “Mmmm,” she moaned.



  “I’m going to go get the boxes out of my hovie so we can start packing things okay? I’ll be back in ten.”

  “Mmhh.. wait what? What do we need boxes for? What are you packing?”

  “Your stuff. So you can come home. With me,” I kissed her neck one last time and started to pull away.

  “Wait a minute ‘Blue Balls’ I never said I was going to move in with you.”

  She put her hands on her ample hips and I couldn’t help but appreciate how ‘hot’ she looks when she’s mad.. mmm mmm my kitten has claws.

  “We’re married now. We are going to live together and your apartment is the size of a shoe box. My house is bigger.” I looked around at her closet of an apartment and then continued. “Much bigger…much.. much.. much.. Bigg..”

  “Oooh, you asshole! Screw you!” she screeched.

  “I plan to.. thoroughly.. as soon as we’re done packing. Be kinda fun to fuck on bubble wrap, right? Get it? Snap! Crackle! Ooowe! Sweet baby Jesus! Stop hitting me! Watch the face! Owe!”

  When Jaye walked into the living room, he saw Mol straddling my chest, mauling me with her slipper. That little piggy had hard plastic eyes damnit! He walked over us and entered the kitchen. He didn’t even bat an eyelash. He started rummaging through her cupboards.

  “Hey Mol? Do you have anymore of those cookies you made the other day? You know, the ones with the chocolate chunks in them? Cause if not, you need to step it up and make some more woman. I cant live on just bunny food you know..”

  “This is all your fault.” Jaye said sulkily as we stood in front of the door Molilah had just shoved us out of and slammed in our faces.

  “My fault? How could you not recognize a woman on the brink? Or see me in distress, for that matter, and not help your brother out?”

  Jaye looked at me and smirked. “Would you have helped me if the situation was reversed big brother?” he asked.

  I didn’t even need to think about it. “Touché sir,” I said and trudged off to my place. I needed a plan B for operation Molilah.

  Something Old Something New


  I woke up when I felt a weight settle on the side of the bed. I went to sit up, but my arms were stuck. My eyes popped open and I looked around. My wrists were tied to the posts of my bed with two of my favorite scarves. I looked at the side of my bed and saw Neyenn sitting on the edge, with a book in his hands. He had on a pair of reading glasses and he was so deep into reading the book, he hadn’t noticed I’d woken up yet.

  “Yo, asshole! Untie me!”

  His eyes popped up and he snapped the book shut.

  “Hey Baby,” he said and smiled. He took off his glasses and set them, along with the book, on top of my night stand and started taking off his shirt.

  “What are you doing?” I asked and glanced at the spine of the book. “One Hundred and One Ways to Get Her Motor Running,” I read out loud. Where do people come up with this crap and what does he need a sex book for? He did just fine without it the other day.

  “Neyenn?” I asked again as he started to take off his pants.

  “Hhhmmm?” he replied absently.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Taking off my pants,” he said, acting like he didn’t get what I’d meant.

  “I noticed that…so why am I tied to the bed?”

  He folded his pants neatly and set them on the back of my vanity chair. I noticed he had a few more books stacked on the seat of the chair. I couldn’t see the titles, but there were little sticky notes marking pages throughout the books.

  What the heck is he up to? I mean I can gleam the general direction of his thoughts, but….. He picked up my fancy cookie tray, the one I use for entertaining, up off of the floor and I noticed he had it full of things. There was honey, strawberries, sliced grevnel, Rellian chocolate sauce, whipped cream and a pair of scissors.

  My eyes bugged out at the sight of the scissors. I started struggling in my bonds, trying to scoot away from him.

  “What the hell are you gonna do?” I laughed nervously, still squirming around, “Cut me open and stuff my chest cavity full of fruit and a sugary filling?” He picked up the scissors and started walking towards me, then he was slowly leaning towards me.

  He frowned at me, “You’ve been hanging around Jaye too long Baby. Do you hear how ridiculous you sound right now?” He put the scissors up to the end of my shirt and start snipping it, methodically, in an almost surgical fashion. He sliced my shirt all the way up to the neck, until it was in two neatly cut pieces.

  “See?” he chided, staring at my exposed breasts. “Did that hurt?” He set the scissors back down on the tray and came back to sit on the bed beside me.

