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The Foundlings: Book One of the Urban Fantasy Paranormal Vampire Series, The Foundlings

Page 38

by R. M. Garcia

  Donnie opened his eyes and looked up at Abbie’s beautiful face. The smell of apples was strong in the air. He was covered in black sand and did not know why. Abbie leaned down and hugged him. “Oh, Donnie, I thought I’d lost you,” she said as she lay on Donnie’s chest.

  “What happened?” Donnie said as he tried to sit up, but he found that hard to do.

  “You used your body like a missile and hit a tank!” Abbie said as she pounded a fist angrily into Donnie’s chest. “Don’t ever do anything like that ever again!”

  “I used a rock, did it work?” he asked.

  “Yes, it worked you dummy, what were you thinking?” Abbie helped Donnie sit up.

  “Sorry, it was the only way I could think up to stop it,” he said. “I had to do it. Peoples lives are at stake.”

  “Not if it means giving up your own!” Abbie said. “You can’t keep taking chances like that. It will catch up to you.”

  “No, that’s exactly why I have to,” Donnie explained. “There are people in Tranquility, fighting for us, trying to give us a normal life. I’ll never sacrifice the safety of other’s at the expense of saving my own life. I just couldn’t live with myself if I did, please understand that.”

  “Donnie, I do understand. I mean you gave up everything for me,” she said. “I just don’t want to lose you. I need you too.” Donnie looked at Abbie and knew what he had just put her through.

  “First of all, I gave up nothing and gained everything by being with you, vampire or not.” Donnie looked lovingly into Abbie’s eyes. “Second, I knew I would heal. I’m not sure how, I just felt it. It felt like the earth itself was giving me strength. I just couldn’t fully tap into it. But never mind that, I’m not planning on going anywhere without you.”

  “You and me forever,” she said.

  “Forever,” Donnie said and kissed Abbie. After their passionate kiss, Donnie looked around and with Abbie’s help got up.

  “Mind explaining why there is a dead moose ten feet from us?”

  Abbie looked at Donnie and smiled and said, “I kicked ass baby, but let’s get back before I tell you.” She helped him up and they made their way back toward Tranquility.

  Frieda walked leisurely through the streets of Tranquility, tossing a grenade here and there into homes with multiple residents huddled inside. She reveled in the screams of terror and panic that emanated from within before the explosive silenced them forever. She considered herself fortunate when there was at least one survivor that writhed in agony for a few moments longer before expiring. It made her feel almost giddy. Frieda spotted a woman ushering her children from one house to another. Her house had been made structurally unsound after being struck by a tree, and she was now trying to get her children to the safety of a neighbor’s house. Frieda reached them within moments.

  Hans was pleasantly surprised by Luther’s fighting skills. In many ways, Luther was his equal. They traded blows and grappled one another and took turns driving each other through walls, supply crates, and even entire vehicles. The path of destruction they were causing as they moved deeper into Tranquility could be spotted from miles away. Everything became a weapon, boxes, wooden posts, and spare tires. Luther and Hans continued to beat each other with reckless abandon, using any and all sort of improvised weaponry.

  Donnie was leaning on Abbie; he was not yet able to walk on his own, having not fully recovered from his injuries. “What do you expect to do?” Abbie asked. “You’re in no shape to fight anything, and I’m in no better shape.”

  “I’m not sure, but I need to try. I’m still healing, maybe by the time we reach the gates, I will be ready to lend a hand.”

  “Baby, promise me if you can’t help, you won’t try,” Abbie begged. “Promise me!”

  “I promise,” Donnie replied. “If there is nothing I can do, we’ll run.” Donnie and Abbie spotted a flare high in the air and could hear explosions. The militia was using grenades now. They both knew what that meant.

  The woman spotted Frieda coming at her and her children and dove at Frieda at the last moment. Frieda paused and grabbed the woman by the neck. She had bought her children enough time to get inside. “That was quite brave,” Frieda said to the mother and lifted her up. She walked to the door of the house and looked inside; she could see about a dozen children all huddling inside.

  “Are these all yours?” Frieda asked the woman.

