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Page 111

by Joey Bush

  He leaned forward and lightly brushed his lips across the worst of the bruises as he gently pulled my skirt down and dropped it on the floor. He quickly added my panties to the growing pile of discarded clothing as he lay down next to me.

  His hands roamed my naked body as we slowly kissed, and I could feel his hardness pressed against my thigh. My body responded to his touch as if it were the most natural thing in the world and before long I felt him spreading my thighs and slipping his fingers into my wetness. I gasped as he slowly slid them up and down, lightly stroking my clit and then dragging them down to tease me a little before sliding back up again.

  In retaliation, I reached out and ran my hand across the tip of his cock, coating it in the pre-cum that covered it. Then I wrapped my hand around his girth and began stroking it slowly. Now it was his turn to gasp. I smiled as I whispered, “Two can play that game, Mr. Seal.”

  “Can they now?” Brian laughed as he pushed two fingers up into my tight wet pussy and heard me inhale sharply. We lay there watching each other as our hands got lost in the playground of our bodies.

  Suddenly, Brian withdrew his fingers, wrapped his arms around me and rolled over on his back pulling me on top of him so that I was forced to let go of my hold on his cock. He quickly positioned me so that the tip of it was pressing up against my wet opening and then kissed me deeply as he slowly slid inside me. I felt like I was melting as his cock filled my pussy, and I moaned softly into his lips as he pushed the entire length inside. He stopped and waited, letting me feel the fullness before he began slowly pulling back out and leaving just the tip of his swollen member inside me.

  I kissed him harder as I tried to make him push back up, but he held his ground and waited.

  “Oh Brian, please?” I begged. “Please! Please!”

  “Please what,” he said through gritted teeth as he kept me from slamming myself down onto him.

  “Please! I need it!” I cried as I wriggled in his grasp.

  “What do you need, Ava? Tell me,” he urged.

  “I need it! I need your cock! Please!” I begged more desperately. “God, take me! Now!”

  Hearing those words spurred him to action and Brian slammed his hips up against mine as he buried his cock inside me. I cried out as I felt him enter me fast and hard, and then began pushing against him as we tried to find a rhythm that would match the desire we felt. He thrust up again and again and I met him more than half way as I tried to drive him deeper and deeper inside of me. I wrapped my arms around him and as I slammed down I heard him groan. We’d found our rhythm, and frantically rode it until both of us were on the edge of an intense orgasm.

  Brian had somehow worked his hand between our two bodies and was firmly stroking my clit in a way that made my pussy pulse around his cock. I’d never felt anything like it and I briefly wondered if I would pass out when I came. The thought left my mind as quickly as it had arrived and suddenly I was hurtling over the edge of a cliff as I moaned his name. The orgasm shook my body, and I felt him join me as we both flew into the abyss together.

  Many minutes later I heard Brian whisper something in my ear, but my pulse was still pounding in my brain and I couldn’t hear him. I lifted my head and lightly kissed his lips before I gave him a questioning look.

  “I’m so sorry, Ava,” he whispered as he bent forward and pressed his forehead to my chest. “I’m so, so sorry.”

  “There’s nothing to be sorry about,” I reassured him. “This isn’t your fault.”

  “It is my fault,” he said. “I was supposed to protect you and keep you safe and I failed.”

  “No you didn’t,” I objected. “There was no way for you to have known what Dominic was doing!”

  “I tried to keep tabs on him at all times,” Brian admitted. “All those texts were from a couple of the frat brothers I’d had following him and Cheese. I tried to keep him under surveillance, but we lost him.”

  “So that explains the obsessive texting all the time!” I laughed. “I thought it was a new girlfriend.”

  “A new girlfriend?” he said with a smile as he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me tightly against him. “Why would I want a new girlfriend when I’ve got all I ever wanted right here in my arms?”

  “I love you.”

  “I love you too.”

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  By Claire Adams

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents are products of the writer's imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2015 Claire Adams

  Chapter 1

  “I’m fine Rebecca, the taxi just turned down my street.”

  “I’ll just stay on until you get inside the house.”

  “Seriously Rebecca, I’m not going to get murdered in two blocks. It’s Bain, Missouri for gosh sake!”

  My ability to humor Rebecca and her mothering significantly decreased the more exhausted I was. We had been friends for most of our lives, but she still didn’t think I was capable of taking care of myself.

  “Are you at the house yet? Did you get inside?”

  “I’m paying my taxi driver now,” I sighed as I walked up to the door to my house and looked for my keys. Unfortunately, I had forgotten them inside the house. Nothing to worry about though; I had a spare key, somewhere.

  “Walking up to the door…unlocking the door… going inside,” I lied to her.

  “Alright. Remember to take some Tylenol and drink some water. Do you have orange juice for the morning?”

  Since losing my parents, Rebecca had tried to fill in the emptiness. Her heart was always in the right spot, but she never understood what it was like to be without any family. Moving into my grandparent’s house and remodeling it was the best way I could cope, at least for now.

  “Yes, I will drink orange juice, take two pills and call you in the morning.”

