Book Read Free


Page 45

by Joey Bush

  “Eh…it wasn’t really anything special. I mean, I think—I’m not sure—but I don’t think I was his first. But he was mine. It was just sort of…sex, you know? I just kind of laid there. The first time I guess it was hot just because, you know, it was the first time. But we only did it a couple of times after that and it didn’t ever really get to be good, exactly. Certainly no screaming orgasms.”

  “That’s a damn shame. I would think a guy like that at least would have a nice-sized dick to get things done with.”

  I thought about it; it occurred to me that I didn’t really have any way to gauge how big Zack was. I had been with one other guy since him, and while the sex had been better, I hadn’t really paid attention to size.

  “I guess he was average? I wasn’t really paying attention to that so much.”

  Jess nodded slowly.

  “Oh man! I have to tell you about my night.”

  I grinned. “Okay, so what was up with the guy you were with?”

  I knew that it would be more than I wanted to know—Jess always told more than I wanted to know—but I also knew that Jess would be hurt if I didn’t pretend to be at least a little curious about her night.

  “He was hot, right?” Jess raised her eyebrows at me and I nodded; the guy had been good-looking, though since he was tall and skinny he wasn’t really my type. “His name is Nelson. Hoo buddy, he was a good time. I might see him again.”

  “So you two were just cuddling on the couch and making out?” That didn’t seem like Jess’s usual MO.

  Jess laughed out loud. “Nah, we were in the bathroom before you caught up to me. Nelson’s room was too far away. We danced for a while and then we had a quickie there—he wanted me to stay the night, but I know better.”

  It was the second time in two months Jess had mentioned a quickie like that. I didn’t think any the worse of her for it, but I could never have a one-night stand like that.

  “Oh man, you should’ve seen his cock, Evie—I don’t know if it’s true of all black guys, but Nelson was definitely packing. Totally lived up to stereotype.” I rolled my eyes. “I swear to god it was like a baseball bat in his pants. It was good though—right up against the sink.”

  Jess went on about Nelson for a while and I only partially paid attention, enough for her to think I was listening to every word. He was apparently on a basketball scholarship, top pick for the pros in a year or two. He’d been the top college pick out of high school and the frat had barely even made him work to be a pledge—they’d let him in right away. He definitely fit into the bad boy image that Phi Alpha Kappa had; Jess told me that she’d almost want to date him, if it weren’t for the fact that he was a total hound.

  “Man, as good as that quickie was, I wouldn’t mind bringing him back here for the night. But he’s definitely not relationship material. He’d be chasing the next skirt the minute I turned my back.”

  I nodded. In spite of the fact that I’d told myself I wouldn’t even think about Zack again, he rose up in my mind, along with the “piece of ass” comment his frat brother had made. When we’d been dating, Zack had been faithful; but it was easy to imagine he’d turned into the kind of guy who just slept with a girl and evicted her from his bed the next morning without batting an eyelash.

  I didn’t like to think about Zack being that way. It was his right to sleep around as much as he wanted; I had no hold on him. We’d been broken up for over a year. But it still turned my stomach to think about Zack sleeping around without being attached to anyone. I wondered while I dried my hair if it would make me feel worse to know that Zack was sleeping around or to know that he had started up a new relationship. It wasn’t important, I told myself firmly. I shouldn’t feel bad either way. If Zack had a new girlfriend, that was his business. I wondered how he would react if I had a new boyfriend; but then I took a deep breath and told myself that that didn’t matter either. We were two separate people who happened to run into each other, and because of alcohol and old feelings, we’d ended up making out a little. It was no big deal. I wouldn’t think about it again.


  My journalism class was wrapping up for the day; everyone else was looking at the clock or the door, putting their stuff away even though there was another ten minutes and even though Professor Grant wasn’t done saying the last few things about our reading on style.

  “Remember, everyone: it’s important to cultivate your own journalistic voice, but you also have to be mindful of the rules of style—the basic elements that every publication looks for—and the specific style rules that your publication demands.”

