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The Foundlings: Book One of the Urban Fantasy Paranormal Vampire Series, The Foundlings

Page 20

by R. M. Garcia

  “Tres Mojitos!” Trista called to a nearby server.

  “Trista, what if they check our IDs? We aren’t old enough to drink,” Abbie said.

  “Well, let’s test that theory,” Trista said. After a few minutes, their server brought them three drinks and set them on the table.

  “Oh, this is going to be a great week!” Trista said as she began sipping her beverage.

  “I’m not sure about this.” Abbie stared at her drink, wondering if she should.

  “Live a little, Abbs. It’s spring break, and when are we going to get this chance again?” Kelly asked as she grabbed hers.

  “Oh, what the heck,” Abbie grabbed the drink. “Mmm, this is good.” By the time the girls made it back to the room, it was almost 3:00 a.m., and they were all quite drunk. They stumbled into their beds and fell asleep. In the morning, they woke to the smell of eggs and sausage. Heidi was in the room and had brunch ready. One by one, they stumbled out of their beds and into the dining area. She handed everyone a glass with a greenish liquid as they sat down at the table. It smelled quite odd. Abbie was undoubtedly in the worst shape! She had never been a big drinker, and she was remembering why right about now.

  “What is this, Heidi?” Kelly asked.

  “Pickle juice. It will help with the hangovers if you drink it,” Heidi said. Abbie grabbed her cup and drank it down as if she had been in a desert without water for days.

  “No, thanks, I’m not hung over,” Trista said. Other than still being a bit sleepy, she was obviously not suffering any ill effects from the previous night’s drinking. Abbie grabbed Trista’s glass and gulped it down just as fast as the first. Trista and Kelly laughed at Abbie, and Heidi just smiled.

  “You need to take it easy next time,” Trista said.

  “What were the last drinks we had called?” Abbie asked, holding her head.

  “They were called Blenheims!” Kelly answered loudly.

  “Never again,” Abbie said and added, “and please keep your voice down.”

  “Abbs, you realize you had as many drinks as me and Trista combined?” Kelly asked.

  “I did? I can’t remember.” Abbie placed her head on the table.

  “I’m surprised you were able to walk back to room. You were hammered!” Trista said.

  “You were gulping them down like the pickle juice there,” Kelly said.

  “Well, I think I’m going to go back to bed for a few more hours,” Abbie declared.

  “When should I wake you?” Heidi asked.

  “No later than two,” Abbie said and slumped back to her bed. Kelly and Trista got ready and headed to their planned activities for the day. Abbie woke around one thirty and felt like herself again. She began her day again by taking a shower and getting dressed. When she finished dressing, Heidi had returned to the room and had brought her a small soup, salad, and sandwich.

  “Heidi, thanks for the pickle juice. I feel much better,” she said.

  “All part of the service.” Heidi smiled as she served Abbie her lunch. The small portions had been perfect; she felt full and was ready for the rest of the day. Over the next several days, the girls enjoyed a multitude of activities like sunbathing, massages, skin treatments, spa works, manicures, and pedicures. They were simply pampered. The vacation so far had been beyond their wildest dreams. On the fourth night of their vacation, Abbie agreed to venture another night at Club Nuclear Fission. She had promised herself to take it easy on the drinks tonight. The girls danced for a while, then headed to the VIP lounge for some refreshments. As they entered, they spotted Stefan sitting at a table with two young men. Abbie waved to Stefan, and he motioned to them to come and sit at his table. The ladies joined the three men.

  “Good to see you again. I hope you are still having a great time,” Stefan said.

  “We sure are,” Abbie informed.

  “Oh, excuse my manners, this is Roberto and Jake,” Stefan said, introducing his friends to the girls. Abbie introduced herself, Trista, and Kelly as they sat down. The six of them had a few drinks. The boys seemed an odd group. Roberto had a thick Latin accent and revealed in conversation that he was from the island of Puerto Rico. Jake on the other hand had a strong Scottish accent and entertained the girls by imitating Sean Connery. Eventually Roberto asked if any of the girls would like to dance. Jake also made it clear he was ready to cut a rug, an expression that was lost on almost everyone. Stefan decided to stay behind. They went down and started dancing. Roberto and Jake were great dancers! After a while, Abbie felt bad having left Stefan alone and went back up to check on him. She found him still sitting at the same table. He seemed to be deep in thought as she rejoined him.

