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Once Upon a Highland Moon (The Highland Moon Series)

Page 9

by Gwyn Brodie

  A knock came at the door.

  Sorcha froze. The door was unlocked. What if it were Archibald? If it had been, more than likely, he'd not have knocked.


  "'Tis I, Abby. Lady MacLachlan sent me."

  Sorcha let out a sigh of relief. "Come then."

  The maid carried several items of clothing and laid them out on the bed, then turned to Sorcha. "M'lady said to ask ye again if ye're in need of m' assistance."

  She shook her head and smiled. "Nay, Abby, but please thank your lady for the offer."

  "Aye, m'lady," Abby said, then curtsied and left the bedchamber.

  Sorcha leaned back against the tub and stared into the crackling fire. The image of Galen's handsome face, his twinkling green eyes and devilish grin, came to mind. How could someone she'd known for such a short while become so important to her? Just thinking about him sent Sorcha's heart to pounding. But when she thought of the kisses they'd shared, an undeniable wave of desire washed over her—a feeling she'd never experienced, even with John. And especially not Archibald. Even before finding out the kind of man he was, she'd only allowed him to kiss her a couple of times.

  After stepping from the tub and drying herself, Sorcha slipped on the shift Jillian had sent and tied it at the shoulders. Sorcha bolted the door, then pushed open the floral window coverings, allowing a gentle breeze and the light of the full moon to flow into the bedchamber. She blew out all the candles but one, and sat down on the edge of the bed with another cloth to dry her hair.

  If Alex forced her to return to Clifftower, how could she live from day to day, never knowing when she'd be punished for naught? She'd never see Galen again. His touch sent sensations through her unlike anything she'd ever experienced. How could she live the rest of her life without ever experiencing those sensations again?

  Tears spilled down Sorcha's cheeks and she let them. After all she'd been through she had a right to cry. She buried her face in her hands and sobbed.

  Someone knocked.

  Sorcha dried her tears and went to the door. "Who's there?"


  Chapter Seven

  Sorcha stood in the open doorway, damp hair hanging wild and loose to her waist, eyes wide and innocent.

  Galen's heart jolted. "Might I come in?"

  The color in her cheeks deepened. She nodded and moved aside.

  Galen glanced up and down the corridor to be certain no one would see him enter her bedchamber, then stepped into the room. He bolted the door and turned.

  Sorcha crossed her arms, as if she suddenly realized she wore naught but her shift. "What is it you want?"

  I want you. "I heard you crying."

  She shoved her hair away from her face. "I see."

  He moved closer. "I'm sorry, lass, for what I put you through."

  Her eyes filled with tears and spilled down her cheeks.

  Galen's heart crumbled. He pulled her into his arms and held her, while she sobbed against his chest. Soon she stopped crying and looked up at him through wet lashes.

  Galen's gaze fell to her full lips. He'd already tasted them twice, but tonight he needed more than a taste. He brushed his mouth against hers, then deepened the kiss and her lips parted. Saints above! He wanted her. He'd wanted her from the moment he first saw her. A low growl escaped him as his tongue found its way inside her warm, inviting mouth. His need for her was driving him mad. Blood thundered in his ears as he untied one of the two ribbons that kept her shift from sliding to the floor.

  She trembled beneath his hand and moaned against his mouth when his fingers brushed against the soft smooth skin of her throat, fueling the blazing desire Galen was barely keeping in check.

  He lifted his head and let go of the ribbon, exposing one perfect, round breast. His breath caught in his chest, then his gaze moved to her eyes. The desire reflecting in them mirrored Galen's own.

  "You're beautiful, lass," Galen whispered hoarsely. He hadn't come there to seduce her. Truly he hadn't. He'd heard her weeping when he passed her bedchamber and only meant to comfort her. But once he held her in his arms, and with her hungry response to his kisses, his need became overwhelming. He reached for the last ribbon.

  A pounding came from the door, then Campbell's angry voice. "MacKinnon, I ken you're in there. My guard saw you enter. You're as good as dead, you miserable swine!"

  Sorcha screamed and retied the ribbon with trembling fingers, then slipped on her robe.

