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The Foundlings: Book One of the Urban Fantasy Paranormal Vampire Series, The Foundlings

Page 29

by R. M. Garcia

  “Oh, sugar, aren’t you a scrumptious piece of meat,” the larger of the two women said and she walked in, taking a long glare at Donnie. It made him uncomfortable, and he could hear Abbie giggle from behind him. The second woman entered behind the first and she looked very nervous.

  “My name is, Ebony,” the larger woman said, “and this is Destiny.” She motioned to the other woman.

  “Hello, you two,” Abbie said. Destiny was clearly jittery and stood in a corner while Ebony negotiated.

  “OK, it’s going to be three hundred for both of us,” Ebony said.

  “Sounds like a good price to me, pay the lady, honey,” Abbie said. Donnie took out the money and handed Ebony the agreed amount of cash. Ebony sat down on the bed next to Abbie.

  “I am ready, sugar,” Ebony said as she lay back on the bed. The bed creaked and bounced from her weight. Abbie bared her fangs and began to drink. Donnie could hear Destiny whimpering behind him, and when he turned around, he found her crying.

  “Listen, you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to,” Donnie said to her, but she simply recoiled and tried to push as much as she could into the corner.

  “I’m done, baby, your turn now,” Abbie said. Donnie turned away from Destiny and walked to the bed. Ebony looked at Destiny and got angry. She got up and walked over to her.

  “Are you crazy?” she whispered into her ear. “If they think you know their secrets and are not part of them, they will kill you. You said you wanted to make more money and this is the easiest way to make it. We’re in and out in fifteen minutes, now get over there and let him drink.” Donnie could barely make out what they were saying, but Abbie heard every word as if it had been whispered into her ear.

  “It’s OK. You should have enough blood for both of us, Ebony. She can go. We’ll get to her another time.” Abbie was sure Ebony could provide Donnie enough blood and still be able to walk away safely. At Abbie’s words, Destiny stiffened and tried to think what that meant for her. She decided to go through what she had committed herself to.

  “No, I can do it,” Destiny said and she sat on the bed. Donnie leaned in and opened his mouth and tried to bare his fangs, but they refused to come out.

  “What’s wrong, Donnie?” Abbie asked.

  “I’m not sure, I just can’t bite her,” he answered.

  “Just spring out your fangs and sink them into her neck,” Abbie instructed.

  “They won’t come out,” he said.

  “Oh, you must be a new one,” Ebony said and walked over to Donnie. “New ones are often shy. Don’t worry, sugar, we’ll get you fed in no time.” Ebony walked over to Destiny and took out surgical tubing, a syringe, and a rubber strap.

  “What are you doing?” Abbie asked.

  “This is his first feeding isn’t it?” Ebony asked. “I have seen this before.”

  “Yes, it is,” Abbie replied, wondering how many times Ebony had fed one of their kinds.

  “No worries, sugar, Ebony knows exactly what to do.” She took Destiny’s arm and cleaned it with an alcohol swab.

  “What are you doing?” Destiny asked.

  “You’re in luck. He won’t be biting you, which in your frame of mind would have probably hurt,” Ebony replied. “So I am turning you into a straw. Abbie and Donnie looked at her in disbelief, but it calmed Destiny nerves considerably.”

  “Oh, I see,” Abbie said.

  “You have done this before?” Donnie stated.

  “Oh yeah,” she said. “Before the hospital laid me off, I used to work as a nurse. But times are tough and you do what you have to survive. I have babies to feed.” Donnie looked at Abbie and she nodded to him. Ebony expertly found a vein on Destiny’s arm and the blood began to flow down into the tube. She shoved the open end in Donnie’s mouth. “Now don’t suck too hard or you will collapse the vein.” Donnie watched as the blood flowed down the tube and toward the end in his mouth. A few drops hit Donnie’s tongue, and he began to swallow. Donnie bent over in pain and screamed. He fell onto the floor and began convulsing. Destiny screamed as well, she ripped the needle out of her arm and ran out of the motel room.