  “You should come down and join the rest of us.”

  “I think one of the managers is out on the floor tonight. It’s best that I stay up here until he’s gone,” Stefan admitted.

  “I see, hiding from the law.”

  “Ya, you can say that,” Stefan said, laughing slightly. He motioned to the server for two drinks.

  “I shouldn’t drink anymore.” Abbie had been careful tonight not to over do it.

  “It’s only vegetable juice,” Stefan said. “I don’t drink alcohol, remember.”

  “Yeah, I remember you mentioning that,” she replied. The server placed the bloodred drinks on the table, and Stefan grabbed his and took a swig. Abbie grabbed hers, smelled it, and then took a small sip, and liked it, so she took a larger swallow.

  “It’s good. What is it?” she asked.

  “It’s a blend of some sort. They call it the ‘Veggie Medley,’” he replied. Kelly, Trista, Jake, and Roberto returned to the VIP lounge to rejoin Stefan and Abbie, but they were nowhere to be found. Kelly and Trista were worried when they couldn’t find her, but Jake and Roberto assured them that if she was with Stefan, she would be safe. They stayed at the club until it closed and still no Abbie. Kelly and Trista headed up to their room to look for her, but she was not there either. They tried calling her phone but also got no answer. They even checked with resort security, but they had not seen her either. It was a tense night for Trista and Kelly, but they decided to sleep on it and hopefully she would be back in the morning with an explanation.

  Abbie woke up on a bed in a lavish bedroom. She did not recognize it or remember how she got there. She got up and looked around. The bedroom appeared to be a small suite. It had several lavish high-backed chairs, an antique coffee table, and a Victorian style queen-sized bed. She got out of the bed and looked out the window. She could see the resort pool, but the view seemed higher, so she thought that she was on the top floor of the resort. The door opened behind her; as she turned around, Stefan walked in.

  “What happened? Why am I here? What did you do to me?” Abbie demanded. Stefan took a seat in one of the chairs and smiled.

  “What happened is I drugged you,” he answered.

  “What the fuck? Oh my god. Did you, did we?” Abbie began to hyperventilate at the realization that she may have been violated.

  “No!” Stefan became a bit upset at the accusation. “I would never do anything like that. You are unharmed and unmolested.”

  “Well, I want to leave, now!”

  “Not my decision anymore.”

  “What do you mean? Why not?” Abbie said on the verge of tears.

  “If you give me a few minutes, I can explain everything. Just take a seat.”

  “No, I’d rather stand,” Abbie said, clenching her fists. She was wondering if she could make the door before he stood up and stopped her.

  “Now to answer your initial questions, what happened is I drugged you. Why you are here now is because you have been selected,” Stefan continued.

  “Selected for what?” Abbie was beginning to get frightened.

  “To join a great Bloodline,” Stefan replied. “It’s a great honor.”

  “I don’t understand.” She was shaking now.

  “Please let me finish. It will be easier for you that way,” Stefan said.
Abbie nodded, and Stefan continued.

  “About two years ago, my mentor requested permission to birth a child, and his request was granted by the Führer.”

  “I’m not liking where this is going,” Abbie said. Abbie was sure that the next few words out of his mouth would include her becoming pregnant. Stefan sighed and continued.

  “I was given the task to locate a suitable child to join the Bloodline, and that’s where you come in,” he explained.

  “I am not ready to have kids. Unpick me!” she ordered.

  “I picked you because I felt you were a good candidate to join us. You’re beautiful, intelligent, and have very little family.”

  “Well, I don’t want any part of this, so let me go!” she demanded.

  “Like I explained earlier, it is no longer in my hands. It is now up to Commander Von Strauss,” he explained calmly.

  “Commander who?” she asked.

