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The Foundlings: Book One of the Urban Fantasy Paranormal Vampire Series, The Foundlings

Page 48

by R. M. Garcia

  “Donnie. I’m disappointed in you. You never treated Abbie like this,” Johan said. “What type of husband would you have made?”

  “He made a great one,” Lily said and then quickly covered her mouth as her eyes went wide. Donnie simply let out a sigh and slumped in his seat.

  “What is she saying, Donnie?” Johan asked. “Explain this immediately!”

  “I would, if someone would just keep her mouth shut.” Donnie shot an evil look at Lily.

  “Were you and Abbie married? Was she pregnant?” Camille asked. “Is that why she committed suicide, because she thought her future was over?”

  “Yes and no,” Donnie began to get flustered, this was going all wrong. “Wait, just let me explain.”

  “We’re listening, Donnie,” Johan said. Donnie took a deep breath and calmly gathered his thoughts.

  “When I left, I told you that I was going away to look for answers. The truth is that when I told you that, I already had all the answers,” Donnie said. “I promised you that I would tell you if I found them, but for so long, I couldn’t tell you, we couldn’t tell you.”

  “We?” Camille asked. “Who is we?”

  “Him and Abbie,” Lily blurted out. Donnie snapped his head to face Lily. She knew he was pissed now.

  “You weren’t a popular kid, were you?”

  “Donnie. What is she talking about?” Camille asked. Donnie ran his fingers through his hair as he tried to find the right words.

  “You, Lily, tell me what happened to my little girl?” Johan demanded. He leaned into her, and Lily was immediately intimidated by Johan.

  “She died four days ago!” Lily yelled out. The room went deathly quiet.

  “What?” Johan said softly.

  “Thanks a lot, partner, so much for breaking it nice and easy to them,” Donnie scolded.

  “My daughter was alive,” Johan’s voice trembled with anger. “And you let us think she was dead for over five years, and now you come to tell me that she’s really dead?”

  “Donnie, say it isn’t true,” Camille said as she burst into tears.

  “It’s true, but there was a good reason,” Donnie began.

  “There is no good reason to keep her from us,” Johan said as he got up. “To let us think she was dead!” He began hitting Donnie in the face. Over and over he struck Donnie until his knuckles were bloody, and Donnie’s face was crushed and broken. Camille tried to stop him, but Johan’s rage was uncontrollable. Lily watched as Donnie didn’t put up a fight. Johan continued to pummel Donnie mercilessly. Camille tried to wrestle the massive man away from Donnie, but she did not have the strength Johan had. Lily looked at Donnie and could see that he was weeping, not from the blows but from something else. His face held such sorrow. She had enough. Lily stood up and with one hand shoved Johan back onto the sofa easily.

  “Enough!” she cried out. “He doesn’t deserve that, and you need to stop.” Johan looked up at Lily absolutely surprised that she so easily pushed him back.

  “Wow, I’m really sorry, Donnie. I just can’t keep my big mouth shut, please forgive me.”

  “Why are you talking to him?” Camille asked as she looked at Donnie’s crushed face. “Johan just killed him!”

  “Actually, Camille, I died five years ago, just like Abbie,” Donnie sat back up, and his wounds healed.

  After several minutes of awkward silence Johan finally spoke up, “How is this possible?”

  “I just can’t sugarcoat this anymore,” he said. “There is no easy way to explain it. So I will give it to you straight.” Donnie spent the next hour detailing the events of the last five years to Johan and Camille. Through heartfelt tears, he explained about spring break, the Reich, the Foundlings, Tranquility, and finally Miami. Donnie’s visit also answered some lingering questions Johan and Camille had about a home invasion they had endured. The intruder demanded to know where Abbie was, it no longer seemed strange at all. Donnie opened up the box that contained the urn and handed it to Johan. “I came to bring her home and explain everything to you. I felt I owed you that much.” Johan and Camille sat in quiet contemplation.

  “I still can’t believe this, vampires?” Camille said.

  “Yes, there are many of us. Lily, here is one as well.” Donnie motioned over to her.

  “So what will you do now?” Johan asked.

