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Hunted and Caught

Page 11

by Madisen, Samantha

  She looked up and saw the image on the screen was now his hand buried deep inside her, her juices pressing out between her flesh and his and dripping onto the podium beneath her. The thought that everyone was watching, that they were all there to see this, to see her be spread and used in this way, made her arousal well up inside. She felt herself squeeze around him, the contraction sending a pulse of bliss through her body.

  Rena began to panic. She realized if Riks kept up what he was doing, she wouldn’t be able to stop herself from coming. She could feel it moving inside her now, from her pussy up her spine. She felt herself begin to tremble again. The din of the crowd rose around her. She looked up to see her whole body on display. Her shaking looked even more obvious on the giant screen than it felt. When she thought she wouldn’t be able to take any more, the numbers of a giant clock appeared and began to count down.


  Rena felt herself tighten again.


  She whimpered as the feeling in her core began to radiate through her body.


  She looked up to see her body shaking on the screen.


  Everything faded and all she felt were his fingers. Touching her soft walls. Her mouth dropped open in a moan.


  The climax burst inside her and she reared onto Riks’ hand, begging him to push himself deeper inside of herself. He seemed to understand. His even strokes didn’t slow. He worked her through each wave of climax as it came, letting her look back at herself, at what he was doing to her, until she once again collapsed in a quivering heap.

  The cacophony of the crowd resumed. Shouts and screams and cheering, as a new menu appeared on the screen overhead. Rena looked back at Riks, unsure of whether what had happened had been what he wanted. Why wasn’t he saying anything? Guiding her, talking to her the way he had during the training?

  Symbols stopped their spinning on the screen and the crowd cheered again. This time Riks stepped around the podium to where her head was.

  “You’re being the perfect pet,” he said with a reassuring smile.

  Rena felt the tension leave her body at his commendation.

  “Get up. Back into position,” Riks ordered in a soft voice.

  It was more of a struggle to rise this time. Her body felt sapped of all energy. But she did. She clambered back onto her hands and knees, feeling herself sway slightly from exhaustion. The sight of Riks’ cock pushed away her tiredness.

  Standing in front of her, he’d let the pants of his flight suit fall to the floor. His thick member was already half stiff and Rena’s eyes widened in excitement at the sight of it. As he stepped toward her, she knew exactly what he wanted her to do. Wrapping her fingers around the thick shaft, she opened her mouth and took him eagerly inside.

  Again the feeling of him sliding slowly into her, his veined member gliding along her wet tongue, made her even more aroused. Her body ached with the hope that she would feel him inside her tight pussy, that he would make her come that way, but she knew now that what he would do next depended entirely on the crowd.

  He put a hand on her face as he moved further inside her. She looked up to see him staring down at her and his gaze made her so eager to please him. When she’d taken as much of him as she thought she could handle, she didn’t push him away or pull herself off. Relaxing, she opened her throat, letting him in even deeper, until she had felt she’d swallowed his full length and felt the soft skin of his sack on her chin.

  The sound of numbers counting down came from overhead.

  He held her like that, staring down into her eyes, as the numbers changed. Each consecutive number seemed to come slower than the last. Her throat clenched as she gagged, but she fought past the reflex and her body settled into the same obedience it had during his spankings. He would do what he wanted with her. She was his.

  When the numbers finally reached ‘one,’ he pulled himself out, his cock a sloppy wet mess in front of her. The crowd erupted in a roar. Rena breathed heavily, but part of her didn’t want to let him go.

  Overhead, the symbols began to spin. When they stopped, Rena looked at Riks, wondering what would happen next. The camera bots hovered overhead, the images on the screen switching between her position and him in front of her. He moved toward her.

  “Okay. They’ve decided. Get on your back.”

  Rena immediately did as she was told. She rolled over on the podium, keeping her eyes on Riks. As he moved around toward her feet, her body opened willingly for him. He walked up the steps she’d used to mount the raised platform, knelt between her open legs, then bent until he was on his hands and knees, crawling to her.

