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The Triumph Of Caesar rsr-12

Page 17

by Steven Saylor

  If I calculated correctly in my head, young Gaius Octavius was only four years old when his father died. Perhaps that explained his devotion to the women who raised him. When his grandmother died, Octavius, at the age of twelve, delivered a eulogy at her funeral that was said to have wrested tears from Caesar himself. Oratorical skills aside, the boy had never seen battle and was still too young to have made a mark on the world. But he must be very near the age of manhood, I thought, and when I began to read again, Hieronymus confirmed this:

  On the other hand, Octavius is now sixteen, which is the very age that some older men find most appealing. Will Caesar turn fickle the day the calf becomes a bull? Octavius will turn seventeen and don his manly toga on the twenty-third day of September (or as the Romans calculate the date, nine days before the Kalends of October). Octavius boasted that his granduncle may allow him to appear in one of his triumphs, to celebrate his ascent to manhood. Never mind that the boy fought in none of the foreign campaigns (I doubt he has ever even picked up a sword), Caesar intends to parade him as a conqueror, presenting him formally to the Roman people-and that reinforces the idea that Caesar may be grooming young Octavius to become his heir. Because of the family tie? Because Caesar sees something extraordinary in the boy? Or because his catamite deserves a generous reward?

  I whistled aloud at Hieronymus's boldness. At least he had confined such reckless speculations to his private journal, rather than putting them in his reports to Calpurnia, but I was surprised he had written them down at all. It suddenly occurred to me that Caesar himself might have had Hieronymus killed. But if that were the case, wouldn't Caesar have tracked down and destroyed this offending document? I shook my head. As far as I could tell, Caesar knew nothing about either his wife's Etruscan haruspex or about her Massilian spy.

  If Hieronymus had the date correct, Octavius's birthday was tomorrow. Caesar's Asian Triumph would take place the next day, with the African Triumph to follow two days after that. Would Octavius be taking part in either one?

  Hieronymus claimed that Octavius had been fascinated by him. What if Hieronymus had misread the boy's reactions? Hieronymus was not always tactful, and not always skilled in hiding his thoughts; had he given away to Octavius his suspicions about a relationship between the boy and Caesar? Had Octavius been embarrassed, offended, even outraged? Had he suspected that Hieronymus was maliciously spreading rumors about him? Antony was too powerful to be killed for such a thing, but Hieronymus was not. Here was yet another possible motive for someone to murder Hieronymus.

  Or, if the story was true, did it provide Octavius with a motive to plot the death of his granduncle? The notion that Caesar's sixteen-year-old grandnephew and possible heir might conspire to kill him seemed far-fetched-and thus perfectly matched Hieronymus's warning of a menace from a quarter no one expected. But was the idea so unlikely? Catamites have been known to turn against their older lovers for all sorts of reasons. Perhaps Octavius was of the insanely jealous sort. Or perhaps he resented submitting to the domination of an older man, considering it a form of degradation, and craved revenge, no matter that his personal fortunes depended on Caesar.

  Until I knew more about Gaius Octavius, these ideas were no more than idle speculation. Like Hieronymus before me, I decided that I needed to meet the boy face-to-face, so as to form my own judgment of him.


  The house of the widow Atia, Octavius's mother, was not far from my own on a slope of the Palatine. The next morning I put on my best toga, called for Rupa, and went to pay a visit-and encountered a crowd outside the house of Atia so large it blocked the street.

  Most of the men wore togas. Others were dressed in military regalia. In the sea of faces I recognized senators, magistrates, high-ranking officers, and wealthy bankers. There were also a number of foreigners, including diplomats, traders, and merchants. I seemed to have stumbled into a open-air gathering of the most elite men in Rome.

  I had expected a crowd, though not quite this big. It was traditional for well-wishers to pay their respects to a young citizen and his family on the day he reached adulthood and put on his manly toga. Usually, such guests trickle in over the course of the day. But in this case, the young man happened to be the grandnephew of Julius Caesar, and the well-wishers were legion. Because the rather modest house of Atia was too small to accommodate more than a handful of guests at once, an officious-looking slave was keeping strict order at the door, allowing only one or two callers to enter at a time, as other guests departed.