  “Great, yes. Call me when you get up,” Rebecca said.

  “Ok mother Rebecca. Talk to you tomorrow.”

  With Rebecca off the phone, I went to work looking for the spare key. I remembered putting it somewhere around when I had visited my parents and my mother was too sick to get up to the door. But after she died I had moved the key again.

  Really it shouldn’t be all that hard to find a key, but when you forget things as fast as I do, you would understand. This key was going to be near impossible to find.

  After searching the mat, flowers, and all the rocks around my grandparents old Victorian home, it finally dawned on me that I had put the key over in the neighbors’ rocks. The fake rock that held the spare key fit perfectly with their rocks and since the home had been empty for at least five years, it seemed like a good place to hide the house key. Now if only I could remember which rock I was looking for…at two o’clock in the morning, it was amazing how every single rock looked exactly the same.

  Well this was just perfect. On my hands and knees in the grass was not how I wanted to be spending my Saturday night. I was crawling around in the wet grass and looking for the key to my dead parent’s home. Well, the house was actually my grandparent’s home, and then they passed it to my parents and finally on to me.

  Why couldn’t I just have a normal life? Like those girls at the bar tonight. They had the kind of busy lives with friends and parties all the time. But no, I had by far the most boring life in the history of Bain. Fixing up my grandparents’ house was the only thing interesting on my calendar for the next three weeks. Oh, how I longed for some excitement, but instead I was here digging through rocks and grass in the middle of the night.

  The rock that held my house key eluded me. I screamed out in frustration and threw a roc
k from the neighbor’s yard to my own.

  “Can I help you?”

  My breath caught as I looked up to see a strongly built man standing at the corner of the house. He looked to have been just woken up and stood there with sweatpants and no shirt.

  The no shirt part is what had me so distracted. Even in the moonlight I could see more muscles on his stomach than I probably had in my entire body.

  “Um. Well, I uh…I’m looking for my house key.”

  “And you keep it in my flower bed?”

  The way he stood there looking at me, it was like I amused him. He watched as I struggled to stand up and then fidgeted with my dress. As much as I tried to hide the level of my intoxication, I’m pretty sure there was no hiding it. The look on his face showed enough pity toward me that I knew he could tell I was drunk.

  “I’m uh, yes I did hide it here. It’s a rock. Well, it looks like a rock. It’s a fake rock with a key in it. But I can’t find it because they all look the same.”

  I watched as the mystery man walked closer to me and looked at the rocks surrounding the house.

  “What’s your name?” he asked me.

  “I’m Katelyn. Katelyn Peterson.”

  I waited for him to respond with his name, but he did not. Instead, he reached down and grabbed a rock from the back of the pile of rocks. He handed it to me and I instantly knew that it was the rock I had been looking for. It was light and I could hear the jingle of the key as I moved the rock in my hand.

  “There you go Katelyn.”

  His voice was smooth, seductive and sexy, which was hard to pair up with the body that stood in front of me. The man in front of me looked more like a killer than a seducer. The muscles in his arms bulged with definition. Not bulk, but a refined sense of power. Even the way he clenched his jaw made me think of someone who was hiding something and wasn’t going to let you find out.

  “Wow, thank you. That was pretty amazing. How did you know which one it was?”

  “Just luck I guess,” he said as he looked me over.

  I dropped the rock as I tried to get the key out and he quickly retrieved the key from the grass. I’m not sure if he was so helpful because I was annoying him by waking him up in the middle of the night or if he was just a nice person.

  He took the key and walked over to my front door. I tried to keep up, but my short legs and high-heels were no match.

  By the time I got to my door, he had it opened and stood there with the key in his hand.

  “Goodnight Katelyn.”

  His hand touched mine as he passed me the key and instantly my body reacted with a surge of energy. I didn’t know who he was, or why he was living in the old abandoned neighbor’s house, but he could touch me with those hands any time he wanted.

  Chapter 2

  “So how long have you lived here? I didn’t know anyone had moved in,” I asked the gorgeous mystery man.

  “I just moved in.”

  “Ahh, so you’re new to town? How’s that going for you? Wait, why did you come to Bain? It’s not like we are a happening town.”

  As I kept talking I tried to force myself to be quiet but I just couldn’t stop. The more I looked at him, the worse my tongue-tied condition got. The light of my porch intensified his muscles and I’m pretty sure my brain actually stopped working.

  I tried not to make a fool of myself, but his body was just too much for my brain to comprehend. He had muscles so defined he looked like he could be one of those Navy Seals or something. I fixated on his naked chest with the desire to feel it against my body. Every impulse jetting through me said not to touch his chest. Yet my hand had a mind of its own.

  Sure enough, without warning, and likely fueled by the large alcohol courage I had…

  …I touched his chest.

  Right there on my front porch in the middle of the night and without warning. My drunken hand reached out and touched his chest! It would have been bad enough if that’s all that happened, but I couldn’t stop myself. My verbal garbage kept coming out.

  “Oh my god, you work out. Yeah, you definitely work out. Is that all you do all day long is workout?”

