Book Read Free


Page 31

by Joey Bush

  “His name was Garrett, and I’m pretty sure he was my soulmate. We loved all of the same things, and we both wanted the same kind of future. We got married and were only together for about three months when he got deployed to Afghanistan. He was killed a month later by an IED.”

  “Oh, Lily, I’m so sorry.” My heart hurt for her. She had tears in her eyes even then, just talking about it.

  She nodded and brushed a stray tear away. “I’m sorry. I still miss him. I was so angry when it first happened. I spent months locked in our home, reliving the memories I had of him and railing at God. I refused to go to church, and I even told my mother I was denouncing the church and my faith at one point.”

  I couldn’t help but smile. Her mother was one of the most religious women I’d ever known. It wasn’t hard for me to imagine how she reacted to that. “I’ll bet that didn’t go over well.”

  She smiled, too, and said, “Not even a little bit. She told me I was being selfish. Garrett had died for his God and his country, and now that he was gone, I was wasting my life feeling sorry for myself. She told me how God had a plan for me and although it was okay to grieve, I also needed to understand that God had a plan for my life and it wasn’t for me to question it.”

  “That is a hard thing to grasp,” I said, honestly. “I lost my Grandmother recently and I felt the same way.”

  “Oh no! I’m so sorry to hear that. She was everything to you and your brothers. That had to be so hard.”

  “It was, and I didn’t take it very well, at all.” I wasn’t going to tell her about the drinking and Daphne, but it was at least nice to be able to talk about the grief out loud.

  “As a priest, it should have been easy for me. I should have been rejoicing that she’d gone home and appreciating the fact that we were allowed to have her at all. Instead, I was angry and looking for ways to act out.”

  She grinned. “Exactly how does a priest act out? Did you skip your prayers? Throw your rosary beads?”

  I laughed. “You guessed it,” I said. “So, let’s change the subject to something less depressing. I’m guessing from the card you gave me that you’re a hairdresser.”

  “Yes. I’ve always loved to do hair. After Garrett died, I thought about going back to school, but I love doing what I do. I like making other people feel pretty, and I like creating designs. Having a pair of scissors in my hand is cathartic. What about you? Do you ever regret your choice?”

  I thought about Daphne again. I never had, before I met her. Since then, I did at least once a day, and that in itself is a sin.

  “No,” I lied. Another sin. “I love what I do. It fulfills me.” Most of the time, that was true.

  “Good. I’m really glad you’re happy, Jace. I never stopped thinking and wondering about you.”

  “I am, and I never stopped thinking about you, either. I knew I couldn’t make you happy, but I hoped that someone did.”

  She smiled. “Garrett made me happy, but do you want to know a secret?”

  “What’s that?”

  “I’ve learned over the past few years that the only real way to be happy is through myself. Other people can perpetuate your happiness, but you have to take charge of your own life and live it well.”

  “You’re very wise,” I told her with a smile. “Hey! How do you feel about canoes?”

  She laughed and said, “Honestly, I can take them or leave them.”

  “How would you like to go on a canoe trip this weekend? It’s an annual thing that the church puts on. I still have room in my boat.”

  “That actually sounds like fun. Sure, I’d like that.”

  “Good, it’s a date.”



  I was sitting underneath the solar bus shelter next to the giant statue of the strangest looking toucan I’d ever seen and thinking about how screwed up my life was.

  I was waiting for Carla’s bus to come in. She was coming to spend the weekend with me, and I couldn’t wait to see her. I hadn’t even realized how lonely I was until I thought about actually having a live human in my home to talk to for a few days.

  You would think all of the excitement over that would distract me, but it didn’t, really. I still couldn’t get Jace off my mind. Or as I should have been calling him, Father Jace.

  Each time I had a carnal thought about him, I’d say a prayer begging God to forgive me. I’m not sure if that was going to do me any good or not, though, because it was never more than a few minutes after I finished the prayer that I was having another one. It was so weird that I hung on to my virginity for so long, and then, boom! I had sex with one man and I was hooked.