  “I’m going to kill as many of the Reich as I can, until I can’t kill any more,” he replied.

  “Make me one, Donnie,” Johan said. “Make me a vampire. I want to get revenge on them. I want to fight along your side. I want justice for my little girl.”

  “No!” Lily said. “You never want this. I’m afraid, every day, that I’ll kill someone accidentally. You loose control so easily.”

  “She’s right,” Donnie said. “Besides, I have no idea how to do it.”

  “Promise us Donnie!” Johan said. “Promise us that you will avenge her!”

  “I won’t rest,” he said. “I swear it to you.”

  “And don’t be such a stranger,” Camille said, “my, son. Don’t feel alone in this. You will always have a home here.”

  “I will try, Camille,” Donnie said. “Even though I fear that coming here, I may have placed you in danger.”

  “They killed our little girl,” Johan said. “There isn’t much they can do to us now.”

  “Johan is right,” Camille said. “If they come for us, we won’t make it easy for them.”

  “I’ll make sure it never comes to that,” Donnie said. “I promise.” Donnie, Lily, Camille, and Johan spoke well into the night.


  The Order

  DONNIE AND LILY left the Gottlieb’s home and returned to the limo. Donnie seemed more somber than usual, and Lily noticed. “Donnie?” Lily asked tentatively.


  “You brought her home to her parents. You gave them closure,” Lily said. “I know it’s sad, but you did a good thing back there, a good thing for Abbie.”

  “I know. It just hit me again all of a sudden,” Donnie replied. “I don’t know how much time I have left.” The limo began moving forward.

  “Time left for what?” Lily asked.

  “To save Abbie,” he replied.

  “I don’t understand what you’re talking about?” she looked at Donnie, but he was deep in thought and decided to drop it. She started looking out the window as they traveled down the roads. Lily remained intentionally quiet, and Donnie could not be more thankful. After a little while, Lily turned to Donnie.

  “Nope, I don’t like being quiet,” Lily said. Donnie just looked at her and smiled, there was something about this young girl, and she was so full of life. She was always so optimistic.

  “At least you tried,” Donnie said and lay back in his seat. Lily sat next to him and leaned her head on his shoulder.

  “So what’s next partner?” Lily asked excitedly.

  “I have two stops before we head home,” he replied.

  “We’re going back to Miami tonight?” Lily asked.

  “No, my home, here in New Jersey,” Donnie explained. The limo began driving down a twisted road, and Lily instantly became uncomfortable. Donnie noticed it right away as she stiffened and looked frightened.

  “What are we doing in a cemetery?” Lily asked with wide eyes.

  “I need to visit my parents,” Donnie said. “It’s been too long. I need to pay my respects.” Lily lowered her head.

  “I never got to pay my final respects to my maw and paw,” Lily said sadly.

  “I’ll make sure you get that chance,” Donnie promised. The limo stopped, and the driver looked back.

  “We’re here, sir.”

  “Thank you.” Donnie got out of the limo.

  “Can I come?” Lily asked. “I don’t really want to stay in the limo alone while it’s in a graveyard.”

  “You don’t want to stay in the limo period,” Donnie replied. “Fine, come along.” Lily tried to exit the limo but was
unable to step out of it.

  “Donnie, I’m stuck,” Lily said. “I can’t get out of the limo.” Donnie looked back at her and wondered why she couldn’t and he could.

  “You can’t get out?” Donnie asked.

  “Nope, and now that I see all those crosses, I think I will stay in here,” Lily replied and shut the door. Donnie turned around and looked at the landscape and easily counted over a dozen crosses. While they were in Tranquility, all crosses were kept covered, but he never really understood why. He had never felt any fear or repulsion to them. Other Foundlings in the compound, and even Abbie, had claimed that they frightened them, but he hadn’t paid much attention to it. He had simply attributed it to their minds playing tricks on them. They were told to avoid them, and they did. Why had he been so oblivious to this fact? He was probably standing on holy ground at this very moment. He walked back over to Lily.

  “Lily, are you really afraid, or do you just think you are afraid?” he asked.

  “I can’t get out,” Lily replied. “It’s like someone keeps pushing me back into the car.”

