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Wicked Deception (Wicked Magic Book 1)

Page 9

by Raisa Greywood

  Cool liquid trickled between her bottom cheeks, and she flinched away. A hard slap made her still, and she gritted her teeth as Angeline rubbed her virgin hole. It felt wonderful. She was surely naughty to like such a thing and knew she deserved her punishment. A slim finger breached the ring of muscle, and she held in her gasp of pleasure.

  "Such a dirty little pet. Richard, I do believe our filthy girl is enjoying this."

  "Indeed. I love watching you fuck her with your fingers."

  Didn't they know? She enjoyed it all the more because it pleased them. Elizabeth wished to tell them so, but Richard had his cock firmly lodged in her mouth, leaving her only enough room to whimper as Angeline inserted a second finger into her greedy bottom.

  He chuckled and pulled out, leaving her gasping with her head between her outstretched arms. She tried to rub her tears away on the sheet, not knowing if her red eyes and runny nose would displease Richard and Angeline. The bed shifted under her as they switched positions, and she peeked up to see pale, silky thighs in front of her. A hint of feminine musk reached her nose, and she inhaled deeply.

  Richard's large hands fondled her scorched bottom, rubbing her flesh briskly. Another cold stream of liquid trickled between her buttocks, and Elizabeth spread her thighs further apart, readying herself for the last part of her punishment.

  Would this erase her misbehavior? She wished she remembered how she'd been naughty. She must have been a very bad girl for them. She hoped they would tell her so she could avoid displeasing them again.

  She felt the head of his cock touch her back passage and tightened her muscles in an involuntary response. He slapped her bottom, the surprise making her flinch as Angeline spoke.

  "Breathe out and push back like you're moving your bowels, pet."

  Elizabeth obeyed as quickly as she could, though her face and chest grew hot with embarrassment at the intimate act. Richard took advantage and pressed himself past her tight ring, lodging the head of his cock within that naughty place.

  She gasped in surprise and pain at the burning sensation. Yet the muscular ring soon relaxed, allowing him entrance. He groaned in pleasure as he buried himself in her dark passage.

  "Bloody hell, she's tight as a fist, Angeline."

  The burning pain gave way as he held himself still inside her, waiting for her to adjust to the intrusion. Yet when he started to move, it was all she could do to hold herself still. She desperately wanted to push her hips into him and demand that he take her harder, deeper, faster, anything to assuage the ache.

  He gripped her hips so tightly Elizabeth knew she'd have bruises from his fingers on the delicate skin. She couldn't bring herself to care because he thrust deeply, touching nerve endings she hadn't known were there. She was so full! Full of him and of love for both him and Angeline.

  She cried out in joy and pleasure, and Angeline laughed. Such a glorious sound! Elizabeth would do anything to please her, just to listen to that beautiful chortle.

  Elizabeth had to cough to clear her throat before she could speak. "May I please you, my lady?"

  A soft hand petted her hair, smoothing the wayward strands away from her sweaty face. "Of course, my dear. I'll teach you how you can give me pleasure." She moved her hips closer, resting her sex under Elizabeth's greedy mouth.

  Her delicious, sweet fragrance overwhelmed Elizabeth, and she fell into that wonderful flesh with tongue and lips. Angeline gasped and held Elizabeth's head, pressing her lilac scented flesh against Elizabeth’s mouth when she used her tongue to spear Angeline's channel.

  Elizabeth wished for a free hand so she could use her fingers as Angeline had done, but her arms were trapped under Angeline's thighs. She trailed biting kisses over Angeline's bared flesh, surprised, yet thankful there was no hair impeding her course, and then latched onto the button at the top of her denuded sex. She wanted to smile when Angeline cried out in pleasure and sucked all the harder at that tiny nubbin, working her tongue until it hardened in her mouth.

  Richard growled and squeezed Elizabeth’s hips, thrusting deeply as his cock swelled in her bottom. Angeline screamed in pleasure, thrusting her cunt upward into Elizabeth's face. Wetness bathed her face as Angeline spasmed under her attentions, and Elizabeth added her voice to the delighted cries as Richard's seed filled her dark passage.

  Panting like she’d run a race, Elizabeth rested her head atop Angeline's thigh as Richard pulled out, leaving her empty and wanting. This was where she belonged; their obedient pet between them to give them both pleasure.

