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Insufferable Proximity 2

Page 16

by Stefani, Z.

  “I know. Thanks for the ride, doll,” he nodded.

  “You know I’d do anything for you, Clive honey. How about we get together tonight?”

  “I told you, I just don’t have the time.”

  “I know; your new job is very demanding.”

  “Very demanding,” he winked before he got out of the car.

  “Could I get a goodbye kiss at least? I’m leaving tonight, and I won’t be back in a very long time.”

  “Sorry, doll,” he pointed a well-manicured finger at her mouth, “too much lip gloss.”

  Clive walked into the King Law Firm with the swagger of a natural born gigolo. He was hot, and he knew it, but he was smart enough to hide his conceit from his co-workers. He’d modeled in a few men’s fashion magazines while he was in college. He was blessed with the looks of a supermodel, and he used his beauty to his advantage.

  He strutted down the hallway with purpose; running his hand through his blond locks and waiting for the secretaries to sigh. He loved this firm—a few of the women here were especially desperate. They jumped on his bandwagon quickly and been his biggest fans ever since. He was accustomed to being the main man wherever he was. He was used to women flocking over him and speaking sonnets of his handsomeness.

  His smile began to spread and then froze before turning down. He looked around him; the bevy of secretaries who usually waited for him each morning weren’t here. The firm looked empty—there was no welcoming committee, no sweet secretaries with fresh batches of cookies, and no gourmet coffee that had been made with love.

  “What happened?” he whispered as he continued to look around the empty hall in horror.

  That’s when he remembered—Julian King returned today. They would all be preoccupied with his return.

  Clive knew it was going to be different when Julian returned, but he had no idea of the extent.

  Working at the King Law Firm was different from anything he had ever experienced. He was coming in as second-best, a replacement for the man they truly desired—Julian King. He wasn’t used to coming in second place, nor was he accustomed to an attention drought.

  Clive didn’t like competition nor did he like confrontation. He was happy that Julian was settled down with their fellow attorney, Ms. Heaven Deville. Otherwise, the environment would be intolerable at best.


  Julian took a good look around at the people on the floor before heading into his father’s office. He still couldn’t shake the feeling that someone here may have helped Gavin. He shook his head in disgust and walked into his father’s office.

  “Hello, Julian.” Ayden smiled widely, obviously delighted to see his son.

  Julian walked over and sat down in the chair across from him. He noticed the cuts and bandages.

  “How are your injuries?” Julian asked civilly.

  “Not bad enough to keep me out of the office,” Ayden said, smiling. He’d been a workaholic for a reason—he would have done anything to avoid his wife. Unfortunately, in his quest to be the best and avoid his wife, he’d neglected his sons.

  “Nothing could ever keep you out of the office.”

  Ayden chuckled. “You got that right.”

  “Is it possible that you have another son or daughter out there who might want to get revenge for Gavin?” Julian got right to the point.

  “No, it’s not possible.”

  “But you didn’t know about Gavin.” It was a statement.


  “You had no idea that you had another child?”


  “Then how can you be certain there’s not another sibling out there waiting to attack? Maybe Gavin had a twin.”

  “No, it’s not possible.” Ayden didn’t like being on the receiving end of his son’s interrogation.

  “How do you know?”

  “I don’t. I’m sorry, Julian. I’m sorry that this happened…I’m sorry for everything.”

  “Here,” he passed his father a large set of keys, “the penthouse is yours for as long as you need it.”

  “That’s your personal dwelling.”

  “Not anymore, I won’t be using the hotel anytime soon.”

  “You’re giving up the bachelor pad?” His father grinned widely.

  “That life is gone, and the penthouse is now yours for as long as you need it.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Of course I’m sure.”

  “Thank you. I’m going to let your mother stay at the house until the divorce is over. I’ll probably give her the beach house.”

  “That’s more than she deserves.” Julian held back his look of disgust.

  “I know, but she can have it. I never want to set foot in that house again. There are too many bad memories within those walls. She would take everything if she could, but she’s not getting a cent. We both committed adultery so many times it’s been canceled out. Now, I finally have the upper hand”

  “And it only took two bullets to get it.” Julian shook his head.

  “I’d take seven bullets to be free of that woman,” Ayden answered honestly.

  “The two of you used cheating like a weapon against each other.”

  “I know. It’s been years of cheating, arguing and destroying our sons in the process. This divorce should have happened years ago; you know that better than anyone,” Ayden said, feeling terrible for the horror that his wife had put Julian through. “At least you’re old enough not to be the brunt of her hatred.”

  “You mean he’s not small enough now for her to beat into submission?” Ian asked as he walked into the office and slammed the door behind him. “How can a mother hate her own son?”

