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Insufferable Proximity 2

Page 25

by Stefani, Z.

  “So, because I was more interested in obtaining a career than dating, you assumed I’d never get married?”

  “It’s not just that. It’s the way we raised you, and because of the brothel,” Sybille tried to explain.

  “You must understand, dear, in our ill-fated attempt to keep you safe, we turned you against the opposite sex. But I knew you’d get married when you were ready,” Coco assured Heaven. “I knew once you were satisfied with your career you would start thinking about that.”

  “Thank you, Aunt Coco,” Heaven nodded.

  “I’ll admit that I feared the worst,” Sybille cried.

  “You always do.” Coco rolled her eyes again as Heaven shook her head.

  “I knew you’d eventually fall in love too. I just never dreamed it would be so soon; I figured when you were in your thirties. You’re so passionate about the things that you love, I knew that passion would evolve when you met the right man,” Maude added.

  Coco grinned. “I’ll admit that I never expected it would be the co-worker you were constantly at war with.”

  “I don’t think anyone expected that.” Heaven smiled knowingly at Julian.

  He grinned back with a wink. “Especially us.”

  “I really thought you hated him.”

  “So did I. but now I think there must have been something else there, lying dormant. Really dormant,” Heaven snickered.

  “It makes perfect sense,” Coco added with a nod.

  “I agree. I think that it must be true love if it forms from such a strong hatred. Your hatred must make you appreciate your love differently,” Maude said, and everyone looked at her. “I know that statement would not make sense under any other circumstance, but for this situation, it fits.”

  After a little thought, everyone at the table nodded in an enlightened agreement.

  Sybille smiled warmly. “Sometimes I think you’re a genius, Maudey.”

  “Emphasis on sometimes,” Coco added as she took a sip of her wine.

  Julian grabbed Heaven’s hand under the table, and she laid her head on his shoulder in return.

  “Well, that meal was amazing, Mother; you should have been a chef,” Heaven said as she pushed her plate aside.

  Sybille batted her lashes. “Thank you, my dearest child.”

  “You know she ordered it from the restaurant down the road,” Coco smirked.

  “I thought it tasted familiar,” Heaven admitted with a nod.

  “I was just getting ready to tell her that, you rat.” Sybille muttered at her younger sister.

  Coco rolled her eyes. “Yeah, right.”

  “Is everything set with the attic?” Heaven asked her mother.

  Sybille smiled. “It sure is, dear, stocked with your favorites.”

  “And a bottle of wine,” Maude added with a wink.

  “Come with me.” Heaven grabbed Julian’s hand. “I want to show you something.”

  “If you need anything else, dearest, just call me!” Sybille said as they headed towards the door.

  “I will.” Heaven smiled widely before she excitedly exited the room.

  “Where are we going?” Julian asked as they walked up the stairs.

  She smiled with that twinkle in her eye. “You’ll see.”

  He didn’t care where they were going, he would follow her anywhere. The dirty city streets turned to gold when she was near.

  They ran up to her room and she locked the door behind them. She giggled and kissed him as she frantically began to strip.

  Feeling her excitement, he yanked off his shirt and then his shoes. He had just removed his pants when she removed her bra and he forgot about his boxers the moment he saw her breasts. He left them on and bent to kiss her neck as she removed her panties.

  Heaven slid her hand into his boxers to grab his thick erection. Slowly she slid her hand to the tip and then back down as he trailed kisses to the tip of her breast.

  She removed her hand from his boxers and tried to step back. “Wait.”

  “No,” he breathed against her breast as he grabbed her hips and pulled her closer. He sunk his fingers into her skin as he took her nipple into his mouth.

  “I want to show you something first,” she whispered as she slid her hand across his cheek.

  He pulled back and released his tight grip, “Then you better hurry.”

  “I will,” she purred as she grabbed his hand and ran towards her closet. Once inside, she took him to a door that was hidden behind a large tapestry. She opened the door and turned on the light to reveal a set of stairs.

  “What is this?”

  “You’ll see.” Her joy was so catchy; he was smiling broadly in return.

  When they reached the top of the steps, she pulled the large switch, and the room instantly lit up. The attic had been redone, and looked like a big-top circus tent. In the middle was a red, pink, white, black and silver merry-go-round. To the side was a large, neon archery station that looked more like a game. To the other side was a small concession stand with an array of snack foods.

  “I haven’t come up here in years, but I told my mom to have housekeeping set it up for us. It has reinforced floors, and it’s soundproof as long as the door is shut.” She pointed to the closed door.

  “This is amazing; I can’t believe you have a merry-go-round in your attic.”

