The Christmas Cupid: BWWM Interracial Romance (Holiday Happiness Book 3)

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The Christmas Cupid: BWWM Interracial Romance (Holiday Happiness Book 3) Page 6

by Roxy Wilson

  She tried to open her door, but it was locked. This meant that Fitz had eventually left. Thank God. She wasn’t ready to face him, not yet. She dug into her handbag for her keys and unlocked the door. She was right, Fitz wasn’t here. She inhaled a deep breath and then exhaled it sharply.

  Rather than waste time, Janay dragged out her Christmas decorations. She sorted through them to see if she had enough. Of course, she would have to get a tree. Maybe she could enlist Toby or Cole to help her pick out one. Tomorrow. She didn’t have the energy to do it today. After dawdling about in the house for hours, she felt bored. Maybe she would go and catch a movie.

  The whole weekend turned into a total loss. Although, she did manage to get a tree on Sunday, she wasn’t able to concentrate on anything other than her own confused emotions. Fitz called a few times but she let the calls go to voicemail. He left messages. She didn’t respond. At some point, she would have to deal with the situation but for now, she needed a break.

  Janay threw herself into her work with renowned vigor. A few days later, she went to the hospital to check on the progress of Fitz’s mother. Since visiting hours were open, she was allowed to see her for ten minutes.

  Elena pressed her hand.

  She should’ve come earlier, but she didn’t want to risk running into Fitz. “Sorry, I couldn’t come before…”

  “You’re too sweet, dear. But don’t worry about me. I’m going to be home before Christmas.”

  Janay doubted that she would be allowed to go home so quickly, but she tried to give Elena an encouraging smile. Once she left the room, she headed out. Much to her consternation, she ran into Fitz.

  He was carrying a bouquet of white roses. He stopped in mid-stride when he spotted her. “Hi.”

  She shifted the strap of her purse, still not quite feeling up to meeting his eyes. How she missed him! His absence became an ache in her heart that wouldn’t go away. By God, why didn’t she ever realize before that he meant so much to her? She longed to throw herself into his arms and confess her love, but of course, she couldn’t do that. “Umm—hi, Fitz. Your mom is doing better.”

  “How are you?”

  “I’m fine.” What the hell was this? Were they doomed to make small talk now? This is just crazy. Maybe it was stupid of her to avoid him. She should’ve just pretended she wasn’t affected by their lovemaking but it was too late to do that now. “Umm—how’s Maria?” Shit! Janay resisted the urge to slap her hand on her forehead. How could she have asked about the girl he was currently dating, just days after making love to him?

  “She’s fine.” He smiled. “We’re meeting tomorrow for a date.”

  Jealousy immediately reared its ugly head. Along with another emotion—anger. He acted so casual. How could he make love to her and then turn around and date another woman? Didn’t he have some morals and values? The shock of his statement made her straighten her spine. The man is a jerk! She’d been wrong to solely blame herself for this mishap. He was just as responsible for this mess. “Really? Where?” She knew her voice sounded sugary sweet, but inside rage bubbled like molten lava—and when it spewed, God help him, because no one else would be able to do anything to save him from her ire.

  “At Devon’s. About six.” He smiled, looking idiotically happy. “She’s great. Thanks, Janay. You really chose well when you introduced us.”

  Janay wanted to throttle him. “Yeah.” She nodded. All she wanted to do was leave before she hit him on the head with something. How could he be with another woman when he’d leapt into her arms without as much as a murmur of protest? “I’ve got to go.”

  Fritz made no attempt to stop her or talk about their not-so-innocent activities over the weekend. “See you around.” Whistling happily, he left.

  Janay snarled after he departed. She wanted to punch him, yell and scream but what good would it do? No! The man needs a punishment worthy of his crime. She would think of something suitable.

  Fitz wouldn’t know what hit him.

  Now, Janay was on a mission.


  His arrow must have hit the bull’s-eye. Fitz felt sure an explosion was about to happen. Janay wasn’t the sort to take things lying down for long. She would be along soon enough, ready to teach him a lesson.

