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Celtic Love Knots Volume 2

Page 2

by Tina Bendoni, Michelle Hasker

  Bree thought she was spent, didn't think she could come any more, and then he again inserted his fingers in her canal. Damn. Good didn't even begin to cover his abilities. He curved his fingers and found the spot she was convinced she didn't have. Her body arched sharply, mons thrusted into his waiting mouth as she exploded in an orgasm unlike any she had ever experienced before.

  She must have passed out, because the next she knew, his arm was again cupping her head, and he had her body pulled against his, holding her tight.

  "By the Goddess. Where the hell did you learn all that?"

  His bright white teeth shone in the light of the stars and moon. “Misspent youth?"

  "Misspent? Hell, no. Well spent if you ask me."

  "Is my lady pleased?"

  "More than pleased,” Bree agreed with a smile as she pulled back. “Now it's my turn."

  "No, wait."

  Bree looked at him questioningly.

  "We can't."

  "Excuse me?"

  "No, I mean, not right here. Not now. I didn't expect this. I don't have anything with me. Any protection."

  "Oh.” Bree had forgotten all about that. She hadn't planned on meeting anyone, so she hadn't even thought to bring anything. Thank the gods one of them was still capable of intelligent thought.

  "They probably have some at the main fire. They usually do. If you would wait a minute, I can go..."

  Bree grinned. “Oh, no. You aren't going anywhere, buddy. We can get that later. Right now, though, I am not letting you go."

  As she finished her sentence, Bree slowly unbuttoned his shirt. Why the hell did she have to fall in the sack with the only man in the place who wore more clothing than she did?

  Exposing his chest to her gaze, she sighed in appreciation. Damn, if he looked this good in moonlight, what did he look like in daylight? She stroked her hands down his hard chest, flicking at his nipples with her nails. At his sharp intake of breath, she smiled.

  "Oooh, I love a sensitive man.” She drawled the word out slowly as she leaned down to take a nipple between her teeth. Biting it gently, she smiled inwardly as he ran his hands up and down her arms and around her back in response. Damned if he wasn't the most responsive man she'd ever met.

  Slowly she worked her way down his torso, licking at his six-pack abs that just begged for attention. He was hard all over, and she couldn't resist a small bite or two as she moved over his body.

  Reaching the snap of his pants, she looked up. He was leaning on his elbows watching her. She grasped the top button and tugged, quickly opening him to her gaze.

  Well, he might be wearing more outer clothing, but he sure as hell didn't have anything on under those jeans, she realized as she opened the buttons one by one. Finally he sprang free, right into her hands.

  He was big. Not overly long, but wide. She liked that in a man. Stroking him, she crooned soft murmurs as she moved her mouth closer. Stopping before making contact, she opened her mouth and breathed hot air over his shaft. It jerked in her hand, asking for more.

  Grasping him firmly in her hand, she moved closer still, her tongue darting out to the tip, licking the drop of pre-cum there. She saw him fall back against the ground as she prepared to take him into her mouth.

  Slowly she slid her lips over the tip of his cock, sliding it gently into her mouth. She wanted to savor every millimeter of it as it slid over her tongue, back to her throat.

  "Oh, baby,” he moaned as she reached the end of his penis, and began to slowly pull him out. Twice more she did that, in and out, excruciatingly slow, knowing by the quivering in his legs and stomach that unless she wanted this to end quickly, she'd better change her tactics.

  Holding him in her hands, she teased him with light, quick kisses up and down his shaft, working her way to his balls, where she licked each one, gently pulling them into her mouth one at a time.

  "What do you want?” she asked in a hoarse whisper.


  "What do you want?” she repeated, more firmly.

  "I want to come in your mouth. I want you to suck me so hard you wring me dry."

  Without a word, Bree swiftly moved back to his shaft, engulfing it in one movement. He grunted his pleasure as he fisted his hands in her hair, wrapping her long tresses around his wrists.

