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Roommates Page 43

by Valerie Reyes

  The men grinned at each other, knowing what was to come. They kissed, before locking eyes, looking at each other lovingly.

  Steve smiled. “Thank you.”

  Greg tilted his head. “What for?”

  “Not kicking me out when I was down and under. I really needed to find a place to stay and get back on my own two feet, and now life couldn’t be better,” he admitted happily. Greg just chuckled, kissing his lover once more, not an ounce of hesitation in his movement.

  Tied in Knots

  Chapter 1

  It was the first Friday night of the semester. Students everywhere were partying hard before the onslaught of homework and exams entered their realm of existence and consumed their every waking minute. Everyone was going wild. Everyone, that is, except for Shawn. He was a freshman and, like many other first-timers, he was finding it hard to assimilate into college life.

  While some of the other people on his floor were already forming groups with one another, he had shut himself inside of his room, trying to block out the world that seemed so uninviting to him. Ever the introvert, even his roommate ignored him. They never spoke and rarely saw each other. To be honest, Shawn didn’t even know the guy’s last name.

  But tonight, he had made the bad decision of grabbing takeout after one of his MMO raids. He had ventured into the outside world in search of food and came back only to find that he had left his ID card in the room. He searched his pockets multiple times, but still found nothing.

  He tried looking around for someone who could help him, maybe someone who lived in the same dorm, but no one passed by him. Everyone was somewhere else, getting wasted on cheap liquor. Shawn sighed and sat down, hoping someone would come to his rescue, but once an hour went by and still no one showed up, he became frustrated.

  “This is ridiculous,” he whispered to himself. He took another look around before getting up. If help wouldn’t come to him, then he would go find some himself. With this thought in mind, he started to walk away from his dorm, cutting through the courtyards in the direction where he believed the main campus building was. Maybe someone in the student center would be able to help him. It was a long shot, especially on a Friday night, but he was running out of options.

  In the dark, the campus of Pembroke University was very different. Each shadow seemed to hold a mystery, a threat that could destroy Shawn at any minute. His pace quickened as he had the overwhelming sensation that someone was following him. He tried not to look over his shoulder, knowing it would only exacerbate the feeling of dread that was wrapping around him. Taking a deep breath, he continued forward, trying to remain calm.

  But as he looked up, his face contorted in confusion. His surroundings no longer looked familiar. He had never been to this part of campus before. Looking around, he tried to figure out where he had ended up, but it was all strange to him. He didn’t know how he had gotten there, but all of a sudden deep fear crept into his soul, making the blood in his veins run cold.

  Despite this, he still moved forward. His steps were almost meek, as he tiptoed toward the forest that now ran along his right side. He peered between the trees as if he would find something of interest between them. Of course, the darkness showed him nothing. Still, there was something of a gravitational pull bringing him closer and closer to the edge of the forest.

  While he was scared, a part of him was also excited. He was taken over by a sudden urge that he knew he could only satisfy if he made his way into the forest. What was this feeling? Shawn couldn’t understand it as he stopped, standing before a large, ancient-looking tree. He was about to reach out and touch it when the sound of someone walking up behind him forced him to stop.

  “What are you doing?” A smooth voice sliced through the night until it made its way to Shawn. He quickly turned around, trying to pinpoint the location of the sound. He was a little shocked when he saw a handsome individual standing in front of him. Shawn couldn’t help himself from admiring the man standing there, his hands tucked in the pockets of an expensive-looking leather jacket.

  He had never seen him around campus before, and the way he presented himself suggested that he wasn’t a freshman. His eyes were warm, a brilliant shade of mahogany. Shawn stared into these eyes for a moment before looking away, taking in his whole appearance. The man looked to be about six feet. His face looked sophisticated, slightly tapered with well-groomed facial hair, and perfectly styled long hair. Shawn determined, just by the look of him, that this was an upperclassman who had his affairs in order, who knew what he was going to do with the rest of his life.

