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The Rise of a Dark Mage

Page 8

by D. L. Harrison

  I snickered, “That’s what shutters are for. But I suppose you’re right.”

  The carriage started moving forward and I shook my head.

  Marie asked, “What?”

  “For all you know, the driver could be headed for a cliff. This is disconcerting.”

  Daniel squeezed my hand, “It’s not that bad, although I admit I’d rather be on a horse myself. The door panels do open up you know. Would you like me to open them?”

  He moved when I glared at him, and the top piece swung down on a hinge on each door. It had been well disguised as just a decorative panel which is why I hadn’t noticed it. It was a tiny window, but better than nothing. We could see the sides of the roads at least.

  Marie asked, “So what does mom want?”

  Daniel shrugged, “Nothing new actually. She just wants the threats evaluated. Make sure our neighbors aren’t getting any ideas.”

  Marie sighed, “What about food? I saw your reports, the fields haven’t been yielding as much.”

  Daniel nodded, “That’s already in the treaty, we just need to trade for it.”

  “What’s wrong with the fields?” I asked.

  Marie looked at Daniel and bit her lip, and then mouthed, “Later.”

  Then she changed the subject.

  “So you seem to be putting up with my brother rather well?” she asked with a grin.

  I smiled, the girl was an incurable romantic, “I suppose he’s okay,” I said nonchalantly.

  She didn’t buy my answer, and neither did I. Daniel didn’t seem fazed by my answer either. But she didn’t pursue it any further.

  “We should have some time to go shopping and explore Sandoval while he’s closeted away in his hole. I’m kind of excited actually, I’ve never been out of Lethia before.”

  I asked innocently, “Doesn’t Sandoval have a prince?”

  She looked temporarily speechless at my return sally.

  Then she said, “Lewis, he’s old though, like Daniel. I think they have a daughter about our age, Elidy.”

  I laughed, the girl had wits.

  Daniel said in an annoyed tone, “I’m not old.”

  She lost it at that, and started laughing, I couldn’t help but join her.

  I'd almost forgotten that Marie had told me she'd explain about the food thing later. We shared a room at the inn we stopped at that night, and had some privacy.

  Marie explained, “Daniel hates to talk about it. The weather here shifts every fifteen to twenty years which causes a drought and severely depletes the crop yields leading to famine. There’s nothing we can do about it. It was one of those things the mages took care of in the past. There are other things as well that mages did for the kingdom, which haven’t been done for over a hundred years now.”

  It would be simple for a mage to make it rain, more than simple. I’d never really talked to Marie about anything serious before, we’d always stuck to just palace gossip, fashion, and men. I’d thought the whole family was solidly anti-mage, but just the way she’d said that prompted me to ask.

  “You think you should allow mages in the kingdom?” I asked, a little in disbelief, or was it hope in my voice? Which was ridiculous, if they ever did allow mages, a dark mage surely wouldn’t be included.

  Marie nodded, “Yes. More people die without them from sickness and starvation, than have ever died because of the few that go bad. My brothers won’t listen to me though, and my mother isn’t much better that way. They say I’m naïve, but I think they’re paralyzed and blinded by grief and hatred.”

  She sighed and said softly, “And I think what they do to the court mages Vernon and Darrell is despicable. They’re treated like dogs, rabid ones. I think it’s because I never really knew father, I was barely a year old when he died. It’s not… personal to me. I think my views on it are more rational, but they all say the opposite. And my people starve because of it.”

  She hugged herself, and said, “It’s a cycle, every time the royal family considers backing down and rescinding the ban on mages, they do something else really bad, but only because they’re banned and oppressed in the first place.”

  I felt like I was listening to myself. Still, she was third in line for the throne, and her family wouldn’t listen to her anyway. Regardless, it was nice to share.

  I risked saying, “I think your right. Where I grew up mages are just people, both good and bad.”

  That was a little vague, but I didn’t want to lie about Mendell in this conversation for some reason.

