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Page 43

by Joey Bush

  “Good. Me, too.”

  “You too what?”

  “I’m good with God.”

  “What about me?”

  I knew what he was fishing for, but I liked messing with him sometimes. “You just said you’re good with Him too.”

  “But what about how you feel about me?”

  “Oh! I’m good with you, too.” He made a sad face and I smiled. “I love you more than life itself.”

  He grinned and said, “I knew that, I just wanted to hear it out loud.”


  When we got home that night, Jace looked at the couch and with a grin he said, “You know something?”

  “What’s that?”

  “We made love on my old couch and on your old couch, but we haven’t done it on our new one yet.”

  I went over and slid my arms around him. He kissed me deeply, and I said, “Do you think we should christen it?”

  “I absolutely do,” he agreed with a grin. He flexed his hips into me, and I felt him already growing hard. He kissed me again and as he did, he pulled my dress up to around my waist. I broke the kiss and raised my arms so he could finish pulling it off. I walked over to the couch, saying,

  “Let’s do this.”

  He laughed. “I think I want you on this side,” he said. He was standing near the back of it.

  I raised an eyebrow, but went around next to him. He grabbed my face in his hands and gave me another hard kiss as he released my bra. He flipped me around so I was facing the couch and pulled my panties down. I stepped out of them and felt his hands roam down across my backside, over the curves of my butt and dip between my legs.

  “Mm, my baby is always so responsive.” I turned back around to face him and we kissed again. God, I love kissing him. I could do it all day. He had other ideas as he growled and buried his face in my breasts. While he was doing that, and doing it very well, I unbuttoned and unzipped his pants. I slid my hand down inside and found his now rock hard cock. I gave it a squeeze and felt him shudder into me.

  “Take them off,” I told him. He reached down and put his fingers against my outer lips again and said, “Mm, so wet baby…”

  “That’s because you’re so sexy, you make me that way.”

  He reluctantly let go of my breasts and pulled his hand away from my pussy. I watched as my gorgeous husband stripped off his clothes. I could also just look at him all day. He grinned again and said, “I think I changed my mind. I think I want to sit on the couch, with my beautiful wife in my lap.”

  “I like that idea,” I told him. He finished getting naked. God, he’s gorgeous, I’m so lucky. He sat down on the couch and I straddled him.

  We kissed for a long time with his hands rubbing my back and shoulders. I loved it when he touches me like that. I loved everything he does.

  I reached down and took him back into my hand. I lifted up on my knees and while his hands found my breasts and began to massage and caress them, I lined him up with me and sat down on his cock. God…there is no better feeling in the world than being filled up with my husband.

  I started to move up and down. He was still licking and sucking on my nipples, using his teeth to graze them lightly because he knows how much I love that. I arched my back so that I could take his cock even deeper inside of me and I rocked back and forth on his lap. His thighs were hard and tense as he used them to bump my butt up and down as he flexed his hips so that he could thrust up into me.

  He kept a breast in his mouth while he reached down between us and found my clit. I moaned at his pinch. I leaned back even further to give him better access, and he began to rub it with two fingers while he continued to pound my pussy.

  Each time he bottomed out inside of me, he would round his hips, grinding up into me hard and deep. I’ve never felt anything like the way this man makes me feel and I’m sure that I never will. The sex is fantastic, all the time, but I believe our emotional connection feeds that and makes it so much better.

  I rode him hard and fast until I felt his breaths begin to shorten and I knew he was ready to come. I squeezed my pussy muscles, clamping down on him like a vice and that sent him hurtling over the edge.

  I felt the warm liquid fill me up as he held me down tightly against his lap. He was moaning and making primal sounding grunts as he milked himself into me. When he finished coming, he didn’t stop moving. He’s a generous lover; never stopping until I come.

  He kept flexing his hips and rubbing my clit with his fingers. He brought the other hand up and pinched and rolled my nipples. I felt the orgasm washing over me and tightened every muscle in my body as I came.

  Jace kept rubbing lightly until my body stopped shaking and I collapsed into him, breathing heavily. He put his hands on my back then and began to rub my back and run his hands through my hair. He was kissing the side of my face and telling me he loved me over and over.

  When I had the strength I pulled my face up and looked at him. “I love you, Jace. I never imagined being happy like this.”

  He smiled. I still melt when his smile is just for me. “I thank God for you every day, Daphne. I love you more than I can ever put into words and I am so grateful we found each other. I look forward to discovering new things with you every day for the rest of our lives.”

  I kissed him again and I thought, who would have ever imagined that two abused kids who at more than one point in their lives thought they could never be happy would find each other and change that.

  I know that I’m where I’m supposed to be and Jace tells me he knows this is where he belongs to. I’m going to hold onto him forever, and I know in my heart that it’s only going to get better and better.

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  Slammed Box Set

  By Claire Adams

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents are products of the writer's imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2016 Claire Adams



  “Evie, I swear to God, you never have any fun.” I rolled my eyes at Jess as she watched me getting dressed from the door of my room. “You could at least pretend like you’re looking forward to this party instead of dragging your feet and picking out the ugliest thing in your closet.”

