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Once Upon a Highland Moon (The Highland Moon Series)

Page 14

by Gwyn Brodie

  "I as well."

  They rode in silence for a few moments, then Galen spoke. "Sorcha, I need to explain my actions in the garden." He sighed. "You see, lass, I've never been any good at relationships. In the past, I've gone from one female to the next, simply because I couldn't see myself settling down with any of them. With you, 'twas different. I wanted you, Sorcha, so badly my bones ached. But I feared I'd only cause you heartache, which is something I'd never wish to do. But I've come to realize, after coming so close to losing you, I can't live without you. And if you'll have me, I intend to ask your brother for your hand."

  She turned her head to the side and arched a brow. "What if I refuse?"

  He grinned down at her. "Would you?"

  "Would I what? Refuse to marry you, or marry you?"

  She made him daft. "Would you be my wife for all eternity, Sorcha MacPherson?"

  When she looked up at him, tears sparkled in her eyes. "Aye, I believe I might at that. But what if Alex denies your request?"

  Galen shrugged. "I'll be marrying you anyway."

  She nodded. "I thought as much," she said, and snuggled back against him.

  It wasn't long before her body relaxed in sleep. He kept his arm snug about her waist. He didn't want his future wife slipping from the horse. Wife. At the thought, a wave of protectiveness washed over him. Since he'd finally admitted he loved her, Galen could hardly wait to marry her—and get her into his bed.

  He imaged her wearing naught, her mane of red curls vivid against her creamy skin, covering all but a small portion of her perfect breasts—exactly as she'd been that night in her bedchamber. As always, her nearness sent need pulsing though his veins. Even now, every movement of the horse was pure torture. But he would endure, for she would be his—'twas but a matter of time. And Sorcha was worth waiting for.


  Sorcha woke with at start. She opened her eyes, then smiled. 'Twas but one of the castle kittens, licking her chin with his tiny tongue. The golden ball of fur must have been in her bedchamber when she went to bed the previous night.

  He meowed.

  Sorcha picked him up and placed him on the bed beside her. She scratched him behind the ears, eliciting a purr. "Quite a lot of noise coming from such a wee thing as yourself, don't you think?" she teased.

  Purring loudly, the kitten dropped onto his back and swatted at a strand of Sorcha's hair with his tiny paw. When she tickled his belly, he caught one of her fingers between his teeth and pretended to bite her.

  Sorcha laughed. "I wonder if Jillian would give you to me. In case she does, I need to find you a proper name. Now, let me see. What do you think of Nutmeg?"

  The kitten continued its assault on her hand.

  "Then Nutmeg 'tis. I'll bring something back for you to eat when I go down to break my fast." While Sorcha dressed, she thought about all that had happened the day before. Not long after they'd started on their journey back to Ravenskull, she'd fallen asleep against Galen's hard chest. As she dozed in and out of sleep, he'd whispered something in her ear, but for the life of her, she couldn't remember what 'twas.

  Though a peat fire warmed the room, she shivered, as the night he'd held her in his arms slipped into her thoughts. He'd made her feel things she'd never felt before. What would have happened had he stripped away his belted plaid? What will the marriage bed be like with him as her husband?

  With her mind reeling with sinful thoughts, she left Nutmeg curled in a tiny ball in the center of her bed, and stepped into the corridor.

  The wickedly handsome cause of those thoughts was waiting for her when she reached the lower floor. "Morning, lass," Galen said, a smile on his attractive face.

  "Good morn. How is your arm?"

  He opened and closed his hand, flexing the muscles of his forearm. "'Tis well. Whatever Annag put on it has stilled the pain."

  "I'm glad to hear that."

  "Did you sleep well?"

  "Aye, I did." She sighed. "But I was awakened early by kisses from a most handsome young male."

  His face fell and his brows shot up.

  'Twas all Sorcha could do to keep from bursting into laughter.

  He frowned. "Where is the blackguard? I'll teach him a thing or two."

  She forced herself to look serious. "Well, he was still in my bed, when I left my chamber."

  Galen snorted. "Surely you jest."

  "Nay, see for yourself, if you don't believe me."