  She ignored the tiny voice of her conscience that screamed ineffectually that the whole situation was wrong. How could it be? She'd obeyed her husband and pleased Angeline. Everything was utterly perfect. The voice kept telling her she'd forgotten something, yet she couldn't recall what it was, and her head ached until she pushed the irritation from her mind.

  Richard crawled in between them, taking them both into his arms, but Angeline laughed and wiggled free.

  "Leave us, darling. Elizabeth and I have things to do."

  Richard lifted his head and nuzzled Angeline's ear. "Will you be finished by luncheon?"

  "I expect so. We'll meet you in the dining room."

  He nodded and gave them each a kiss. Dressing quickly, he kissed them again, and left them alone, whistling as the door closed behind him.

  Angeline tugged at the curls between Elizabeth's thighs and sniffed. "I believe we'll have this removed, pet. You'll feel ever so much better without all that hair."

  "Will it please you?"

  Rubbing at her mons absently, Angeline said, "It will, though this down is quite soft and fetching. Still, it will please Richard as well."

  Elizabeth felt her face grow hot. It seemed to be her natural state now, so she ignored it. "Will it hurt?"

  Angeline winked and smiled. "Oh yes, quite a bit. Yet I think you'll find it more than worth the pain." She climbed from the bed and yanked on the bell pull. She tugged a dressing gown over her shoulders, but waved Elizabeth away when she moved to get up.

  "There's no need for you to dress, pet. Make yourself comfortable. We'll have a bite to eat while the maids prepare the honey and sugar."

  "I don't understand. Why would we need honey and sugar?"

  "It's what we use to remove unwanted hair, darling." Angeline's voice softened. "Not to worry. It will be over in a trice, and you'll feel wonderful afterward."

  Elizabeth didn't argue. She didn't know of such things, but it seemed she would soon learn. And it would be pleasing to Richard and Angeline if she did this. That was all she needed to know.

  The door cracked open and Sarah peered inside. The look of relief on her face at the sight of Angeline made Elizabeth let out a resigned sigh. She hadn't been so bad to the maid. After the nasty things Sarah had said to her, she was lucky to have a position at all. Angeline moved to the door, and the two whispered for a moment before Sarah hurried away.

  "Sarah will bring us breakfast shortly. Would you care to tell me why she's afraid of you, pet?"

  "Of course. She called me two horrible names, and I hit her."

  "I see." Angeline stroked Elizabeth's belly with a long fingernail. "I quite understand your position. You're the lady of this house, and Sarah should know better than to do such things. Would you like to see her punished?"

  Elizabeth thought about that for a moment but shook her head. "No. I've already bruised her face. As long as she does her work and is respectful, I see no need."

  Angeline scowled, but her face cleared quickly of the expression, making Elizabeth heave a sigh of relief. She didn't want to displease Angeline, ever. Yet the tiny voice in her head clamored for attention. The voice asked why she cared whether or not Angeline was happy. It reminded her of all the times Richard had called her by Angeline's name as he made love to her.

  It reminded her of all the times she'd lain awake at night wondering if he would return, knowing he was with his mistress.

  Her head began to ache and she pu
shed such thoughts aside when Sarah returned with their food. Her musings were unimportant when compared with pleasing Angeline and Richard.

  The pain in her head eased, and she gave Angeline a cheerful smile as they ate the small repast and sipped at sweet wine, well-watered for a late morning snack. Her head must have ached from hunger.

  The door opened again, revealing Sarah carrying a ceramic bowl. The contents steamed, emanating the sweet, pleasant scent of honey. She set the bowl on the table and left without a word.

  Angeline glanced at the steam. "We'll have to wait a bit for it to cool. In the meantime, I'll clip the hair to make the job easier. Lie down and spread your legs, pet."

  Elizabeth obeyed and Angeline got to work, clipping the hair very closely to the skin. It was rather pleasurable, especially when Angeline brushed against the nubbin at the top of her sex. Elizabeth held still, unwilling to risk getting nicked by the sharp blades of the scissors.

  Angeline tested the honey mixture on the inside of her wrist before spooning it on Elizabeth's sex and pressing muslin on top. She rubbed vigorously at the muslin for a moment then sat back. "We have to wait a moment for it to set," she murmured. "Tell me about your plans for the house."