  “Commander Hulderich Von Strauss, and if he likes you, he will birth you into a whole new life,” Stefan said smiling.

  “No! I don’t want that, whatever that is!” Abbie screamed at Stefan.

  “I suggest that you accept your fate. He does not like being rejected, and he might kill you outright if you insult him,” Stefan cautioned.

  “Kill me? Why? I haven’t done anything to him.” Abbie could feel her heart pounding within her chest.

  “It has nothing to do with what you have or have not done. You are a special and integral part to my task.”

  “Fuck you and fuck your damn task! I want out of here!” As she finished, a tall man entered the room and looked at Abbie. He was wearing a military outfit, but it was old and similar to what the German SS wore during the Second World War. He smiled and took a seat next to Stefan. What? Abbie thought. She recognized him.

  “Have you explained everything to her?” Hulderich asked.

  “I have been trying, sir, but she’s too frightened to grasp what is being offered to her,” he replied.

  “That is because you are an incompetent fool!” Hulderich yelled at Stefan.

  “I know you!” Abbie said. “You are the bum my dad kept chasing away!”

  “Yes, I had to view you for myself to make sure you were suitable,” Hulderich replied.

  “You guys are nothing more than creepy stalkers!” In a split second, Hulderich was in front of Abbie. She barely had a moment to blink before she was struck. Hulderich’s blow knocked her back from next to the bed where she was standing, against the window. Abbie struck the tempered glass, bounced off it, and landed harshly on the floor. The blow knocked all the air out of her lungs, and she was left struggling to take in a breath.

  “You will learn to respect your superiors, or you will learn what limits of pain the human body can withstand,” Hulderich said coldly. Abbie struggled to stand back up, and when she finally stood up, she saw that Hulderich was again sitting in his chair. She was terrified and didn’t know what to do.

  “Finish explaining to her, then bring her to my room,” Hulderich said as he stood up and walked out. Stefan waited for Hulderich to close the door before he turned to Abbie.

  “I warned you. Don’t do that again. You’re lucky he didn’t kill you. He must like you,” Stefan said.

  “Like me? Are you serious? He’s a maniac, and why’s he dressed like a Nazi?”

  “Because he is, we all are, and so shall you too become.”

  “Do you realize I’m half-Jewish?”

  “Yes, a fact you better forever keep quiet!” Stefan interrupted. “It would mean certain death for you.”

  “What am I supposed to do?”

  “Go to his room and tell him you are ready.”

  “And if I don’t?” Abbie braced herself for his answer.

  “He may kill you or take you anyway,” Stefan replied matter-of fact-like.

  “I think I’d rather die.” Abbie sprinted from the room. She looked back and could see that Stefan was not chasing her; he had not even bothered to get up. She was in a hallway with many doors to either side of it. She ran to her left until she got to a door leading to stairs, but it was locked and would not open. She ran down the next corridor and started checking doors as she went down this hall. She found one unlocked and opened it. On a bed was a shapely woman with golden curly hair. She was on top of a male figure. She looked up at Abbie. Her mouth had blood dripping from it. Abbie could see who was in the bed with her. It was Gerald. In an instant, the woman was at the door.

  “Tell Stefan to keep his toys in his own room,” the woman said in a German accent and slammed the door closed in Abbie’s face. Abbie stood there for a second and then screamed at the top of her lungs.

  “Abbie, you are disturbing the others. Please come back to my room,” Stefan said from directly behind her. She had not seen or heard him approach her. She took off, running once again. As she ran, she again looked back and saw Stefan slowly walking after her. She reached the next door marked as stairs after turning a corner, but it too was locked tight. She pounded on the door and screamed for help. A room door opened up behind her. She turned around to see a huge man standing in the hall. He was not wearing a shirt but had on pants that appeared to be part of a uniform similar to Hulderich’s. Before she could react, he had moved to her and lifted her by her neck with one arm. Abbie struggled against his hold, but she might as well have been a feather to him. He took her back to his room and threw her on the bed. She hit the mattress and bounced high off it. The arc of the bounce landed her atop a wooden table. It splintered under her weight, injuring her back. Before she hit the floor, the man was standing over her. He opened his mouth, and Abbie could see he had huge fangs. He grabbed her again by the neck and brought her neck close to his maw. Abbie tried to fight the titan’s grip, but even breathing at this point was impossible. He was slowly choking her.