  "I'll do just that, and I'll toss him on his arse, when I get there."

  Sorcha covered her mouth to stifle a grin, as Galen stomped his way up the stairs and threw open her bedchamber door. A few moments later he returned, red faced.

  She laughed.

  The corners of his mouth curved upward. "I'll admit, lass, you had me fooled, right up to the point to where I was searching beneath your bed for the cur. Then, when I lifted my head, I came eye to eye with your young male."



  "Nutmeg, that's his name, Nutmeg. I plan to ask Jillian if I may have him."

  He chuckled and offered her his arm. "Sorcha, you're an absolute delight."

  Sorcha was overwhelmed with happiness, as Galen led her to the high table. Could it be possible for her to have her dream after all?

  When they arrived at the table, everyone else was already there. Sorcha took her usual seat beside Jillian, and Galen sat down beside her. She washed and dried her fingers, while she waited for the servant girl to fill her bowl with hot porridge. Once she'd finished, Sorcha drizzled a lot of honey over the top, just the way she liked it.

  Jillian smiled. "I see you have a sweet tooth, Sorcha, just as I do." She ate a spoonful of her own porridge.

  "Aye, I'm afraid I do." Sorcha stirred the honey into her porridge, then pulled off a small chunk of bread and dipped it into her bowl.

  "Good morning, sister." Alex took a gulp of the warm mulled wine.

  "Morning, Alex." She was thrilled to have the two men she cared about most in the world sitting at the same table.

  The servant girl refilled Jillian's goblet, then continued down the table."I ken you were exhausted after yesterday, she said, taking a sip. "Did you sleep well?"

  Galen near choked on his drink.

  Sorcha burst out laughing.

  The entire table stopped talking and stared at them, as if they'd both gone daft.

  Galen held up his palms. "Before the lot of you jump to any conclusions, please, let me explain." By the time he finished telling them of the prank Sorcha played on him, they laughed until they cried.

  Cinead grinned. "Serves you right. 'Tis many days the three of us have been on the unpleasant end of your pranks."

  "Aye," Kade agreed.

  Duncan nodded.

  Sorcha turned to Jillian. "Might I have the kitten? I'm become quite fond of the wee ball of fur. I've named him Nutmeg."

  "Nutmeg. I like that. Of course you may have him."

  When the meal was finished, Sorcha wrapped bits of food into a small cloth for Nutmeg. As she rose from the bench, Galen took her arm.

  "I'm about to ask your brother for your hand. I hope you haven't changed your mind about marrying me?"

  She smiled. "Nay, not yet I haven't."

  He grinned. "See that you don't. I'll come find you later."

  Sorcha nodded and headed up the stairs, her stomach in knots as she worried about what Alex's answer might be.

  Galen smiled. Sorcha looked especially lovely, with a glow in her cheeks he'd not noticed before. He headed across the great hall to where Kade and MacPherson were speaking. They stopped upon his approach.

  "Galen, Alex and I were just discussing Cin's stallion, Shadowmere. After seeing his speed and agility on the battlefield, he's interested in using him to breed his mares."

  MacPherson nodded. "Of course, I'll need to discuss it with MacLeod, but I'd be willing to pay him well."

  "I'm certain the idea will appeal to Cin,'' Galen said. "MacPherson, might I
take a bit of your time?"

  "Aye, of course," Alexander said, glancing over at Kade. "What about your library?"

  Kade nodded. "'Tis yours for as long as you need it."

  Alexander followed Galen into the library and sat down on a chair beside the fire. "What was it you wished to speak to me about?"

  Galen took a seat across from him. "Sorcha."

  He nodded. "Aye. What about her?"

  Saints above! Galen couldn't believe he actually wanted to be married. He blew out a long breath. "I wish to marry her."

  "Umm. 'Tis a strange situation, to say the least. You rescue her from the highwayman…"

  Galen nodded. "Aye, I did."

  "Then you kidnap her…"

  "Aye, I did that, too, but for good reason, as you well ken," Galen interrupted.

  "Then you brought her here," Alexander continued, "went to her bedchamber and dallied with her affections."

  How the devil did he ken that? His body heated, at the memory of holding Sorcha in his arms, as his lips moved over her silky skin.