  She took him then, hard and fast, sucking him as she moved his hard, thick cock in and out of her mouth, her hand playing with his balls, urging him to fulfillment.

  "Oh, Goddess, yes. Oh, Goddess, yes!"

  She heard his exclamation, felt the nerves in his prick as it got ready to shoot cum down her throat. Hot liquid spurted against the back of her mouth as she continued to suck at him, begging him for more, drawing out all he had to give.

  She kept her mouth wrapped around him until she was sure he was done. One last lave of her tongue, one last kiss on the tip, and she crawled up to his waiting arms.

  "Oh my gods."

  Bree snuggled, not answering. After all, what could she say that wouldn't make her sound overconfident and full of herself?

  They readjusted their clothing and leaned back against the large boulder they'd been sitting on earlier. Together they watched as dawn crept across the grove of campers, lighting the area in a soft glow. He was the first to break the silence.

  "I have a shift I have to fulfill this morning.” He turned to look at her as he held her tightly in his arms. “Will I find you later?"

  Bree nodded as she swallowed tightly. He wanted to see her again. She didn't want to let him go, but everyone had at least one community service shift to fulfill. It was part of what made the place so welcoming.

  "Sure. I'll be at the workshops most of the day, and then of course, the main ritual."

  "Look for me at the maypole.” He grinned at her lasciviously before kissing her goodbye.

  Bree had watched for him all that day, and even the next. He never came. She never saw him again.

  Bree shook herself out of her reverie. She tried not to think of her dark stranger often, but every once in a while, thoughts of him snuck up on her. And here, today, it was nearly impossible to not think about him. Screw him. He was a bastard who took advantage of a newbie. At least she got some great orgasms out of the deal, not to mention a long-lasting lesson about men.

  Maybe she would take advantage of her year as handmaiden and throw caution to the winds. She wasn't attached. She knew the score.

  Decision made, she paid more attention to the combatants. Somewhere out there was the perfect man for her. At least for the weekend.

  Looking around with purpose, Bree checked out the men once again. Oh, great Goddess, look at that one. His back was turned to her, but talk about yummy. Jet-black hair, short, but still long enough to run her fingers through. Tall, with wide shoulders and a slim waist. He was tanned everywhere she could see, and since he was shirtless and wearing a kilt, she could see most everything.

  His broad back gave her a hint of what his chest must look like. She could already picture his strong muscles straining as they made hot, sweaty love. She wasn't a big fan of kilts, but if this man's behind looked this good in one, what the hell could he do to tight jeans?

  Turning her head away reluctantly, she asked the other handmaidens who the gorgeous hunk was. Well, she had to be honest, she didn't know if he was gorgeous, but damn, was he built. With a body like that she could close her eyes if she had to.

  "The black kilt? Oh, that's Kade. He hasn't been around for a few years. But don't bother, he was burnt by someone a while back at another festival, so he doesn't participate in extracurricular activities,” one of the other handmaidens assured her with a leer. “But, trust me, if he did, you'd have to fight the rest of us for him."

  Kade. Mmm, even his name sounded dark and delicious. Dammit. Trust her to decide to go after the one straight man who had sworn off women for the weekend. Bree continued to watch the men compete for the hand of the queen. Throughout it all, though, she never seemed to see Kade's face. He was
always turned away from her, or in profile.

  No biggie. She knew her hastily made promise to herself would never fly.

  Finally, the competition was over, the consort was crowned, and the royal pair was escorted to their bower. Bree planned to sneak out before the maypole, but was snagged by two of the other handmaidens.

  "Oh, no, you are not getting away from this."

  "But, really, I—"

  "Nope, not a chance, girly,” Alexis commented with a secretive smile. “You are definitely going to have fun."

  Bree sighed and shook her head, allowing the women to drag her to the pole.

  "Okay, lads and lassies, you all know the drill.” One of the organizers of the festival gave directions for the weaving of the pole after everyone had been given a number, “Number ones, clockwise, and start with under. Number twos, counterclockwise and start with over. If you get stuck in the middle, may the gods bless your union!"