  I looked down at the jumper and tee shirt I had picked out and made a face in the mirror, turning to look at Jess. “What’s wrong with this?” Jess looked me over from head to toe.

  “Nothing, if you want everyone to think you’re a nun.”

  I sighed. Glancing at my reflection, I could kind of see her point.

  “Well, it’s not even like I wanted to go to the party in the first place,” I said, hearing the whining note in my own voice and not caring. “The only reason I am going is because you want to go and you’re smart enough not to go by yourself.”

  Jess shook her head, sighing in exasperation.

  “You’ve been here almost half a semester and you haven’t been to a single party! Come on, Evelyn, even bookworms like you deserve some fun every now and then.”

  I cringed, giving Jess an unhappy look for the ‘bookworm’ remark. It wasn’t that I loved studying more than I liked socializing; I was paying my own way through college, cobbling together academic scholarships, and applying for all the grant money I could get my hands on. All of that money would disappear in a heartbeat if I didn’t pay attention to my grades. On top of that, working out my own way through college made it important to me to not have to repeat any classes; those extra courses would come straight out of my own savings.

  Jess smiled playfully at me, coming into the room and opening up my closet door. “Evie, you know you are capable of be
ing drop dead gorgeous. I can’t be seen with some frumpy librarian!” I shook my head as Jess pulled out the skimpiest skirt I owned—it barely covered my ass—and a low-cut top to go with it.

  When I had been a senior in high school, my spot at the college a sure thing, I had sort of dipped my toe into going to parties; I’d gone to a few, when I didn’t have to work at the movie theater and my friends and I had a good enough time, but it always seemed like everyone just got bombed out of their minds and passed out or threw up. I had seen enough people staggering into the dining hall on weekend mornings since I’d started at college to know that campus parties weren’t that different.

  But I had agreed to go with Jess, and I told myself as I slithered into the skirt and top that I was going to make the best of it. I’d have a couple of drinks—not enough to get blasted, but enough to enjoy myself—and keep an eye out for Jess. At least it would be a break from constant studying or binge-watching TV shows on my computer.

  The party that Jess was taking me to was at a frat house; the Phi Alpha Kappa fraternity had a bad reputation on campus, going by the nickname “bad boy frat.” I knew from what I’d heard that they had nearly gotten their credentials taken away several times in the last ten years, mostly for their over-the-top pranks and the intensity of their parties—and the property damage that came along with them. If I was going to go to my first party as a college student, it was both a good introduction and a scary prospect.

  Jess left me to finish getting ready herself and I pulled my long, dark brown hair back and braided it to keep it out of my face. I put on some makeup and stepped into a pair of pumps, making a face at my feet. They’d be killing me by the end of the night, but Jess couldn’t possibly have anything bad to say about them—they were certainly sexy. I grabbed my purse and looked around for my keys.

  “Evie, aren’t you ready yet?” Jess called from the common area of our dorm room.

  I sighed and spotted a pair of ballet flats I’d thrown across my floor when I came in arguing with Jess about whether or not I would go with her to the party. I slipped the shoes into my big purse, grabbed my keys, and took a deep breath. I told myself that the night couldn’t possibly be as bad as I was thinking it would be. It would just be a few drinks, and a few laughs, and then I would be back in my room. How bad could it possibly be?

  We walked across campus to where the party was going on; Jess told me she’d slipped a pair of flats into her own purse as well—and as a ‘just in case,’ she had a spare dress stuffed into her bag. “I am well-versed in avoiding a real walk of shame,” she said to me with a grin. “Change into another dress and a pair of flats and no one really knows you spent the night somewhere.”

  I had to admit that she wasn’t entirely wrong; however, people would still see you leaving the frat house the next day. I pointed that out to her.

  “Well, you kinda lie low until you get to a more common part of campus and then you walk tall. People think you’re coming from the library or one of the labs.”

  She shrugged. “You’re putting way too much thought into something that shouldn’t be that common a situation,” I told Jess with a grin.

  “Yeah, well, some of us go to parties more often than once a semester.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Some of us are serious about getting a good job after graduation.”

  Jess twisted her face into a wry grin. “Evie, you need to lighten up a bit! Jeez, you could still make A’s without using your weekends to study, too. These are supposed to be the best years of your life, and what are you doing with them?”

  I shrugged. “Learning. Putting them to good use so that when I’m 50 I’m not still scraping by on the same job I got when I was 30.”

  Jess shrugged. “All work and no play makes Evelyn a dull girl. I know you have it in you!”

  We got to the enormous building that served as the frat house, and before we’d even gotten to the door, I could already hear the pounding bass of the music. The front lawn was empty of all but a few people, but I knew from what I’d heard that the back yard, with its swimming pool, would be thronged—as would the frat house itself. Jess didn’t bother knocking—it was too loud to hear it anyway. She just opened the door and I caught a whiff of beer, pot, sweat, and a little vomit; the tell-tale signs of a raging party.