  She couldn’t help but stare at his cock as it bounced up and down. Putting her arms on his strong shoulders, her feet wrapped behind his thighs as he lowered himself to her. She was desperate to feel him inside her again and even the humiliation of being taken like this, in front of so many watching, would not interfere with her pleasure.

  His cock touched the soft folds of her pussy, his hardness gliding into her flesh. Her legs spread wider as her body begged him to push himself inside.

  The crowd fell into a deafening silence around them. Rena’s lips parted as she felt him pressing against her. His manhood pushed into her, stretching her again and causing her to moan. The sound only made him push harder, stretching her open and filling her completely. His body pressed onto her from above as his hips began to thrust between her legs.

  Each push sent pulses of pleasure racing through her body. Her legs wrapped around his, her arms crawled along his back. The crowd, still there in the space, disappeared from her mind as the force of his love flooded every other thought in her mind. Now there was only him above her, him inside her, filling her, pushing them both to ecstasy together.

  She felt it starting deep inside her, at the softest place he touched her with his rigid cock. The feeling swelled and ebbed and swelled and ebbed but each time grew larger. She was filled with heat and desire and love. It made her want nothing else but him.

  Her body tensed beneath him, her soft core squeezing his member, her hips bucking into his as her body begged for release. His eyes were on her now, staring deep into her. Sounds moved through her and past her lips she did not control. Her body twisted beneath his, not because she willed it to but because he did.

  He fucked her harder, deeper than he’d gone before. Her eyes went wide, her mouth opened with them. Her nails dug into the hard flesh of the muscles at his back. She felt it move through her, the pleasure that he’d put there, a glowing orb of rapture ready to erupt. His cock flexed inside her, rupturing the fullness and sending it screaming through her body.

  As she arched her back, the scream escaped into the silenced room. The crowd erupted in a massive roar and suddenly, through the swell of her orgasm, Rena was once again made painfully aware that she was being watched by thousands of eyes, that this most intimate act was on full display for everyone there. It only served to amplify her climax and she screamed again as her legs wrapped around him even tighter.

  He was not done with her yet. She felt herself go limp beneath him, felt him pull from her, then his hands rolling her to the side and onto her front. Her pulse quickened as she wondered what would happen next, but she knew she had neither the energy nor the power to change it.

  He pulled her hips up toward himself. The crowd roared again. She flushed red and tried to hide her face in her hands. His member pressed at the entrance to her rear and she realized what would happen next. Her nails dug into the fabric on the platform. She understood now what the training had been for but glancing back to see him, his cock looked so much bigger than anything she’d ever taken. When she looked up at him, he was staring at her, his expression hard and resolute. His fingers spread her open. He began to move inside.

  Her own juices eased his entrance as she felt her tightest hole being stretched. A buzzing hum of anticipation rippled through the crowd. She could just
barely see the screen overhead. Exposed completely, she could see the picture of her defilement there for everyone to view in vivid detail. She watched it as the pressure built inside her. Each inch he pressed into her made her want to scream, but instead she sank into the feeling of his girth inside her and opened herself for him even more.

  When he finally came to his hilt, he didn’t wait or pause. His eyes looked ravenous, as he stared at her body and he took her with the full fury of his love. Each thrust elicited another moan as a different kind of pleasure coursed through her. His cock flexed once, then again and she looked back to see him ready, perched on the precipice of his own roaring bliss. Pushing herself toward him, she squeezed him gently, giving herself to him and letting him know she was his.

  That was all it took. She watched in his eyes as he slid over the edge of ecstasy. He roared and she felt his body shake against her as his cock erupted inside, spewing his hot gift deep into her. The crowd exploded into a frenzy of cheers and screams that seemed to shake the building. Rena closed her eyes and focused on the feeling of him inside her, as he took the rest of his pleasure from her tight hole.