  Everyone laughed, as invariably at least a few people got pushed into the middle by friends and then were quickly weaved into the pole. It may not be strictly traditional, but it was all in good fun. It didn't always result in a pairing, but that was how Betsy and her boyfriend met last year.

  The weaving began slowly, but took up speed. It was a large gathering this year, with many newcomers, so Bree found herself concentrating more on the weaving than the other participants. Before she realized it, they had gone around twice, and she had barely looked at anyone's path she was crossing. The next few rounds, she made an effort to meet everyone's eyes, sharing with them all this special ceremony of life.

  The closer the group got into the pole, the more confusing and amusing the activity became. Bree couldn't fathom how anyone could do an entire pole without the laughter and fun that always erupted at any festival she was at. When someone grabbed her by the waist, she wasn't shocked, people tended to get close and share the fun with each other. She was shocked, however, when she realized she was being pushed into the center. Oh, no. No way!

  Before she could protest, she was in the middle, and had been wrapped against the pole, and her fellow “maidens” had danced away, laughing. She felt hard maleness against her back and knew she wouldn't be able to get away.

  Oh, shit. Why?

  Deciding to face the inevitable and see who they paired her up with, she slowly turned and faced the widest, most muscled chest she had seen in a long time. Hot and sweaty, it glistened from the activity of the afternoon. Yum. She'd recognize that body anywhere. It was the scrumptious specimen from the contests. Ooooh, finally, she would get a chance to see his face.

  Looking up eagerly, she felt her face go white. Her legs went weak, and if she hadn't been wrapped up against the pole and him, she would have fallen.

  His arms quickly went around her to support her an instant before his own face showed the same recognition.

  Oh, shit, shit and triple shit. She was in trouble.

  He spoke first.


  "Kade, is it? Well nice to finally put a name to the face."

  "What? I gave you my name, dammit."

  "When? Before or after you tricked me into having sex with you?"

  "Tricked you? What!"

  "Well, that's what I'd call it. Taking advantage of a newbie like that. One you knew was scared and unsure."

  "Oh, no, babe, if I recall, you begged me not to leave you."

  Bree flushed. “Bully for you. You're better at it than even you realized."

  "What the hell are you...” His voice trailed off as he realized the singing was tapering off and the revelers were almost done weaving the pole. “We will talk about this later."

  "Oh, yes, sir. Whatever you say. I will look for you after the maypole. I'm sure you are just as likely to show as you did last time."

  Before he could respond, the chanting raised up in final exaltation, drowning out any sound he would have made. Turning away, Bree waited to be cut out of the ribbons binding her. She was damned if she would give him another minute of her time or thoughts. He was the one who walked out on her. He had no right to be angry at all.

  What did he care that she was so heartbroken she had left before the final closing ritual? It took her years before she could show up to another festival here. And she was not going to let him ruin it for her again.

  As soon as she was free, she made her excuses and took off into the woods. Thank the gods she had decent shoes on instead of the slippers that a lot of the other girls wore around the campground. Kade, or whatever his name was, would never find her once she was out of his sight. And no man in his right mind went trudging through the woods in a kilt.

  Finally convinced she had escaped him, Bree slowed down and found a spot to rest and catch her breath. How dare he be angry? He was the one who left her. He was the one who didn't come back. She could guess what caused him to swear off women at festivals. He probably tried to burn some other newbie, and she got him back. Served him right.

  "Did you really think I wouldn't follow you?"

  Bree was too wrung out to be surprised that he found her. Before today, she hadn't thought about him in a long time. It just seemed fitting that he was actually here now. But she didn't need it. She didn't want it.

  "No, I figured you would, but thought I could lose you."

  "Sorry, baby, after fifteen years in Special Forces, no one short of a miracle worker could lose me."

  "Just my luck."

  "So, you ready to talk?” He sat down beside her. Close. Too close.