  “Leave mommy alone!” a young girl screamed from inside.

  “I will, if I can come in and say hello,” Frieda replied. The woman tried to speak but Frieda simply closed her grip around her neck a bit tighter and squelched any words from her.

  “You can’t come in!” an older girl said. “Go away!”

  “Fine, but I will take this woman with me.”

  “No! I want my mommy,” the young girl yelled and tried to run outside. The older girl grabbed her and pulled her away from the door. She continued to yell Mommy as the other children huddled together in fear.

  “Can I bring your mommy to you?” Frieda asked.

  “No! The older girl said.

  “Yes, bring me my mommy,” the young girl said.

  “Invitation accepted,” Frieda said as she crossed the threshold of the doorway. She snapped the woman’s neck and tossed her lifeless body inside. The children screamed in terror as Frieda closed the door behind her. Blood began to spray on the windows from inside, and one by one each tiny screaming voice was silenced.

  Luther and Hans stood a few feet from one another, their wounds clearly visible. “I am impressed Foundling,” Hans said. “I think it may take me all night to kill you.”

  “What makes you think you’re the one that’s going to walk away alive?” Luther replied. “I have you all figured out.”

  “I have a schedule to keep, and this enjoyable diversion has taken up more time than I had expected,” he replied. “It’s time to end it.”

  “Well, I’m not ready to give up just yet,” Luther replied. “And I don’t see you taking me down all that easily.” Luther watched as the color completely faded from Hans’s face and arms. His already pale complexion turned to a completely white shade.

  “What the hell?” Luther said.

  “Since you are about to die, I will let you in on a secret,” Hans said as he took a swing at Luther. Luther ducked the blow and tried to sweep Han’s leg but found it as solid as stone. He also seemed heavier and significantly faster.

  “This is the master technique of the Reich. We call it die Mauer or The Wall,” Hans said as he tried a spinning kick at Luther, it missed by less than an inch.

  “So you turn all white, big deal,” Luther replied.

  “It is so much more than that,” Hans said and continued, “die Mauer allows us to turn our skin into living marble. Once we assume die Mauer, we cannot be harmed, we grow stronger and faster. One blow will end this conflict once and for all.” Hans took another swing at Luther. Luther ducked under once more and grabbed Hans’s forearm.

  “Thank you so much for explaining it to me,” Luther said as his skin began to transform into black marble. “It makes it so much easier to copy when I know how the ability works.” Hans pulled his arms away in shock and utter disgust.

  “What is this?” Hans asked outraged.

  “What, does a Negro using the master races’ master technique bother you, you racist piece of shit!” Luther asked, smiling. “You aren’t the only one with abilities. Mine is the ability to copy another vampire’s ability. I just need to understand how it works and be in physical contact.”

  “I was going to kill you quickly, but now I will have to make you suffer,” Hans said as he charged Luther. Frieda emerged from the house, holding a napkin. She gingerly wiped the blood off her face and lips; the rest of her uniform on the other hand was drenched in still warm blood. Frieda resumed her path toward the council house and broke into a run. She arrived within moments and began walking up the steps. She was greeted by two Foundlings. Elder Carmen and
Elder Jhoat drew their swords and charged Frieda. She smiled in anticipation.

  Donnie and Abbie reached the edge of the woods just after the third flare was fired from Maxwell’s gun. Donnie was still unable to stand, but from this vantage point they could see the entire battle as if unfolded. There was a mass melee just inside the gate entrance. It was worse than they could ever have imagined. The Reich was infighting against the defending Foundlings and militia. They could see that several Breton children were just outside the gates and swiftly moving patches of fog were both plucking Founding and human alike outside of the compound. Once outside, they were subjected to all manner torturous deaths, from burning to suffocation to dismemberment. “Those creepy kids go down first!” Donnie said and began breathing deeply.

  “Donnie, what are you doing?” Abbie asked. “Donnie?” Abbie looked into Donnie’s face and discovered that the irises of his eyes had disappeared and were now solid white. Donnie’s heart started pounding, and the wind started picking up and Abbie could smell moisture in the air, but unlike before, this was happening much faster.

