Stellar Proportions (Cosmic Soul Mates)

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Stellar Proportions (Cosmic Soul Mates) Page 9

by Jeanette Lynn

  It was a little awkward, not having much leverage or free hands, but he was more than happy to help. He pulled out of my mouth and backed up a little. He grabbed the scissors and cut off my scarves. Scarves, I thought to myself, what scarves? This was worth it.

  “Get on your knees,” he demanded and my body gushed at his bossy command. He’s so sexy when he goes all ‘Cave Man’ in the bedroom. I got on my knees and he climbed up behind me on the bed.

  I wiggled a little onto his crotch and he slapped my ass. “Ouch,” I yelped and slapped his thigh. “How do you like it?” I demanded. He chuckled and leaned forward, his mouth near my ear, his body blanketing mine.

  “You can spank me anytime you want Baby,” he chuckled, huskily, into my ear, giving the lobe a nip and a lick and I shivered. He knew exactly how to push my buttons. I shifted restlessly against him and he rubbed his shaft along my clit, sliding it back and forth. I turned my head and nipped his shoulder, to let him know I meant business.

  He raised up and put his hands on my hips, he rubbed his hands along my back and my bottom as he lined his shaft up and slid home. He was gripping my hips now and grinding himself against my pelvis. I whimpered and wiggled a little to get him moving, the tease. He felt even bigger like this. He pulled out and then pushed in really fast.

  “Hang on to the head board,” he told me and I complied. The second he realized I was braced, he started pounding into me. It was rough and wild. The slapping of our bodies as we rocked back and forth together in a rhythm as old as time. There was a freeing feeling to it and he looked so damned sexy, the cords in his neck straining and his muscles bunching and flexing with his movements. He snuck his hand around to my clit and started rubbing his index finger around it teasingly.

  “I’m close Baby, come for me,” he said and that was all it took. I came, my muscles tightening and releasing around his shaft. He tensed up and then groaned, pushing into me as if he thought it could possibly go in more. After a few minutes he slumped against me and we both plopped down on the bed heavily, on our sides. Still connected because of his ‘little problem‘, as I so fondly call it. We laid there panting, just trying to catch our breaths.

  There was a tell tale ‘creak’ and an odd crunching sound and my bed collapsed. My mattress and box spring fell to the ground with a ‘woosh’, taking us with it. We looked around at the destruction that was now my room and I laughed. I couldn’t help it. The absurdity of the whole thing was just too much.

  “Oh, my gosh, I cant believe we broke the bed,” I said and Neyenn chuckled along with me. After a few minutes his body had relaxed enough for him to slip out of me and we walked to the bathroom to clean up.

  Time to come clean


  “So, what time do you want me to come by to get your stuff?” I asked. We hadn’t made much progress today. Well, not unless ‘boinking each other’s brains’ out was on the agenda. We hadn’t made it past the bedroom until after it started to get dark and our stomachs started growling. Fruit, chocolate sauce and whipped cream can only sustain a fella for so long. Even if I am eating it off of a heathen goddess. We showered and ate dinner and are now lounging on the couch cuddling.

  “I tried to tell you, but you refuse to listen to me. I’m not ready yet,” she said tersely and I got pissed off. I don’t see what the problem is here.

  “And when will you be ready Molilah?” I demanded, getting up from the couch. I turned to face her, my hands on my hips. “Let me see if I have this straight here. So, you can eat with me, cuddle with me, talk with me, fuck with me,” I ticked them off on my fingers, holding them up for her to see. “Do everything else a couple does, but be with me right? Am I getting this right?” I asked and I couldn’t hold back anymore. “Is this all we are, all I am to you?” I said and gestured to myself and then toward her bedroom. “Jesus Mol, I’m not a patient male. What do you expect from me?”

  “I thought you would give me some time,” she said testily, her arms crossed and the nails of one hand tapping on the elbow of the opposite arm.

  “What do you need time for? You know me,” I said pointing at myself. “I know you,” I said gesturing at her.

