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Roommates Page 44

by Valerie Reyes

  While all the other men had coats of silver and gray, Jeremy transformed into a completely different species of wolf. He was bigger, nearly twice the size of the betas that surrounded him. His coat, instead of looking wiry like all the rest, seemed soft to the touch, almost silken. Patches of black and white decorated his body, giving him a balance of the iconic colors of good and evil. But most of all, while all the other wolves had dull eyes of brown, Jeremy had a bright golden pair that pierced through Shawn’s very soul.

  The wolf stepped forward, his body moving elegantly until he was inches away from Shawn, who was now in a state of awe, his mouth nearly hanging agape. He couldn’t believe this was happening, but at the same time, a sense of homecoming was flowing through him, as if his whole life had built up to this one moment.

  Jeremy’s golden eyes bore into Shawn’s now. On all fours, Jeremy was eye level with the shorter male. There was a majestic feeling to the beast that now stood before him. Shawn had to do everything in his power not to reach out and touch him. Somehow he stopped himself, feeling such an action might upset the wolf.

  A moment of silence passed between them, during which all the other men ceased to exist. As this happened, Jeremy took yet another step forward, finally destroying the gap that had settled between them. He bared his teeth, suddenly snarling before calming down. Shawn felt a shiver of fear run up his spine at the sound.

  Within a blink of an eye, the wolf’s teeth dug into Shawn’s neck, making him cry out for a moment at the sharp sense of pain. This pain dissipated, however, gradually, over time. Each second dragged on for an eon, but the pain finally transformed into pleasure, until a soft moan emerged from behind Shawn’s lips.

  The wolf kept his jaws locked around Shawn’s neck, not hard enough to cause major damage, but enough to leave a permanent mark, one that would forever claim this omega as his new mate. When the branding process was over, he pulled away, his long tongue slowly lapping at the small wound that now decorated the side of Shawn’s neck. Soon the wound would heal, but the scar would remain forever.

  Finally, the wolf pulled away, looking into Shawn’s eyes. In that moment, although Shawn was confused and full of questions about what had just happened, he knew he was safe. The whole ceremony felt like a scene from a cult movie, and while it did seem insane, there was something inside of him telling him that it was all going to be okay, that this was meant to happen.

  In that moment, Shawn accepted his new, wolf-based fate no matter where it would lead him. He did not know that he was marked as the alpha’s mate, but in time, he would come to understand and learn more about werewolves and their ancient customs. For now, he could only deal with what was happening in front of him.

  Jeremy, who finally broke their intimate stare, looked around at all the betas. A deep growl emerged from his throat, filling the whole basement with the loud sound. He circled around his newfound mate, making eye contact with each of the betas individually, giving them a personal message that this particular omega was not to be touched.

  The betas, in turn, bowed their heads, obedient to their leader, knowing that to harm the mate of an alpha in any way was punishable by death. Shawn now held high prestige in the pack, even if he did now know it yet. Eventually, when Jeremy had stared down all twenty betas, they turned back into their human forms, slowly shuffling out of the room.

  Shawn watched them go and then carefully observed Jeremy’s transformation until he was standing before Shawn as a human once more, their bodies inches apart. Shawn wanted to say something but was once again rendered speechless by the nature of the situation. Jeremy looked down at him, the sparks of love, lust, and passion mixing together in his warm-colored eyes until Shawn felt himself melt under the gaze.

  Before he could react, Jeremy was leaning down slowly, his hands reaching out, resting on Shawn’s cheeks. Suddenly, their lips pressed together.

  Chapter 5

  The kiss continued for what felt like an eternity, and within that time, Shawn felt himself melt into Jeremy’s lips. His whole world was being turned upside-down by the love he suddenly felt for this man. He couldn’t explain it, but it was some sort of innate desire that he knew he couldn’t quite quench.

  Finally, the kiss broke apart, and Jeremy smiled, looking down at his new mate. He had made the right decision, this much he was sure of. Now it was time for the real fun. “Come,” he whispered in the omega’s ear before he reached out and grabbed Shawn’s hand. Their fingers laced together naturally.