  “It’s not that she hated him, she just didn’t know how to love,” Ayden said although he knew it was a lie. His wife did hate Julian, and she always had. Julian refused to be a part of her vindictive schemes to punish Ayden. Whenever Ayden made her angry, she would turn her wrath towards her youngest son.

  For years, Ayden hadn’t known what was going on. Julian played so many sports that he had assumed that they were sports-related injuries. Then one night, he caught her belittling him for not bringing her proof that his father was cheating. She then slapped Julian so hard on the side of the head, it created a ringing in his ear for the next three days. Ayden threatened divorce, but she promised never to do it again. He believed her. It wasn’t until years later that he found out she had continued with her cruelty.

  “Bullshit, that woman hates all three of us, only we were too blind to see it, old man,” Ian said, then turned to his brother. “Only Julian saw it, and he paid for it. I just wish I could have seen the light sooner. I will never be able to pay you back for all the damage I had a hand in.”

  “It’s over now,” Julian replied.

  “It’s not over; that woman is the reason that I married a bitch who hates my guts but loves my money. The same beloved wife who has fucked every one of my friends. Julia King is also the reason that Julian fucked anything that moved. He had no idea what a mother’s love felt like. How could he respect a woman when the one who raised him hated him? He could never trust any female.”

  “She can be blamed for a lot, but she can’t be blamed for that. I’m a man, and I’ve made all of my decisions on my own,” Julian corrected him.

  Julian didn’t blame his mother for his shortcomings; he felt that he was a man, and he was responsible for his own actions. Ian’s situation was different—he was just beginning to hate their mother. He was still blaming her, and he probably would for some time. Hell for him had just begun.

  “You’re lucky, you finally found love. I hope that I’m half as lucky. I’m getting a divorce,” Ian announced.

  “You’re kidding me?” Ayden was shocked.

  “I already filed. I’ve had a private investigator following her for the past month. I even have pictures of her giving oral sex to my closest friend. Do you want to know the part that angered me the most? Julia knew all about it and went
so far as to help my wife.” He turned to Julian, “I saw what Heaven’s love and respect did for you. You adapted in a way I never thought possible. I didn’t think I would ever be able to experience a normal love from a woman, but now I want to give it a shot. We only live one life, and it’s time I start living mine. I’m done living for Julia; all she’s ever done is shit on me,” Ian finished.

  “I agree.” Julian grinned, still shocked by the change in his brother. But, since Gavin’s attack, everything changed.


  Adele happened to be walking by Ayden King’s office when she heard Ian say that he was getting a divorce. She hovered close to the door while trying to appear inconspicuous. She scanned the floor to make sure that no one saw her snooping, and gasped as she listened to the end of their conversation,

  When she heard one of the men walking towards the door, she sprinted down the hall. Once she was around the corner, she slowed her step and walked quickly to the employee lounge to see Gloria and Reese.

  “OMG, I have the news of the century,” Adele said, quickly gaining their attention.

  “What happened?” Reese asked as she walked closer to Adele.

  “I happened to overhear Ian and Ayden King speaking.”

  “Happened to overhear or eavesdropping?” Gloria scoffed.

  “You know she probably had her ear to the door,” Reese joked.

  “Well, if you’re not interested in the hot news I just heard…“she turned to leave, but Reese grabbed her.

  Reese smiled. “Of course we’re interested. We were just kidding.” Adele didn’t believe her apology, but she was eager to spread the news.

  “All right, since you’re groveling, I’ll tell you,” she raised her head haughtily for a moment before the thrill of the news reclaimed her. “OMG, Ian King is getting a divorce.”

  “What?” Reese gasped.

  “Yes! It seems his wife has been having sex with his friends.” Adele shook her head, “That woman is a fool.”

  “I know. Ian King is rich, successful, and handsome—he’s the perfect man.” Reese shook her head in disgust.

  “But he is terribly mean,” Adele reminded them.

  “He’s a little scary if you ask me. His eyes are so cold,” Reese added her two cents.

  Gloria was silent as she listened to them talk. She felt giddy and exhilarated. She wanted to run to Ian and express her true feelings, but she was afraid she would scare him off. She never wanted him to be uneasy around her. She was aggressive and always had been.

  “He’s not mean,” Gloria snapped at them before she turned around and headed for the door. She needed some air.

  “Since when does she care about Ian King?” Reese asked as she watched Gloria leave.

  Adele shrugged her shoulders. “Don’t forget she worked with him after Gavin was fired. Maybe they developed a friendship.”

  Reese chuckled. “They must have developed something. Let me find out if Gloria has the hots for Ian,”

  “No, I doubt it.” Adele shook her head. “Even if she does, that’s not our business.”

  “Are you kidding me? When did you start caring about other people’s privacy? You’re the queen of gossip.”