  “What’s happening to him?” Abbie screamed.

  “I don’t know, but I’m not staying to find out,” Ebony replied and quickly followed Destiny out of the room. Donnie continued to writhe in pain as the convulsions continued. Abbie tried to tend to him, but she had no idea what to do. The clerk came running to the door.

  “What happened?” he asked.

  “I think they poisoned him!” Abbie yelled as she held him.

  “Dear God, I’ll call for help!” he said as he ran off.

  “No, wait,” Abbie yelled, but the clerk had already run back to the office. Donnie began to shake more violently and began bleeding from his eyes, nose, and ears. Abbie started to tremble in fear. Donnie turned his head and began spewing blood from his mouth, and it did not stop for quite some time. A large pool of blood formed in the carpet of the room, and then, as quickly as it started, it stopped.

  Donnie lay motionless on the floor, his eyes were closed and he was extremely cold to the touch. His normally tanned skin turned pale. “Donnie, can you hear me?” Abbie asked. Donnie opened his eyes and looked at Abbie and tried to speak, but he seemed to lack the strength to speak and only mouthed the word, run. “Not without you!” Abbie picked him up effortlessly and carried him to the car. She placed him in the backseat along with their bags and made a hasty escape from the motel paring lot. She drove as fast as she could out of Detroit, still fearing the worst. She constantly looked back to see if he had moved, but Donnie remained as still as a dead body. She exited Detroit and continued their drive. She was hoping to reach Chicago before the morning sun rose.

  After four hours of driving, they had almost reached Chicago. Abbie decided to pull off the road a few miles outside of the large city and take refuge. She found a mom and pop motel and pulled into the parking lot. She checked for the signs to see if that was a vampire friendly motel, and to her delight, it was not. She walked into the lobby and got them registered for two nights and asked for a room near the back of the property. The old clerk obliged and gave her the furthest room they had. Abbie drove to its door and carried Donnie inside, unseen. He was still comatose. She was barely able to get the bags into the room, and the door closed before she felt the effects of the daysleep. It forced her to fall asleep as soon as the sun rose. Stefan had warned her about it on their train ride. She tried to resist it as long as she could. She placed the Do Not Disturb sign on the door and took a few steps toward the bed. She didn’t quite make it. She landed on the bed and bounced off it and landed on the floor, and there she lay until nightfall.

  Abbie woke shortly after the sun went down; she was surprised to find herself on the floor. She got up off the carpet, and for the first time, she had woken up before Donnie. She walked over to him and placed her hands on his face, he felt unnaturally cold. “Donnie, can you hear me?” He didn’t move a muscle. She was sure he was dying, but couldn’t figure out why. She pulled out her manual and looked for anything, but there was nothing in it to help her. She started wracking her brain for any solutions. Then she remembered Donnie had never drunk human blood, but was able to drink vampire blood. She also remembered what Gaston had said about blood of adults not being palatable to them. Maybe this is what happens when you drink blood that is not good for you. The manual she had was clear about not drinking another vampire’s blood. She decided to try it.

  Abbie walked over to Donnie and forced his mouth open; she found that the inside of his mouth was colder than his skin. She bit her wrist and then squeezed it, forcing the blood from the punctures drip into his mouth. She had to repeat the process several times as she kept healing the punctures involuntarily. “Come on, Donnie, don’t leave me, and fight!” A few drops fell into his mouth and he opened his eyes and latched onto her wrist and began to drink. His grip was crushing her forearm, and she could feel her blood being drawn out of
her at an alarming rate. With every swallow, Donnie’s strength increased and Abbie’s waned. She tried to pull her arm away, but she could see Donnie was blood-crazed. She struck him a few times to try to break his hold but it was no good, he was vastly stronger. “Donnie, please stop, you’re killing me.” Somehow, in his frenzy, the words made it through and he let go. Donnie roared as he pulled away. He tucked his legs against his chest and wrapped his arms around them and started to rock. “Donnie.” Abbie tried to come closer to him.