  While Shawn knew he was gay, he had never been in such a relationship. Holding Jeremy’s hand now was one of the best feelings he had ever felt. He smiled to himself, and when Jeremy started to pull him toward the stairs, he followed without an ounce of hesitation. This man was now part of every thought in his mind. His world consisted of nothing else.

  Before long, they were on the top floor, making their way down a long hallway. Various doors were on either side of the hallway. Each door was labeled with one or several names, indicating who lived within. As they reached the end of the hall, the last door had a plaque spelling “Jeremy” in large golden letters. Shawn’s heart rate quickened as he suddenly realized what was about to happen.

  Jeremy, sensing Shawn’s excitement, squeezed his hand before letting go and fishing inside his pocket for another key. Finally, he pulled it out and opened it with ease, letting the door swing open before he stepped over the threshold. Shawn didn’t move for a moment, standing there, looking inside, but seeing no more than a bookshelf in his current position. Should he go inside?

  Eventually, his need to be with Jeremy, to always have him within his sight, was overwhelming. He stepped in. As he entered, he was taken by surprise as Jeremy suddenly pushed him up against the wall while closing the door simultaneously. As his lips pressed into Shawn’s, he locked it, wanting nothing to disturb what was about to happen.

  With the door locked, Jeremy focused all of his attention on his mate. His lips pressed even harder against Shawn’s, a fire burning through his body that he knew couldn’t be satisfied until he mounted his mate. With this thought, he pressed his body closer, until their hips were rubbing together. It was clear they were both excited as bulges formed in their pants.

  Shawn was shocked but pleasantly surprised. He moaned into the kiss before his arms wrapped around Jeremy, surrendering himself up to this man, to the passions he would certainly show him. Jeremy seemed to somehow read his thoughts, because within a moment his hands were moving under Shawn’s shirt, running along his skin, making him shiver. Jeremy’s touch was enough to make Shawn moan, and he knew if the night continued, it would be the best one of his life.

  Soon enough, they were both naked, clothes strewn all over the spacious room. Now Jeremy was on top of Shawn, pinning him to the bed, looking down at him with a playful snarl emerging from his throat as he leaned down, kissing the mating mark that was still fresh on Shawn’s neck. He licked it gently, causing soft moans to emerge from Shawn’s lips as he arched his back, his body asking for more.

  Jeremy was happy to oblige, to give everything the omega could ever ask for as he flipped him over, getting him on all fours. By this time, the nervousness Shawn had felt was gone. A flirtatious demeanor overwhelmed him, causing him to sway his hips, teasing his new lover with his tantalizingly sexy ass.

  The alpha eyed it greedily before moving behind Shawn. One of his hands rested on Shawn’s hips as the other one held his large member in his hand, already rock hard and ready for some action. He leaned forward, guiding the tip toward the man’s entrance, teasing it ever so softly. “Beg,” he commanded, his voice stern and unfaltering. An omega was born to obey, and now would be the true test of Shawn’s submission.

  Shawn, a little humiliated by the request, felt a blush covering his cheeks, but did as he was told. “Please…I want you…so bad…Jeremy...” He continued to moan out small words, hoping it would be enough to convince the wolf that he wanted nothing else than to feel him inside. The
alpha chuckled a little. It was a weak attempt but he knew in time Shawn would get better.

  Not wanting to disappoint, Jeremy thrusted his hips forward, entering the man’s supple ass. As this happened, Shawn gasped loudly, feeling Jeremy’s knot swelling inside of him. He bit his lip, not knowing that this knot would trap the two men together until the alpha was finished. Instead, all that occupied Shawn’s mind was the pleasure that rocked his entire body as Jeremy started to thrust his hips in and out of him, pounding into him, slowly, but hard.

  The sound of skin on skin contact echoed through the room, mixing together with Shawn’s loud moans and whimpers as the large member tore his insides. Still, he wanted more. He needed more. Jeremy continued his assault until he felt the waves of pleasure roll up his body. He grunted out loudly as he reached forward and pulled Shawn’s hair, forcing him to arch his back. He leaned forward gently and whispered in Shawn’s ear, “Cum for me.”