  “I was in my room most of the time, so my mother tried to compensate,” she led him up the stairs. “She felt bad, I guess. She thought this would help.”

  “Did it?” he asked as he looked at the neon wonderland.

  “For a little while.”

  “I wish I had known you then,” he said, smiling, “I would have come to your window and whisked you away every night.”

  “I would have loved that.”

  “Me, too. I was going through my own hell and could have used a dose of you back then.”

  “I would have made it better.” She put her hands on his face, rose to her tiptoes and kissed him.

  “You always do.” He picked her up and continued their kiss.

  “Let’s ride the merry-go-round,” she said once they finished their intimate kiss.

  He lifted her onto the white horse with the red mane. He jumped up in front her, thankful the horse was so large. They faced each other and kissed for a moment. Heaven reached into his boxer shorts and withdrew his cock. She grabbed the bar behind her and lifted up enough for him to position his cock. He spread her pussy lips as she slid onto his cock.

  She moaned as his cock impaled her. He grabbed the bar with one hand while lifting her ass with the other. Bracing himself with his powerful thighs, he began to thrust into her. Heaven held the bar with both hands as she bounced on his lap. It felt like an iron pole covered with tiny, vibrating feathers was being rammed in and out of her. Using the bar, she pulled herself up, feeling his thick cock stretch her sex until she reached the tip. Still holding the bar, she pushed herself back down on him. She cried out as she felt every thick inch rush back inside of her. She spread her thighs wider, allowing him in that much more.

  Holding her ass, he slid his hand between her cheeks. His finger immediately found her swelling clit and worked its magic.

  She was coming within moments, and Julian held her tightly as she came. His cock responded in tune, and he released his seed deep inside of her. He was using every muscle in his body to keep them on the horse as they both released.

  They lay still for a few moments as their bodies came down from the high.

  When he could move his limbs, he held Heaven tightly and proceeded to get down. He swung his leg around and jumped down from the horse. He took her over to the oversized red-and-white striped couch, collapsing and pulling her on top of him.

  “I could stay like this forever,” she whispered as she kissed his chest.

  “Me too.” He wrapped his other arm around her and held her close. The beat of her heart vibrated against his chest and put him at peace.

  “I think I would b
e a terrible mother,” Heaven announced out of the blue

  “Where did that come from?” Julian asked, shocked by the statement.

  “I’m too mean, too self-motivated and too career-orientated. My child would probably hate me.”

  “What are you talking about? You’d make a great mother.”

  “No, I wouldn’t; you know it as well as I do. My mother and I never got along. Despite the whole brothel thing, she’s really quite sweet. I don’t get along with anyone so how could I possibly get along with a child?”

  “You and your mother get along now,” he reminded her.

  “Yeah, now, but it was bad growing up. Oh god, what if my child is like me?” she looked horrified.

  “I would be honored if our child was like you,” he caressed her cheek. “You’re beautiful, smart as hell and one of the best lawyers I’ve ever met. I know you would protect that child with your life and give it more love than it could handle.”

  “You think so?” she asked with hope in her eyes.

  “I know so. Where is all this baby talk coming from? Is this all because of your friend’s baby?”

  “I don’t know where it’s coming from,” she answered honestly. This time last year, she was a virgin who had never had a boyfriend. Now, she couldn’t stop thinking about infants.

  “Wait a minute. Are you pregnant? When was your last period?” he asked.

  “I’m not pregnant! Can’t I discuss infants without being accused of being pregnant? What is it with you and my mother?” she snapped as she tried to move away from him.

  “Get back here,” he demanded as he pulled her back, “when was your last period?”

  “A few weeks ago. Remember, you wouldn’t take no for an answer, so we had sex in the shower?” she reminded him.

  “I remember.” He looked at her for a moment as a thousand different thoughts sped through his mind. He was relieved that she wasn’t pregnant, but he realized that eventually she would be. “Let’s plan that wedding date.”

  “How about next month?”

  “Sooner than that; we’ve waited too long as it is.”

  “How soon.”

  “Next weekend.”

  “No! There is no way I can plan a weeding in a week.”

  “You don’t have a choice, babe. You might not be pregnant now, but the way that we have sex, you will be soon enough. I’m not taking that chance, so we’re doing this immediately. Besides, I’m sick of hearing you called Ms. Deville. I want everyone to address you by Mrs. Julian King.”

  “If I don’t get at least one month to plan my wedding, there will be hell to pay, Mr. King,” she warned him in a tone that made him smile.

  He knew by her steely composure that she wouldn’t budge.

  “You have a month,” he shook his head.