  “I wouldn’t do that, Hans,” Stefan said as he leaned in the doorway.

  “Why not, underling?” Hans asked.

  “She’s meant for Hulderich,” he answered.

  “I will only take a sip. She smells delicious.”

  “Fine, but have fun explaining to Hulderich why his new child has the marks of another on her.” Hans roared in anger and threw Abbie over the bed; she landed at Stefan’s feet. Abbie felt her wrist snap. Stefan grabbed Abbie by the back of the neck and started walking her down the hall.

  “What are you?” Abbie asked, holding her wrist and wincing in pain.

  “You haven’t figured that out yet?” Stefan asked. “We’re vampires.”

  “You want to make me one too?” Abbie asked in complete fear.

  “We’ve gone through a great deal to get you here. Did you think you actually won a package? It was rigged.”

  “But why me?” she asked.

  “I told you I picked you because you’re perfect for my needs,” Stefan replied. “We can offer you power, wealth, and immortality, but it has to be your choice.”

  “Well, then I decline!” Abbie yelled.

  “I would ask you to rethink that,” Stefan said, releasing her and allowing her to walk on her own.

  “Why would I ever consider taking you up on this offer?” Abbie asked as she gripped her broken wrist.

  “I spent considerable time and resources selecting you, and if you decline, you will be killed, and I will be punished severely.”

  “Good! I hope they screw you all up! I’d still rather die than go through with this. So you might as kill me now,” Abbie said bravely.

  “You might feel that way now, but consider this. After my punishment is over, I will take my revenge on you. I will go back to New Jersey and kill both your parents and finish off that slippery boyfriend of yours. I will make their deaths ten times more painful than whatever Hulderich puts me though, I can promise you this. And your friends on the fifth floor, I will have Hans dispose of them,” Stefan said coldly. “So, I ask you again, what is your decision?”

  “I don’t have a choice, do I?” Abbie began t
o cry. She was sure Stefan meant every word.

  “You always have a choice, but you must live with your decision and abide by it,” Stefan said, stopping in front of a door. He knocked on the door, and it opened. Hulderich stood in the doorway.

  “I am ready,” Abbie said and walked inside.

  “Your apprenticeship is complete. I will write your letter and officially release you once the detachment is complete,” Hulderich said as he turned and closed the door behind. He took a long look at Abbie. She did not turn around to face him.

  “Are you ready to receive my gift, my child?” Hulderich asked.

  “Yes, I am ready to become a vampire,” Abbie said with tears in her eyes.

  “Do not be afraid. Your new life will be glorious in the service of the Reich.” He approached her from behind and tilted her head sideways. “Now, you will truly live.” Hulderich injected his fangs deeply into her neck. Abbie whimpered as his fangs sliced into her flesh and then began to scream as the intensity of the pain escalated. Slowly her strength dwindled, and her heart began to beat slower. Every labored beat of her heart caused her chest to burn in pain. Her eyes shut, and she took her last breath. Stefan listened outside the door and smiled evilly.



  WHEN ABBIE WOKE, she was in a bedroom alone. It appeared different than the others she had been in previously, but it still had the same European style. She got up and walked over to the window; it was still nighttime. She started to walk toward the door when she bent over in agony; she was starving. She had never felt such hunger pains, and she cried out involuntarily, holding her arms over her stomach. The door to her room opened, and Stefan walked in. “Ah, I see you are reborn.”

  “Reborn?” Abbie said as she curled up in a ball on the floor.

  “I’m sorry. You must be hungry. Let me get you someone,” Stefan said. He exited the room and returned with Jake and Roberto.

  “Pick one,” Stefan said.

  “Pick one for what?” Abbie was having trouble thinking now. The pain was growing.

  “To feed on, of course,” he replied.

  “No,” Abbie said weakly.


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