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Insufferable Proximity 2

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by Stefani, Z.

  “I know,” Ayden admitted.

  “You put Heaven at risk.” He frowned with disappointment that was not lost on his father.

  “You know I love that girl like a daughter; I would never willingly put her at risk.”

  “Then that makes you a liability. You don’t even know when your past skeletons will come back to destroy your family.” He turned to Heaven, “Come on.”

  “Give me one second with him, please,” she said before he turned around and walked back to the paramedic.

  “Julian wait! Julian…please!” Ayden cried.

  “Don’t worry, I’ll talk to him,” Heaven whispered.

  “I didn’t mean to put you in harm’s way, Sevigne. I am so sorry this happened to you.”

  “I know you didn’t. It’s impossible to govern how your past controls your future.” Her sincerity put him at ease a bit.

  “My past with my son is so sketchy; this is the last thing we needed. We finally got things right, but it took years.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I never meant to hurt Julian again. He’s been hurt enough because of me. I never thought he would forgive me, but he finally did.” His eyes were wide, and he spoke in a frenzied manner.

  “Forgive you for what?” Heaven asked.

  “He even defended me when it came to her.” Ayden continued to ramble as the tears pooled in his eyes.

  “When it came to who? What are you saying? I don’t understand.ˮ Heaven frowned in confusion.

  “When it came to Julia King—Julian’s mother. She’s the reason he hated me for so long.”

  Heaven had no idea that Julian and Ayden had ever been at odds. They had always seemed so close. Julian had never mentioned his mother either. Heaven didn’t know that there was conflict between them as well. She knew about the hatred between him and his brother, but nothing else. Although she had always wondered how such an intense hatred between two brothers had developed. It was an unnatural rivalry. Just the thought of Julian being mistreated infuriated Heaven. She wondered what had happened and what had started it all, but would ask Julian himself.

  “I’ll talk to him.” Heaven was worried about Julian. She needed to end this conversation and go to him.

  “Thank you.” Ayden wiped the tears from his eyes before he turned to leave.

  Heaven watched Ayden leave before turning to look at Julian. He was talking to one of the paramedics while keeping his eye on her. She felt her heart swell with worry. Despite what had happened, she was more concerned about Julian. It broke her heart to know that he may have never known a mother’s love. Despite the unsuitable environment that her mother had raised her in…she had always known that Sybille loved her.

  Heaven ached for Julian. She wanted to wrap her arms around him and shower him with her love. She started to walk towards him, but he closed the distance faster than she did. He picked her up in his arms and headed towards the ambulance. The paramedic he had been talking to was close behind.

  “He didn’t mean it; I know how much your father loves you,” she whispered as she kissed the side of his face.

  “We’ll discuss it later.”

  “Where are we going?” Heaven wrapped her arms around his neck and planted another kiss on his cheek.

  “I want the paramedics to check you,” he said as he stepped into the back of the ambulance. He was careful not to shake Heaven as he went.

  “They already checked me…I’m fine.”

  “I want him to tell me that.” He sat her down on the stretcher in the back. “I’ll be right back; I need to speak to the officer for a moment. You stay here.” He stepped aside and let the paramedic in. Julian stepped out and walked over to speak with the officer.

  “Hi, I’m Monty,” the paramedic told Heaven.

  “Hi Monty. I’d like to get this finished as fast as possible. It’s been a bad night, and I’m ready for it to end,” Heaven explained as pleasantly as she could. She wanted to be alone with Julian and ask him about his mother; she wanted to comfort him.

  “I understand,” he nodded as he pulled out his blood pressure cuff. He wrapped it around her upper arm as she sat poker faced, waiting for it to end.

  “On a scale of one to ten, what is your pain level?”

  “Three,” she lied; it was more like a five, maybe even six.

  “How many fingers am I holding up?” he asked Heaven as he waved two meaty digits in front of her.

  Heaven flinched as his fingers darted dangerously close to her eyes.

  “If you accidentally poke me in the face, you’ll have zero fingers to hold up,” she warned him after his fingers came even closer to her face.

  She was irritated, exhausted, and her head was beginning to throb. She wanted to be with Julian, not sitting in an ambulance waiting to be examined. She needed to make sure that he was all right. She needed to ask him about his parents. She was beyond frustrated, and the paramedic was only increasing her frustration. Heaven realized that he was merely being nice and trying to do his job. However, now was not the time for civil conversation, niceties or fingers accidentally penetrating her eyes. Now was the time to end this horrific night…once and for all. She wanted to forget about everything that had happened and crawl into her big, comfortable bed. She would not allow this to distract her from her mission.