  “Didn’t your parents ever teach you that it’s rude to stare?” the man said as he moved closer, shortening the gap between them. Shawn could not find his voice but instead stood there, his light blue eyes wide. He looked like a small, frightened animal, with his innocent expression and wildly messy look. The man chuckled, making Shawn tilt his head to the side.

  “Cat got your tongue?” he asked, leaning forward, balancing on the tips of his toes so their faces were closer together. Shawn’s cheeks reddened instantly as the man’s scent flooded his senses. His heart was rampaging in his chest, threatening to burst through the seams. When Shawn still said nothing, the man looked at him more, closing his eyes and focusing. A smile spread across his face as he sensed the small trace of wolf heritage running through his blood. He was an omega. No wonder the forest had called out to him. What an excellent find.

  “Come. The forest is dangerous at night.” As he said this, the sound of multiple wolves howling in the distance broke Shawn out of his trance. The man watched as his clean-shaven, round face contorted with fear. “See? I told you.” With that, the man turned on his heels and walked away, as if abandoning Shawn.

  Chapter 2

  Shawn, seeing no other option, followed the unknown man. “Wait up!” he called out, jogging a short distance until they were walking side by side. Shawn felt himself become nervous as he stood close to the intimidating stranger. “So…um, what’s your name?” he asked, trying to break through the awkwardness that had formed between them.

  “Jeremy. Yours?” The man looked down at Shawn, who was a few inches shorter than himself and gave him a pearly white smile. Shawn smiled back, a dimple appearing in the center of his cheek. Jeremy looked at it a moment, finding it endearing.

  “Shawn,” he finally answered, before looking forward and placing his hands in his pockets. He didn’t know where they were going, but for some reason, he didn’t feel right looking at Jeremy. There was something about him that demanded Shawn’s submission. He feared to make eye contact.

  So they continued on their walk for a while, until the sound of a wild party got louder and louder. Shawn looked up, prying his eyes off the grass. As he looked up they were approaching an old, brownstone building. There were large double doors positioned in its center, with Greek lettering nailed to the top. Shawn looked at it for a moment. Was this a frat house?

  “Welcome to Kappa Alpha,” Jeremy explained as he made his way up the stairs, his stride confident as he approached the house. Shawn had heard about frat houses before. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to get mixed up with them, remembering all the movies he had watched. With these thoughts running through his mind, he stood on the grass, frozen in place, the moon hanging overhead.

  It bathed the surroundings with light but seemed to concentrate its efforts on the frat house, marking it as a pinnacle of importance. Shawn bit his lip, feeling anxious all of a sudden, like another step forward would change his entire life.

  The moonlight seemed to shift slightly, turning the focus on him, making his pale skin glow gently. His wild golden-brown hair shined bright. It appeared like a halo above his head as Jeremy turned around, looking at him. He smirked, looking up at the moon, the wolves’ oldest ally. Was it trying to tell him something now?

  As Jeremy continued to look at the younger male standing below him in the courtyard, he could feel a stirring inside of him. There was definitely something
about this man that was special, but could it be that he was the one? It wasn’t uncommon for alphas like himself to mate with male omegas, but still, he had always assumed he would mate with a female wolf. But, looking at Shawn, he shrugged. He was cute too.

  Finally, Jeremy turned around and opened the door to the frat house. The sound of the party spread through the courtyard, making its way to Shawn like a predator. It bombarded him not only with sounds but scents as well. He huffed a bit, trying to get rid of it, but it was a musky smell that took him over, making him scrunch his nose. It wasn’t bad, it was just strange, novel, and just a tad exciting.

  When Jeremy finally disappeared inside, Shawn broke away from the spell like he was overcoming a paralysis that had controlled his body. He looked up and his eyes went frantic as he noticed Jeremy was gone. A sense of dread washed over him, and he quickly ran up the stairs, making his way inside. Doing so, he bumped into Jeremy, nearly falling over.