  "Well, Rupa," I said, "we shall never get in. Mentioning Hieronymus won't count for much in these circumstances."

  The situation was even worse than I first thought. After watching awhile, I realized that callers were not being admitted by order of arrival; instead, the less important visitors were expected to give way to the more important. Even as I watched, Caesar's rabble-rousing favorite Dolabella showed up. With a swaggering gait, Marc Antony's young nemesis (and the erst-while son-in-law of Cicero) strode through the throng. No elbowing was necessarily; the crowd parted for him as if by instinct. He stepped past the officious doorkeeper and into the house without so much as a nod.

  If admission was by order of influence, I would be the last man admitted, unless perhaps I could argue my way ahead of young Gaius Octavius's fuller or shoe mender.

  "Come, Rupa," I said, "let's go home." I was about to leave when I felt a strong grip on my shoulder.

  "Gordianus, isn't it? The father of Meto Gordianus?"

  I turned around to see a man in his middle forties. He had a plump but handsome face, twinkling eyes, and touches of gray at his temples. A neatly trimmed beard strengthened his round jaw. The outlines of his toga suggested a robust physique with a touch of plumpness to match his face. The toga's purple border, and the fact that lictors attended him, indicated he was a praetor, one of Caesar's handpicked magistrates in charge of the city.

  He looked vaguely familiar, but I couldn't place him. He saw the uncertainty on my face, slapped my shoulder, and laughed.

  "Hirtius is the name. Not sure we've ever been properly introduced, but I know your son very well, and I've seen you before. Let me think; was it in Caesar's tent outside Brundisium, that day we ran Pompey out of Italy? No?" He tapped his fore-finger against his lips. "Or maybe it was at one of Cicero's estates? You're thick with Cicero, aren't you? So am I. Very old friends, Cicero and I; we have adjoining properties down in Tusculum, see each other more there than we do here in the city. He gives me oratory lessons. In return, I share my favorite recipes with Cicero's cook-and beg Caesar not to cut the fool's head off when he will insist on picking the wrong side!"

  His good humor was infectious. I smiled and nodded. "No, I don't think we've been introduced before, but of course I know of Aulus Hirtius." He had been one of Caesar's officers in Gaul and had fought with Caesar in Spain at the outset of the civil war. In the political arena, he had authored laws limiting the rights of Pompeians to serve in public office and legitimizing some of Caesar's more high-handed actions. Hirtius was a Caesar loyalist through and through.

  "Here to pay respects to young Octavius, eh?" he said.

  "Yes. One of the multitude, it seems."

  "Know him, then? Octavius?"

  "No," I admitted. "But I believe we had an acquaintance in common, a Massilian named Hieronymus."

  "Ah, the Scapegoat. Yes, I heard about his death."

  "Did you know Hieronymus, too?" I had not encountered Hirtius's name anywhere in Hieronymus's writings.

  "I met the Scapegoat in this very house, as a matter of fact, that day he came to call on Octavius. I'm here rather a lot lately; spending time with the boy, at Caesar's request. Briefing him, you see, because I know my way around Spain, and Octavius will be heading there soon, now that he's old enough to serve. Your son is in Spain already, I believe."

  "Yes, he is."

  "Right. Meto is probably gathering intelligence, assessing the loyalty of the locals, judging the strength and
resolve of the resistance, laying the groundwork for Caesar to sweep in and obliterate the enemy. Meto's good at that sort of thing. A Spanish campaign will give young Octavius a chance to gain valuable experience in the field-spill some blood, show his uncle what he's made of. I've been teaching the boy everything I know about the lay of the land and the local customs, reviewing basic strategy and tactics, drilling him in the use of different weapons. But there I go, still calling him a boy! Starting today, Gaius Octavius is a full-fledged citizen and the paterfamilias of his household."

  Hirtius surveyed the crowd, which had grown even thicker since his arrival. He put his hands on his hips and shook his head. "Well, there's no way I'm waiting to take my turn. I have far too much to do today, getting ready for tomorrow's triumph. Lictors, clear a path to the front door. Easy does it. Gently but firmly!"

  He stepped forward, looking over his shoulder to flash a parting smile. He saw my glum expression, leaned back, and grabbed my arm.

  "Here, come along with me, Gordianus."