  "Don't deny you did, for I've been told as much by a most reliable source."

  Galen got up from his seat and walked to the window. "Nay, I'll not deny I went to her bedchamber. But if you're saying I compromised her, you're wrong. I care very much for Sorcha."

  Alexander snorted. "'Tis what you say, but from what I've been told, you had plans to walk away from her before her abduction."

  Galen spun around and glared at MacPherson. "I thought it best for her—and myself, if I let her be. But it seems I was wrong—on both accounts. I've already explained my actions to Sorcha. I came here to ask your permission, MacPherson, only because I wished for us to come to some sort of terms—for Sorcha's sake." Anger ran like boiling water through Galen's veins and his hands clenched into fists at his sides. "If you refuse to give us your blessing, then be damned. I'll be marrying her anyway." He walked out of the library, and slammed the door closed behind him.

  Chapter Eleven

  How could MacPherson ever doubt Galen cared for Sorcha? Hadn't he rescued her more than once, even while risking his own life? And he'd do it again without a second thought. Galen seethed with anger as he hurried away from the library. He had to put some distance between himself and MacPherson—before he did something he'd later regret.

  He blew out a long breath. If he wanted to marry the lass, then he'd have to make arrangements to do so. He'd find Father McTavish and ask him to perform a private ceremony in the kirk. He'd just crossed the great hall and stepped into the courtyard when he heard his name being called. He spun around.

  'Twas MacPherson, with Kade close on his heels.

  "What is it you want, MacPherson?" Galen's anger hadn't lessened since leaving the library.

  "I can see you care for Sorcha and that she cares for you as well. I made a terrible mistake betrothing her to Campbell, one I'll have to live with for the remainder of my life. I don't wish to make another mistake at her cost."

  Kade moved to Galen's side. "Galen is a good man, Alex, and he'll be good to Sorcha. If 'twas my own sister he wished to wed, I'd not hesitate for a moment in giving my blessing. You saw him on the battlefield; you watched with your own eyes as he took her from Campbell. I'll swear on my honor as Laird of Ravenskull, you'll not be making a mistake."

  Galen swallowed back an emotion so strong it made his throat ache. "Much thanks, Kade."

  Kade nodded. "What I say is but the truth."

  MacPherson raised a brow and looked at Galen, then blew out a long breath. "You have my blessing."

  Galen grinned. "I'll let Sorcha ken." He turned to reenter the castle.


  Galen came to an abrupt stop. "Aye?"

  MacPherson's eyes narrowed. "You treat her well, or you'll have me to answer to."

  Galen nodded. "You'll not have to worry about that," he said, then went to find his future wife.


  While Jillian was in the nursery with Robbie, Sorcha went to the solar carrying Nutmeg tucked beneath her chin. He purred contentedly when she sat down near the window and placed him on her lap. After a moment, the kitten jumped down and chased a moth across the room, then watched it settle on a rafter far out of his reach. Sorcha chuckled.

  The solar door opened, and Galen came inside. "Glennis said she saw you come in here." He sat down beside her. "Your brother has given us his permission to wed."

  She was pleased that Alex approved of the match. She'd have hated going behind his back and marrying without his approval, but she would have, because she loved Galen. She smiled.

  Galen frowned. "You don't seem to be too pleased by the news. Is something amiss?"

  She took his handsome face between her hands. "Galen, I truly wish to be your wife, more than anything, but first, there's something I must ken."

  He raised a brow. "What?"

  "Do you love me?" If Galen didn't truly love her, Sorcha wouldn't marry him. She believed that he did, but she wanted to hear him say it.

  He chuckled. "I've said as much already, haven't I?"

  She frowned. "When? I don't remember you ever saying it."

  "During our travel back to Ravenskull, I spoke it in your ear. Do you not remember?"

  She thought for a moment, then the words, I love you, lass, came to memory as clear as day. She laughed. "Aye, I do remember."

  Galen chuckled. "But, I don't mind saying it again. In fact, I intend to say it over and over, for the rest of our lives." He pulled Sorcha against him and kissed her as passionately as he had that blissful night in her bedchamber. He lifted his head. "I love you, Sorcha MacPherson," he declared, then pressed his lips to her throat, making her shiver. "You make me daft with need," he whispered against a most sensitive place just beneath her ear. He drew her onto his lap and once again covered her mouth with his.