  Until then, he could sit tight and perfect his plan.

  His mind wandered to other thoughts. Feeling a bit relieved at his mother’s recovery, Fitz ordered a drink as he waited for his date to arrive. Soon, she’d be out of the hospital and he could go back to his normal life. Of course, he intended to spend a little more time with her now, since she suffered from such a close call. His mother was a strong, independent woman who hated to rely on others, but he would have to force her to accept some help.

  As always, Janay gave him a good idea when she told him to hire a full-time housekeeper for his mom. The investments his father left in mother’s name ensured there would be enough income for her to afford the help. And if she made a fuss, he would just have to pay for it himself. Whatever the case, he didn’t want to worry about her being alone in the house.

  “Scary thoughts?” Maria asked as she joined him. “You look tense.”

  He smiled. “Just worrying about my mother.”

  “How’s she doing?”

  “Better.” He nodded to another friend who passed. This was one of his favorite haunts and he knew many of the regulars. “So, what would you like to order?”

  “A martini, please.”

  Fitz walked over to get her drink. When he came back, she was in deep conversation on the phone. He waited until she finished. “Thank you for coming tonight. I know it’s a lot to ask.”

  “It’s for a good cause.” She laughed. “But are you sure—”

  “There’s Janay.” Fitz waved. “Hey!”

  “Hi.” Janay joined them. Dressed in a raspberry-red, curve-hugging dress, she looked fabulous. Gold earrings dangled from her ears. Her dark hair spilled down, a little passed her shoulders, and her eyes glowed with ill-concealed anger. “I forgot you guys were coming here.”

  “What are you doing here?” Fitz feigned surprise.

  Of course, he expected her to turn up to take a look at him and Maria. Did he imagine for a minute, she would take things lightly when he slept with her and then dated another woman?

  No way! Not his Janay. He felt amazed she didn’t scratch his eyes out. She wasn’t the most patient or docile person on the planet…just the way he liked her.

  Liked? No, he loved her. Loved her spunk, her sheer guts and nerve…her compassion. But she wasn’t feeling so compassionate right now. He could bet on that. Her eyes threw invisible darts. She was near to bursting with fury—and he intended to push her over the edge.

  She raised an eyebrow and gave him a haughty stare. “You know I come here fairly often.”

  “On weeknights?” he questioned.

  “Sure, why not? You know me. I’m the soul of a party.” She shrugged and turned her attention to Maria. “How are you doing?”


  Janay opened her mouth to say something, but Fitz put his hand on Maria’s. “That’s my favorite song. Would you like to dance?”

  “Sure.” Maria glided away with him to the dance floor.

  While he swayed with her, Fitz kept a stealthy gaze trained at Janay who was throwing them dirty looks. It looked pretty obvious that she was jealous. Why else would she turn up here? It wouldn’t be wise to let her know he was on to her. She wouldn’t take it kindly. But then his woman brought this mess right down on her own lap, because she couldn’t accept that she loved him

  How difficult was it to admit it?

  He would take a particular delight in letting her know he loved her as much as she did him. But he would have to bide his time. This wasn’t the right moment. She needed to be ripe to hear what he wanted to say. He danced with Maria, taking pleasure in the way Janay’s eyes grew smoking hot seeing him with the other woman. When he led her back to th
e table, Janay sat sipping her beer. Despite the nonchalant expression on her face, he could tell she was really pissed off. He knew her well enough to gauge her mood and she looked quite near to blowing off steam. “Hey, Janay, guess what? Maria just got promoted.”

  “Wow! Congratulations!” Janay replied. Her glance settled on his date. “This calls for a celebration.”

  “Yeah, it sure does.” Fitz grabbed Maria’s hand and planted a kiss on it. “What would be an appropriate promotion gift?”

  “You don’t have to give me a gift.”

  “I think you’ve earned it.”

  Maria’s gaze wandered to the bar. “Hey! I know that girl. We used to work together. Let me go say hi.”