  Luther and Hans continued their battle. They matched each other blow for blow, and as their battle raged, it moved close to the edge of the lake. Neither of them was making any headway. Every blow was absorbed by the power of die Mauer, but for some reason, Hans continued fighting. He was obsessed and wanted Luther dead. Luther was having trouble maintaining die Mauer now. Every blow was making him lose his grip on the power and soon enough he would lose it completely. It was obvious to Hans that he was having trouble with it.

  “Having trouble maintaining die Mauer?” Hans asked as he broke a barrel over Luther’s head.

  “I can go all night,” Luther replied as he hit Hans with a loose tire rim.

  “I don’t think so!” Hans said as he picked up a log and broke it over Luther’s head. “I think you are almost through.”

  “Keep dreaming snowflake!” Luther replied as he picked up and threw an engine block at Hans head. The heavy chunk of metal sent Hans off his feet and sprawling onto one of the docks.

  “I can hold die Mauer for days, it takes more discipline than you can imagine.” Clouds rolled in from the south, and Luther looked up and smiled.

  “That might be the case, but it looks like the tide is about to turn.” Hans looked up at the darkening skies unsure at what Luther meant and then moved back to engage him.

  “I don’t need either of you,” Frieda said and promptly ripped both of the Elders’ heads and continued walking up the steps. When she reached the top, she was met by a small oriental man. “More fodder, how many Foundlings will I have to kill before I get to Claude?” Frieda asked and charged Nox. Nox performed a front flip over her, easily avoiding her blow. He grabbed her hair in mid-flip and performed a judo-like throw. Frieda was sent flying out of the council house and rolled down the stairs. She recovered her footing and looked back up to the doorway and bared her fangs. Nox took a martial arts stance and motioned for her to come on. Frieda was furious and ran at Nox once again. They began exchanging blows, but she was sorely outclassed. Nox easily avoided her blows and countered viciously. She was getting the worst of the exchange, and after Nox maneuvered over and around her, she found herself at the bottom of the steps once again. “Little man, I am going to rip out your heart with my teeth!” Frieda screamed and began walking back up the steps. Nox noticed that her skin turned from a nice flesh color to a pale shade of white and was caught unaware as she rushed him. She hit Nox on the side of the head and sent him flying inside the council house. She was much faster now. He needed to adjust and fast. Frieda moved to Nox and swung at him once again, he blocked the blow, but his arms were shattered by the force of her blow. He discovered too late that she was much stronger too. Nox tried to dance around, avoiding her swings but she caught him once again. Frieda grabbed Nox by the throat and slammed him into the floor and pounded on his skull repeatedly, crushing it.

  “Are you looking for me?” Claude asked from the other side of the council hall. Frieda looked up and smiled.

  “Let me finish off this annoyance, and I will tend to you shortly,” Frieda said and looked back to Nox. Before she could finish dispatching Nox, a crossbow bolt bounced off her head. Frieda looked annoyed to see where it had come from.

  “I asked you a question, Nazi slut,” Claude said, holding a crossbow in hand.

  “I only have to bring you in alive,” Frieda said as she got up and began walking toward Claude. “That means I can tear off every appendage except your head.” Claude reloaded the crossbow and fired another bolt at Frieda’s chest. The bolt struck the area where her heart was but it bounced off her skin.

  “Foolish, haven’t you figured out that no weapon can harm me? I am a proud member of the Reich and nothing can harm us.” Frieda said as she closed the distance on Claude. As she walked up, she noticed Clara sitting on the floor. Claude had now drawn a sword and was intent on protecting her.

  “What is she doing? Who is she?” Frieda asked.

  “Never mind her, your fight is with me!” Claude said as he charged her. Frieda did not move and let the sword break off her neck. She looked closer at Clara as Claude pulled a morning star off the weapon rack and brought it down on Frieda’s head.

  “Could this be? Is she the elusive Espee?” Frieda asked as she backhanded Claude. Her blow was so powerful that Claude was knocked through the cement wall of the council hall and he landed outside. Clara opened her eyes.