  “Like you should talk. Your tongue is so loose that I’m shocked it hasn’t turned to water.” Adele turned her nose up before walking away.


  Heaven was at her desk with a stack of paperwork in front of her when Julian walked in.

  “How did it go?” she asked as she watched him lock the door.

  “Surprisingly well,” he said as he strolled over to her.

  “Good.” She smiled with delight as she rose from the chair, “I’m going to go see your father soon.”

  “That’s going to have to wait.” He whisked her up in his arms and carried her over to the sofa. He sat down and held her sideways on his lap.

  “Are you all right?” she asked, noticing the look on his face.

  “Yeah, fine,” he nodded.

  She ran her hand through his hair. She could tell that something was bothering him, and knew it must have something to do with his father or his brother. She wouldn’t push the issue. Instead, she kissed his forehead and continued playing with his hair.

  “I need to get a cut this week.” He’d shaved his face, but had still not taken care of his hair. It was much longer than he’d ever worn it.

  She smiled as she continued to run her hand through his dark waves. “I like it. It’s long enough to pull back into a ponytail now.”

  “It’s not a good look for the courtroom.” He slid his hand across her thigh. Her skirt was too long and too tailored to slip his hand underneath.

  “When has that ever stopped you?” she raised her brow and smiled at him suggestively.

  That was all it took. He was suddenly overwhelmed with visions of her naked and coming on his cock.

  “Pull your skirt up,” he whispered in her ear.

  “We should wait until we get home,” she said halfheartedly.


  “It’s not a good look for the office.” She started to giggle, but stopped when she saw the look on his face.

  “Pull it up,” he repeated.


  “No, I work too hard for this place to keep denying myself. I’ve never lost a case at this firm. I’m a partner—I’ll do what I want.”

  “What about the promise you made to your father?”

  “That’s over. I promised my father I would stop having sex with random women in random places. I’m not proud of my behavior, and that is no excuse—but I didn’t know any better at the time. I used to fuck just for the sake of fucking, but this is different…you soothe me. I need you right now, you’re not some random fuck buddy…you’re my fiancée. You’re going to be my wife very soon. I’ll have sex with you wherever I damn well fucking please.” He stood her up before him, and grabbed the bottom of her skirt and lifted it above her hips.

  “You’re meeting with your father didn’t go as smoothly as you suggested, did it?” she asked as she laid her forehead against his.

  Julian exhaled deeply before he spoke, “Not really. Ian made an appearance, spouting injustices and a bad upbringing. He wants to dig in the past for answers. I’m done with the past; I’ve learned all I can from it. I prefer to forget those memories.”

  He couldn’t get Ian’s words out of his mind. Julian knew that Ian’s heart was in the right place and that he meant no harm. Unfortunately, it still forced Julian to remember the things he chose to forget.

  “Your mother?” she asked cautiously, knowing how much he hated talking about her.

  “Yes. She was very cruel—very cruel.” He frowned deeply.

  “I’m sorry, baby,” she bent to kiss his lips softly and whisper suggestively, “tell me what to do to make it better?”

  “You’re already doing it. I just need you close.” He took her bottom lip into his mouth and lightly sucked on it. The taste of her lip filled his mouth and went straight to his head. He growled low in his throat before pulling back.

  Heaven stood back up and faced him. She rolled her panties and stockings down a little. She was careful not to show anything.

  He grabbed her hips and pulled her closer to him, then kissed the exposed skin directly above the pantyhose. He hooked his fingers in the material and pulled it down to expose her sex. He kissed her skin before forcing his tongue into the crease between her lips.

  She grabbed his head as she felt his warm tongue snake across her clit, crying out as he flicked it across the center. Using his thumbs, he spread her flesh wider. He latched onto her clit, sucking it as he circled his tongue over the tip. Her legs began to wobble, and she held his head to balance herself.

  He finally pulled back to look at her, and felt his cock heat up when he saw the look on her face.

  “Do you want to wait or do you want to cum?” he asked before he briefly kissed her navel.

  “You know what I want,�
� she said breathlessly. Her brain felt as if it were enclosed in clouds, but her body was encased in fire.

  “Tell me.”

  “I don’t want to wait…I want you to make me cum.” Her words were breathy and laced with a thick lust. She slid her hand down to the warmth between her legs.

  He growled deeply at the sight of her hand on her sex, pulled her down to sit across his lap, and slipped his hand into her stockings and under her panties. Heaven spread her legs to accommodate his hand, which he slid down her smooth sex before lightly pinching her lips. Heaven gasped as she spread her legs wider. She could feel Julian’s large hand on her back, supporting her. He slipped his finger between her lips and dipped it into her opening, moaning when he felt the moisture. He trailed the moisture back up to her tightening clit.


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