  I added, “I tried to tell Daniel that once, but he shut down on me. Now I know why of course, but at the time it’d confused me.”

  She nodded, “It’s also why taxes are so high, because we wind up paying for so much extra food, even if it never seems to be enough during those lean years. Of course, we aren’t really paying for it, the commoners do through the taxes.”

  Well that explained a lot. It also annoyed me, wasn’t it the royal families job to take care of their kingdom? Instead they pouted like children.

  We talked about it for a while longer, but of course neither of us had solutions. Sure, I could make them play nice with mages, but that wouldn’t really help.

  Plus, Daniel would hate me. I hated the fact that mattered so much to me, it made me feel weak, but I couldn’t deny it any longer.

  Eventually we both wound down and went to sleep for the night.

  It took a week to get to the border, and we managed to stop at a village every evening. Mages and Lethia didn’t come up again in conversation during that time. Whenever we were left with our own thoughts when things became silent, I spent time studying the protections in Sylvia’s hideaway.

  I could make my own, but she wasn’t using hers anymore. It also had a nice practice room, a lab, and more protection spells than I’d ever seen. I’d thought I was paranoid, I think Silvia was worse. Or maybe not, after all she hadn’t accounted for her successor’s coup attempt, or the royal family turning against our kind.

  I’d decided to put off the question of destroying the recharge setup, I wanted to see the other kingdoms first. I was a dark mage, but did that make me evil? I didn’t think so, it was just power. I wouldn’t destroy it if it would put three kingdoms in a very bad place.

  Point was, I was pretty sure I could destroy the wards that powered the protections, and recast them to protect me and my stuff as well. I also couldn’t deny I wanted access to that huge pile of gold. She hadn’t been able to take it with her after all, it wasn’t doing anyone any good just sitting there.

  The truth was though, that I’d have to go there in person first, so I could replace the wards as soon as they came down. Otherwise the place would be vulnerable. I also needed to fix the design, so the next clever mage like me couldn’t defeat my spells.

  So I worked on planning that, while I waited for more information before deciding what to do about the enchantments, and where I would eventually make my mark and use my power. I’d like to credit patience and wisdom for my decisions, and to a certain extent that was certainly true, but the larger truth was that the longer I put it off, the longer I’d get to stay with Daniel.

  When we crossed over into Sandoval, all the knights left as well as all the soldiers save twenty. They would be an honor guard of sorts. A group of soldiers from Sandoval met us there after we crossed, there were twenty of them including the captain and one mage.

  A large intimidating woman stepped forward, “Welcome to Sandoval. I’m captain Sian. I’ll be your escort along with my men and mage protector Jerrold.”

  Jerrold was a short wiry man in his forties. He had an average amount of power and I could only assume he was a capable master at his age.

  Daniel didn’t look like he was happy with that, but he held back any insults and managed to sound almost pleasant.

  “Thank you captain, we are in your capable hands. Do you have any suggestions as to how to deploy my honor guard?”

  Sian bowed, “Prince Daniel, a
pleasure to see you again. Yes, just have them ride close to the carriage. My men will flank further out on the sides and to the front and back. I’m not expecting problems, but if we are attacked I want your men in a tight circle around your carriage, and we will be the first ring of steel before harm reaches you and your men.”

  Daniel nodded in acceptance, “You heard her men, make it happen. Sian, this is my baby sister, princess Marie, and the other lady is the merchant Cassandra, whom I’m courting.”

  Sian laughed in amusement, “You’re bringing a date to the treaty negotiations?”

  Daniel smiled politely, “She’s from Mendell, so took the opportunity of this trip to visit with family. I admit to taking shameless advantage of that fact.”

  I smiled, I kind of liked Sian. She was straight forward, like most soldiers.

  I reserved judgement on the mage, but I was sure it’d be fine. He looked a bit wary, but considering who Daniel was I couldn’t exactly blame him.

  Sian said, “Come, we are burning daylight. We can catch up at the first town when we stop for the night.”