  “Yes! I am Espee, the thousand-year-old Foundling,” Clara said as she focused all her attention on Frieda. Frieda recoiled in absolute fear.

  “No, please don’t kill me, please!” Frieda begged.

  “If you leave my presence at once, I will spare your worthless life,” she said.

  “Yes, I’ll go right away!” Frieda said and started backing out. Clara had reached her limit and her concentration faltered, and Frieda was released from Clara’s emotional push. Her artificially instilled fear instantly abated and was replaced with genuine hatred. “I don’t know how you did that, but I can see you are weak now,” Frieda said. “So I will take you and Claude in. The Führer will be quite pleased with me.” She began to walk toward Clara when a blade was driven into her back and out through her chest. She looked down in disbelief. She had not dropped die Mauer, no blade should have been able to hurt her. Clara looked up and smiled.

  “You timing is impeccable, Captain Maxwell,” Clara said. Maxwell pulled his sword out of Frieda’s back and took a swing at her neck. Frieda rolled and avoided the blow by centimeters.

  “Sorry, I’m late, Clara,” Maxwell said as he closed with Frieda.

  “I shot you!” Frieda yelled and started to pull her side arm once again.

  “Ever hear of a bulletproof vest?” Maxwell said as he lunged and severed Frieda’s hand in one deft move.

  “How can you be hurting me?” Frieda asked in terror. Maxwell lunged once again as Frieda backed away from him. He stabbed her through her shoulder and, with a deft flick of his wrist, took off her entire arm. The sword was cutting through her marble flesh like a hot knife through butter. She was no match for whatever this was, and she decided to flee. Maxwell was able to take another slice off her before she had outdistanced him. Maxwell reached the door and watched as Frieda ran as fast as she could out of Tranquility. A massive downpour of rain began, and lightning crackled overhead. Clara walked next to Maxwell.

  “Your trance is broken isn’t it?” Maxwell asked.

  “Yes, I reached my limit,” she said.

  “The men will begin to panic and run,” Maxwell said. “I need to get out there and help them. He started running toward the melee.”

  “Have heart, Captain!” Clara yelled as she looked up. “I think help is here.”

  Luther was starting to lose his battle with Hans. He was beginning to feel the blows delivered by Hans and could feel his skin cracking. The German was not showing any signs of slowing down. “It is only a matter of time
now,” Hans said to Luther as he brought up his knee into Luther’s abdomen. He could see Luther’s hold over his Wall failing.

  “I don’t have to beat you. I just have to outlast you,” Luther said as he delivered a short elbow to Hans’s face. Hans was driven back by the blow and nearly lost his balance as he teetered on the edge of the dock.

  “For a moment there, I thought I might get wet,” Hans said. As if on cue, the skies opened up and rain began to fall and fall hard. In a second, the weather went from a calm night to a massive downpour.

  “Ha!” Luther yelled out. “Good going, kid!” Hans ran at Luther and began raining blows on him again.

  “I don’t know what you are expecting, but I am ending this now!” Hans yelled. Luther did his best to defend himself but found his arms broken by Hans’s strikes. Luther fell on his back, and his skin turned from back to its normal ebony color.

  “Finally, you are mine!” Hans yelled triumphantly. “You were indeed a worthy adversary. Prepare to die, Foundling.” Luther looked up at Hans, and then past him out toward the lake.

  “You are too late,” Luther said. “I win.” Hans was about to deliver the final blow to Luther when he heard something behind him and turned around. His radio chirped and Frieda’s voice came across it. Frieda continued running, she was seriously injured and was trying to maintain die Mauer until she was safely out of the compound. She grabbed her radio and began speaking as she ran. “Hans, Samantha, we need to retreat!” Frieda yelled into her walkie-talkie. “Espee is in the compound!”

  “Espee is a myth Frieda,” Samantha radioed back. “There is no thousand-year-old Foundling. Resume your mission and capture Claude for questioning.”

  “Negative! I am gravely injured and am heading back to base camp,” Frieda yelled. “You want him, you get him!”

  “You incompetent child,” Samantha roared. She looked at the other assembled Bretons. “Burn it all down. Set fire to everything.”


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