  “OK, stay here.” He walked over to his parents’ graves and laid flowers on their graves. “Hi, Mom. Hi, Papi.” Donnie stood at their headstones for several minutes and then got down on his knees and said a prayer for each. He got up and kissed each headstone. “I am sorry I was away for so long, if I can help it, I will visit you more often.” He turned and walked back to the limo and got in. The car began moving again and headed to its next destination.

  “Where are we going now?” Lily asked.

  “You’re not going to like it,” he replied. Lily looked out of the car once they had exited the cemetery grounds and watched the scenery change as they drove from neighborhood to neighborhood. She was genuinely fascinated with everything she was seeing. After thirty minutes, they arrived at Council of Saints Church.

  “A church, are you insane?” Lily asked in shock. “You’ll burn up in there!”

  “I need to go to confession.” Donnie exited the limo.

  “Donnie, wait, don’t do this!” Lily said. “I know you miss her, but killing yourself won’t solve anything.” Donnie smiled and closed the door on her, turned around, and began walking up the stairs. Lily watched as he walked up the stairs and into the church, she began to worry. Donnie entered the church and stood under the archway for a few minutes, and then proceeded inside. So far so good, he thought. He reached a bowl of holy water and dipped his fingers in it and said a prayer, “Help us, O God of our salvation, for the glory of thy name, and deliver us, and forgive our sins, for thy name’s sake.” He walked down the aisle and made eye contact with several parishioners. There were only a few people in the church at this time of night. He made his way to the front of the church where he could see Father Dominick speaking with a young woman. Father Dominick looked up, and his expression changed. He got a look of fear and panic. He whispered something to the young woman, and he walked toward Donnie.

  “Father Dom, it’s me Donato Guerrero, how have you been?” Donnie asked and held out his hand to him. Father Dominick Luna was a short and stocky man, but he had often claimed that he was an athlete and an Olympian. A fact that Donnie would have doubted if not for the myriad of trophies and medals he kept. Father Dom, as he liked to be called, had been extremely close to his dad. Along with Father Bennie, the three had been inseparable. Donnie counted him as a trusted confidant and friend.

  “How dare you come in here?” Father Dominick said. “You unholy spawn of Satan.”

  “Wait, what?” Donnie was stunned at the outburst and could see several other priests enter the church and begin ushering everyone out.

  “I don’t know how you managed it, but this is your final affront to our Lord God!” Dominick placed a large golden cross on Donnie’s forehead. Donnie just blinked a few times and waited. After a few seconds of awkward silence, Dominick looked at his cross and with even more determination placed the cross on Donnie’s chest and pushed it in. Donnie placed one finger on the cross and pushed it away and then crossed his arms.

  “Is Father Benitez here?” Donnie said. “I’d like to confess.” Father Dominick took a step back and pulled the cross apart. Donnie watched as hidden within it was a stake. The cross’s bottom had served as a sheath. Father Dominick lunged at him and attempted to stab him with the wooden shaft. “Hey, wait a minute!” Donnie yelled as he tried to avoid the blow. He was ill prepared for the priest’s impressive skill wielding this weapon. Father Dominick adjusted the trajectory of his strike perfectly and sunk the stake deep in Donnie’s heart.

  “Ha! Hell spawn. Now your evil ways come to an end!” Dominick said as the other priests closed in on him. Donnie looked at Father Dom and then looked down at his chest and then back at Father Dom.

  “Ow! That really hurt!” Donnie said and pulled the stake out of his heart.

  “Impossible!” Father Dominick said, “What are you?” Donnie pulled the stake out of his chest and wondered how Father Dom knew he was a vampire.

  “This is a two hundred dollar shirt,” Donnie said, trying to diffuse the situation “Now, may I please see my priest. I would really like to confess.”

  “I’m here, Donato,” Father Benitez said and walked out from the shadows. “I will hear your confession my son.”

  “Father Benitez! He is a son of Satan,” Father Dominick said. “He must be destroyed.”

