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Princess Evie Young Fiction 2

Page 2

by Sarah KilBride

  “The instructors,” whispered Skye. “Look! There’s Raphaela.”

  “I hope we don’t get Professor Nimbus first,” said Wanda. “She’s the one on the end. She trains riders for the Olympic team.”

  Evie could feel poor Sparkles jump when the professor began to speak.

  “Welcome to this year’s Unicorn Riding Camp,” said Professor Nimbus. “I hope all your unicorns have settled in. This afternoon, I will be taking the training session on riding technique.”

  “I am Madam Mariposa,” said the older, shorter sprite who was standing beside the Professor. She had a warm smile and fluffy white hair that had silver lining like a halo. “I will be helping you learn about unicorn well-being and stable management.”

  “And I’m going to be helping you bond with your unicorns,” said Raphaela. “And together, we will develop your unicorn empathy skills.”

  There was a ripple of excitement among the cloud sprites.

  “There will be a list of the groups on the noticeboard after lunch,” said Professor Nimbus.

  Evie spotted Professor Nimbus wink at the girl with the long blonde plait before turning to leave.

  “That’s Professor Nimbus’ niece,” Rosy whispered in her ear. “Her name’s Storm.”

  All the cloud sprites filed out of the Great Hall and followed the long corridor to the dining room.

  The dining room was hung with paintings of unicorns and each of the round tables was lit with a golden candelabra. Everyone was hungry; it had been a long morning and the room buzzed with anticipation. Wanda, Skye and Evie shared a table and enjoyed the fluffy bread and hot soup. Pudding was the most delicious cake Evie had ever tasted – layers of light sponge with heavenly mousse in between.

  “Imagine learning how to communicate with your unicorn like Raphaela does!” said Wanda when they had all finished their lunch. Everyone was starting to leave the dining room to have a look at the list that had been pinned on to the noticeboard.

  “Stuff and nonsense!” snorted Storm, as she and her friend pushed past Wanda’s chair. “My aunt says the only way to communicate with a unicorn is to show it who is the boss.”

  “Let’s hope we’re not in Storm’s group,” said Wanda, and all the friends nodded.

  “There’s only one way to find out,” said Evie. “Come on, let’s go and have a look at the lists.”

  “Oh, this is so exciting,” said Skye. “I hope we’re all in the same group.”

  But they weren’t. Skye had been put in Rosy’s group.

  “What a shame I’m not with you,” said Skye.

  “It might have been a lucky escape, Skye,” said Evie. “Look who’s in our group.”

  Princess Evie & Diamond

  Wanda & Zephyr

  Storm & Misty

  Juno & Cherub

  “The Sunshine Girls,” said Wanda.

  “Never mind,” said Skye. “They’re probably lovely, once you get to know them.”

  “Well, there’s one good thing,” said Evie, seeing that Wanda was looking a little worried. “Our first lesson is with Raphaela in the arena.”

  “Lucky you,” said Skye, “I’m with Professor Nimbus.”

  The friends went off to saddle up their unicorns for the first lesson. But when they reached the stable yard, they were met with complete chaos. Cloud sprites were running about and shouting, trying to catch a unicorn that had escaped from its stable. She was rearing like a wild animal. When the unicorn was finally cornered by the sprites the friends saw it was Zephyr – Wanda’s unicorn.

  “Zephyr!” shouted Wanda.

  As soon as she heard Wanda’s voice, Zephyr neighed, looking wildly around the yard for her owner.

  “That animal is out of control!” said Storm, just as the instructors appeared. “Look at this mess.”

  “What’s made Zephie do this?” asked Wanda, completely baffled by the scene of devastation.

  The barrel of apples had been kicked over, straw was strewn across the yard, water buckets had been knocked over and some tack and grooming kit lay in the big puddles.

  “This is not acceptable,” said Professor Nimbus, looking around the yard. “You will not join in any activities, Wanda, until you have cleaned this up. Is that clear?”

  As the Professor was talking, Raphaela walked carefully towards Zephyr, murmuring quietly to the frightened unicorn. She helped Wanda put a halter on Zephyr and tied the unicorn up.