  “Stay back!” Donnie fought to regain control. Abbie recognized that state. She had been in that near frenzy state when she dug herself out of her grave, and she understood completely what he was fighting against.

  “Donnie, what can I do?”

  “Just stay back,” he replied. Abbie backed away from him slowly and it seemed to help. After a few minutes, he had recovered enough that he stopped rocking and relaxed his pose.

  “I’m so ashamed. I almost killed you. Please forgive me,” Donnie begged as tears streamed down his face.

  “There is nothing to forgive. I love you, and I did what needed to be done to save you. I would do it again in a heartbeat.”

  “How can I forgive myself?” he said.

  “By loving me and taking care of me,” Abbie said and walked over and hugged him. Donnie’s senses were alive. He could easily smell Abbie’s blood now. He looked away as he still needed more blood.

  “Do you need more, Donnie?”

  “No. I’ll be fine.” He did indeed need more. But he was afraid he would drink her dry if she offered him more, so he lied.

  “Stop lying to me, you promised to not keep anything from me!”

  “Fine, yes, I need more. I want more, and it’s taking everything I have to stop me from attacking you, and it’s scaring the shit out of me!”

  “Fine, so we get more blood,” Abbie said, “for both of us.” Abbie got up and started to walk out of the motel room.

  “Where are you going?” Donnie asked.

  “I’m going to get food,” Abbie said. “You stay here.”

  “I will come with you,” Donnie said and tried to get up.

  “No. Stay here,” she ordered. “I’m on the verge of being crazed now. I need blood too.”

  “But,” Donnie started.

  “No buts. If you attack another vampire, it will bring more unwanted attention on us,” Abbie said. “You need to trust me.” She exited the room, and he could hear the Thing’s engine start up and drive away. Donnie sat in the room in silence and decided to pray for tranquility. He prayed to Our Lady of the Thorns to protect Abbie and bring her back to him. Praying had not helped, he was stir-crazy and he kept looking out of the window every few minutes. Even though he was still very weak, he could not stop his pacing. Abbie was gone for several hours. When he thought he could wait no longer, he heard a car pull up to their door. Donnie waited anxiously and when he heard the key being inserted into the lock, he felt a great sense of relief. Abbie walked in and looked well. She was sporting a bit of a pot belly.

  “I’m back,” Abbie announced. Donnie walked over to her and hugged her.

  “I was going to wait about another five minutes before I went looking for you.”

  “I told you to trust me,” she said. “It was my turn to protect you.” She wobbled over to the bed and lay down. She was extremely gorged on blood.

  “How much blood did you drink?” Donnie asked amazingly.

  “Enough to kill two people, I think,” Abbie said, Donnie could smell the blood in her and his fangs popped out. He quickly covered his mouth. She motioned him over to her.

  “I can’t do that again, what if?” he asked.

  “You stopped on your own before. I’m sure you will again,” she said. “Now come, drink some blood. I feel pregnant.” Donnie moved over to her and sat on the bed. Abbie took his hand and looked adoringly at him.

  “Are you sure?” he asked.

  “This was my fault. If I hadn’t forced you to drink blood, you wouldn’t have almost died,” she replied. “Yes, I am sure. I trust you completely.” Donnie leaned in and kissed her on the lips. He moved a pillow and placed it under her head. Even now, when he was still so weak, he tried to take care of her. He kissed her again, this time, a bit longer and then started moving his mouth to her neck. Abbie could just feel his lips as they crossed her face and down her neck. She closed her eyes and tried to relax. Her senses became alive. The room was quiet, and she could feel Donnie’s breath on her neck just, it was warm and soft. She could also hear Donnie’s heart. It was beating rapidly, he was scared and she knew it. She moved her free hand and placed it on his back. She could feel that he was trembling. “Don’t be afraid,” she said. “It will be all right.” She heard Donnie inhale air through his nose.

  “I have always loved the way your hair smells like apples,” Donnie whispered. “I can’t do this. I can’t hurt you again.”