  Hell! As bad as Galen hated to admit it, Sorcha was still betrothed to the whoreson. MacPherson would be furious if he thought Galen had been dallying with his sister, and could refuse to break the marriage contract. And that would never do.

  He glanced around the room, searching for a way out, but found none. Then his gaze fell on a large chest in the corner. It would do. It would have to. For Sorcha's sake he couldn't allow himself to be found in her bedchamber, even though he hadn't compromised the lass.

  "What are you going to do?" Sorcha whispered.

  He took her small, trembling hands in his. "Don't fash yourself, lass," he said, keeping his voice low. "I've a plan."

  "What the devil is going on, Campbell?" Kade asked in the corridor, a distinct edge to his voice. "I thought I told you to stay in your room."

  "MacKinnon is in there with my wife—or she will be in a fortnight. I demand that something be done immediately, MacLachlan."

  He could hear Kade sigh even through the thick oak of the bedchamber door. "If you're in there, Galen, open the door."

  Galen grinned. Kade didn't really expect him to actually open the door. He knew Galen better than that. He hurried across the room and opened the heavy lid of the chest.

  Sorcha watched as he crawled beneath the wool blankets and bolsters, then curled into a ball on his side. "Cover me up, lass. If Campbell searches the room, don't look at the chest. That'll give me away for certain," he whispered, then gave her a wicked wink.

  After carefully packing the blankets over him, she quietly closed the lid. With trembling hands, Sorcha unbolted the door. Archibald rushed into the room.

  "Where is the cur?" he demanded, grabbing Sorcha by the shoulders and shaking her.

  "There's no one here, Archibald," Sorcha cried, afraid her neck would snap at any moment.

  Kade and Jillian hurried into the room behind him.

  "If you don't let her go, Campbell," Kade warned, "I'll not be responsible for my actions."

  Archibald turned her loose.

  Sorcha staggered backwards and grabbed a chair to keep from falling to the floor. She held on tightly, for her knees were shaking so hard she couldn't stand alone.

  Jillian looked at Sorcha and raised a questioning brow. With Archibald busy shoving away the bed skirt and searching beneath the bed, Sorcha glanced at the chest to let Jillian ken where Galen was hiding.

  Jillian acknowledged her understanding with a slight tilt of her head. Then she slowly walked across the room, stopping but a few feet from where Galen was concealed.

  Mumbling, Campbell ran to the chest and reached for the lid.

  Jillian quickly placed her hand on top of the chest. "Nay, Laird Campbell, you'll not be searching here."

  Kade raised a brow.

  "Why ever not?" Campbell asked, glaring at Jillian.

  "'Tis filled with sentimental items that I brought from Lochstorm after Kade and I were wed. Besides, a man the size of Galen would never be able to fit inside with all my things."

  Kade's brows shot up in surprise, then as understanding dawned, he moved to stand beside his brilliant wife. "You heard her. Leave the chest be, or you'll have me to answer to, Campbell."

  "And us, as well." Cinead added from the doorway, a scowl on his face and a dirk in his hand.

  Duncan stood at his side, his hands balled into fists.

  Archibald stepped away from the chest. "Very well, but I ken MacKinnon was in here. I don't ken how he got out, but he did." He looked at Sorcha, his face distorted with anger. "
Your brother will be most disappointed to learn what a whore you've become. I should be the one breaking the marriage contract. But for reasons of my own, I'll not." Without another word, he stomped out of the bedchamber with one of Kade's guards close on his heels.

  Sorcha breathed a sigh of relief. If Galen hadn't bolted the door behind him when he'd first entered there's no telling what might have happened.

  Kade lifted the lid. "You can come out now."

  Galen poked his head up out of the blankets, giving Sorcha one of his irresistibly devastating grins. "I told you not to worry," he said stepping over the side of the chest.

  But she had worried—and still did—about what Alex would say if Archibald told him Galen had been seen going into her bedchamber.

  Kade scowled. "You've put me in a quandary, Galen." He turned to Sorcha. "My lady, there is no delicate way in which to ask this, but has Galen compromised you?"

  Sorcha's mouth fell open and she felt heat creeping into her face. Did he really expect her to answer such a question?

  Jillian gasped. "Kade, how could you ask a lady such a thing?"

