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The Foundlings: Book One of the Urban Fantasy Paranormal Vampire Series, The Foundlings

Page 57

by R. M. Garcia

  “It’s all or none,” Abbie replied and gripped him tightly.

  “Wait,” Donnie said as he looked at Abbie and realized, “you too?” Abbie looked up in tears at Donnie.

  “Yes,” the sadness in Abbie’s voice was unmistakable, “me too. I’ll have to go too. I’ll be gone forever.”

  “No,” Donnie said in a low whimpering voice. “We endured all of this, and we still lose one another?”

  “It’s your choice, Donnie,” Abbie said. “You can keep all of us, inside you, or let us go to our final rests.”

  “What do you want?” Donnie asked Abbie. “I’ll do whatever you want.”

  “I want to stay with you,” Abbie said. “But that would enslave so many good souls. It’s just not fair. It’s not really a choice at all.”

  “No, not a choice at all, it’s simple,” Donnie said. “I love you so much, but I have to do the right thing, and that means letting go of you.”

  “Donnie,” Abbie said softly. “We’re ready.” Donnie held onto Abbie closely and took a deep breath.

  “At least this time, I get to say good-bye,” Donnie said in tears and forcefully exhaled. He began to glow with an angelic golden light that surged from within him. Millions of sparkles began to form around him. It looked as if he had millions of fireflies spinning and dancing around him. They slowly began to float up into the sky, a few at first, then increasingly more and more. A multitude of whispers could be heard. They each said the same thing, over and over. They said thank you.

  “It’s so beautiful” Lazarus said, crying. “Forgive me my Lord, for ever doubting your benevolence.” Nox was moved inside by the miracle he was witnessing. He was filled with joy and pride at what he was witnessing and was inspired to act.

  “I love you, Espee,” Nox said as he turned to her and grabbed her hands. “Please say yes already.”

  “I’ve been so afraid, for so long,” Espee said visibly shaking. “I’m not afraid anymore. Yes, Nox, my love, I will marry you.” Father Dominick leaned over to Nox and Espee.

  “I perform weddings on the second Saturday of each month.” Nox and Espee looked at him and smiled. His faced was drenched with nonstop tears. The dancing lights and voices began to lessen and become fewer and fewer until there was only one left. It remained floating above Abbie’s head.

  “Time to go,” Donnie said to Abbie and kissed her for the last time. She faded out, and her light grew brighter and began to float away into the sky.

  “I will always love you,” she said as she floated up and out of everyone’s sight. Donnie fell to his knees and wept. He only stopped when he heard baby Donna’s giggles. Donnie looked up and saw that she was awake and unharmed.

  “I can’t believe she slept through that,” Nox said.

  “She’s deaf,” Donnie replied as he got up. “She didn’t hear any of the noise.”

  “She heard you,” Lazarus said. “She looked over to you when you spoke.”

  “How’s that possible?” Donnie asked, then stopped. “Never mind, I have to get her to her father, and somehow explain about CeeCee.” Donnie looked over to the bodies of Father Benitez and CeeCee, and his heart was filled with tremendous sorrow. More loved ones to place in the earth. Lazarus handed the baby over to Father Dominick.

  “Donato,” Lazarus said as he hobbled over. He was obviously in extreme pain and yet barely healed any of his wounds.

  “Yes Russ, what do you want?”

  “It is time for you to fulfill your vow to me,” Lazarus said.

  “Now Russ? Can it wait a few days? I promise I will do it.”

  “No!” Lazarus said firmly and smiled. “My final task will also teach you a valuable skill, and it cannot wait.” Donnie looked at him and sighed.

  “OK Russ,” Donnie said. “What do I have to do?”

  “Listen carefully. First take a deep breath,” Lazarus ordered. Donnie took an especially deep breath,

  “Good, now think about all of your good intentions. Focus on all your good emotions,” Lazarus said. “Drive them down into your stomach.”

  “OK . . . ” Donnie said a bit confused.

  “Don’t talk!” Lazarus said. “Just nod. Remember no questions as we agreed. Now take the breath again, and close your eyes.” Donnie closed his eyes and took another deep breath completely filling his lungs.