  And then we were on the move again.

  Chapter 14

  We reached the village shortly before nightfall. Based on the little I could see through the carriage window, the people in the town seemed relaxed and not nervous at all seeing strangers. They were happier than the people in Lethia, at least, that was my first impression.

  We stopped at an inn, mostly just like every other inn we’d stopped at. It was two stories, with rooms on the second floor, and a large bar area with tables and food on the first. The townspeople were a little rowdy, and barely took notice of our arrival. There were even some musicians playing a lively jig in one of the corners.

  Something told me this wasn’t a fluke, the people of Sandoval were just happy. There were exceptions of course, and a person’s personality had an effect, some people would never be happy, but it appeared none of the problems which plagued Lethia existed here.

  Of course, they had mages.

  It would be more than that of course, mages, the government working right, and many other factors that needed to mesh correctly, but I was sure magic did make a difference.

  Marie and I exchanged glances, and I knew she was thinking the same things, but neither of us knew how to get Daniel to see it. We enjoyed a nice meal at a large table. Daniel, Marie, Sian, Jerrold, and Dennis who was in charge of the Lethian honor guard unit, and I sat together.

  It was a bit awkward at first, Daniel was obviously uncomfortable sharing the table with Jerrold, but it seemed he wouldn’t insult Sian by saying anything about it.

  I was also aware that time was running out on me. I either needed to come clean soon, or make up some reason to leave. I knew it would be weeks until we finished here and went on to Mendell, but my decision would need to come sooner.

  The fact I was even considering telling Daniel the truth disturbed me.

  I looked around and noticed some things. There were magical lights in here, instead of flickering torches. There were also other enchantments in the back, although I didn’t know what they did. I couldn’t tell without going to look and that would be too hard to explain. Most likely though, it would be to clean, or heat the oven, or some other common task in a kitchen.

  Clearly enchanted items were common here if an inn at the edge of the kingdom had magic in it.

  Honestly, I started to lean toward leaving the enchantments alone. Unless I found a really important reason to take them down, I’d most likely just leave them be. I saw no advantage in throwing the world into war and turmoil, which would surely be one of the results.

  I considered Daniel as we ate, while he caught up with Sian who was obviously an old friend, should I tell him the truth? Or just disappear?

  I think I had to tell him, otherwise I would always wonder. Even though, most likely, okay… he definitely will reject me, if not try to run me through. I decided that I’d tell him after we left the capitol of Sandoval for Mendell. I had to know if there was a chance, before I decided to stay in Mendell or Sandoval instead of with him. I was such an idiot.

  The rest of the week went similarly and we arrived at the capitol at the end of it. Sandoval was just as big, but seemed more spread out. There weren’t as many people even though the city was a similar size. The castle here was about the same size as the palace in Lethia, but it looked completely different. There was only one entry here for one, and the stones were a darker color.

  The architecture was different as well, but it still looked like a castle. Crenellations, tall and thick stone walls, a portcullis and a large stone building with hundreds of rooms, with towers in the four corners. A castle.

  The inside was rather impressive. The walls were smooth and sanded, and there were enchantments all over the place. Lighting, cleaning, temperature control, and others. We were led to the guest wing.

  Jerrold said, “We’ll leave you to settle in and prepare before seeing the king. It was… a pleasure to travel with you.”

  I almost laughed, but held it back. Daniel was clenching his jaw. I sighed, it really wasn’t funny.

  He needed to grow up and let it go. I knew that wasn’t a very nice thought, but I was losing my patience over it now. Probably because we were getting closer to when I’d have to tell him the truth. I wouldn’t run like a coward, I’d admitted to myself I cared for him, so I had no choice.

  Marie and I shared a suite with two bedrooms in it, and Daniel went into his own. I assumed that was to further guard my virtue. I rolled my eyes, but smiled too.

  Marie really did care.

  There was an outer room with light enchantments in it, and the bedrooms had them as well. The bathroom was similar to Lethia, yet it also had refresh and cleaning enchantments, the same kind of spells I used to get myself and my clothes clean.