  Maybe it’s like taking meth or heroin, and one taste causes you to become addicted. Or maybe it’s just Jace. Maybe there should be guidelines about what priests are supposed to look like. Jace doesn’t look like a priest. Even in his cassock, he looks way too young, but then when he takes that off and he’s wearing regular clothes…Jesus! The man is just way too sexy to be a priest!

  I blame him for this entire mess. Not just because of his sexiness, I guess he really can’t help that, but because he never told me who he was before I slept with him. Then afterwards, he only admitted it because he had to…and then the worst part of it all… I came onto him again, knowing the full story. I’m so disgusted with myself and embarrassed. He walked away that time. Why the hell couldn’t he have just done that in the first place?

  “Daphne!” I’d been wrapped in my thoughts and hadn’t even noticed that Carla’s bus had arrived.

  “Hey!” I ran over to her as she dropped her bags to wrap me in a hug.

  Carla and I were about the same height, but she was way curvier than me. She doesn’t even border on being fat; she just curves in all of the right places. The boys followed her around with their tongues hanging out in high school because she was the only freshman with porn star-sized boobs. “I’m so happy you’re here!” I told her.

  She finally let go of me and said, “I’m so happy to be here. Besides missing you like crazy, I had to see you in the flesh and make sure you’re okay. You’ve sounded pretty torn up on the phone lately. But damn, if you aren’t still gorgeous.”

  I laughed. She was always telling me she wished that she had my pale skin and blonde hair. I was always thinking that I’d trade my soul for her pretty olive skin and jet black hair. I guess you always want what you don’t have.

  “Come on,” I said, picking up one of her bags. “Let’s go get you settled at the apartment and then we’ll go get some dinner.”

  “Good, I’m starving,” she said. I laughed again. She was always starving. Maybe that’s why her boobs were so big. She didn’t really have any other evidence of it on her body.

  After we dropped off her bags and I gave her the two cent tour of my humble little abode, I drove us downtown to a seafood restaurant I’d been hearing good things about. It was before the dinner rush so we were seated right away. We ordered a pitcher of pomegranate margaritas and launched right into conversation, gossip, and giggles like we’d just seen each other hours before.

  “So, Laura hooked up with Robert Black. Do you remember him?”

  “The guy who worked at Lowe’s?”


  “Isn’t he married?”

  “Yes! And, he has like four kids, I think.”

  “Wow, what is Laura thinking?” I should call her and say, “Hello pot, this is kettle, I’m black.”

  “I think she was drunk the first time. She told me that she ran into him at Adolph’s, the bar out on the Interstate. She knew him, kind of, from church of all places…” She must have noticed my face and realized what she’d said. “Oh shit! I’m sorry!”

  I gave her a nervous laugh and the wave of my palm. “Please, don’t walk on eggshells with me. Go on.”

  “Okay, so anyways, she said she gave him a blow job in the parking lot that night-”

  “Oh my God! She just told you that?” I don’t know why
I was surprised. Nothing shocks Carla, and she’s the kind of person that people want to tell everything to.

  She giggled. “Yeah, she was disappointed because she said he came in her mouth and then all she got in return was a quick fingering and a thanks.”

  “Wow, what a jerk!” I was also thinking, “What a ho!” But honestly, who was I to judge?

  “That’s not all. I guess she runs into him a few weeks later at the IHOP, only he’s not alone. He’s with his wife and twelve kids.”

  “I thought you said he had four kids?”

  “Twelve, four…what the hell is the difference? I’d be willing to bet that four can easily feel like twelve. Do you want to hear the story or not?”

  I laughed and told her to go on. The waiter came over to get our orders and once he was gone, Carla continued, “So he corners her by the bathrooms and begs her not to tell his wife. She said she wasn’t planning on it…but she hadn’t been able to get his huge package off her mind. So she tells him to meet her at her place that night and they can ‘talk’ about it.

  “Well, he shows up and they don’t talk. They don’t use a condom, either. So guess whose gonna have another kid?”