  He let out a long breath. "Jilly, I need to ken everything. Laird MacPherson will be here tomorrow and I don't want secrets seeping from the walls."

  "Nay, Kade, she's still an innocent," Galen said, his gaze devouring Sorcha.

  Her whole body heated. Judging by the way she'd melted into Galen's arms only moments before, she wasn't certain she'd still be an innocent if Archibald hadn't knocked at the door.

  Galen kissed Jillian on the forehead. "Much thanks for what you did."

  She touched Galen on the shoulder. "Did you not save us from certain death on the side of that cliff last year? Galen, I owe you my life—we both do," she said, smiling up at Kade.

  Jillian and Kade's love for one another was evident whenever they were together. Sorcha envied them. What she longed for more than anything was a love like they had, but would she ever have it? She glanced at Galen. Or would Alex force her to return to Archibald?

  Kade took Jillian's hand. "Get some sleep. 'Tis not long until the break of dawn. Cin, Duncan, see Galen to his bedchamber, will you?"

  Cinead grinned and nodded.

  "Good night, Sorcha," Jillian said over her shoulder as Kade led her through the doorway.

  Galen's two friends waited for him in the corridor.

  He cupped her chin and brought his mouth down over hers. She clung to him, savoring the marvelous sensations spiraling though her. Then he took his lips away, leaving her wanting more.

  "Lass, you make me daft. 'Tis as if you've cast a spell upon me." He pressed a kiss to the base of her throat, then lifted his head. "Perhaps the morrow will bring a new and brighter day," he said, then left her bedchamber.

  Sorcha stood in the middle of the room for several minutes after the door closed. Her feelings for Galen were different than anything she'd known. He brought out a strange longing in her she didn't understand.

  She removed her robe and slipped beneath the covers. Could it be love she felt for Galen? If so, she'd never known love before. After finally finding it, how would she ever live without it—or Galen?


  The first rays of the morning sun had not yet reached the Highland glens when Galen came hurrying down the stairs. He wanted to be nearby to protect Sorcha, should Campbell confront her. He spotted the scoundrel sitting beside the fire in the great hall, with his guards close by.

  Galen turned to find Kade coming toward him.

  "Did you sleep well, Galen?"

  Galen grinned. "Not a wink. I had a lot on my mind."

  Kade smiled and slapped him on the back. "I'm certain you did. You ken I care for you, as I would mine own brother, but I can only give Laird MacPherson my opinion in this matter. The decision as to whether Lady Sorcha is returned to Campbell will be solely his."

  "Och, I ken," Galen said. Fear for what would happen to Sorcha, should she be sent back to Campbell, gnawed at him like a starving wolf. "Perhaps MacPherson will listen to what you have to say. He must, if he indeed cares for the welfare of his sister."

  "I sent Shaw and several others out to escort the MacPherson party the remainder of the way to Ravenskull." Kade glanced across the room. "I don't trust Campbell. Not one bit."

  "Nor do I," Galen said, his gaze fastened on the striking young woman making her way down the stairs. She wore a gown of deep burgundy, with her hair wild and loose about her shoulders. He fixed his eyes on her lips, the feel and taste of them still fresh in his mind. He let out a long breath and met her when she stepped onto the floor. "Lady Sorcha, you're as lovely as a field of wildflowers."

  She smiled and her cheeks turned an exquisite shade of pink. "Much thanks," she said, then turned to Kade. "Laird MacLachlan, I wish to thank you for the kindness you and Jillian have shown me."

  "You're welcome. And please, call me Kade. Your brother will be arriving soon, and I promise to do my very best to convince him that the marriage contract between you and Campbell should be broken. There are unforeseen circumstances that should make a contract void, and in my opinion, this is one of them." Kade sighed. "But ultimately the decision is up to your brother. Because of a marriage contract signed by Jilly's father—one that neither of us were aware of—it took four long years for us to find one another again."

  Sorcha nodded and glanced shyly at Galen. Then she looked past him and her face paled.

  He turned to find Campbell coming across the great hall toward them. "Sorcha, I've been waiting for you. Come, I will take you to break your fast." He reached for her arm.

  Galen shoved her behind him.