  “And how do you intend to do that?” Father Benitez asked. “He appears to be immune to the instruments of the Lord. Come this way, Donnie.” Donnie began to follow Father Benitez and tossed the stake over to Father Dominick. Father Benitez took Donnie to a backroom and had him take a seat at a table in what looked like a small kitchen.

  “What happened to you, Donnie?” Father Benitez asked as he sat down.

  “I became a vampire,” Donnie replied.

  “I suspect it didn’t happen by choice, did it?” Father Benitez asked.

  “Not really, it was an accident,” Donnie replied.

  “So you’re a Foundling?” Father Benitez asked.

  “How do you know that term? And why did Father Dom go all ninja on me?” He asked.

  “I know this because we’re the sworn enemies of all that is evil,” Father Benitez began. “We are part of an ancient order dedicated to the extermination of all of your kind.” Father Benitez exposed a fold within his robe and revealed a patch that had been secretly embroidered into the fabric. Donnie looked at it, and his eyes went wide.

  “I’ve seen that before,” Donnie said. “My dad had a patch just like it. It was hidden deep in his desk.”

  “Yes, Donnie, your father was set to join our order when he was called away,” Father Benitez explained.

  “I don’t feel like an evil hell spawn of Satan,” Donnie said. “All I wanted to do was confess.”

  “The fact that you could even enter the house of god tells me that you are not,” Father Benitez said. “I will hear your confession.” Donnie explained to Father Benitez at length what had happened to him and Abbie. He begged for forgiveness for his sins. Father Benitez listened intently and granted him forgiveness in the name of the Lord. Donnie felt a calm come over him.

  “Remain in this room. I need to make a phone call,” Father Benitez said. Donnie nodded and waited. Father Dominick entered the kitchen from another door and began throwing holy water on Donnie. Donnie turned around and looked at him.

  “Seriously, Father Dom?” Donnie looked at him in disbelief and expected him to jump out at him with another weapon. Father Dominick made an audible humph and exited the kitchen the same way he came in. Father Benitez returned shortly after.

  “The vampire in the limo outside, is it with you?” he asked.

  “Yeah, she’s with me,” Donnie replied. “Please don’t hurt her.”

  “I have been instructed to allow you to leave unharmed, both of you,” Father Benitez said.

  “Can I ask you how you knew we are vampires?”

��There are humans that can detect a vampire by simply looking at them. The ability manifests at different times. Your dad was one such person as is Father Dominick. They are invaluable to our cause.”

  “Well, I appreciate that,” Donnie said. “I should go before Father Dom tries to set fire to me or something.”

  “He has killed over one hundred vampires,” Father Benitez informed. “He’s one of the best.”

  “How many have you killed?”

  “More than him,” Father Benitez replied and smiled. “The head of our order wishes to speak to you.”

  “Is he here?” Donnie asked.

  “No, but he’s on his way,” Father Benitez replied. “He wishes to meet you away from the church.”

  “Look, he’s not going to show up with a bunch or ninja priests and try to kill me, is he?”

  “No, he genuinely wishes to speak to you,” Father Benitez replied.

  “Then he can come to my house and meet us there,” Donnie said. “You know the address.” Donnie got up and began walking out. Father Benitez followed him.

  “I’m truly sorry this happened to you, Donato,” Father Benitez said as they reached the archway leading out.

  “Makes two of us,” Donnie said. “But it wasn’t so bad as long as I had Abbie.” Donnie walked down to the limo and got in “Home.” Lily began to speak, but Donnie held up a single finger and waved it in front of her. She crossed her arms and looked away angrily. Even though she had a million questions, she was greatly relieved that he was still alive. They reached Donnie’s old house within fifteen minutes. Donnie looked at his old home as he got out. He dismissed the driver for the evening and proceeded with Lily up the walkway. He could tell that there had been several improvements made on the exterior.

  Misha and CeeCee had changed the color and re-shingled the roof, and he thought it looked good. Donnie walked up to the door and looked for the key where he had hidden it years ago and retrieved it. He opened the door and turned on the lights. The house looked completely different. Every bit of furniture had been replaced, and once again Donnie was impressed. He could tell the new furnishings were all CeeCee’s doing, after all she did have great taste.


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