  Before hitting the floor, however, Jeremy grabbed him. His strong arms pulled Shawn close until their bodies were touching. Shawn’s heart skipped a beat and his hormones surged as he felt the powerful individual so close to him. What was it about this man that made him so excited? “Careful,” Jeremy suddenly whispered in his ear, catching him off guard. He shuddered softly before Jeremy dropped his arms and let go of him. Shawn frowned a bit, wanting to feel his touch for just a while longer, but as Jeremy walked away, he knew that wasn’t going to happen.

  He ventured further into the frat house and was surprised to find out that everyone was quite friendly. They smiled at him and engaged in conversation like none of the other students had. Shawn smiled back and began to relax in their presence, letting his usual shy demeanor melt away. By the end of the night, he was feeling comfortable around all the frat boys. Still, he never left Jeremy’s side throughout the whole party. They didn’t speak much, but he felt an undeniable attraction between himself and Jeremy.

  He couldn’t understand what it was, but whenever Jeremy escaped from his sight, his heart would beat in an anxious rhythm and he would grow frightened. It was almost as if he was experiencing separation anxiety, something that had never happened before, especially with a stranger.

  “Enjoying yourself, are we?” Jeremy’s honey-like voice broke through the loud music that was surrounding them. Shawn jumped a little, not expecting the man to be so close. Jeremy’s hands were on his hips, something that should have weirded him out, but for some reason, it felt completely natural to him. Shawn smiled a bit before looking back at Jeremy, only to find that their faces were dangerously close.

  They locked eyes for a moment, a spark of excitement flying between them. Jeremy smirked, a sense of exhilaration flowing through him. He was the one. Jeremy took another moment to himself before he continued. “If you do like it, we are looking for new members. I’m the leader, so I can easily get you in. If you want to, that is,” Jeremy added in the last clause just for show, knowing the omega would accept the irrefutable offer.

  Shawn bit his lip for a minute, thinking it over. While he was trying to convince himself that he was unsure, deep inside, he knew he would accept. He couldn’t deny Jeremy. “I’d like that,” he finally said, a soft hue of pink decorating his already adorable cheeks.

  Chapter 3

  “Good,” Jeremy mused as he got closer, his face now inches away from Shawn, who blushed darker. He was trying to look away from the handsome man’s face, but he was stuck in his stare. He gulped as his chest beat quickly. There was something about their proximity that was making his body react in ways he had never felt before. His palms were sweaty, the hairs on the back of his neck were on edge, and goosebumps covered his entire body.

  “You can join tonight if you’d like.” There was something mysterious in Jeremy’s eyes now, turning them a slight shade darker. Shawn’s light blue eyes finally managed to pry away from the alpha’s. He looked around the crowded frat house, trying to make a decision. Would he want to live with all of these men, or would he want to remain in his old dorm with a roommate who barely knew he existed? Now that he thought about it, the decision seemed easy to make.

  He nodded, looking firm in his choice. Jeremy smiled, looking satisfied. He suddenly whistled loudly, the sound piercing through the trembling bass that was now making the house shake. Quickly, the music was turned off and everyone had their eyes on Jeremy, looking at him with the utmost attention. Some of them looked at Shawn, but most of them stared at their leader.

  “I have an important announcement to make,” he said, his voice strong and confident. Shawn watched him from the corner of his eye, now afraid to look at him directly, as if it would show some sign of disrespect. Jeremy stepped forward and wrapped his arm around the freshman’s shoulders, bringing him close. Other men looked on as small hints of jealousy transformed their expressions. Shawn didn’t notice. He was too caught up in the excitement of having this man holding him.

  “Shawn here would like to join our pack,” he announced. Shawn’s eyebrow furrowed a bit as he thought about Jeremy’s word choice. For some reason, the sound of the howling came back to him, reminding him of the forest. “What do you all say?” A roar of agreement echoed through the hall, making Shawn feel proud of himself for gaining the acceptance of all these men.

  With that, everyone disappeared, venturing back into their respective corners of the house. The music blasted once more and everything went back to normal, as if nothing had happened at all. “That’s it?” Shawn asked, a little disappointed. From all the movies he had seen, he expected something more.