  “Oh! Poor Laura!”

  “Yeah well, she should know better, right?”

  I thought about Jace and I. Of course he hadn’t had any condoms handy that night. Why would a priest need them? It’s good and bad. Good because I at least knew he wasn’t ready to screw on demand and bad because I was so drunk I let him screw me without a condom.

  Leave it to me to get pregnant my first time out. I really am the kettle calling the pot black though, because the next thing I said was,

  “Yeah, you would think she would know better. So does his wife know now?”

  “Not so far, but I’m watching the drama unfold. I don’t think Laura will sit back quietly and raise the baby alone, so the wife will find out soon enough. I’ve been going to church every Sunday, hoping it’ll happen there.”


  She laughed. “It’s the only excitement we have in our stupid neighborhood, don’t deny me. If it happens somewhere else, I’ll have to hear about it second hand and I’ll never get all of the details.” I just laughed and shook my head at her. She took a sip of her drink and said, “So what’s new with you?”

  “Let’s keep talking about you,” I told her with a grin. “I’ll need another margarita or two before it’s my turn. Tell me about the new boyfriend.”

  Her face brightened visibly as she said, “Baby girl, this one is it! I’m telling you, he is the sweetest man in the world. He has a real job. He has his own place. He’s never been married, no kids. He’s hot to look at and an animal in the sack!”

  I was laughing again. “He sounds perfect. I can’t wait to meet him.”

  “He does sound perfect, doesn’t he? At first, I was suspicious. I mean, you know me. I don’t date perfect. I date weirdos who live in mom and dad’s basement and freaks with deviant sexual fetishes.”

  “Really? Who had a deviant sexual fetish?”

  “Al, remember? The salesman who comes into the diner a couple times a month?”

  “Al? The really nice-looking guy who wears the expensive business suits?”

  “Yeah, that’s the one.”

  “You didn’t tell me you went out with him.”

  “Really? Maybe that’s because we only had two dates. The second one ended with us in bed and me getting the hell out of there as fast as I could.”

  “I’m afraid to ask…”

  “He had two dogs. He loved them both very much…very, very much.” She was curling her lip. I was awfully naïve, so it took me a minute

  “You mean he wanted you to…you and the dogs?”

  “Yeah, sickening, isn’t it? He thought I would want to be a part of that sick love triangle. I told him I hope one of them bites it off…and then I ran like hell. He hasn’t come back in the diner, thank God! Man I tell you, Daph, I can sure pick ‘em.”

  “You do have a history,” I said with a wink, “But the one you have now is good, so you must be getting better.”

  “True, Levi is incredible. He makes me feel so special and nobody has ever satisfied me sexually the way he does. Girl, he can go all night. I’m screaming out with my fourth or fifth orgasm before he finally comes. By that time, I’m delirious.”

  I had no idea what having sex all night would be like, but I smiled and acted like I was impressed. The waiter brought our meals when she was talking about having four or five orgasms. He grinned and practically had his tongue hanging out when he asked her boobs if he could get them anything else.

  She said, “Hey. buddy! I’m up here.” He looked at her face and turned red. Carla winked at him and said, “I think we’re good, but we’ll yell out your name if we need you…Carl.” She said “Carl” in a breath sigh. I think I could see his erection sprout. I couldn’t help it, I giggled. Carl turned bright red and scurried away.

  “Carla!” I said, laughing.

  “Well, if he can’t take it, he shouldn’t be staring at my boobs. You need your big boy pants on to stare at these babies.” We both laughed at that and then while we ate, she said, “Okay now, it’s your turn. You’re holding out on me. How’s the priest?”

  “Shh!” Carla had no idea how loud she talks, and she learned nothing from the waiter that just overheard her. I looked around to make sure the people at the other tables weren’t listening and I said, “Call him Jace here, please.”

  She rolled her eyes and in an exaggerated whisper, she said, “Okay, how is Jace?” Then, in another exaggerated whisper, she said, “The priest,” and she cackled. She cracks herself up.