  “Come along everyone, tack up, time for your first lesson,” continued the Professor.

  As the other sprites tacked up, Wanda, Evie and Skye looked at each other.

  “There’s no way you can be late for Professor Nimbus’ lesson, Skye, she’ll be cross.” said Evie. “I’ll help Wanda clear this up.”

  “I don’t understand,” said Wanda, looking at the stable door hanging off its hinges. “Zephyr has never done anything like this before. Why would she kick her door down?”

  Evie and Wanda set about sweeping and cleaning the yard. Sparkles tried to cheer Wanda up by chasing after apples and catching straw that was blowing in the breeze. But the little sprite found it hard to smile.

  “I just can’t understand what got into Zephyr,” she said.


  Raphaela’s Magic

  Wanda and Evie worked together to clear all the mess, and were only ten minutes late for the start of their lesson. Storm and Juno were standing by their unicorns listening to Raphaela, who was resting her hand gently on her magnificent unicorn, Galaxy.

  “Hey sprites! I’m just giving a quick history of unicorns,” said Raphaela. “The important thing to remember is, if you want your unicorn’s trust, you must make them feel safe. When they feel safe with you, they can relax and will let you lead – and that’s when the magic begins!

  “Our first exercise will help you get in tune with your unicorn. Every neigh, whinny and squeal has a meaning and, the more you listen, the more you’ll begin to understand. It all starts with the breath. Listen to your unicorn and copy her breathing.”

  The sprites and Evie stood closely by their unicorns. In a few moments, Evie and Diamond were almost touching noses and Wanda and Zephyr were leaning shoulder to shoulder. Juno and her unicorn were nodding heads in unison, with Juno giggling and Cherub whickering.

  “It’s great to see you share the same sense of humour, Juno!” said Raphaela.

  “OW!” yelped Storm. “Stop that now!”

  Misty had been resting her head over Storm’s shoulder and had started to nibble her smart riding jacket.

  “Hold on, Storm.”

  Raphaela and Galaxy raced over to them. “She was telling you that she’s your friend.”

  “Ruining my jacket more like,” said Storm. “That’s disgusting, Misty!”

  Misty whinnied and shook her mane.

  “Careful Storm, that’s not the way to speak to your unicorn,” said Raphaela. “She’s grooming you like a mother does to comfort her foal.”

  “I don’t need to be comforted,” snapped Storm.

  “Well,” replied Raphaela, “it seems your unicorn believes that you do.”

  Storm looked angry and turned away.

  The next part of the lesson was what everyone had been looking forward to – developing unicorn empathy skills.

  “Practise this on your unicorn and, one day, you’ll be able to calm and ride any unicorn in the Cloud Kingdom,” Raphaela said.

  “Stand close to your unicorn’s midpoint. The midpoint is just by the withers, in front of your saddles. Stand quietly and try to feel your unicorn’s beat. It’s a cross between a pulse and a heartbeat,” said Raphaela. “Let them feel your beat too.”

  Evie could feel Diamond’s beat pulsing quietly and steadily. Diamond was standing so still and alert, Evie was sure that her unicorn was listening to hers. Next, Raphaela told the sprites to rest their arms over their unicorn’s withers.

  “Apply pressure so your unicorn understands what’s going to happen next,”
she said. “Once they steady themselves, it’s time to hop up.”

  Everyone copied Raphaela as she demonstrated on her unicorn, Galaxy, and soon they were all up in the saddle. Everyone, that is, apart from Storm. Misty was still shifting her weight and hadn’t yet settled but, instead of steadying her with the weight of her arm, Storm was pulling hard on her reins. This was making her unicorn raise her head and try to move away.

  Raphaela rode over to Storm and let her unicorn gently breathe onto Misty’s muzzle. The little unicorn relaxed and Storm was able to get up into the saddle.

  The next task was to ride with loose reins. “I want you to practise going from a halt to a walk to a trot,” said Raphaela. “Direct your unicorn by visualising what you want her to do and where you want to go, and remember to talk to her.”