  It was actually kind of impressive.

  After availing myself of the enchantments to clean up, I changed into a dark red dress and a pair of black shoes. When I came out Marie smiled.

  “Are you trying to give him a heart attack?”

  I winked, “Nope, going for another reaction altogether.”

  I decided then that I’d tell Marie too. Maybe even before I told Daniel. I wasn’t sure I’d get the opportunity to tell her otherwise. She might not even mind. She’d changed clothes too, she was in a light green dress and had her hair up, she looked adorable. I wouldn’t tell her that though, she might get angry.

  Marie shook her head in mock despair, “I’d no idea being an escort could be so tiring.”

  I laughed, “I think I’m a special case. I’m not really enamored of keeping myself unsullied.”

  She sighed in true exasperation.

  There was a knock on the door, and a young woman about our age, maybe a little younger, came inside.

  She had red hair and green eyes, and she looked impish, yet beautiful at the same time.

  “Hi, I’m princess Elidy.”

  Marie smiled, “I’m princess Marie, and this is Cassandra.”

  Elidy looked behind her as if to make sure no one was near, and then leaned forward conspiratorially and asked in quiet voice, “You want to sneak out and go shopping?”

  I smiled, “Later? Or shouldn’t we meet the rest of your family first?”

  She sighed, “I suppose. But we’ll be allowed to go then.”

  Marie laughed, “I think we’ll get along well. Do you sneak out a lot?”

  Elidy nodded, “Family tradition, or so says my grandmother. Keeps the guards on their toes anyway.”

  Sian walked in, “You ready?”

  We all nodded, and followed Sian and Daniel to the throne room.

  King Leland, and Queen Cheryl were in their mid-forties and looked rather pleasant. The queen was the spitting image of Elidy, just with a few lines on her face that made her look just a tad less mischievous. The king had an open honest type of face.

  The prince, Lewis, also had red hair and green eyes, but
he was built like his father and had that same open and honest appearing face. I couldn’t help but notice Marie was busy staring at him, despite her comment about his age she’d made last week.

  Two mages bracketed the royal family, obviously the court mages. Though I wasn’t sure what their names were yet. They were dressed well and looked calm and alert for trouble. The younger apprentice’s power was stronger than average, but wasn’t close to mine.

  It sounds kind of conceited, but I was somewhat of a prodigy that way.

  As for the master court mage, I couldn’t say. Like me, he used hidden magic to hide his aura of power.

  King Leland said in a deep rumbling voice, “Welcome to Sandoval Prince Daniel, Princess Marie, and your companion, Cassandra. You’re all welcome here. I understand you’ll be exploring the city while I’m locked up in here with Daniel going over the treaty. Try not to let my daughter get you all in too much trouble.”

  Elidy gasped, “Father!”

  He ignored her and went on, “It might be better if you went out with guards at all times. My city is fairly safe, but I’d hate to have to explain to your mother if something went wrong.”

  He stared at his daughter then, “Understood Elidy?”

  She nodded rather mutinously, but I had the feeling she’d keep her instincts in check for our visit. Or at least, for today.

  We were dismissed then, and I shared a look with Daniel before heading out with the girls. It was only when I looked back toward the dais that I saw the master mage staring at me with consternation on his face.

  Chapter 15

  The rest of the afternoon we toured the city, or more specifically, the market place in the city. I wasn’t sure what that look was about from the master mage, but I tried to put it out of my mind and just enjoy myself. Marie and Elidy seemed to play against each other perfectly, and the antics got a bit silly and out of hand, but it was also kind of fun.

  A month ago I’d have spat in disgust, and said foolishness. That day in the market, I caught myself giggling more than once. It didn’t bother me exactly, but it was fairly new. I was used to being the cold green eyed bitch that made other mages in my demesne quake in their boots. All as a protective measure of course, if I hadn’t I’d have been dead.


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