  With those words, Shawn exploded in ecstasy, making a mess on the bed. Jeremy felt the omega climax and smiled with pride, giving a few more powerful thrusts before his own orgasm took over and he spilled his seed inside his all-too-willing mate.

  Chapter 6

  The two men lay there a moment, panting from their exertion. Jeremy smiled, feeling satisfied as he rolled over and wrapped his arms around his mate. Tenderly, he placed a kiss on his cheek. As he pulled away, Shawn smiled, his cute dimple making an appearance.

  “That was amazing,” Shawn whispered in a sort of daze. He had been a virgin, and he had never expected his first time to feel that good. He blushed a little, glad that he had met Jeremy on that fateful Friday. He smiled to himself before naturally cuddling up to the larger male.

  Jeremy, in turn, wrapped his arms around Shawn, pulling him in closer. He turned a thought over in his mind, trying to figure out what to do with it. He had news to share with Shawn, but wasn’t sure how the omega would take it. While Shawn had wolf blood in his veins, he didn’t seem aware of the fact. It seemed like he was experiencing the world of werewolves for the very first time, making what Jeremy had to say very tricky.

  He thought about it a moment more. Shawn looked up at his face, seeing it painted in what he recognized as concern. “What’s wrong?” he asked with a frown. He didn’t like seeing Jeremy upset.

  “I have something I need to tell you,” Jeremy said before sitting up, looking down at Shawn, who in turn did the same. Jeremy pulled him into his lap and leaned against the headboard, getting comfortable as he pulled Shawn a little closer until their faces were close together. Shawn’s heart started to beat quicker once more as he started to get excited, thinking there was more fun to come.

  Jeremy took a deep breath, closing his eyes for a moment, before opening them again, his warm gaze serious. “You’re pregnant.” Shawn’s face transformed with confusion as he looked at his lover. What was Jeremy saying? Did he just have sex with a complete psychopath? He bit his lip, trying to figure out what was going on.

  “I don’t understand…” he whispered, looking into the alpha’s eyes, trying to make sense of his absurd statement. How could he be pregnant? He was a guy.

  “Let me explain,” Jeremy finally said as he ran his fingers through his dark hair, now disheveled after their passionate experience. “As you already know, I am a werewolf.” Shawn nodded. Even though he still had a hard time believing it, it was impossible to deny. “You also have werewolf blood inside of you.”

  “I do?” Jeremy nodded. “How?”

  “Your parents were descendants of werewolves,” he explained. Shawn thought it over for a moment. He was an orphan and had been flung around from foster home to foster home, with no one ever keeping him for very long. It felt bittersweet to find out now that his parents had been werewolves. But it didn’t really explain why he had been abandoned.

  “I’m an orphan,” he admitted, his cheeks burning with embarrassment. Jeremy frowned at this piece of information. It was not uncommon for pups of lesser wolves to be abandoned when the parents were killed for various reasons. Jeremy, knowing this, pulled Shawn closer, comforting him with a small rub on the back.

  “I’m sorry. But now you have a new family with the pack. With me,” Jeremy whispered, before kissing the top of his head. “But as I was saying, you are of wolf heritage. However, you are an omega.”

  “Omega?” Shawn asked in confusion, tilting his head to the side.

  “Yes. Wolf packs consist of alphas, beta, and omegas. I am an alpha, which means I am a born leader. Betas are our fighters, the soldiers if you will. And lastly, omegas are our breeders.” Shawn frowned at the word. Breeder?

  “What does that mean, exactly?” he asked, trying to make sense of the pack dynamic, which he was not at all familiar with.

  “It means you can get pregnant, and omegas have a one hundred percent pregnancy rate when they mate with alphas,” Jeremy explained. Shawn allowed this information to settle for a bit. If what Jeremy was saying was true, then he was indeed pregnant. He blushed slightly and tried to figure out what this would mean for him.