  The unicorns and their riders moved around the space. Soon, Wanda and Zephyr were weaving in and out of some rainbow cones. Juno giggled as Cherub began to trot after a little cloud that had floated into the arena.

  “Excellent Juno, Cherub can sense that you like to play,” said Raphaela.

  Evie was amazed at how Diamond seemed to be able to read her mind. All she had to do was look in the direction she wanted to go, visualise turning and Diamond would take the turn.

  “This is such fun!” said Wanda laughing, as Zephyr jumped over a row of little sunbeams.

  “How much longer?” asked Storm, “I can’t wait till our next lesson so we can start learning useful stuff.”

  Her unicorn was standing by a rainbow jump and wouldn’t budge.

  “Try not to get angry,” said Raphaela, as Storm started to use her heels to try to make her unicorn move. “Perhaps it’s time for a break – we’ve all been working hard.”

  Raphaela was giving Storm the chance to dismount and calm down but Storm took no notice.

  “Come on!” Storm shouted. “Move it!”

  She smacked Misty’s hindquarters and everyone gasped. Misty reared up high on her hind legs and let out a piercing neigh that made the other unicorns jump. Her nostrils flared and the whites of her eyes flashed wildly. Before anyone could take hold of Misty, she bolted over the arena’s high fence and disappeared into a cloud.

  Everyone watched in amazement and the air filled with squeals of panic from the unicorns.

  The unicorns and their riders all knew the danger Storm was in, as Misty took her into the Cloud Kingdom, angry and frightened. “What on earth is going here?” demanded Professor Nimbus, bursting into the arena.

  Evie and the sprites looked at Raphaela. No one wanted to be the one to tell the angry Professor what had happened to her niece. Raphaela looked uncomfortable, but she managed to explain.

  “My niece is in terrible danger,” said the Professor. “The clouds are beginning to separate and a storm is brewing. How on earth could you have let this happen? That unicorn of hers doesn’t need empathy, it needs discipline.”

  “Now isn’t the time to discuss our differences,” said Raphaela. “Our unicorns have a connection with Misty. I’ll lead the group to find their friend and bring Storm back to safety.”

  “The Cloud Kingdom is a dangerous place. If we hear nothing from you within the hour, then I’ll have no choice but to contact the Rainbow Rescue Team and tell them you have lost my niece.”

  The unicorns moved close together, their noses almost touching. The riders waited, feeling the beats of their unicorns racing. Then the unicorns began to whicker – little noises that shivered out on their breath.

  “They’re talking,” whispered Wanda.

  “They’re going to call to Misty,” said Raphaela. “I hope that she can hear her friends.”

  Diamond raised her head, her unicorn horn glittering in the sun. She let out a neigh that Evie had never heard before. Evie could feel it travel through Diamond’s body starting at the top of her range. As it spiralled down, the other unicorns in the circle joined in.

  The unicorns’ call seemed to go on for minutes, and as it went down to the lowest notes, all the unicorns at the camp had joined in. When it ended, everyone listened.

  After a minute, out of the blue, came the sound everyone had been waiting for. It was Misty’s reply, but it was coming from far, far away.

  The unicorns pawed the ground, their ears forward, their horns glittering and their eyes searching the horizon of clouds. Together, with their riders holding on tightly, they galloped out of the arena, through the yard and the golden gate and onto the vast blanket of clouds.

  “Slow down everyone, the clouds are beginning to thin,” said Raphaela.

  She was right, little gaps were beginning to appear as some of the cloud began to float away. Evie could see glimpses of what lay beneath and felt Sparkles snuggling up close to her to be safe. If any of the unicorns lost their footing, it would be a long way down!


  The Rescue Party

  Raphaela led them carefully in single file, scanning the clouds and making sure they rode a safe path. They kept their distance from any thinning clouds and when they heard Misty neigh again, it was a little closer.

  “Hooray!” said Juno, “we’re on the right track.”

  “I hope Storm has managed to stay on,” said Evie.