  "Are you sure?" Even as I made a show of demurring, I signaled to Rupa to stay behind, and moved alongside Hirtius. "This is most gracious of you, Praetor."

  "My pleasure, Gordianus. It's the least I can do for Meto's father."

  As we reached the door, Dolabella was just leaving. In his mid-twenties, with a boyish face, the radical firebrand didn't appear much past his own toga-donning day. He and Hirtius exchanged a brief but boisterous greeting, with much grinning and shoulder slapping, but as we stepped past him, Hirtius made a face and lowered his voice. "What does Caesar see in that young troublemaker?"

  We were greeted in the vestibule by Octavius's mother, Atia, dressed in a sumptuous stola made of richly woven cloth and wearing a great deal of jewelry. She must have been greeting visitors since daybreak, but her smile for Hirtius appeared completely genuine. She planted a kiss on his cheek.

  "Greetings, stranger!" she said.

  Hirtius laughed. "No stranger than that fellow who just left, I hope."

  Atia narrowed her eyes. "Young Dolabella-such a charmer!"

  Hirtius clucked his tongue. "Just be sure to keep him away from Octavia. Now that Dolabella is free of Cicero's daughter, no young lady will be safe. Or do you have your eye on the rogue yourself?"

  Atia laughed. "You know my reputation as a chaste widow. All the dictator's women must be above suspicion-Caesar's niece as well as Caesar's wife."

  Hirtius nodded. "Where is your uncle? I thought Caesar would be here by now."

  "He's supposed to be. Too busy with some crisis or other, I'm sure. He'll eventually show up. He'd better! I certainly can't be the one who takes Gaius for a walk across the Forum in his new toga, and then up to the Capitoline to take the auspices. They're planning to perform the ritual in front of Uncle's new statue. We couldn't ask for finer weather. But who is this fellow?"

  Hirtius introduced me. Atia's demeanor at once became more formal, softened by a smile that was obviously synthetic. Perhaps her uncle had taught her how to put on a politician's face when called upon to greet a horde of strangers.

  We were shown to a small garden. A short young man in a toga stood inconspicuously amid the shrubbery. His face in repose displayed a thoughtful, almost somber expression. His forehead was quite broad but covered by a very thick head of fair hair. His eyebrows nearly met. His mouth was finely shaped but almost too small in proportion to his long nose. When he saw Hirtius, his lips curved into a smile, but his eyes remained distant. The result was an ironic expression that seemed precocious for his years.

  The two greeted each other warmly, gripping elbows in a near embrace. Impulsively, it seemed, Hirtius leaned forward and kissed Octavius on the lips, then gave his cheek a playful pinch.

  "My boy, my boy! Or should I say, my good man-look at you in that toga! How proud your uncle will be when he sees you."

  "Do you think so? All I know is, this thing is hotter than I expected. I shall faint if I have to stand under the full sun when they take the auspices."

  "Nonsense! You'll conduct yourself with perfect grace, as you always do." Hirtius grabbed Octavius by the scruff of the neck. The young man submitted to this familiarity with neither embarrassment nor apparent pleasure. He turned his curiously distant gaze to me.

  "This is Gordianus," said Hirtius, "the father of Meto Gordianus, your uncle's amanuensis."

  Octavius raised an eyebrow. "I see."

  "You know my son?"

  "Only by reputation."

  What did Octavius mean by that? His detached manner hinted at thoughts unspoken and judgments made in silence. Or was I merely imagining this?

  "Greetings on this special day, citizen," I said.

  "Thank you, Gordianus."

  "You two know someone in common," said Hirtius. "Or knew."

  "Hieronymus of Massilia," I said quickly, wanting to see Octavius's reaction.

  For a long moment, Octavius showed no expression at all. Then he lifted both eyebrows. "Ah, the Scapegoat. Excuse me, but so many names have passed through my head today, I drew a blank. How is Hieronymus?"

  "You haven't heard?" said Hirtius. "The fellow was found stabbed to death. Somewhere on the Palatine, wasn't it, Gordianus?"


  "Sad news," said Octavius. "Such a terrible crime, in the heart of the city. His killer?"

  "Unknown," I said.

  "An outrage. Has my uncle been told? He must do something about it."