  I took another look at the diagram on the overhead—it compared AP style to Chicago style. Grant had had us all read Politics and the English Language, along with part of Elements of Style for the class; I’d liked both—especially the bitter, harsh humor in “Politics.” I was really starting to enjoy the course, an introduction to journalism.

  The end of class arrived and I joined in with everyone else loading my stuff into my bag, ready to go. I was taking a pretty full course load, but I had a couple of hours free before my next class.

  “Evelyn, do you have a minute to talk?” Grant called out as the other students started to file out.

  I shrugged. “Yeah, sure, Professor Grant,” I replied, calling out over the murmurs and screech of desks against the linoleum floor. I sat back down, settling my books, my laptop, and my pens in my bag while everyone left.

  Professor Grant was gathering up his stuff, and as the last of the other students left the room I got up and approached the front of the room, stopping short of the desk.

  “You wanted to talk to me, Professor Grant?” I said, feeling anxious in spite of myself. I knew I was making decent grades in the class.

  “Absolutely, Evelyn,” Grant said, looking up from his laptop bag with a grin.

  He was in his forties, starting to go gray but with all of his hair still there. Lots of girls at the college had crushes on Grant, I knew; everyone vied to have him as their advisor and I’d seen plenty of my classmates giggling as they left his office during office hours. I could see why they liked him—he was nice, and he looked good—but I wasn’t into older guys.

  “Take a chair.”

  I shrugged and sat down. It wasn’t likely that Grant was going to chew me out—or at least, I hoped it wasn’t likely.

  “What’s up?” I asked, trying to keep my nerves from showing. Grant leaned against the desk.

  “I wanted to talk to you because I’ve been reading your papers for these past eight weeks and they’re… well, frankly, they’re well above the level you’d need to do well in this class.” I smiled, relieved; even though I knew I had done well, it was good to hear it. “If I graded on a curve, the entire class would hate you.”

  “Oh come on,” I said, laughing. “I’m not that good.”

  Grant nodded his head slowly. “You are. In fact, you’re so good that I wanted to ask you to consider joining the college newspaper. There’d be a little pay for it—not a lot, but enough to finance the occasional food run—and it would be a good early experience for you.”

  My eyes widened at the offer. Grant wasn’t just a professor—he was the Journalism Department head and the faculty member in charge of the campus paper. I hadn’t even been aware that there were any openings.

  “There’s an opening?”

  Grant nodded. “We can always use news and features material. It would be a staff reporting position—nothing too major, but a way to get your feet wet. Your first few assignments would come from the editorial board, but once we know you can cut it on your own, you’ll be covering your own beat—whatever you want to write about, with editorial discretion.”

  It was as good an offer as I could ever get. It wasn’t professional publishing, but if I did good work, I could eventually expect a column, maybe an editorial position to pad my resume with.

  But on the other hand, a gig like that—even part time as it was—would ta
ke away from my studying. Not all of my classes were as interesting or easy as Intro to Journalism. I was hanging on to a steady high B average in Statistics—but I could slip on that easily. Math had never been my strongest subject. It was a tough choice, because as much as it could advance my career in the future, it could also screw me up—which wouldn’t look good on a resume.

  “That’s… I can’t even believe it,” I said, smiling—knowing that Grant expected me to say something. “It’s a pretty big time commitment, isn’t it?”

  “At first it shouldn’t take you more than a handful of hours a week. Of course, as time goes on and you prove yourself, that will change. But for right now, consider it maybe five or six hours out of your week, for research and writing.”

  I thought about it. The opportunity the offer represented was a lot greater than the risk of losing a few hours per week studying.

  “I’d love to,” I said, smiling at Professor Grant. He returned my grin.

  “Excellent. The next meeting is in a week,” he told me. “I will add you to the email group list in the meantime, and I’ll send you log-in information for the Blackboard sub-site we use.”