  “He’s fine, I guess.” I took a deep breath and continued, “He’s just way too hot to be a… Well, you know…”

  “A priest?” she said.


  “I’m sorry, it’s so much dirtier that way.”

  “Forget it, I’m not telling you.”

  “Oh come on, you big baby. I’m kidding. What happened since I talked to you last?”

  Still sulking, I said, “He came over to my apartment and apologized.”

  “Well that’s good—anti-climactic, but good, right?” I nodded and she went on to ask, “Did you accept his apology, or did you jump his hot, holy bones?”


  Laughing, she said, “Oh, you know I’m kidding. I’m worried about you, though. When you talk about him, you get this tone in your voice and now I can see the look in your eyes…. You’ve got it bad for him, honey. You should never lose your virginity to a one-night stand. It’s too much pressure.”

  “I don’t have ‘feelings’ for him. I barely know him. Maybe what you see is passionate anger. I’m angry with him over this whole thing, and I’m angry with myself. I do not ‘have it bad’ for him.” I stopped talking because she was grinning from ear to ear. “What are you smiling about?”

  “Me thinks the lady doth protest too much. This is me, honey. I’m not going to judge you.”

  I realized she was right. If there was one person on this earth who wouldn’t judge me, it was Carla. I really needed to talk about this to someone.

  I couldn’t even confess it properly to my priest, so I said, “Okay, maybe I fell for him a little…but it’s mostly lust. I don’t know enough about him otherwise to form an opinion—except the priest part and you know what my opinion is of that.”

  I took a big drink of my margarita and refilled my glass. Then, I just blurted out, “I can’t stop thinking about him. I even dream about him at night. The dreams are…well, let’s just say if they were movies, they’d be rated X.

  “God has to be up there just shaking His head at me…at both of us. I keep hoping that my good Catholic behavior for the past twenty-two years will be enough to save my soul over this.”

  Carla wiggled her eyebrows. “So, you want to tell me about these X rated dreams?”

  I narrowed my eyes at her and
she said, “Oh, honey, please stop being your own worst enemy! I don’t think you’ll be held accountable for every little slip-up. You’re a good person. You’ve been a good Catholic, better than most I know. You haven’t killed anyone or hurt anyone.

  “I’m pretty sure that God has already forgiven you. He knows what you’ve been through, and I don’t believe He would deny you a night of reckless abandon.”

  Her words warmed my heart. I didn’t believe them, though. She loved me and was just trying to make me feel better, but that was nice. I was already sure that I could count on going straight to hell, but it was nice to know my best friend thought otherwise.

  “There’s more,” I said, curling my lip. Confessing to my priest wasn’t a good option; I needed to tell someone what I’d done.

  “More? You had sex with him again?” her eyes were shining like that would be a good thing. I shook my head at her and said,

  “No, but I almost did. I need a big, fat, scarlet S to wear on my chest.”

  It was her turn to roll her eyes. “Whatever—you’re so dramatic. You turned him down this time. There has to be some points in there for you, right?”

  I fingered the side of my glass and wondered if I really wanted to admit my shame aloud. Finally, I said, “Um…probably not. I’m the one that came onto him. He turned me down. It was so humiliating.”

  Carla was laughing so hard that she choked on her drink. The waiter she embarrassed earlier even came over to see if she was okay. I wanted to choke her myself. When she finally finished laughing, she said, “You go, Daph! Give the girl a taste of some man candy and she can’t get enough!”

  In spite of myself, I smiled. It wasn’t like I hadn’t had that thought myself. I loved that crazy girl, but it really wasn’t helping me to talk about it. “Why don’t we change the subject?” I said.

  She didn’t look like she wanted to, but she kindly agreed, “Okay…so what are we going to do this weekend?”

  “I’m afraid we’re not in the big city anymore. There’s not a lot to do here; there are a few local bars, no big clubs, and there is a canoeing trip with the church tomorrow. It’s in Boston at the harbor. We can drive or take the church bus.”


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