  “We should take you in for further testing,” Monty suggested.

  “I’m fine and that’s what you’re going to tell Julian King.” Heaven shook her head and instantly regretted it.

  “We should make sure that you don’t have a concussion.”

  “I don’t have a concussion, and I don’t need to go to the hospital,” she answered firmly.

  “I really think you may have a slight concussion,” he said adamantly.

  “I thought only doctors were allowed to diagnose,” she scoffed.

  “You’re going to the hospital,” Julian said as he jumped into the back of the ambulance.

  “I’m perfectly fine, Mr. King.” She raised her chin despite the swaying inside of her skull and the bandage on the back of her head.

  “I refuse to take that chance; I want you fully examined.” He sat down next to her and took her hand.

  “But—ˮ He put his finger to her lips, stopping her words.

  “Don’t fight me on this…I’ll win,” he warned her, with a look of pure determination. His deep-set eyes narrowed, and his irises glistened like shards of dark ice below his dark lashes. “Your health is very important to me, and I need to make sure that you’re not hurt.”

  “I don’t feel hurt. I just bumped my head…I’m fine.”

  “You can’t always detect a concussion, ma’am,” the paramedic offered, but quickly shut his mouth when Heaven glared at him.

  “Don’t get mad at him, Princess; you were going to the hospital regardless.” Julian smiled, knowing Heaven was ready to give the paramedic a piece of her mind. He could tell that something was wrong; she seemed disoriented and impatient.

  “All right, but this is a total waste of time…I’m perfectly fine.” She frowned, crossing her arms over her chest.

  “I’d prefer to let the doctor tell me that,” Julian finished as he motioned to the paramedic to go.


  Heaven’s frustration level was escalating, and she was ready to go. She sat on the emergency room bed; her leg was bouncing up and down with nervous energy. She wanted to close this chapter of her life—once and for all. She couldn’t begin to end it if she were stuck in the hospital.

  “All I want to do is go home,” she whined.

  Julian stood next to the bed, his six-foot-one frame towering over her. He was a dominating presence, and she felt safer with him near. Although she would still feel much safer at home, she was thankful he was with her.

  “I know, babe.” He smoothed the hair back from her face. He could tell by her eyes that she was not one hundred percent.

  “She has a head injury; it’s mild, but we’d like to k
eep her here overnight,” the doctor told Julian.

  “I am not staying here overnight. Absolutely not…I refuse.” Heaven was ready to jump off the hospital bed, but Julian stopped her.

  “You’re staying,” Julian said flatly.

  “No, I am not, I want to go home.”

  “There is no way I’m letting you leave this hospital. You have a head injury; I’m not taking any chances with you,” Julian insisted.

  “Julian, be reasonable.”

  “Shush, you’re staying here and I’m staying with you,” Julian informed her before he turned back to the doctor.

  “I’ve already had a private room prepared for you. I also had one of the orderlies set up an extra bed for you.” The doctor smiled politely.

  “Thank you,” Julian nodded.

  “The nurse will be here soon to show you to your room,” the doctor finished before he left.

  “I really don’t want to stay here. I want to go home where it’s safe. I want to sleep in our bed, and I want you to hold me,” Heaven sighed.

  She felt slightly out of sorts, and her head was hurting just enough to bring tears to her eyes. She was also nervous. Even though she knew Gavin was in jail, she could not shake the apprehensive jitter creeping up her spine. She knew that Julian would protect her, but she wasn’t focused enough to concentrate on that.

  “I know, babe, but it’s just for one night.” He wrapped his arms around her and held her close to him.

  “Okay, but you’re sleeping in the hospital bed with me.”

  “Of course I will.” As he finished, the door opened.

  “Hi, I’m Betty. I’ll be your nurse for this evening. I’ll take you to your room,” the small-framed blonde-haired woman said, with a sincere smile.


  After a few hours of just sitting there twiddling her thumbs, Heaven was growing increasingly agitated. The doctor had given her some pain medication. She was feeling a little better, and she was ready to leave. The nurse was sweet, and under normal circumstances, Heaven would appreciate that. Right now, she couldn’t appreciate anything that did not involve going home.

  “So there’s nothing really wrong with me? Just a minor head injury…correct?” Her eyebrow rose as she asked the nurse.


  “But it’s not a true concussion, is it?”

  “No, but any head injury can be dangerous without the proper rest,” the nurse explained.

  “Then the only thing that the hospital can supply me with at this point is a bed, right?”

  “And to monitor you and make sure that you rest.” The nurse smiled.

  “No more tests?” she asked the last question.

  Julian shook his head; he already knew where this was going.