  I picked up my bag—now that I had made the decision, I was excited more than I was afraid. I couldn’t wait to get started. First, I had a study session in the library before my next class.

  I was thinking about the opportunity, considering buying back-editions of the campus paper to get a feel for the voice—something that Grant had mentioned in passing when he did the first lecture on voice and style—while I walked to the library. All of my homework was done for my next class, but I was still struggling with a couple of things in American History and I wanted to put in an hour or so. I had reserved one of the rooms; really, for the purposes of seriously studying, it was either that or my dorm. The main part of the library was always full of people working on papers or getting tutoring—it was loud, impossible to focus.

  I looked up and saw Zack walking into the library a few yards ahead of me and stopped dead in my tracks. It wasn’t so much seeing Zack—though that was plenty strange, to see him twice when I hadn’t caught sight of him at all in my first eight weeks at the college—it was seeing him going into the library that was weird. Zack had always been fairly smart, but he’d barely kept up a high C-average in high school, getting extensions on projects and assignments and taking the test under special circumstances because he was a member of the football team. The idea of him going to the library—studying, or even taking an interest in any of his classes enough to look things up for it—was beyond weird. It was like walking in on your parents having an orgy; not the kind of thing you would ever expect to see, and too shocking to actually process for a moment.

  For a moment my plans weren’t changed at all; Zack was probably meeting with a tutor or something. The private study rooms were in a completely different part of the library. But I would have to go through the main areas to get upstairs to the private rooms, and there was the possibility that Zack would spot me. If he spotted me, he might talk to me. I shook my head. I shouldn’t let him break my routine; we were nothing to each other, even if he had kissed me—even if he had said he missed me. He certainly hadn’t missed me enough to put much effort into finding me at the party. I was surprised that had apparently bothered me. It shouldn’t have, and I knew it shouldn’t have. But all the same, I didn’t want to risk running into Zack. Instead of walking to the library, I turned at the fork in the sidewalk and headed back towards the dorms.


  “Evie, come on,” Jess said at my door, a slight whining edge to her voice. “I need a partner in crime! I need someone to talk to during the game!”

  I sighed, rubbing at my face with my hands. I had managed to get my studying done, and technically I didn’t have anything left to do for the evening.

  “I don’t care about the game; I don’t care about football.”

  Jess rolled her eyes. “You don’t have to care about it. It’s an excuse to hang out and watch hot guys throw themselves at each other and to talk to other hot guys who are all excited by it.”

  I laughed. “Put that way it sounds like we’re going to watch a gay orgy and talk to other gay guys.”

  “Well, think about it however you want. But I need you to come with me.”

  I tilted my head back against the footboard of my bed. “What do I get out of this?”

  Jess looked at me shrewdly for a moment. “I’ll get someone to buy you a beer and I’ll help you study for the Stats midterm.”

  I pouted. Jess had a natural talent for math—how, I had never been able to understand. It wasn’t that I thought she was stupid; in order to manage good grades with all of her partying, she had to be smart, but I wouldn’t have thought that math, of all subjects, would be her strong suit. She was planning to major in Physics and become either an engineer or a theorist.

  “Fine. I will go with you, if you’ll help me ace the Stats midterm.” If I got an A on the midterm, I could almost—not quite, but almost—coast until it came time for finals without having to worry too much about my grades.

  “Good girl! Okay, get dressed in something comfortable but cute; you never know who you’ll run into at a game.”

  Jess ran off to her room to get ready, and I rummaged through my closet. Comfortable but cute. I frowned at my choices and finally settled on a skirt that came to my mid-thigh and a light sweater in the school colors. I pulled my hair back into a pony tail and changed clothes, putting a little bit of makeup on my face before Jess called to me from the common area of the dorm. “Aren’t you ready yet?”

  “Coming!” I shouted back, feeling irritated already.