  Sorcha melted against him. His amazing kisses made her tremble with desire.

  His hand dropped to the hem of her skirt and Sorcha's pulse raced.

  He took his mouth away from hers and their gazes locked, as his hand slowly traveled to her knee, then up her leg to the juncture of her thighs, touching Sorcha in a way she'd never imagined.

  He brushed his lips across hers. "I want you, lass," he whispered against her mouth, then deepened the kiss, devouring her, possessing her with every stroke of his tongue and fingers.

  Her body was afire with need. She moaned softly, clinging to his shoulders.

  Someone knocked at the door.

  Sorcha jumped up from Galen's lap and smoothed down her skirts with trembling hands, then took a seat a few feet away.

  The door swung open and Jillian walked into the room.

  Galen rose to his feet, careful to conceal his obvious need.

  Jillian took one look at Sorcha's wide eyes, puffy lips, flushed face and disheveled hair, then turned to him and raised a brow.

  He shrugged.

  Jillian rolled her eyes.

  What had she wanted him to do? Admit he'd been close to pleasuring the lass? That he couldn't keep his hands off of her?

  She moved her attention back to Sorcha. "I understand we have a wedding ceremony to plan."

  Sorcha smiled. "Aye, it appears we have at that." Her brilliant green eyes sparkled with happiness.

  Galen's heart danced. She was to be his wife and he could hardly wait. "Then I'll be leaving you to it," he said, winking at Sorcha as he closed the solar door behind him.


  Lightning flashed across the night sky, and the wind howled through the nooks and crannies of Clifftower Castle, adding to the deafening roar of the pouring rain. Alone in his bedchamber, Archibald sat beside the fire. He finished off the bottle of whisky and threw the container against the far wall, scattering tiny shards of glass about the room.

  He staggered to his feet. "Damn you, MacKinnon," he muttered to himself, "because of you, I've lost a great deal of wealth. That waterway should be mine." The waterway alone had been hi
s reason for asking MacPherson for his sister's hand. When he learned her dowry contained a parcel of land he'd coveted for many years, he had to have her. Archibald had planned to charge the merchant ships immense fees for allowing them safe passage. He'd have soon been rich beyond belief.

  He stared into the red and yellow flames. Sorcha. A beauty she was, for sure, with her shapely curves and full lips. His loins tightened, when he remembered the feel of her soft mouth pressed beneath his own. But once he'd satisfied his desire for her, and produced an heir to Clifftower, he'd have had little use for her. Too delicate for his needs, she was.

  Rage swept over him like a wild river and he jumped up from his seat. Damn it! One way or another he'd get his hands on that land—and Sorcha.


  Over a week had passed since Galen and Sorcha were alone in the solar. Galen paced the floor. His need for her was driving him stark raving mad. Her ladies' maid, Inna, had arrived from Blackstone, and was now sleeping on a pallet beside his bride-to-be's bed. Earlier that evening, he'd stepped into the corridor and headed toward her bedchamber, but came to his senses and returned to his own.

  Thankfully, it'd be his last night without her, for on the morrow they were to wed. No more stealing moments in darkened corners to taste her lips or hold her, his body in agony at feeling her shapely curves pressed against him. Each time he released her, was harder than the last.

  He poured himself a dram of whisky and tossed it down. Then poured another. Perhaps if he drank enough, he'd be able to sleep without the endless fever burning inside him. He snorted. Who was he fooling? There was only one way he'd ever rid himself of such a fever—by making love to Sorcha.


  Sorcha's pulse raced with excitement. She couldn't believe she would be wed within the hour. She sat still, while Inna twisted each strand of hair into a long curl that hung to her waist. The exquisite pale blue dress and matching slippers she wore were the same ones Jillian and Kade's mother were wed in. And they fit her perfectly.

  "'Tis finished." Inna handed Sorcha a small mirror of polished steel.

  Sorcha gasped. "Oh, 'tis lovely. Much thanks, Inna."


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