  “Think of how you felt when you wanted to save Abbie, to save your friend here. Think of the love you had for your parents.” Donnie nodded and Lazarus moved in front of him.

  “Now, exhale,” Lazarus said anxiously. Donnie let out a strong breath. It was visible to everyone as they watched. It had a light blue hue and sparkled. It appeared as if he was exhaling on a very cold night.

  “Excellent!” Lazarus smiled and got within inches of Donnie and inhaled his breath. Donnie opened his eyes and backed off.

  “What gives?” Donnie asked. “You trying to kiss me?” Lazarus fell backward and began to cough. Nox caught him and lowered him to the ground. His pale skin began to regain most of its color, and he smiled.

  “Thank you, Donnie,” Lazarus said. “It won’t be long now.”

  “Thanks for what? And what won’t be long now?” Donnie asked as he knelt down beside Lazarus.

  “You did it,” Lazarus said. “Spiritus Vita. I could never master it, but you did it on the first try, good lad.”

  “Whoa, what did I just do?” he asked.

  “Listen carefully, Donnie,” Lazarus said. “I will be dead soon.”

  “What?” Donnie said. “Let’s get you some blood then.”

  “I can no longer drink blood to live, nor do I care to ever ingest it again,” Lazarus replied. “Spiritus Vita, the breath of life can be used to do three things.” Lazarus began to cough violently and appeared to be in tremendous pain.

  “What can we do to help you?” Donnie asked.

  “Nothing, my wounds are fatal,” Lazarus said as blood trickled down the side of his mouth. “I am going to die, because I am once again human.”

  “What!” Donnie exclaimed.

  “Is that possible?” Espee asked.

  “Fuck me,” Nox said.

  “Makes perfect sense to me,” Father Dominick said.

  “What are you saying?” Donnie asked.

  “No time . . . ” Lazarus said, coughing more blood through labored breaths. “Three things, heal the infirm, unmake undeath, and bring the recently deceased back to life.” Lazarus coughed a few times.

  “Donnie,” Espee said. “Is that possible?”

  “Satan’s vampires use the Spiritus Mortis to make the undead,” Lazarus said. “You are not like them Donnie. You are their complete opposite. Where they enslave souls, you can release them. Where they grant undeath, you can repel it. Where they take life, you can restore it.”

  “Can I heal you?” Donnie asked. “I still need your help.”

  “I am done,” Lazarus said smiling. “Please allow me to rest.” Lazarus sprayed blood as he violently coughed.

  “But I can heal you,” Donnie argued.

  “The Spiritus Vita has limits,” Lazarus said. “You must be cautious using it. Never use it more than three times in any month. You already used it once on me. There are two others that need it more.” Lazarus glanced over toward CeeCee and Father Benitez, closed his eyes, and let out his last breath. Lazarus of Bethany, a two-thousand-year-old servant of God, was dead.

  Donnie stood up and looked up into the sky for a moment. He closed his eyes and could hear the flapping of a large pair of wings. He looked over to Lazarus and kneeling next to him was an angel. Donnie looked over to the others but they appeared to be suspended in time. Donnie looked into the Angel’s face as it stood up.

  “Thunder Step,” Donnie said.

  “In this form, my name is Uriel, and I have come to take Lazarus to the kingdom of heaven,” he said.

  “It’s what he wants,” Donnie said. “Who I am to deny him or anyone happiness.”

  “You seem troubled
,” Uriel said and floated over to Donnie.

  “I have questions,” Donnie said. “I need the truth.”

  “You may now and always ask me anything,” Uriel said. “I shall doubt you no more.”

  “Did you kill my mom and dad like Gestapo said?” Donnie asked. Uriel smiled and placed his hands on Donnie’s shoulders.

  “No,” Uriel spoke gently. “Your mother had a bout with cancer shortly after you were born. It was why she could never conceive another child. Her physician warned her that the herbs she was using for her visions were causing her illness. She chose to ignore the warning.”

  “What about my father?”

  “Another choice,” Uriel said. “He could have run for help, but he chose to face two evil men on his own. We had nothing to do with taking them from you.”