  We walked out to Jess’s car in the student lot next to the dorms; by the time we got to the car, two other girls were waiting for us. My irritation increased. Why did Jess need me to go with her if she had two other friends already going? Admittedly, I didn’t have anything special planned for that night—I was going to hit the dining hall for some take-away dinner, and maybe stream a few episodes of Bones—but the fact that Jess had gotten me to go along with her on a lie bothered me.

  Fortunately, since I was her roommate, Jess decreed that I had infinite call on shotgun; the other girls piled into the back seat and we made our way to the game, blasting Beyoncé and Lorde all the way out to the stadium. The campus was huge—almost a town in itself—so with all the people headed to the game, it was slow enough to enjoy the ride. I started to relax; I had watched enough high school games as Zack’s girlfriend to know what was going on around me, and I had heard that we had a decent marching band. It could actually be an interesting evening out. It still bothered me that Jess had convinced me to come even though she didn’t really need my company, but I told myself that it was something at least that she wanted my company with her, even with the other girls she’d invited. It wouldn’t be too bad, all in all, I told myself as we pulled into the parking lot outside of the stadium.

  Jess had managed to score surprisingly good tickets, and the four of us found our seats down on the lowest level of the stands, close to the band but with a good view of the game itself, too. The stadium was packed—both the rival school and our own college were out in force. The other team wasn’t from that far away—maybe a few hours—and the game was starting early in the evening, so most of the people from the other school would have plenty of time to get home. Against my better judgment, I looked around on the bench in the sidelines and spotted Zack. He looked good in full gear; but then, he had looked good in his gear in high school, too. It shouldn’t surprise me that he still looked great. I turned my attention to the band, to anything but the guy I had dated in high school, while we waited for the game to get started.

  Jess was chatting up everyone around us, especially the guys; the band was playing a set of golden oldies hits, something for the alumni in the crowd to appreciate. I had grown up on the music—my mom had loved the Beatles and Motown—so I sang along under my breath,
trying not to laugh at the way Jess was obviously flirting with one of the guys seated near us. Her other friends were chatting people up too, and for a moment I felt like, in spite of the fact that I didn’t really want to, I should be following their lead.

  The game started and Jess at least had to pretend to be interested in it. I knew our team was decent, but as I watched, I started to actually get invested in us; I was swept up in the energy of the crowd. Near the end of the first quarter, I heard myself groan along with everyone else at the sight of the harsh tackle our QB took—and then everyone went quiet as he failed to get up right away. We all waited to see what had happened, and I felt my heart pounding. Football was a brutal sport; even in high school, with more safeguards in place than professional ball, I’d known several guys on the JV and Varsity teams alike who went out for a few games at a time due to injuries. Finally the QB got to his feet and limped off of the field, helped by one of the coaches. There was no penalty—technically the tackle had been fully legal—but it was clear from the way the quarterback was limping that he was out of the game. My heart skipped a beat as Zack walked up to the coach, nodding a few times before he put on his helmet and charged out onto the field.

  “Man, that’s some bad luck,” the guy Jess was talking to said, shaking his head. “They better rally fast.”

  I looked over, wondering at the comment. Jess caught me looking and shrugged.

  “We have the best quarterback in the nation,” she explained to me. She turned to the guy she’d been flirting with. “It is going to be a tough climb—we’re still a few games away. We have to win this game and the next one to get to the playoffs, and that didn’t look like a minor injury.”

  I nodded; I had heard that we had a great team—and that the starting QB had held the title of number one in the nation the previous two years. It was bad luck for him that he’d fallen the wrong way.

  Zack huddled and the rest of the team and the crowd—me included—watched with bated breath. What was he going to do? Would he be able to take over from Saunders? I knew that Zack was a good QB; he had gotten into the school on a scholarship, and though he wasn’t a top-line pick, he was at the top of the second tier of recruits that the colleges had all looked at. It was just his bad luck that the starting QB was too valuable to sit out many games. But I knew that Zack was feeling the pressure. For a moment, I felt sympathetic towards him.


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