  Elizabeth smiled softly. "It's been quite a bit of work, but I plan to have all the rooms painted and refurbished with new carpet and drapes…" She screamed as Angeline tore away a piece of muslin. Tears popped into her eyes as she stared at the strip of fabric peppered with short, dark hair.

  Angeline smirked and ripped out more hair as Elizabeth whimpered in pain. It was utterly agonizing and seemed to take forever. After that interminable time, Angeline sat back and nodded in satisfaction as she reached for Elizabeth's hand.

  "Feel it, pet. You're so soft and silky, just begging to be stroked."

  Elizabeth let Angeline press her fingers into the newly bared flesh. It stung a bit, but the denuded flesh was exactly as Angeline had described. Silky and soft and ever so sensitive.

  "I believe I'd like a bit of that sweet. You may come when you wish." Angeline lowered her head, licking greedily at the sugar left on Elizabeth's mons.

  Elizabeth choked out a squeal of pleasure. Dear heavens! She'd never felt anything like it! The warmth and heat of Angeline's tongue contrasted so deliciously with the fading sting left by the sugar. There was nothing to impede that searching tongue as it roved, and she struggled against the overwhelming pleasure, unwilling to release so quickly.

  Such bliss should be drawn out and savored. Yet when Angeline pushed two fingers into her empty channel, Elizabeth lost the battle with herself. Her vision darkened as she held her breath, drawing her delight even further. Angeline curled her fingers, rubbing at that perfectly delicious spot inside, and Elizabeth came once more with a shout of agony mixed with bliss. A flood of moisture dampened the sheet under her hips, but she didn't care.

  Angeline still had her mouth attached to the nubbin at the top of her sex. The third wave of pleasure caught Elizabeth unaware and was almost painful in its intensity. She screamed out, almost too sensitive for Angeline's attentions.

  The fourth made her twitch spasmodically, her body completely given over to Angeline's ministrations. She sobbed out her agony at the fifth, too sensitive to bear the torment.

  "Please, no more," she whimpered. It wasn't the first time she'd asked for surcease from the painful pleasure, but Angeline sat up and wiped her damp face with Elizabeth's tangled hair.

  "So sweet and good," she murmured. "Did you like your reward for behaving so nicely?"

  "Yes, my lady." Elizabeth's voice was hoarse from crying out her pleasure and she cleared her throat. Yet the exertion was almost too much, and she let her head fall back to the pillow. Heavens! It was as if she'd been ill with a fever; her brain muddled and body hot.

  "We have just a few more things to do, but after I'm finished, we'll go down to luncheon." Angeline left the bed, but leaned over to kiss Elizabeth's cheek and stroke her hair. "I'll return in a moment, but I want you to stay right where you are."

  Chapter 8

  I am often amused by the tendency of people to follow society’s dictates and rush blindly into wedded bliss. Is it not better to be mistress of one’s own destiny? The only reward the ewe gets for following her flock is a sharp blade.

  Angeline, Courtesan to Richard, Earl of Shepton

  Elizabeth watched Angeline saunter into the bathing chamber, wondering what else would be required of her. Angeline soon returned, carrying a linen cloth and a bottle of spirits. She set the things down on the nightstand and poured a few splashes of the acrid liquid into the bowl.

  "What are you doing?" It looked like she would be treating a wound. Had someone gotten hurt?

  Angeline winked as she dampened a corner of the cloth with the spirits and wiped at Elizabeth's mons with it, making her hiss at the sting. "I'm going to give you another gift. It will hurt for a moment, but will bring you incomparable pleasure when it's done."

  "Will it please you?" The thought of displeasing Angeline and Richard was unbearable, for they were the source of all her pleasure. Her past life of reading and self-education seemed so pointless now, and she wondered why she'd ever found such dismal activities enjoyable.

  Angeline scowled, her lips turning down into an irritable moue. "I am always happy when you obey without question. You need not ask if I will be pleased."

  "Forgive me, my lady." Tears pricked Elizabeth's eyes and she sniffed them back as Angeline continued to work. Elizabeth's eyes widened at the long needle she produced. Angeline held the thing over the flame in the hearth then doused it with spirits before turning back with a wicked grin.