  "What the devil do you think you're doing, MacKinnon? She's mine and there's naught you can do about it. You can lust after her all you like, but it won't change a thing." He smirked.

  "Why, you bastard," Galen said, grabbing Campbell by the front of his shirt, his knuckles pressing against his windpipe. If he pushed a wee bit harder, he'd not have to worry ever again about the filthy cur harming Sorcha.

  Campbell's guards rushed toward them, coming to a halt when several MacLachlan guards appeared from out of nowhere.

  Shaw hurried into the great hall, whispered something into Kade's ear, then disappeared back outside.

  "Let him go, Galen," Kade insisted. "Laird MacPherson has just arrived."

  Galen kept his hold on Campbell for a moment longer, before reluctantly turning him loose.

  Campbell staggered backwards, gasping for air, and clutching at his throat. "You'll pay for that, MacKinnon. Of that you can be certain," he said hoarsely.

  Galen itched to ram his fist down Campbell's throat. He should have choked the life out of the blackguard whilst he had the chance.

  The entry door swung open and eight armed guards walked in. Kade's own guards stood nearby, their hands on their weapons. Behind them, came Alexander MacPherson. The man could be a formidable enemy—or an impressive ally, Galen was certain.

  Cinead and Duncan entered from the great hall, and moved to Galen's side.

  Where was Ewan? An icy sliver of fear chilled his blood. What if MacPherson didn't bring his brother with him? Could all this have been for naught?

  Through narrowed eyes, MacPherson's gaze scanned the room, then fell on his sister. "Sorcha, are you well?" he said, his concern for her clear in both his voice and his worried expression.

  Galen fought back the urge to grab Sorcha and keep her from MacPherson's reach until he knew whether or not he'd brought Ewan.

  Smiling, Sorcha rushed to her brother, and raising onto her toes, she kissed him on the cheek. "Alex, I am well. Everyone here at Ravenskull has been most kind and hospitable."

  "I'm glad to hear that," he said, then scowled at Campbell. "I told you to wait for me. Your impatience could have proved harmful to my sister."

  Campbell forced a smile. "Please forgive me, Laird MacPherson. I'm afraid I let my concern for Lady Sorcha's safety rule my thinking."

  MacPherson glanced at Gal
en and raised a dark brow. His and Sorcha's coloring was much different, his dark, hers light, but their eyes were the same pale green. "As per your request, MacKinnon, I have brought your brother along to trade for my sister." He nodded to one of his guards, who stepped outside and re-entered with Ewan in tow.

  Ewan raced across the room and threw his arms around Galen. "Much thanks, Galen, for my freedom."

  "You're welcome, lad." Galen held him close. Thankfully, he'd not be finding his head in a hangman's noose. He looked across the room. "I thank you, MacPherson. I'll send a missive to my father regarding Ewan's safe return."

  He nodded. "My business with you is finished here, MacKinnon." He turned to Sorcha. "But I have many questions as to why you left Clifftower Castle, sister."

  Kade stepped forward, with Jillian beside him. "I'm Kade MacLachlan, the laird of Ravenskull, and this is my wife…"

  "Jilly," MacPherson exclaimed, grinning. "How wonderful to see you after all these years." His gaze traveled the length of her. "You look even lovelier than I remember."

  Jillian blushed.

  Kade frowned.

  Galen grinned.

  "Tis good to see you again as well, Alex. Welcome to Ravenskull."

  "Much thanks, Jilly."

  Kade cleared his throat. "MacPherson, we need to talk. Let's continue our conversation in the solar."

  "As you wish, MacLachlan," Alex said, his gaze resting on Jillian.

  'Twas quite obvious Kade was jealous of the attention MacPherson was giving his wife.

  MacPherson frowned. "Is it necessary for the man who kidnapped my sister to be present?"

  Kade raised a brow. "I'm afraid that 'tis. Once you hear him out, you'll understand."

  Alex nodded. "Very well."

  Kade and Jillian led the way, followed up by Sorcha, MacPherson and Campbell, with Galen, Cinead and Duncan bringing up the rear. Once the door was closed, with guards belonging to each of the lairds waiting in the corridor, they all sat down.

  MacPherson sat beside Sorcha, and Campbell glared as Galen took the seat on her other side.


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