  * * *

  “Alright, cowboy, let’s get going!”

  Riks shook his head, trying to clear the fog of his orgasm. Looking to one side he saw an usher waving them off the stage.

  “Come on! We’ve got the next one coming on!”

  All he wanted to do was lie next to her and wrap his arms around her. But that would have to wait. If everything went well, there’d be plenty of time for it. Pulling himself from Rena, he stepped from the podium and jumped into his pants. He took the robe the usher was holding, threw it over Rena, and scooped her into his arms. Her eyelids fluttered open as she fought the haze of her own exhaustion. Riks stepped quickly from the podium, carrying Rena toward the exit. He scowled when he saw Voida standing there waiting. He had hoped the Bani would wait until they got back on the ship to meet them.

  “You’ve done very well!” the Bani said, sounding unusually cheerful. “Too bad you gave up your share of the proceeds! Ten thousand credits almost, ha!”

  The Bani’s laugh sent a shiver of irritation through Riks.

  “Now follow me, we’re going back to the ship!” Voida snapped.

  “Hang on, Voida,” Riks replied. “We’re going to the back room. To get her cleaned up.”

  The Bani’s eyes narrowed. “Not without me you’re not,” he said tersely. “I know what you’re up to, I’m not stupid!” he snapped.

  Riks did his best to stay calm. What he really wanted to do was punch the damn Bani in the face, but hopefully he’d get a chance to do that later.

  “Look, Voida, I’m going to get her cleaned up. I’m not sure what it is you think we’re going to do. She’s got no clothes on and I’ve got no money, remember? We need you to get off the damn planet. Now you can follow us there but the only way I’m getting off this planet is on your ship!”

  The Bani glared at them but seemed to be mulling over what Riks had said.

  “Very well,” he said finally. “But make it quick. I want to take off before this crowd gets out.”

  Riks didn’t say anything. Still carrying Rena, he turned and walked quickly to a small room at the back. Stepping inside, he closed the door and set Rena standing.

  “Okay, baby, listen up,” Riks said, turning her to face him and staring into her eyes. “The boys should be in orbit by now. This is gonna be a little dangerous. Just follow my lead, alright?”

  Chapter Seventeen

  The three of them sat, staring straight ahead through the window at the dark sky above. Night had fallen and a few stars poked through the glow of the city lights.

  “Ready for liftoff, B77-VBR?” the radio asked, crackling to life.

  “B77-VBR ready for liftoff,” Voida answered, flipping through the last of his checklists on the console.

  “Liftoff! Good evening and good night,” came the reply.

  Voida flipped some switches then pushed the throttle fully open. Rena noticed this ship didn’t shake and rattle nearly as much as Riks’ did, which made the strange sound coming somewhere from the back somewhat unsettling. She saw that Voida had noticed it too, a moment before the yellow alarm came up on the screen, flashing wildly.

  “You bastard!” the alien screamed, unholstering his gun and pointing it straight at Riks. “I trusted you! Why did I trust you?”

  “Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hold on a second!” Riks said, holding up his hands. “I did fix the thing, I put it in myself!”

  Rena watched Voida’s face soften slightly, but his eyes still held the fury of his conviction that he’d been tricked. Putting the gun down beside him, he punched some buttons on the control panel.

  “Approach control, this is B77-VBR requesting permission to touch down.”

  It took a moment, but the voice on the other end replied.

  “Uh, everything okay there, B77?”

  “No!” Voida screamed at the panel. “I’ve got a stabilizer problem. I need to turn around.”

  More yellow lights began springing to life on the control panel.

  “Uh, okay, you’re going to have to get into orbit first. I can’t let you swing back now.”

  Voida jammed his fist against the panel. “What did you do, human?” he screamed, pointing a finger at Riks.