  "I still have hope that the killer, or killers, may be exposed," I said. Octavius nodded. His expression had never altered. "But, forgive me, citizen, for marring the day with such tidings. This is a joyous occasion."

  "It is, indeed!" Atia came striding into the garden. "And joy must be shared. We have many more visitors waiting to pay their respects."

  Hirtius put on a wounded face. "Have we outstayed our welcome already?"

  "You? Never! But right now, you're welcome to go find my uncle and bring him here, if you want to be useful." Atia smiled and left the garden.

  "Farewell, then." Hirtius gazed wistfully at Octavius and cocked his head. "My boy, my boy, how very fine you look in that toga!" He took a step toward Octavius, and for a moment I thought he might kiss him again. But Octavius stiffened slightly and drew back, and there was something awkward and perfunctory about their parting embrace.

  We left the garden and returned to the vestibule, where the next visitors were already being greeted by Atia.

  Hirtius's lictors were waiting for him on the doorstep. As we headed back toward the place where I had left Rupa, with the lictors clearing a path, a murmur ran through the crowd. Heads turned in a single direction. In a hush, the name "Caesar" passed from tongue to tongue, then was shouted aloud: "Caesar! Hail, Caesar!"

  Octavius's granduncle had finally arrived. He was attended by a considerable retinue and surrounded by lictors, but he broke away from his party to walk, alone and unprotected, into the gathering before Atia's house.

  Everyone of importance in Rome appeared to know that this was the toga day of Caesar's grandnephew and that Caesar himself, sooner or later, would be in attendance. If anyone desired to harm Caesar in a public place, here was the perfect opportunity. How many knives might be hidden in that crowd? It would take only one to kill a man. How quickly could a determined assassin strike, before anyone could stop him?

  I stood on tiptoes to watch Caesar's slow progress through the gathering. Men pressed forward to touch him, utter words of greeting, and speak their names in hopes that he would remember them. Every time Caesar turned or nodded, I flinched. By my heartbeats, I counted the number of times he escaped a possible death.

  He saw Hirtius and moved toward us.

  "Aulus Hirtius! How is our boy holding up on his special day?"

  "Splendidly, Caesar. He was born to wear a toga."

  "Good, good. And can this be Gordianus beside you? Tell me, Finder, did you enjoy your seats at yesterday's triumph?"

  "We were able to see e
verything, Dictator."

  He nodded and pursed his lips. "Including that business with Arsinoe and her anonymous admirer?"

  My mouth went dry. Rupa was standing only a few feet away. I did my best not to look in his direction. "That was quite unexpected," I said.

  "Yes. After a lifetime in politics, a man thinks he knows the Roman people, yet they continue to be full of surprises. But let's hope there'll be no more surprises in the triumphs to come."

  I nodded. "Will your nephew be taking part?"

  Caesar brightened. "He will, indeed. Not in tomorrow's triumph but in the one after, the final triumph, over Africa. Gaius Octavius shall receive military honors and ride at the head of my troops, and after the procession, he shall join me when I dedicate the new temple; Venus is his ancestress as well as mine. It's my hope that the people of Rome will love him as dearly as I do, and as does Hirtius here."

  "They will, Caesar," said Hirtius. "How could they not embrace him?"

  "I look to you, Hirtius, to see that the boy is properly outfitted and knows how to conduct himself in the triumph. We don't want him to look like a raw recruit by the way he handles his weapon or leaves a piece of armor unbuckled."

  "I have every confidence that the boy-the young man-will satisfy your expectations," said Hirtius.

  Caesar nodded and pressed on. A few moments later, he disappeared into Atia's house unharmed. I felt relieved.

  I also experienced a nagging uncertainty. The rumors recounted by Hieronymus were stuck in my head; they had shaped my ideas about Octavius before I had a chance to meet him. I had found Hirtius's casual but insistent habit of touching the young man, and Octavius's passive but unemotional reaction to being touched, not innocent and endearing but oddly disturbing. What was the exact relationship between Caesar and Octavius, and between Octavius and Hirtius?

  Was I allowing gossip and innuendo to color my observations? To be seduced into error by way of preconception-this was a common, often dangerous mistake made by amateurs such as Hieronymus when they set about uncovering secrets.


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