  “I liked that shirt mister,” I said at the same time he said, “We need to talk.” I gawked at him.

  “Right now?” I asked in disbelief. “Like this?” I sputtered a little bit when I said it.

  He shrugged. “Yeah. Why not,” he said this as if I wasn’t sitting here tied to my bed with my fun bags hanging out. He dipped his finger into the Rellian chocolate sauce and started painting it across my breasts. He was drawing little swirls and patterns absently as he went.

  “I want you to move in with me.” He brought his finger to my mouth and started painting my lips with it. I nipped his finger and he smiled, pulling his hand back.

  “I already told you. I…” He put his lips to mine to silence me, licking at the chocolate on them and then dipping his tongue inside, giving me a taste.

  “Mmm,” I murmured and nipped at his lips. He pulled back and grabbed a strawberry off of the tray. He put it up to my breast and I jumped. It was ice cold. His eyes turned to slits as he concentrated on the strawberry’s path. Slowly circling around my nipple through the chocolate sauce.

  “Move in with me,” he said again.

  “No,” I said and he leaned forward, taking a nipple into his mouth. He ran his tongue back and forth over it for a moment and then suckled hard and released it with a wet pop. The bud was tight, hard and sensitive now. He blew on it and I shivered.

  He picked up the strawberry again and started rubbing it slowly across my hardened bud. He watched, seeming fascinated at its progress. He did the same to my other breast and then pressed the strawberry to my lips, so I could take a bite. It was sweet and tart. I could taste the chocolate on it from where he had been rubbing it across my skin. He took a bite too and then set it down. He kissed me then and I could taste the strawberry and chocolate on his tongue. Our tongues played a little bit, dueling and tasting each other, while his hand started trailing down my chest to my belly button. He swirled a finger through and around it in little figure eights and circles as we kissed. I sucked on his tongue for a minute and he moaned and returned the favor.

  “I love the way you taste,” he said and started trailing kisses down my body, stopping at all the important parts and giving them his undivided attention. He started pulling my panties down and I lifted my hips for him.

  “You’re going to move in with me,” he said and nipped my stomach and then my hip bone. He kissed a path from one hip bone to the other, lightly grazing my mound as he went.

  “N..ooohh,” I moaned as he took my clit into his mouth and sucked lightly. He ran his tongue down my slit, from the top to the bottom, slowly and lightly, in a tease. He kept it up, dividing his attention between my slit and m
y clit. Circling at the top, swirling around my button and then journeying back to my folds in exploration. I was writhing on the bed, fighting to free my wrists, favorite scarves be damned.

  “Please…. Neyenn… please!” I started mumbling and begging for him to give me what I wanted, what I needed. He got up from the bed and took off his boxer briefs and I had never been so happy to see a large blue appendage in my life. Now, I just had to get him to put that puppy to good use.

  “Come here,” I said and he looked at me surprised. I licked my lips and he swallowed hard, his adams apple bobbing with the motion.

  “You want this Baby?” he said, walking up to the head of the bed, holding himself and then stroking his shaft from root to tip. I noticed something then, that I hadn’t paid much attention to before, he wasn’t circumcised. Then again, this was the first real good look I’ve had of his iguanodon since we’ve started all this. Maybe it’s weird to say this, but it was beautiful to me.

  He put one knee on the bed and angled himself close. I leaned forward, as much as I could, and gave the underside of his shaft a slow lick. His breath caught and he put his arms on the head board for leverage. I swirled my tongue around the head and he jerked. I pulled back a little to get a good view of the picture he presented standing there.

  He looked magnificent, like one of those muscled greek statues come to life. His eyes closed, head lowered in supplication, leaning forward slightly, the one knee braced on the bed. His arms raised and braced on the headboard, a fine sheen of sweat was starting to form on his forehead.

  I licked the head of his shaft again and then took him into my mouth. Shallow at first, almost in a tease and then I relaxed my throat and took him as far as I could go. He groaned and tensed up, like he wanted to move, but didn’t want to choke me. He pulled out a little, panting heavily and then pushed back in. He was shaking from his efforts and he was so hot like this, it turned me on just as much as if the foreplay was for me. I pulled him back into my mouth and swirled my tongue around the underside of his head as I slowly sucked his shaft, and pushed him, in and out, of my mouth.


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