  “But if I am pregnant, won’t people in the school get suspicious? I am a guy, and in the human world, a pregnant man would be rather weird,” Shawn said, babbling now in his fear of social rejection. Jeremy smiled a little before leaning down and kissing Shawn’s cheek.

  “That’s why you are coming with me.”

  “Where?” Even though he asked this question, he knew deep down that he would follow the alpha wherever they went. There was a bond that had formed between them when they had mated, which he knew would never be severed for as long as he lived.

  “The forest,” Jeremy whispered, bringing back memories of the first night they had met. Shawn thought back to the forest and how it had called out to him. Was it the wolf blood working inside of him, or was it just some coincidence? Now he was starting to think that everything that had happened to him in the past month was destiny at play.

  In the morning, the two men made their way into the forest. They held hands, looking like a normal gay couple as they walked through the campus. Soon they were at the tree line. Shawn looked inside, the call of the forest coming back once more. He felt it in his soul. This was his true home.

  As he felt this yearning stir inside of him, Jeremy pulled him forward, until they crossed the invisible line that distinguished between the human world and pack territory. After a few minutes of navigation, they entered a clearing. Shawn was in a state of shock as he looked at the various people working together, going in and out of wooden houses. Some of them were in their wolf forms while others looked perfectly normal. Instantly, he knew this wasn’t just a pack, but a tight-knit family he was about to become a part of.

  Chapter 7

  They entered pack grounds, and Jeremy’s grip on his mate intensified as the look of other hungry wolves fell on Shawn. Jeremy looked at them with accusatory glances, using his position within the pack to his advantage. He was the son of the current alpha, and thus he had the power to command and punish any wolf that dared to defy him or to touch what was rightfully his.

  Shawn was in a state of awe as he looked around, trying not to make eye contact with anyone, while also taking in the scenery and everything else that made this place look almost magical. Soon they entered the pack meeting hall, a long one-story house made of the finest trees. He stepped inside and made his way to the left until he was in a rather large kitchen. Various women were settled there, preparing food for the countless mouths they would have to feed that night.

  As he entered the room, one of them turned around. She looked older, but the tendrils of beauty still clung to her face, making her look sophisticated and proud. As Shawn looked at her, there was no denying the telltale similarities between this woman and his lover. He guessed her to be his mother.

  “Jeremy, what a lovely surprise.” Her voice was soft and melodic as she stepped forward, giving him a little kiss on both cheeks in a customary greeting. He nodded his head but sai
d nothing as she noticed the omega that was standing beside her son. She eyed him for a moment before smiling. “Congratulations. Your father is outside, near the great fire,” she explained, before turning her back and walking away.

  Jeremy dragged Shawn out of the house with the news. With a new mate, Jeremy now had the right to take his position as the leader of the pack. He was excited about what was to come and walked quickly, making Shawn nearly jog by his side as they made their way to the back of the house.

  There was a large ring of stones embedded in the ground. Various older but strong-looking men stood there, talking among themselves. One of them, in particular, stood out from all the rest, even though nothing really differentiated him. It was as if he possessed a different aura that called out to the omega.

  “Father,” Jeremy suddenly said confidently as he stepped toward the fire and his father, keeping Shawn close at hand. The man turned around and smiled, knowing his son’s voice well. His body rippled with muscles and his skin was covered in various scars. He had led a long life and enjoyed a good reign as alpha, but by the look on his son’s face, he knew that reign might soon come to an end.

  “Jeremy,” he responded, his voice just as smooth as his son’s, but with a tinge of huskiness that indicated his age. He looked at the omega that stood beside Jeremy and smiled. He could tell the omega was already pregnant, and was filled with pride for his son. “I see you have been busy,” he mused as he rubbed the long beard on his face.

  “I have,” Jeremy answered before letting go of Shawn’s hand. Shawn didn’t know what was going on, but he didn’t want Jeremy to let go nonetheless. He felt like something was missing, even though his lover was still there, only steps away from him.


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