  He stood there with the same calm and cool look as when he first saw me on my knees in his flower bed. Hmmm…he seemed to be the quintessential strong silent type. His face was serious and observed me with just the slightest bit of a smirk forming at the corners of his mouth.

  “To answer your first question, I’m here to relax and get away for a little while,” he said, and looked down at my drunken hand still sitting on his chest. “Yes, I work out.”

  Maybe it was the alcohol wearing off, but I suddenly realized my hand was on his chest and I removed it. My eyes looked at his and then down at his chest again. What had come over me? This was not my usual behavior. Then again, a sexy guy like this on my front porch was not my usual evening either.

  I could feel the flush of embarrassment start filling up my face. I stopped looking at his chest and made eye contact with him, but that was worse than looking at his chest.

  “Oh, alright. Yeah, I kind of thought that you were a workout kind of guy. I like to run. But I don’t get out as much as I would like and I certainly don’t run for long distances. Maybe down a few blocks and back. Like one mile tops. I take pictures. That’s what I like to do. You know…photography and that kind of stuff?”

  I wanted to stop talking. I just couldn’t send the impulse from my brain to my mouth to make it happen.

  “Well, you have a nice night Katelyn.”

  He turned to walk away and I stood on my porch and watched him. I waited for him to look back at me, ready with one last wave goodnight. But he didn’t turn around.

  “Goodnight!” I yelled as he disappeared around the corner of the neighbor’s house toward the back door.

  I closed my front door and stood inside pondering who this man was and what he was doing in tiny little Bain, Missouri. He had this quiet calmness about him that was fascinating. I had never met a man who seemed to have so much self-control, like a vigilant soldier with his senses finely tuned.

  I turned the lights off in my house and tried to look out at the neighbor’s house. I just wanted to see if there was any movement inside of his house. Perhaps I secretly wanted to get one last peek at that chiseled chest of his? But I was disappointed and there wasn’t a single sign of movement throughout his house.

  As I drifted off to sleep, I couldn’t help but fantasize about being with the gorgeous neighbor. I had not even considered another man since Michael’s death, so it surprised me how easily this man was filling my thoughts. Normally the memory of Michael and our six years together caused me too much pain to even think about it for long. He had been my first love, my high school sweetheart. After losing Michael a year before, I never thought I could ever move on. Maybe my interest in the gorgeous stranger was a signal that I might be ready now.

  As I drifted off to sleep, I saw the stranger’s face in my mind: his chiseled serious face, with just the right touch of softness. His demeanor was so relaxed and calm for such a late hour. It struck me as odd that he was so readily awakened in the middle of the night, but I was happy he did wake up. Getting to meet him was just what I needed to give me hope that someday I could move on from my grief about Michael’s death.

  Chapter 3

  “Are you alright?” Rebecca said loudly into the phone.

  I’m not sure if she was actually loud or if my body was reacting horribly to the large amount of alcohol I had consumed the night before.

  “Shhhh, not so loud,” I said as I tried to pry my eyes open.

  “I’m talking in a regular voice. Are you just getting up? Geeze Katelyn it’s almost three o’clock in the afternoon.”

  Sitting up in my bed I squinted with one eye as I looked at the clock. I couldn’t remember ever sleeping in that late, even on a Sunday. Typically I had my days filled with so many things to do I would wake up out of pure worry that I wouldn’t get them all done.

>   “I guess I am,” I said with a smile.

  “So you’re alive and I can call off the search crews, great.”

  “Yes, I’m fine. I’ll see you tomorrow morning for coffee. I’m just going to nurse this hangover for today.”

  “Take some aspirin, drink some water, oh and some orange juice too.”

  “Alright. Alright. I have to go. See you tomorrow.”

  My bladder was about to explode and if Rebecca had not willingly hung up, I’m sure I would have just done it myself. Rebecca was a kind soul who really did care about everyone. After losing my parents to illness and Michael to a car accident, Rebecca had been the best person in the world to lean on.

  As I brushed my teeth the memory of the gorgeous stranger hit me and I had to go look out the window. It didn’t look any different over there at the neighboring house. I watched intently to see if I noticed any curtains moving as he walked past, or perhaps I would get lucky enough to see him come outside again. I tried to peer around to the garage out back to see if there was a vehicle there, but I couldn’t see from my bedroom.

  I moved my snooping self down to the kitchen as I made a cup of coffee. The sweet and bitter taste hit my pallet with a bang and I could feel the caffeine start rushing through my body. I needed that desperately.

  The memory of the stranger’s body still burned in my brain, I could still feel his warm olive skin on my hands. I licked my lips with desire as I thought about his lips: their perfect color and roundness; I wanted to feel them against mine. It was like sweetness on my mouth as I thought about the neighbor and how he could please me with those lip.

  My eyes stayed focused on his house, just waiting for him to come out shirtless like he had done the night before. My body ached to see him again. I didn’t even know his name, but I was filled with thoughts of desire. What would his lips feel like on my body? Oh, how I would love to feel them softly moving over every inch of me. Slowly moving from my neck, down to my nipple and further down to bring me to a tremendous explosion.


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