  "Not to worry, pet. I'm simply going to bell the cat. Now, turn so I can reach, and hold your knees apart for me."

  Elizabeth obeyed quickly, turning her body as Angeline had asked. Angeline's cool fingers touched the denuded flesh between Elizabeth's legs, pinching the fold of skin above her nubbin. Elizabeth held in her gasp of pained pleasure, yet had to release it on a cry as the needle pierced her.

  The sting faded quickly, though. It hadn't been nearly as horrible as the sugar. Angeline chuckled as she set a ring into the new piercing, touching it to set a small bell chiming. The small sting was bearable, but her flesh soon turned hot under Angeline's touch. After a moment, even that faded, along with the lingering pain from the sugar.

  Elizabeth raised her head, looking down at herself. The gold ring winked from the apex of her sex and she smiled. It was so pretty! Richard would surely love it. "Thank you, my lady."

  "Ah, don't thank me yet. This one is a gift for you. I'm going to pierce your pretty nipples, too. Those are a gift for Richard and me. Now, scoot down so I can reach those lovely tits."

  Elizabeth let her head fall back as she moved to offer her tender breasts to Angeline. She didn't like the idea of more pain, but the first hadn't been so bad. It was worth the brief sting to be pleasing for them.

  Angeline soon had Elizabeth's nipples similarly decorated, touching her with warm fingers to ease the pain. Elizabeth blinked in surprise, realizing that her bottom no longer ached from her earlier punishment. Surely, she should have felt her punishment for hours, yet it was gone like it had never been.

  Angeline rubbed the bit of metal between Elizabeth's thighs. It rasped so wonderfully against her nubbin that she had to moan in pleasure as she lifted her hips, seeking more of that delicious friction. Angeline slapped Elizabeth's hip, the blow stinging her overstimulated flesh. "Up with you. Let's get you dressed for luncheon."

  Elizabeth laid there for a moment, trying to catch breath that wouldn't come. All she wanted to do was sleep, but Angeline tapped her foot impatiently, holding up a sheer piece of fabric. Elizabeth crawled to the edge of the bed and tried to stand. Her knees refused to straighten for a moment, but she finally stood, wobbling a bit as she clutched at the bed post.

  Feeling as if she'd drunk an entire bottle of wine, Elizabeth let go of the bedpost and stumbled forward,
swaying alarmingly as she tried to reach Angeline. The further she got, the stronger she became, and she finally stood before her lover with a soft smile.

  "Good girl! Arms up, please."

  Elizabeth flushed at Angeline's approval as she lifted her arms, allowing her to draw the silky sheer fabric over her head. The garment was a gossamer chemise, all but transparent, and barely covered the tops of her thighs. Angeline guided her to the bed and drew silk stockings up her calves, tying them in place with pink garters. Lacy white slippers covered her feet.

  Angeline pulled her to her feet, leading her to the dressing table. Elizabeth sat down, staring into the mirror as Angeline braided her long hair into child's braids that trailed down past her breasts on either side of her head.

  Elizabeth stood and gazed at her reflection. She looked as she had when she'd been young, but the reflection was distorted as if she looked through a very old and warped mirror. Childlike innocence coupled with a woman's full breasts and hips. It was a disturbing image and she looked away, uncomfortable with her appearance.

  Angeline tipped her chin up, forcing her to look at herself. "You look positively edible, pet. Richard will be so pleased with you."

  And like it had never been, the discomfort vanished. Perhaps she could talk Angeline into a more adult hairstyle, but as long as they were pleased with her, it didn't matter. Elizabeth smiled and nodded. "Thank you, my lady."

  Kissing her cheek, Angeline said, "One more thing and you'll be perfect." She opened the drawer and pulled out a jeweled choker. Elizabeth had no interest in jewelry, but it was clearly valuable. She stood obediently as Angeline clasped it about her neck, spinning it to reveal a small ring. Her eyes widened when Angeline clipped a silver chain to the collar.

  "A leading string for a naughty pet." Angeline grinned, her eyes flashing black for a moment.

  Elizabeth's gut clenched in fear and anguish. She'd tried so hard to please Angeline! "Forgive me," she whispered, tears springing to her eyes.


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