  “No, no more tests. How is the medication working? Are you feeling any relief?”

  “I feel fine…my head doesn’t even hurt anymore,” she lied.

  “You’ll want to keep still; too much movement could increase your pain.”

  “Thank you.” Heaven was trying hard to be pleasant.

  “You’re very welcome. Do you need anything else?” The nurse asked.


  “Would you like something to drink?”

  “No, thank you.”

  “All right, well buzz me if you need anything.” The nurse smiled widely, obviously used to fussy patients.

  “Thank you again, Betty,” Heaven sighed.

  “It’s my pleasure,” she sang with a smile before she left the room.

  Heaven was out of bed before the door closed behind the nurse.

  “What are you doing?” Julian asked, although he already knew.

  “I’m getting out of here.”

  “No, you’re not. Lay back down; I want you to rest.”

  “You heard her—there’s nothing they can do for me now. I’m going home.”

  “You’re not leaving.”

  “Oh, I’m leaving, one way or another. I’ll climb out the window if I have to. I am not staying here another second,” she finished as she grabbed her things from the locker.

  “Be reasonable, Princess.”

  “I am being reasonable, Julie. If you try to stop me, I’ll only try to fight. That will make my head injury worse, so I suggest that you walk out of here with me. I told you, I’m not comfortable in hospitals,” she explained.

  “Always the lawyer,” Julian smirked. He knew she was stubborn enough to prove her point, even if it hurt her. He would take her home, but only because he planned to keep a close watch on her. He would be harder on her than the doctor would ever be.

  “Always. Now come on.” She grabbed his hand.

  Julian pulled his hand from her, and in one swift move, he picked her up.

  “Put me down, I can walk.”

  “This is the only way you’re leaving this room.”

  “Have it your way, Julie. But don’t let that nurse see you.”

  Heaven ducked her head as Julian walked past the nurses’ station. She wouldn’t look in their direction, and she refused to make eye contact.

  It didn’t work; her eagle-eyed nurse had seen them.

  “Is everything all right?” Betty the nurse asked as she walked over to them.

  Heaven rolled her eyes when Julian came to a stop.

  “I told you to keep going,” she whispered so that only he could hear.

  “Did you need something, dear?” The nurse asked as she walked closer.

  “Everything is fine. He’s taking me outside to get some air,” Heaven said with a tame version of her poker face.

  “Here, take this.” Betty grabbed the wheelchair next to her station and placed it before Heaven.

  “I don’t need that,” Heaven began to object.

  “Yes, you do,” Julian corrected her as he sat her in the wheelchair.

  “Fine.” She crossed her arms over her chest.

  “If she begins to feel lightheaded or dizzy, bring her back up, please,” the nurse said to Julian, who nodded in return.

  Julian pushed Heaven down the hall and to the elevators. When they were out of sight, Heaven tried to stand up, but Julian stopped her with a restraining hand on her shoulder.

  “If you’re leaving this hospital, you’re going to take it easy. I’m serious; I don’t want you walking anywhere.” He spoke with a determination that Heaven knew she would not be able to break.

  “Fine.” She would agree to anything at this point…she just wanted to go home.


  Ian was fast asleep in his bed when Fitz called to tell him what had happened to Julian. Ian sat on his bed, paralyzed with fear. The fact that his brother had been attacked was mind-altering to him.

  He sped to his parents’ house, a million questions racing through his mind. All of their arguments and their ongoing hatred seemed ludicrous now. He was overwhelmed with guilt. If he had been a decent brother, he might have seen the signs. He might have been able to help Julian; instead, he had been secretly praying for his failure. He was disgusted with himself and vowed to change if Julian was all right.

  He left his car running and the door open, as he rushed into his parents’ house. He found his mother at the dining room table, nursing a glass of vodka. By the looks of it, she had been drinking for a while. The bottle next to her was half-empty.

  “Where’s Dad?” Ian barked.

  “Who knows,” she slurred with contempt.

  “Gavin Grant tried to kill Julian,” Ian cried.

  “I heard.” She took a small sip.

  Ian looked at her for a moment—shocked by her reaction. He didn’t think that his mother could shock him again but he was wrong.

  “This is low even for you, but then I guess I shouldn’t be shocked anymore. Especially after what you did with my wife.” Ian frowned.

  “Your wife is a whore; she was going to have sex with him regardless,” she mocked as if he were dense.

  “Yes, but you didn’t have to help her! You covered fo
r her, even when you knew that I suspected she was cheating. You knew all along.”

  “You should be thanking me.” She glared at him, her pale eyes sparking with anger.

  “Thanking you? Are you crazy?” He could not believe her audacity.


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