  “We’ve known each other, practically our whole lives, Mol. There’s not much we don’t know about each other. So, you can’t use that as an excuse. We’re married. Married people live together. Why don’t we?” I ran my fingers through my hair in aggravation and then laughed bitterly.

  “Look,” I said and threw my hands up in the air in frustration, “We even argue like a married couple.” I sighed and rubbed my face, feeling tired and weary.

  “You know what Mol.. Fine. You win,” I said and scooped up my keys and jacket. “You win. You want time. You got it.” I walked over to the door. I put my hand on the knob and paused for a minute. Waiting and hoping she would say something, anything, but she didn’t and the silence was deafening. I opened the door and paused again, my back still turned.

  “I love you Molilah,” I said and she gasped behind me. I cleared my throat and continued hoarsely. “I guess I always have. It just took me a while to figure it out… And now that I have.. I always will. Ball’s in your court now ‘Short Stuff ’, ” I said and quietly shut the door behind me. It was one of the hardest things I had ever done, but I put one foot in front of the other and walked away. For how long? I don’t know. That was in her hands and only time would tell.

  One Week Later

  And this little piggy had none


  I can’t believe what I’m about to do... How long does it take to fix these things anyways? Why couldn’t it be like an infection? You know, take this prescription for a week and come back if the symptoms haven’t cleared up by then…I put my ear up to the door and listened intently for any clues to my ‘bestie’s’ current frame of mind. I hadn’t seen her in a few days, since after I heard about her fall out with Neyenn.

  How Mama knew? I’ll never know, but I figured Mol would want some privacy to get her thoughts in order. Oh, yeah, and there was that little thing about Mama saying to leave Mol alone so she could come around or she would, and I’m quoting Ma here ‘Get me’. I shuddered, never piss that woman off. I put my hand on the knob and noticed it wasn’t locked. I pushed the door open and peeked inside, cautiously, just in case.

  What I found when I stepped inside stunned me. The place was wrecked. It looked like a tornado had hit! It was a pig sty! The most shocking thing, though, was Mol sitting on the couch, in the middle of the pig sty, huddled on one end, watching television. She perked up when she saw the door open, scattering the bag of chips, she’d been eating out of, everywhere as she jumped up. She realized it was me and slumped back down into her seat.

  I closed the door shut behind me and started making my way to the kitchen. I dug under the cabinet below the sink until I found a pair of kitchen gloves. They were bright pink, but hey, beggars can’t be choosers right? I tromped my way to the couch, picking up ‘debris’ and depositing it into a trash bag I had nabbed from the kitchen.

  “Molilah?” I asked, crunching as I sat on her couch. Bleck! Guess I wasn’t too attached to these pants anyways. “What the heck are you doing?” She took her eyes off the t.v. and I got a good look at her.

  She was wearing a big t-shirt that looked familiar, I think it was the one I had her put in her bag for me for my birthday picnic, and she had her robe on over it; she had one piggy slipper on, one off. The mysterious missing piggy was clutched to her chest and it seemed as if she was hugging it. The pig looked a little ‘worse for the wear’ and it took me a second to put two and two together. That was probably the one she had been beating Neyenn with the other day. Oh, this was just sad! Of all the ridiculous…!

  “Get up! Get dressed! Now! This is ridiculous! Molilah Harvick, you are going to go to him, do you hear me! And tell him! Right now young lady!”

  She looked at me stunned and blinked “Wha..?” “Do I have to spell it out for you?! You two are embarrassi
ng!” I said impatiently, tapping my shoe on the floor. It crunched every other tap, but I chose to ignore it.

  “You are going. To tell him. You love him. Got it. Now get up. I can’t believe you…moping around…. pining for him … wearing one of my favorite shirts…getting chips cheese all over it…..” I muttered. “And why? Because you’re both too stubborn to say you ‘love’ each other!” I said exasperated.

  “He did,” she said quietly and I almost didn’t hear her.

  “What?” I asked, just to be sure I had heard her correctly.

  “I said, he did. He told me. That he.. that he…that he loved me. Right before he ..he ..he lllleeeefffttt meee,” she started to wail. I sat down right next to her and pulled her onto my lap. She rested her head on my chest and I rubbed her back until she calmed down.