  There was a guy in a toga hanging out by the door, and he grinned at us as soon as we walked in. “Hey, welcome to Phi Alpha Kappa! You Greek?”

  “Nah, we’re just here to use you for free alcohol,” Jess said with a grin. The guy shrugged.

  “Hey, no problem there. As a token of our hospitality, allow me to offer you beautiful ladies some initial refreshments.”

  The guy produced two red Solo cups of beer and held them out to us. I had never been a big fan of beer—and the kind of beer that showed up at parties like this was even worse than my dad’s treasured Sam Adams. I started to say I’d rather not.

  “Evie, take the cup!” Jess grabbed the other one, shooting me a grin. “Come on, you’re here to have fun. Lighten up, will you?”

  Jess grabbed the other cup, put it in my hand, and pulled me away from the doorway. I sipped at the beer and made a face as I swallowed. It was watery and bitter—no good flavor at all. Jess took a long drink of her own cup and I wondered how she could gulp down such swill. Maybe if I was lucky the liquor would still be out; I could handle some punch or some vodka and soda.

  We turned a corner and all at once I spotted him. He was leaning against a wall, a couple of girls around him, looking just as hot as I could have ever remembered. Zack was tall and lean, not skinny, and he had plenty of muscle to show for years of playing football and training. He was wearing a toga, like all of the members of the frat, but draped around his waist and shoulders the sheet didn’t look ridiculous—it looked, inexplicably, incredibly hot. For a moment I was frozen in my tracks; it had been over a year since I had even seen Zack, and even though I had known he’d gone to the same college, I didn’t really think I’d ever see him. With thousands of students, what were the odds?

  I couldn’t help but stare—I knew it was stupid and I didn’t want to, but I couldn’t help the rush of feelings that just seeing him gave me. Zack and I had dated in high school; he had been a junior when I was a freshman and my mom had started getting sick about the time that he and I began seeing each other. We were together for two years, until the beginning of my junior year—when Zack had graduated and was planning on going off to college. It had taken me a year and a half to get over him; I mean, it was a good experience all told, and I knew I was stronger for having gotten over it at my own speed, but the sight of him, out of the blue, brought me back to all the feelings I’d had for him. He was my first.

  “Hey, Evie, you okay?” Jess’s voice snapped me out of my trance and I smiled, taking a deep breath and looking away from Zack.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. Go on and find whoever you were looking to hook up with. I’ll just hang out.”

  Jess looked at me for a second longer like she might not quite believe me, but Jess has never been the kind to worry for too long; she downed the rest of her beer and started off through the crowds, looking around her and greeting everyone she ran into that she might actually know.

  I tried to move away, but I couldn’t stop thinking about how weird it was to see Zack again. I sort of stuck around in the middle of the room, not exactly looking at him, but pretending to be part of the group around me, like I was listening to whatever story the guy in the middle of the group was telling; but the whole time I was thinking about how things had been with Zack: how much I had loved him, and how important he’d been to me when my mom had first gotten sick. He had been a really great guy—funny, charming, smart. I couldn’t pretend like we’d had some deep relationship that was more mature than our years, but he’d been around for me when I was more stressed out than I had thought I could ever be in my life. He had hung out with me in the middle of the night, sneaking into my room while my parents slept to
comfort me.

  In retrospect, he hadn’t been the greatest guy in the world, but I knew well enough by then that no guy really was. He’d been immature and had broken things off with me mostly because he had wanted to be free to date whoever he wanted in college—right when things with my mom were starting to get worse. I couldn’t hold it against him specifically for that reason; it wasn’t his fault that my mom’s cancer treatment was starting to become a steep, uphill climb instead of the easy walk through the woods they had told us it would be. I’d gone out on dates and had a few short relationships after Zack had gone off to college, and I had gotten over him. But part of me had always wondered how different it would be if he had at least given us a chance when he started college.

  Of course, I thought to myself wryly, I now knew well enough that even if Zack hadn’t been the partying type, college was a lot more demanding than high school. He would have had a lot less time for me, and the college wasn’t exactly close to our home town. He would have only been able to see me, at most, a couple of times a month and during breaks. Would that have been enough for me, anyway? Would I have just broken up with him eventually as my life became more and more dominated with the need to study to make good grades and spend every moment I could with my mom? It still stung. It had been hard to get over him.

  I decided that I wouldn’t even say hello. I wasn’t angry or anything; I just told myself I didn’t need that kind of awkwardness on the one night I’d given myself to have fun. I’d check out what was going on around the frat house, maybe find some people worth talking to, and I’d catch up with Jess later when it was time to go. It didn’t exactly bother me that Zack was there—he clearly belonged to the frat and it wasn’t as though he needed my permission to be at a party I was attending. He had probably gone to Phi Alpha Kappa’s events since he had first started; he had joined up, and he’d be at almost any of the parties the frat threw. I just didn’t particularly want to be seen staring at him, and I knew that if I stuck around I’d do just that.


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