  “She doesn’t seem to get on very well with her unicorn,” said Wanda.

  “Storm has never been happy with Misty,” said Juno. “She always thinks other sprites’ rides are better than hers.” Juno turned and looked apologetically at Wanda. “She wanted Zephyr and thought that, if she made your unicorn look wild, you might want to get rid of her.”

  Everyone looked shocked. They all knew that a unicorn was for life.

  “Get rid of Zephyr!” gasped Wanda.

  “Was it Storm that broke Zephyr’s door?” asked Raphaela.

  “Yes,” said Juno in a small voice.

  “I knew Zephyr couldn’t have done it.” Wanda placed her hand on her unicorn’s neck and pressed gently. “I never doubted you, Zephyr. I knew it wasn’t you.”

  “You were with Storm when she turned this unicorn out of her stable and made that mess,” said Raphaela. “Why would you stand by when she was being so cruel?”

  “She’s my friend,” she said. “I know she was doing the wrong thing, but I feel sorry for her. She’s been having a tough time.”

  “Being sorry for a friend who doesn’t know any better isn’t enough,” said Raphaela. “You need to be strong and help Storm to do the right thing, even if that means risking losing her as a friend.”

  The procession fell silent. The clouds were darkening and a mist was beginning to form on the clouds.

  “Will the unicorns know their way back?” asked Juno.

  “Only when the mist and the storm have cleared,” said Raphaela.

  “That might take longer than an hour,” said Wanda, remembering Professor Nimbus’s was going to call the Rainbow Rescue Team.

  Everyone knew that if they weren’t back within an hour, Raphaela would be in a lot of trouble.

  “We don’t want to get caught in the storm,” said Juno.

  “Let me see if I’ve got anything that might help,” said Evie. “I’m sure there’s a compass in here.”

  She opened her rucksack of useful things and, while she was looking, pulled out a pencil and a ball of red string. The instant Sparkles saw the string he started to unravel it with his paws.

  “You’re brilliant, Sparkles!” said Evie. “We’ll leave a trail of string and follow it on our way back.”

  Everyone felt better knowing they would be able to get back safely. They had travelled a long way from the Unicorn Riding School and no one wanted to get caught in a cloud storm.

  “What’s that?” whispered Raphaela.

  Everyone stopped and listened.


  It was Storm shouting.

  The search party hurried through the mist, following her calls. And there they were, Storm and Misty, stranded on an island of cloud. Evie could see the gap
between them their cloud and Storm’s was widening. Storm was looking pale and Evie could see that Misty was trembling, they were both petrified.

  “Help!” shouted Storm. “Help me!”

  “The only one who can help you is your unicorn,” called over Raphaela. “Stay calm and try to remember what you learnt this morning.”

  The only way Storm was going to be able to get off the cloud was if her unicorn could jump over the gap.

  “Misty is a good jumper, Storm,” called Juno. “Remember when she won the rainbow jumping at the Unicorn Games? She can jump that gap easily.”

  Storm and Misty’s cloud was floating further away. If Misty was going to jump, she would have to do it quickly.

  “Calm your unicorn with your breathing and soothe her with your words,” Raphaela shouted across to Storm. “She has to trust you and feel safe.”

  Storm walked steadily to her unicorn’s midpoint.

  “Good girl, we’ll be all right, just you see,” Storm was breathing slowly.

  The unicorns, Evie, Sparkles and all the sprites watched as Storm tried to calm her unicorn. Their little cloud island drifted away a bit more and Evie could see the huge drop below. It made her feel dizzy. Evie knew she’d be terrified if she had to take this jump.

  Storm mounted Misty and Evie was amazed to see, for the first time, they looked like a riding pair.

  “Well done, Storm,” called Raphaela. “Now take your time and try to visualise Misty soaring through the air and landing safely, just like we did in the arena.”

  The pair stood still, and Storm closed her eyes. When she opened them, Misty began to paw at the ground as if she couldn’t wait, her eyes sparkling and her golden horn gleaming. The little unicorn reared up proudly and then began a fierce gallop towards the edge of the cloud.


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