  “You won’t hurt me,” she said. “I have faith in you.” She could feel small warm droplets begin to hit her neck and roll off onto the bed. Donnie kissed her neck several times and then sank his fangs into her. Abbie closed her eyes as he began to slowly drink. He was being so gentle, so careful not to hurt her. She loved him even more now.

  The bite did not hurt at all, but instead made her feel very warm. Her neck began to tingle and that sensation quickly spread throughout her entire body. Every sip that Donnie took was sending ripples of pleasure inside and throughout her body. She began to pant and swell with every swallow he took. She was losing herself completely to him. “Don’t stop,” she whispered to him. The sheer ecstasy of this moment was being drawn out, by the slow sips Donnie continued to take, and she found that she didn’t want it to end. He continued to drink her essence, and the sensations intensified. He moved his hand and it brushed against her bare thigh, his slight touch excited her wildly. “Oh, Donnie,” she said slightly moaning and began to squirm in delirium. As Donnie continued to drink, she began to feel extremely aroused. He eventually pulled away and stopped drinking, but the intoxication lingered. “Ravage me, Donnie. Ravage me like a Roman God!”

  “Like a what?” Donnie was utterly confused by her request.

  “Never mind, I’ll do it!” She sat up and tore his shirt apart. Donnie was surprised by her aggressiveness; she also surprised herself as she had never been this aggressively sexually. She began kissing his warm and muscular chest. Donnie leaned back relishing the attention. Every kiss was delivered softly, followed by a slight bite. He loved it when she nibbled on him. It tickled him each time, and he reacted each time by slightly laughing. “Should I stop?” she asked.

  “You can do anything you want to me,” Donnie said as she forced him onto his back on the bed.

  “Good!” She was not thinking clearly, her animal instincts were firmly in charge now. She bared her fangs and bit into his chest. Donnie did not react to the fangs; she doubted that he felt them go in at all. She began to drink his warm and delicious blood. This time the blood was superlatively tasty. Every swig made her skin warmer; each gulp filled her with more delight.

  “This feels incredible,” Donnie uttered in ecstasy. He was obviously feeling the same sensations she was already high on. Abbie pulled away in panic. With eyes wide, she looked at Donnie as he sat up. Abbie was starting to hyperventilate.

  “What wrong?” Donnie asked as he looked at her mouth and then at his chest. “You drank from me?”

  “Yes. I’m sorry, it just happened,” she replied still terrified.

  “Are you OK?” Donnie said worried as he moved closer to her.

  “My heart, my heart is beating,” she said. “And I feel so warm.” Donnie placed his hand on her chest and felt for the heartbeat. She was right, her normally still heart was racing. His touch excited her so, and she could barely control herself. She placed her hand on his bare chest. She could feel that his heart racing as well. Their gazes locked, and they fell into each other’s embrace and began to kiss fierc
ely. Their lovemaking throughout the evening was markedly more strenuous and vigorous.



  WHILE ABBIE WAS showering, Donnie leaned back against the shattered dresser and took in the carnage before him. The bed, table, dresser, and easy chair were all total losses. He took in a deep breath and whistled. He was still not sure what happened last night, not that he at all minded the previous night’s exertion. Abbie came out of the bathroom, wearing only a towel. “We need to talk,” he said.

  “I know, I’m sorry about last night. I know I was a bit rough on you,” she said slightly embarrassed. “I must have bitten and scratched you a hundred times.”

  “You’re kidding, right. Last night was incredible and awesome and just mind-blowing,” he replied. Abbie smiled and moved next to him and shared his view of the room.

  “We really did a job on this room, how did those holes get into the wall?” she asked.

  “I have no clue. Last night was just one blissful blur,” he replied. “I’ve never felt closer to you than last night. I didn’t know where I ended and you began.”

  “I thought I was going to pass out, especially when we were biting each other at the same time,” Abbie said. “I never knew anything could feel that good.” Donnie placed his arm around her.

  “That is what I want to talk about,” he said. “Do you think you were supposed to drink vampire blood? I know your manual says you can’t, but what if it’s a lie?”

  “I’m not really sure. I mean, I drank some blood from a corpse and it was awful.”


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