  “But how they met?” Donnie asked.

  “Ask Ariel about that someday,” Uriel said. “She is the romantic.” Uriel smiled and turned around. “Are you ready, my old friend?” Donnie could see the spirit of Lazarus standing over his body.

  “I am,” Lazarus said. He looked over to Donnie and smiled. Uriel placed his hand on Lazarus, and they began walking into a bright light. Donnie looked away for a moment, and they were gone. Suddenly Donnie was hit with the sounds of the city and his friends looking at him.

  “What’s next, Grandmaster?” Father Dominick asked. Donnie realized that with Lazarus’s passing, he was logical choice to lead the Order of the Second Life.

  “Should I use the breath on CeeCee and Father Benny?” Donnie asked.

  “You are God’s Vampire,” Father Dominick said. “You are here to do his will, and his will is to stop the Sources.”

  “Well, then,” Donnie replied, “that’s precisely what I will do.”



  SEVERAL MONTHS AFTER the historic New Orleans earthquake, The Order of the Second Life was back in full swing. Under their new Grandmaster Father Rodrigo Benitez, they began an active campaign of information gathering. Donnie requested as much information as they could find on the remaining Bloodlines throughout the world. It turned out harder than they had expected. The Sources were scared now, for the first time, they had been wounded and the cut ran deep. Word was spreading among the Foundlings; Donnie’s name was whispered as a beacon of hope. The Gulf Coast, especially Miami, had been hailed as a safe haven, for any who needed shelter and they came by the hundreds.

  Espee and Nox continued their work in Miami, after getting married and taking their honeymoon, they had after all been in New Orleans. Father Dominick was honored to perform the ceremony. In the months that followed, Espee and Nox considered Donnie’s offer. The chance to live out their lives as humans once again was extremely tempting, especially after having held baby Donna in their arms. They mutually agreed Donnie needed their help, and they told him that as long as any Foundling needed help, they would stay in the fight and by his side.

  New Tranquility prospered, Donnie made sure of that. One of the strange side effects of taking Gestapo’s essence was that, he also acquired all of his memories. He was amazed at how much money the Reich had actually stowed away in Swiss bank accounts. Through the gained memories, Donnie now had numbers and passwords to every account the Reich once controlled. Captain Maxwell took advantage of the obscene amount of money Donnie threw at him and got some serious weapon and defense system upgrades. His last words to Donnie were, “Let them come now.”

  Donnie spent some time with CeeCee and Misha at their LA home soon after Espee and Nox’s wedding. It was good to see his old friend, but having placed CeeCee and the baby in harm still haunted him. He promised them that he would remain out of their lives to keep them safe. To which, they unequivocally rejected the idea. There was no way they were not going to be part of his life. They told him, if they lived in fear, then the Sources win. It was the Sources’ turn to be afraid. Donnie’s heart was filled with joy, and he hoped that he could keep them safe in the future.

  Donnie had one last loose end to take care of, a promise he had made to Lily. So on a beautiful sunny day, they traveled to the graveyard where her parents had been laid to rest. Lily placed flowers on each of their graves and wept uncontrollably. Donnie knew exactly how she felt and held her close. He hoped that despite everything she had endured, she would be stronger now, and held high hopes for her. With the Order’s help, she had been given a new identity, and she and her brothers were adopted. Johan and Camille had really taken to her while they watched over her; they agreed to adopt all three of them right away. Donnie hoped that these two broken families would mend each other. Donnie didn’t know what Lily was meant to do, or what changes she would make to the world, but at least now she had the chance to do it. Donnie walked away as Camille consoled Lily. He began wandering through the cemetery and bumped into a man, a man missing a part of his ear.

  “Hello, Half-dead.”

  “Hello, Furball, or do I call you the Reaper?”

  “Don’t be so melodramatic, Mr. Grimly will suffice.”

  “You know that’s no better, but I was wondering when you were going to call in the favor. I didn’t expect it this soon.”

  “I waited and gave you time to grieve and place your affairs in order.”

  “I appreciate that, so do you take my soul or what do we do?”