  “That was easy; I expected at least thirty minutes of arguing,” she said with a grin.

  “I want it to be a special day for you. If it takes thirty days to achieve it, then so be it. This is the first and last time you’ll ever be married, so we’d better get it right.”

  She smiled as she kissed his lips. “My sentiments exactly.”


  They woke early the next morning, both naked in the red tent in her attic. Heaven sprawled across the pillows as she stretched. Julian kissed her chest and then her lips before he sat up.

  “We need to go home and change,” she yawned as she followed his lead.

  “It’s early, let’s stop for breakfast after. I need to refuel my body; I’m actually drained,” he admitted.

  “I can’t believe it. Julian King—drained by sex,” she giggled as she began to dress.


  Heaven and Julian walked hand in hand as they entered the firm, and once they were close to her office, he pulled her into his embrace.

  “I’m going to see what my father wants; I’ll be right back,” Julian told Heaven after he kissed her.

  She grudgingly let go of him. “All right.”

  She watched him walk into his office before she walked into her own. Heaven gasped when she first walked in, and smiled when she saw the bouquet of roses on her desk. She felt giddy like a little girl as she skipped over to them. She wondered how Julian had managed this. He was very clever; she hadn’t left his side since last night. She touched the soft petals and inhaled the powerful fragrance. She grabbed the attached card, and her smile dropped.

  Dear Ms. Deville,

  Please accept a token of my appreciation. You are a brilliant lawyer, and I am glad to have your help. I cannot thank you enough for your cooperation with the Mrs. Lawrence situation. I could not do this without you. Thank you!



  She was ready to burn the card and shred the flowers when Julian strolled in. She turned her back to the bouquet, trying to block them.

  “What are you hiding?”

  “Nothing,” she shook her head, her poker face in full effect.

  “What’s behind you?” He tilted his head to the side and she adjusted her body, her eyes never leaving his.

  “My desk,” she shrugged.

  “Move.” He moved her to the side, and she clutched the bouquet, sliding it with her. “Give it to me.”


  He moved her again, and growled in his throat when he saw the flowers. He grabbed them and held them before her face.

  “You were going to hide this from me?” he asked with more disappointment than anger.

  “I…I was going to throw them away,” she shrugged her shoulders.

  “You didn’t think this was important either?”

  “I was going to tell you, but I was going to wait until we left work.”


  “I was afraid that you would go after him.”

  “You don’t want me to hurt Clive?” he raised his brow as he misunderstood her words.

  “I don’t care what you do to him. I just don’t want you to get in trouble. I know you’re going to end up hurting him; I don’t want you to have to face your father after fighting on the job.”

  “Stay here.” Julian looked into her eyes for a moment before he headed out of her office with the vase in hand.

  Julian stormed down the halls until he was at Baker’s office. He didn’t wait for Clive’s secretary to announce him, but barged into Clive’s office clutching the vase like a weapon.

  “Is there a problem, Mr. King?” Clive asked, barely containing his smile. “I assure you the flowers were only a gesture of thanks.”

  “You’re starting to piss me off a little,” Julian said as he dumped the water and flowers on his desk.

  “Shit!” Clive cursed, trying to salvage his paperwork.

  “If you keep pushing me, Baker, I will retaliate. This is your last verbal warning.” He glared at Clive, daring him to object. Clive smiled knowingly as if he had a secret he held over Julian.

  “Don’t worry, Julian; I would never try to take her from you.” He grabbed his mirror and fixed the tussled wave in the front.

  Julian laughed at Clive’s ignorance. “You could never take her from me.”

  “However, if she came to me willingly, how could I refuse?” he set down his mirror and looked at Julian.

  Without thinking, Julian reached across the desk and grabbed Clive by the front of his shirt.

  “What are you going to do, Julian? Are you going to fight me at your father’s firm?” he chuckled condescendingly.

  “No, I’m going to knock your fucking teeth down your throat.” Julian’s voice was low despite the growl in his tone.

  “I don’t do physical altercations, especially not at work,” Clive said; he was just too dapper to be bothered.

  “You will if you’re forced to.”

  “I prefer not to disrespect my place of work or my boss. Besides, I know a better way to retaliate. It will hurt more than a fist ever could.”

  “It will never work,”

  “It always works,” Cl
ive said with confidence.

  “She would never fall for that shit.” Julian grinned mockingly, “You obviously don’t know her.”

  “I know enough.”

  Between the smirk and that ridiculous curl in the front of his hair, Julian could take no more. He grabbed the pair of scissors off the desk, raised them and cut off the curl hanging down Clive’s forehead. He did it so fast that Clive didn’t have time to react.


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