  “Not at all,” Jeremy chuckled, grabbing a drink from a nearby table. He took a swig and then leaned against a nearby wall, posing naturally. Shawn’s eyes slowly ran over his body, noticing the tight, dark skinny jeans Jeremy wore. He bit his lip, trying to keep his thoughts from going down the path he was all too familiar with whenever he encountered another man he liked.

  “Oh?” Shawn finally whispered, standing there a little awkwardly.

  “We still need to initiate you into the group,” Jeremy explained, taking another sip. He looked almost uninterested, but there was a clear grin on his lips, as if he was hiding something. Shawn stayed quiet for a moment as he thought about what this could entail. Hopefully, it was nothing painful or humiliating like he’d seen in the movies. “Don’t worry, you’ll love it,” Jeremy winked, before pushing himself off the wall and stepping forward. “But you will have to wait a month.”

  After this, the night quickly came to an end and, before he knew it, Shawn was being escorted back to his dorm room. Jeremy had managed to call one of his friends who was an RA in the building to let them back in. When Shawn lay in his bed again, it all felt like some sort of a strange dream. He tried to replay the moments of the night, but it was all a blur, as though he had been drinking the whole night, even though his lips hadn’t touched a drop of alcohol.

  The month waiting period went more quickly than Shawn expected. His studies took up most of his time, and whenever he got the chance, he would spend his free time at Kappa Alpha. The wait was soon over, and he found himself in the frat house yet again, Jeremy by his side. During this time the two men had gotten to known each other very well. Jeremy, as Shawn had guessed, was a senior who seemed to know just about everything. Throughout the month, he had worked as a sort of mentor for Shawn, teaching him the ropes of college life, until they were both satisfied with the result.

  Now they were walking together through the house. There was an eerie feeling in the air, as it was completely empty. Everything was spotless, resting in its proper place, and shining brilliantly. Shawn didn’t expect a frat house to look this nice, but despite its luxury something about it felt off. He wondered where all the other brothers were.

  “Come,” Jeremy finally said, breaking the silence that had formed as Shawn looked around in hushed awe. The sound made him look up. He quickened his pace and was by Jeremy’s side once more. They were now standing in front of a do
or he hadn’t seen before. Jeremy fished into his pocket and pulled out an old-fashioned key. Opening it revealed a long descent of stairs, leading into an unknown darkness. Fear crawled under Shawn’s skin, making him hesitate for a moment. However, as Jeremy climbed down and the darkness consumed him, Shawn felt the irresistible urge to follow him. Slowly, he took the first step, his heart drowning out all other sound.

  As he made his way down, he came into the basement. There was a group of men standing in a circle before him. They all looked intimidating as they stared at him, making him feel nervous. Jeremy filled the vacant spot in the circle and while he was now in the group, there was something about him that made him stand out from all the rest. Stepping forward, Shawn took a blind leap into a whole new world.

  Chapter 4

  His steps took him forward until he was standing in the dead center of the circle. His eyes swept around him, slowly noticing every man who surrounded him. There were about twenty. Finally, his eyes rested on Jeremy’s shoes. Once again he felt the need to keep his eyes downcast in his presence.

  “Today we will bring Shawn into the pack,” Jeremy finally spoke up, stepping forward, breaking away from the perfect circle. The other men bowed their heads and all was quiet for a moment. There was a tense but excited air filling the basement, making Shawn a little nervous.

  Jeremy took another step forward until the distance between them was no more than a foot. He grinned before looking around. Each man, in turn, made eye contact with him. As this happened, the men began to transform, slowly turning into giant wolves one by one. Shawn’s eyes nearly popped out of his head as he saw this jaw-dropping conversion. A part of him wanted to run away from this nightmarish encounter, but he was frozen in place.

  He couldn’t move an inch, even as twenty fierce-looking wolves now surrounded him. He was scared, but he couldn’t will himself to run away. Instead, he just stood there. When the last man shapeshifted, Shawn’s eyes crept forward, until they were locked with Jeremy’s. The leader of the pack offered a soft smile. “From this moment forward, you are a member of Kappa Alpha.” With the end of his statement, Jeremy also transformed.


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