  “I’m telling you, I fixed the problem!” Riks shouted back. “I used to do this all the time!” A shadow of understanding settled on Riks’ face. “Hold on a second. Voida, what about those dockhands? The ones you insulted? What if it was them? Even if I had borked the stabilizer install, there’s no way I would have done anything to these other systems. Look at this, you’ve got lateral control down, gravity looks like it might peter out. We’ve got to get this ship down.”

  Voida, still stern, but seeming like he believed the story more, looked ahead as the ship hurtled toward empty space. He moved more switches and Rena saw he was trying to correct their trajectory and put them into planetary orbit. Nothing seemed to be responding.

  “Alright, B77, what’s your situation? We’ve got you cleared for a go-around…” the voice on the radio said.

  Rena watched as Voida moved through more screens, trying to tune the thrusters and regain control of the ship. Finally, he sank back into his seat in resignation.

  “Approach, B77 here,” he snapped. “Negative. We cannot go around. Send a support ship. We need to be towed back in.”

  Rena glanced at Riks. He was sitting next to her looking completely surprised by the whole thing.

  “Uh, roger that, B77,” the voice said, sounding more than a little irritated at being ordered around by the Bani. “We’ll get that out to you as soon as we can.”

  Rena rolled her eyes. From the sounds of it, they’d be floating around for some time.

  “Uh, B77?” the radio squawked, a different voice coming through the speakers this time. “You requested a tow? We’re on your tail and ready to connect. Turn off your engines, please.”

  Voida looked confused. “Very well,” he answered, sounding slightly unsure. He turned to Riks. “Maybe I was wrong about this place,” he said, pulling on the throttle and turning off the switch for both engines. “They seem quite well organized.” As the engines spun down, an eerie silence settled about the ship.

  Voida pulled up a screen with a visual of the tow ship approaching. Rena’s heart jumped in her chest. She struggled not to show her excitement. As she glanced at the screen, the familiar outline of Riks’ ship, N1C1-967 grew larger until the whole screen filled with darkness and they all felt the dull thud as the ship locked onto theirs.

  “Don’t touch anything!” Voida hissed, unbuckling himself and standing up. “I’m going to open the hatch.”

  As he stepped out of the tight cockpit, Rena heard Riks unbuckling beside her. Silently, he leaned across her and picked up the weapon Voida had left beside his seat.

  “Come on, baby,” he said with a wink, “let’s get the hell o
ut of here.”

  When they got to the rear of the ship, Hury was pointing a laser at the Bani while Aamer tied his hands behind his back. The alien shot them an unsettling gaze.

  “I guess that’ll teach you to trust a human, hey, Voida?” Riks said, pushing Rena past the creature and onto his own ship.

  The Bani smiled. “I’m sorry you’ve decided to do things this way,” he said quietly, staring at Riks. “You’ve obviously not heard of the wrath of the Bani.”

  “Oh, I’ve heard of it,” Riks replied casually. “I just think it’s a steaming pile of marmle shit.”

  Voida smirked and shook his head.

  “Just put him back in the cockpit, boys,” Riks ordered. “Loosen that up so he can untie his hands. Wouldn’t want him stuck when the tow ship comes.”

  Hury and Aamer nodded and led Voida back to the cockpit. When they came back, they stepped through the hatch and headed for the bridge. Riks closed both hatches then took Rena by the arm as they walked to the bridge.

  “What now?” she asked, glancing up at him, unable to believe what he’d just pulled off.

  “Now we head back down and pick up some fuel then get the hell out of here before Voida figures out we’re there,” Riks said, beaming a broad smile.

  “I thought you didn’t have any money?”

  Riks patted his chest pocket then pulled out the chip Voida had given him.

  “Forgot to give him back his change,” he said with a shrug.

  Rena let out a guffaw. “You’re crazy!” she squealed. Stealing a bounty from a Bani was one thing. Stealing his money was completely another.

  “Yeah, a little bit,” Riks said, looking very proud of himself.

  Rena felt a strange feeling well inside her at the thought that even though he was crazy, he was…

  “Hey,” Riks said, interrupting the thought and turning to face her.


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