  “Then why are you here and why is he there, Mol? Do you not love him back?” I asked softly.

  “Of course I do! I know I do! It’s just…” she trailed off.

  “Just what Mol?”

  “What if he decides, one day, he doesn’t love me anymore? What if he leaves me?” she asked, a pained look on her face. “There are no guarantees in life ‘chick a dee’, you know that. But would you rather never try and let him slip through your fingers? What if he’s your chance to be happy and you let him go? Could you live with yourself, not knowing what could have been, Mol?” She sniffed and wiped her nose on my shirt.


  “You know what Jayeleebean? Your right,” she said kissing my cheek, “Thanks, I needed that.” She made her way to her bedroom and a few minutes later I heard the shower turn on. I got up and examined my orange, chip encrusted, rump, snotted on shirt, and crunchy loafers.

  I need a damn hazmat suit to come in here!

  The things I do for these people!

  Easy to please


  It had been a week. One very long friggin’ week and I was dying. I felt like my chest was being crushed. Like my heart was trying to escape from my rib cage. I didn’t want to do anything.

  I used to laugh when I heard people talking like that. Thinking to myself, what a puss, it couldn’t be that bad. Well I was wrong. I guess the joke’s on me.

  I sat hunched in my chair in the dark, watching the moons in the sky. They looked beautiful tonight. One green, the other blue, different and yet together, complimenting each other up there, in perfect harmony. The weather was mild this time of year and it was quiet outside, too quiet.

  I had never realized how quiet and lonely my life was until Molilah crashed in and out of it the way she did. I mean, she’s always been around, I’ve known her my whole life. But our time ‘together together’ really opened my eyes. I don’t know what I’m going to do if she doesn’t come around. She’s addictive, I thought to myself... I crave her... Like a drug. The feel of her skin, her laughter, her smile, the sound of her voice. Hell I would take her beating me with a slipper again if it meant getting her back. I smiled a little at the memory.

  “Hey ‘Blue Balls’, you got room for one more here?” I heard from behind me and turned to see Molilah standing in the entryway to the house, arms full of bags.

  Jaye came in a minute later, carrying a heavy box and set it down, wiping his hands on his pants. “Well, idiot, what are you doing just standing there? I practically gift wrapped her and brought her to you. What are you waiting for? Git’ yer’self yer’ woman!” he said in a terrible impersonation of a Scot’s brogue. He smiled and nudged Mol a little in my direction, then went back outside to get more boxes.

  Hhmm. Seems like my little ‘She Devil’ told Jaye about the ‘Scottish on the beach’, if my intuition is correct.

  Could it be the little heathen missed me too?

  She set her bags down and came hurrying towards me. We met each other half way across the back lawn. I scooped her up in my arms and twirled her around. She laughed and threw her arms around my neck. She looked into my eyes and even though she hadn’t said it back, I could see it in them, shining brightly. Her love, all there, just for me.

  “You know we’re gonna argue like cats and dogs right?” she asked and I nodded, smiling a little as she pecked me on the lips.

  “I’m still going to mess with you and piss you off. Can you live with that?”

  “Yes,” I whispered against her lips and took her mouth roughly. She tasted like grevnel fruit and sunshine, she tasted like Molilah. Mine. I pulled back and looked at her.

  “I’m still going to be a possessive, overbearing, asshole. Can you handle that?”

  She grinned and ran her fingers through my hair, scraping her nails along my scalp as she went. She pulled my lower lip into her mouth and sucked lightly, releasing it to pull back a little and look into my eyes again.

  “I think I can handle it,” she said and winked saucily at me. I laughed out loud at that, long and low. “ I love you, you ‘Big Blue Bastard’,” she said and ran her hands over my cheeks and cupped my face.

  “I shouldn’t have let you go that day at my apartment. I’m sorry, I was wrong. I was scared. It took me a little while and a stern talking to from Jaye, your brother can be sensible sometimes, for me to realize some things about myself. I have trouble letting people in. I realize now it was a silly worry, where you’re concerned, and I needed to just ‘get over it’.”