  When she sauntered off, he picked up his drink. “So, what’s new with you?”

  Janay nibbled on her bottom lip.

  God! She looked gorgeous when she was in a flaming mood. He longed to take her in his arms and kiss her senseless. The memory of their time together flashed through his mind.

  Once isn’t enough.

  He wanted more.

  “Nothing’s on my mind,” she snapped.

  “Thanks for visiting my mom. She was very happy to see you.”

  “I like her.”

  “And the feeling is mutual,” he assured her, although he could tell she only made conversation to kill time. Normally, she was the heart and soul of a group. Tonight however, she was off her game. Of course, she only came here to check out the chemistry between him and Maria. Now, since she’d done just that, he expected her to make an excuse and disappear. Knowing her, she would simmer inside for a week or so, and then explode into a terrible tantrum. That’s when he would tell her he loved her with a fervor he couldn’t describe.

  Another week! Wait for one more week. He reminded himself. It was important to be patient, at least for that long.

  “Lexi’s having a tough time. Another client cancelled today,” she said. “We’re all upset but she took it really hard since she’s the one who actually deals with the clients.”

  “You’re sure it’s Arianna.”

  “Positive,” she confirmed. “Cole poked around a bit. One of her acquaintances said Arianna’s determined to destroy Lexi’s life because she thinks Lexi stole her fiancée.”

  Fitz felt incensed. “She left him at the dammed altar.”

  “The woman is mentally unstable.”

  It enraged him to think that someone could destroy the sisters’ hard work with such little effort. It was unfair. “If you could link her to the rumors, I could give you the name of a good lawyer who would sue her ass for defamation. She can’t get away with it.”

  “That’s what I’m thinking about. Lexi and Cole are in such a happy place. I hate that someone is managing to ruin their joy and peace of mind. If I saw that woman…” Her fingers tightened on the bottle. “But she’s already been to a court and the message didn’t sink in.”

  “So, what are you planning?” Knowing her, there was a plan bubbling inside. Arianna didn’t know what was in store for her.

  The woman is doomed.

  His Janay was a deadly weapon—and he couldn’t wait to see her in action.

  “I want to confront her,” she admitted. “She wouldn’t like that. Liars never do. And it would serve the best results if I could do it in a place where there are a lot of people she knows. She wouldn’t even expect us to corner her in a public place. When she becomes aware that we are on to her, she would have to let go of her silly plans.”

  “It’s a good idea. If I can be of help, let me know.”

  “I’m still mulling over the plan. First, I need to talk it over with Lexi and Brielle to see what they say. But it might be difficult to corner her in a public place. We don’t exactly move in the same social circles.”

  “Then make her circle yours.”

  She snorted. “How do we do that?”

  “If you’re managing an event where she’s invited, you’ll most likely run into her.”

  Janay’s mouth gaped open. She gazed at him as if seeing him for the first time. “That’s actually a brilliant plan. And I have the perfect event in mind.” Her eyes danced with glee. “The Rogers would go for that. They were pretty angry after she made fools of them and fed them lies about us. It might actually work.”

  He nodded. “Yeah, it could. And if you need my help, don’t hesitate to call.”

  Silence reigned, as they both got busy with their own thoughts. Once, they could have talked for hours, but now awkwardness prevailed between them. He hated this newfound unease. With Janay, he always felt comfortable. But now, it wasn’t the same. Soon, he promised himself. He would tell her everything and things would be better than before.

  She finished her beer. “I should go,” she said.

  He leaned over. “I’m planning to go home to Maria’s apartment,” he added as a parting shot.

  “Good for you!” She snarled. “Hope she doesn’t wear you out. Bye.” She turned to leave, but Maria stood just a few feet away.

  “Leaving so soon?”

  “Yeah. I—just need to go.” She strode off.

  Fitz couldn’t contain his grin. Perfect! He expected to see her in a few more days. She wouldn’t wait too long.