  “No, despite what you may think of me, I am not evil. I had a job to do when we first crossed paths.”

  “I understand very well about duties.”

  “Good. My job is to take souls to their final resting place, at their appointed time, and despite what you may think, I am still an angel, and there is something that makes me weep.”

  Donnie could see that Mr. Grimly was indeed crying now as he looked at a grave. Donnie looked down and read the tombstone. They were standing at the grave of a child who died at the age of five. “What makes you weep?”

  “Death is the natural order of things, it is natural and I understand it, but every time I have to take a child, I weep.”

  “Kids die too.”

  “Yes, yes they do, but they are not meant to go to hell, which I must do repeatedly because of vampires.”

  Donnie immediately got his meaning and said, “The Bretons.”

  “Yes, Donnie, I will ask that you destroy Gilles de Rais and deliver to me the millions of child souls that he has locked away, so that I may take them to heaven, so that I no longer have to weep.”

  “This is your favor?”

  “Yes, do this for me and our bargain is at its end.”

  “Gladly, I owe you for saving Abbie.”

  “I will guide you to him, when you are ready to begin find me once more.” Mr. Grimly turned and walked away. Donnie watched as he sunk into the earth and was gone. Donnie continued to wander the grounds, and after a while, Johan caught up to him. Donnie was staring at his pearlescent marble arm. He marveled at how amazing it felt to be made of out something else beside flesh. Maintaining die Mauer was harder than he expected. It would be years before he could perform a full body transformation, if ever.

  “What is that?” Johan asked as Donnie’s arm changed from flesh to stone.

  “An interesting new development,” he replied as he let his arm resume its fleshy texture.

  Johan watched in amazement, and Donnie’s arm went from solid white back to its tanned texture. “So what will you do now, son.”

  “There’s a child murdering monster in Canada that I need to have a few words with.” Johan smiled and patted him on his back. Donnie smiled and looked up into the clouds. High above in the clouds, a pair of beings gazed down upon Donnie.

  “Do you think he can see us?” Ariel asked.

  “Probably,” Azrael replied smiling.

  “How did you know?” she asked.

  “I didn’t. I just knew his heart,” he replied.

  “That was sneaky of you,” she said, smiling, “pushing his parents together.”

  “I am an Arch-Angel,�
�� Azrael said defensively. “I am incapable of sneaking, and besides, you helped.” Ariel and Azrael laughed joyfully.

  “It was too bad about Abbie,” Ariel said. “I can tell he will be in pain for a long time.”

  “I tried to keep them apart,” Azrael said. “But they always seem to find each other.”

  “So how many times has it been now?” Ariel asked. Azrael paused for a moment and pondered the question.

  “Let’s see, Romeo and Juliet, Sampson and Delilah, Lancelot and Guinevere, Tristan and Isolde, Paris and Helena, and dozens more,” Azrael said. “Two Prime Souls that would rather be in each other’s arms than in heaven.”

  “So how long this time?” Ariel wondered aloud. “Before she goes back?”

  “That will be her choice,” Azrael replied. “As always, but I suspect it won’t be long.” The two Archangels continued to walk across the clouds.

  “So has it been agreed?” Ariel asked.

  “Yes, you will be able to select the next one,” Azrael said. “Do you have someone in mind?”

  “Perhaps,” Ariel replied, trying to hide her smile. “As Uriel likes to say, I am the romantic.”


  I would like to dedicate this book to my mother Carmen. She inspires and pushes me every day. Thank you Mami, I don’t think I would be the person I am today without you.

  Special Thanks

  I would like to give thanks to my friends that supported my project to write a book as silly as that may have seemed at the time.

  I’d like to start by thanking Amy Dewalt, Amy you were undoubtedly my muse, and gave me that little nudge that I needed to set my writing in motion, so thank you so much.

  I’d like to thank Kelly Stinson, Kelly you gave me some very sound advice and kept me grounded by urging me to stay practical and keep my head out of the clouds, and thanks for the technical help on the websites as well.

  I’d like to thank Linda Delcamp Simmons, for helping me with the wonderful cover art. I still think it looks awesome by the way, thanks.


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