  She grabbed my cheeks and mooshed them together, so I was making fishy lips, then glared at me, “But if you tell anyone I said I was wrong and all that other junk, I'll maim you, got it?”

  I nodded, unable to talk and she grinned like a loon. Molilah grabbed me by my pointy ears, pulled our faces together and kissed me for all she was worth. I kissed her back.

  This kiss was different. It was full of all the things we still had left unsaid between us. All the things we wanted to say, couldn’t say or hadn’t thought of yet. It was a pledge. A promise of forever. It was like the kiss was a seal to a pact, our unspoken pact.

  We were stuck with each other, til death do us part, for better or for worse, no matter what and I couldn’t be happier.

  “I love you too,” I said against her smiling lips.

  “Ye ‘ave bewitched me Ya ‘Lily White Arsed She Devil’!” I said and laughed.

  “Owe! Owe! Jesus Mol! Not the face!” I said between belly laughs.

  Three Months Later

  Shake ya groove thang


  “Wow, their Auntie really likes to dance huh?” Darlah said from beside me. If her facial expressions were anything to go by, I would say she was fighting between amusement and being horrified.

  It was quite a show.

  “Yep,” I said grinning, holding Neyenn’s phone up to get a good angle of Nona as she shimmied her generous hips in time to the music. She was circling around Uncle Horven, who was grinning from ear to ear, encouraging her.

  “Woo sugar, shake it for Daddy! Come on lil Mama!”

  “Oh, that is just nasty! I think I’m gonna be sick!” Jaye groaned loudly from my left side, opposite Darlah. Fake gagging noises came from Jaye’s general direction and I laughed, still holding the phone up to make sure I didn’t miss a thing.

  “That is not… normal! There should be an age limit to displays like that or something,” muttered Jaye. Pudge, the dog, was on the edge of the dance floor, standing on his back legs, prancing about and barking, like he wanted to join in too. I made sure I got that too! I chuckled to myself and smiled a secret smile. Big blue arms wrapped around my waist and a warm, familiar, very dear, body pressed up against my back. I leaned back and sighed contentedly.

  “You wouldn’t happen to know anything about Auntie ‘N’s new found love of dirty dancing would you ‘Lily White’?” there was an accusatory edge to his tone, but I could also feel the smile against my neck as he asked.

  “Mwaaah?” I asked innocently, pointing to myself.

  “Yes, you. Ya little ‘She Devil’,” he said laughing.

  Keeping my face straight, somehow,
I shrugged. “How could I prompt Nona to dance ‘Blue Balls’? I didn’t even know she could dance.”

  He took his phone from my fingers and turned the video recorder off. He stuffed it into his pocket, a smile playing at his face as he tried to contain it. He lost it and grinned, shaking his head at me.

  He leaned in right next to my ear and whispered, “Miss me yet Baby?” He nipped my ear lobe and chuckled huskily as I shivered.

  “You know..?” I whispered, remembering something I had been meaning to ask him. “I never did ask what you were researching in that sex book, that one day. You know, when we broke my bed,” I said and turned to nip his chin. Now it was his turn to shiver and he looked at me sheepishly.

  “I didn’t know how to tie the scarves into a proper knot so they would stay tied and still be able to untie them easily enough. So, I looked it up. Ponne suggested the book.”

  I raised my brows at that. “Really?”

  He looked serious, so I decided to go with it. “And the other books, with the pages marked?” I asked, looking at him dubiously.

  “Work texts, about the new solar electro magnetic shield technology we’re trying to perfect,” he said and snorted. "I ah, had been at your place half the night, waiting for you to wake up," he admitted.

  “If you read it just to learn about the knots..” I said skeptically, “then what were you reading it for after I was tied up?” I asked remembering that little bit of information.

  “Oh, no. Then I was just looking at the illustrations. There were a couple of chapters I found pretty interesting…in fact, I think we should go try some of those things out, waddaya say?” he said grinning lecherously and I elbowed him.


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