  “So, when is this mystery girl coming?” Maria asked as she took a seat.

  Fitz cleared his throat. He hadn’t told her that Janay was the girl. All he told her was how he loved another girl and wanted to make her a bit jealous by allowing her to see him with Maria. He made a show of flipping his wrist to check the time and frowned. “Looks like she might be a little late. Maybe she isn’t coming, after all. I guess we should head out too.”

  Maria plucked out her phone from her silver clutch. “Okay. Good. I’ll call Adam. We have a date for tomorrow.” She looked unsure, then returned her phone back into her clutch. “It’s too noisy here. I’ll call when we’re outside.”

  He admired the ease with which she fell into a relationship with another guy after their first disastrous date. He never saw her again until today. All his fibs to Janay were harmless. He never dated Maria, but she’d agreed to help him out tonight. They strode outside.

  Maria dialed a number. By the time they stepped out, she was already making plans. “Yeah, baby! I’ll see you tomorrow. Seven is perfect. It’s a date.” She laughed.

  Janay stood right outside.

  Fitz’s heart slammed into his chest.


  Hearing Maria’s conversation, she raised an eyebrow. “You have a date?”

  Fitz tried to warn Maria but her back was turned towards him. Shit! He didn’t expect Janay to catch on so quickly. “Hey!” he said in an effort to distract the women.

  “Hey,” Maria answered Janay.

  They were too involved to take notice of him.

  “Yeah. It was my new guy,” Maria admitted as she shoved the phone back in her purse.

  “Boyfriend?” Janay spluttered. “But aren’t you dating Fitz?”

  “Didn’t Fitz tell you? We like each other…but not like that. Sorry! I guess he just didn’t want to break your heart by letting you know that this particular matchmaking effort didn’t bring any results.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I suppose this isn’t a failure on your efforts, but rather Fitz’s fault. He should have told you that he likes someone else.”

  Fitz felt the urge to slap his forehead. Women! Why did they have to talk each other? How the hell was he supposed to get out of this mess now? “Maria is just talking nonsense.” He stood and put his hand on Maria’s shoulder as a warning.

  Finally understanding she was doing something wrong, Maria stiffened. “Sorry! I didn’t realize that she—Oh! Never mind. I think I should leave.”

  Fitz watched his fake date slip away. She caught a cab and zoomed off. Now, he was really in for it.

  It’d been stupid of him to push her so fast and so hard. He should’ve been more careful. It might have been a good idea t
o at least warn Maria that Janay didn’t know about what he was doing, about how Janay was the woman he wanted to make jealous. Well, it was too late for regrets now. The way Janay was glaring at him he was really in for a world of pain.

  She wouldn’t let him go very easily.

  Now, he would have to think fast on his feet.


  Her heart pulsated with a deep, thriving need to slap him, but Janay controlled the temptation. Fitz was playing some kind of a convoluted game she couldn’t even understand, let alone unravel.

  She intended to get to the bottom of this mystery—fast! What the hell is he doing?

  With her hand on her hips, she glowered.

  He had the audacity to look casual, like nothing was wrong. “What?”

  “We need to talk.” Her voice sounded harsh even to her own ears. As always, she took control of the situation. Shying away from a confrontation wasn’t her style. After she made love to him, she should’ve dealt with the situation. But it’d been the shock that made her lose her nerve. She’d already allowed things to fester for too long.

  Now, she would be taking charge.

  And boy, oh boy! He’s in for a rough night.

  He followed her out into a tiny alcove next to the main entrance of the bar. The wind that hit her might have been cold, but Janay didn’t bother to button her coat. The anger simmering deep inside her was fiery enough to keep her warm. “Who the hell is this woman that you’re in love with?”

  Fitz took a deep breath. His dancing eyes sparkled in the dim light of the bulb that hung over the door.

  Both of them didn’t break the eye contact.

  “All right. I didn’t tell you—I’m in love with someone else.”

  “That much I gathered, you moron! Who is she?”

  “Uh—you don’t know her that well.”


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