  Immediately, she stood up, eager to keep distance between them. Needing it lest she fall into his arms again. “I don't want to talk. We had sex once nine years ago. Hell, there wasn't even intercourse. There isn't anything to talk about."

  "Nothing to talk about?” He got up just as swiftly. “What do you mean, nothing to talk about? You are all I've thought of for the last nine years. I couldn't get you out of my head, woman!"

  Even angry his sexual energy wrapped itself around her, pulling reactions from her. Reminding her what it felt like to be made love to by this man. Her body quivered at the memories, liquid pooling between her legs in preparation for what it wanted.

  "Well, damn, I didn't realize I was that good at giving blow jobs!"

  His anger seemed to melt. He slowly approached her, forcing her back against a large tree. “Obviously I'm not the only one who remembers that night.” His voice was a harsh whisper of air against her skin. His body pressed against hers, leaving her in no doubt that though he was angry less than a minute before, now he had something more pressing on his mind.

  Against her will, her body reacted to his closeness, melting into him, moisture dripping down her thighs. In almost thirty years of living, and more than a few sexual partners, he was still the only man who could get her wet with a look and a whisper.

  "No, you aren't,” Bree whispered. Her body was aflame, and all she wanted was him.

  "We have unfinished business, my dear, don't you think?” He didn't give her the chance to answer. He bent down and took her lips with his.

  Bree's world exploded. It didn't matter how much she hated what he had done to her. It didn't matter that she had sworn she would never do this again. Just the touch of his lips was enough for all her good intentions to go flying out the window. She wanted him. And damned if she wasn't gonna have him. She'd deal with the consequences later.

  Her arms wrapped around his waist, holding him tight, eager for him to be as close as possible. His hand started at her waist and worked its way under her shirt to the naked skin beneath.

  She inhaled sharply at the touch of his warm calloused hand against her heated skin. He brushed across her stomach, then brought his hand up to cup her breast almost painfully hard.

  "God dammit, woman, what you do to me makes me insane. I want you now.” His other hand grasped her skirt and yanked it up to her waist. Her body bared, he spread her legs open with his knee as his hand went to her dripping pussy.

h, gods. I need this,” he said, pulling himself away from her and dropping to his knees. Holding her against the tree with his hands on her hips, he dove into her, tongue laving and licking. He sucked her clit between his teeth, and at her cry of joy, sucked harder as he jammed his fingers into her vagina.

  "Oh, Kade. Oh, Goddess. Oh...” Bree moaned, thrashing her head back and forth against the tree, knotting her hands in his hair as she held him tighter against her. His licking, biting, ferocious devouring of her was sending her over the edge faster than she thought possible. The tension built higher and higher until she felt herself crest, exploding with a scream loud enough to be heard back at the campground.

  Without a word, he stood up and grabbed her by the hips, lifting her. “My turn,” he muttered harshly as he pulled her onto his erect cock, proving once and for all that real men wear nothing under their kilts.

  There was nothing gentle about their lovemaking. He slammed himself into her again and again as she held him tight inside her and wrapped her legs around his waist. Branches provided just enough leverage for her to brace herself and respond to each thrust with pressure of her own until she didn't know where they were anymore, she only knew the pumping between her legs, the tension building again, higher and higher, until with a scream echoing hers, he released into her as she shattered once again.

  Panting, he held onto her tightly as she lay her head against him, too spent to move other than to let go of the branches and hang her arms over his shoulders.

  Without a word, he slowly pulled out of her and waited until her legs were strong enough to support her. Once she was able to stand, he stepped back and straightened himself as she did the same.

  "Well so much for talking."

  Kade glared at Bree. “You were the one who didn't want to talk, remember?"

  "Well I wasn't planning on this, either."

  "Oh shit.” Realization seemed to hit him. “Please tell me you're protected?"

  "What? Yeah. I'm on the pill."

  "I'm sorry."

  "Don't worry about it. I had time to say no."


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