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Chasing Mrs. Knightly (Chasing #5: Chasing Epilogue)

Page 3

by Pamela Ann

  Subsequently, when the time came that I had to cut my ties with her, she simply went off her rocker and went ballistic on me. She tried to hurt everyone I cared about and became successful with her revenge. Even in death, she had left a big, gaping hole in the lives she’d affected. With such fierce vivacity, it was truly tragic how she had taken her life because I couldn’t give her what she had craved the most. My love.

  Toby was right. Things could’ve gotten out of hand with Sienna, but with Matthews’s guidance and perseverance, she had come out okay. I might even admit she was much stronger this second time around than the first time we had attempted being together. She had always been feisty, provocative to the point of torture, and loved with her entire being. But the second chance we had been handed was something else altogether; everything became heightened ten times over. The feelings and emotions were amplified to the point it was hard to control them. It was either we learned to find a middle ground or we’d sink together. Like I previously mentioned, we were simply nonsensical.

  “I’m not about to attack him or anything—far from it. I suppose one of the things that troubles me most was how I always felt threatened by him.” My admission was a huge revelation, and one I couldn’t fathom admitting at times. I was a prideful man, and the idea of being threatened by a man like Kyle Matthews was comical, yet it was the honest truth. “It’s quite hard to see him any differently, but I suppose I better start doing something about that before Sienna starts giving me the evil eye.”

  “Very well.” Toby nodded towards me before he checked the watch on his wrist. “Can we get out of this forsaken library and join our better halves?”

  Approximately fifteen minutes later, the guest of honor arrived. Lucy, Sienna, Toby and I were all there in the foyer to greet him, but it was Sienna who eagerly almost ran to him and gave him a huge hug. It only took one look to know that my wife had been missing him immensely. I wasn’t sure how I stayed rooted on the spot, however I did; even though every fiber in me screamed in protest, wanting to snatch her away from the man who had the capability of stealing her from me.

  “It’s lovely to see you again, Kyle,” Lucy interrupted Sienna and Kyle’s mini reunion before Toby did the same thing.

  “I heard about the wedding; congratulations to you both.” Kyle shook hands with Toby before his well aware eyes landed on me. “Blake.” He nodded in greeting before I inserted both of my hands in my pocket, willing myself to greet him back.

  “Kyle,” I said without a smile as I looked him squarely in the eye. “Welcome back to London.”

  Sienna came in between us, smiling before she gave me a you’re going to get in trouble if you don’t behave kind of glare and ushered Kyle into the house. I was the last one to follow, and all the while, I noted everything about them, wondering how in the world I had gotten in between their bond. Because, from where I was standing, it was obvious these two had more than friendship. It was apparent in the way he gazed at her, his eyes almost caressing with that longing look that gave away his feelings for her.

  “Freya said dinner will be ready in about ten minutes,” Sienna announced as we all gathered in the living room, lounging with our drinks. She then turned to her best friend, ex-lover slash once almost fiancé. “How about I give you a grand tour of the house?” she offered while I was almost sure she was trying to kick me in the groin.

  “How about not, Sienna. The man just barely got here, let him unwind and relax.” My temper was getting the most of me, yet I couldn’t help feeling miserable. Pretending to be noble wasn’t a strong suit for me. I was a Neanderthal at best when it came to the woman I loved above all else. Could anyone really blame me?

  My suggestion was immediately brushed off by her overly bright smile and eyes ready to commit murder. “Never mind Blake. He promised to behave tonight,” she said out loud before she dragged Kyle away to her studio.

  “You promised to behave?” Lucy chortled. “My, this ought to be funny. You already look pained as it is. Another hour of this and you’ll be on your deathbed.”

  Was I really that easy to assess? To my friends, well, yes. They had known me when I was at my worst, and when I was at my happiest. Right this moment, however, I wasn’t sure which category best suited my emotions.

  Toby strode over to join Lucy on the sofa, holding her close. “Give him some credit, love. As you can see, Kyle Matthews is still alive and breathing. He might be able to contain himself. After all, he’s trying to prove that he’s a good husband to Sienna.”

  “You two aren’t helping at all.” Even my friends thought this was amusing. Well, ha bloody ha.

  Trying to focus my attention on different matters other than Sienna and Kyle, I pulled out my phone to check for messages, and just when I was about to get engrossed in one, Freya came out of the kitchen and announced that dinner was ready to be served. Graciously thanking her, we all got up and looked about, wondering if Sienna and Kyle were to show up any second now. So when they didn’t, the same old inkling settled in the pit of my stomach.

  Striding over to the staircase that led over to her studio, I pried my ears open for any indication of what they were up to, but my attempt at eavesdropping was in vain, for there was no sound coming from downstairs.

  “Sienna?” I called out. “Sienna?” This time, I yelled a little louder. “Dinner’s ready, poppet.” They were downstairs, yet the absence of sound could only mean a few things. My mind was leading me to the gutter, and I tried to steer clear of it until I had spoken to my wife.

  After waiting for a minute or so, she finally emerged, followed by a somber looking Kyle. Sienna’s eyes were red, and it seemed like she had been crying.

  “Is something the matter, mi amore?”

  She shook her head before giving me a brave smile. She had an air of fragility in her, therefore I didn’t press further. Glancing at Kyle, I was a tad taken aback when he looked apologetic.

  “I apologize for the wait. We were catching up, and it seems like some stories are harder for Sienna to talk about.”

  I stilled, knowing quite well which particular story he meant by that—Camilla. I was too bereft to say anything else except nod in his direction before we both followed Sienna, heading towards the formal dining room.

  She was wearing a rich colored olive green dress that brought out the beautiful colors of her eyes. As always, she was impeccably gorgeous. My eyes drifted towards her swaying hips, noting that even the way she walked showed a dancer’s grace about her. Just in the nick of time, I also found Kyle Matthews’s eyes admiring the same thing I had been. I made a low, grumbling sound, hoping he’d get the hint that he shouldn’t extend my hospitality to such insult.

  I supposed it was a good thing Lucy engaged Kyle with a conversation about his work in the music industry. My friends could be such a pain in my arse, but at times like these, they knew me too well. I appreciated their joint effort in keeping peace, even if the tension between us men was blatantly obvious.

  Dinner was served and the chitchat commenced. With my mood quite settled, instead of paying attention and taking part in the discussion they were having about the war going on in Middle East and Eastern European countries, I found myself more consumed by my thoughts than the conversation. I wondered how my own wife couldn’t confide in me, or if it was too difficult to speak to me about it, why she hadn’t at least mentioned something so we could get someone for her to speak to about what still troubled her. And yet, she had been in tears, talking about it with Kyle. What was I doing wrong that I couldn’t even get my own wife to tell me she was still haunted about what had occurred almost a year ago?

  Truth be told, when I was away on one of my business trips, I would get dreams about what had transpired in that hospital room. It would appear in my dream, as if it was truly happening, and I would end up yelling for Sienna to run. Every time after I screamed, I’d wake up in a sweat. If she wasn’t with me, I worried, but as much as I wanted to protect her with a security team, she
insisted she didn’t need one unless she left the country.

  Could it possibly be because of Gareth? Sienna had trusted him, and in the end, she hadn’t seen his betrayal coming from a mile away. His treachery had possibly dug deep, making her wary of the people she surrounded herself with, security detail included.

  If she’d let me, I’d do anything in my power to help her through if this was one of the major causes of her troubles. I knew what had occurred had been beyond demoralizing for anyone, however we made a pact that we were going to move on, and I wanted us to be in the same pacing in regards to the future. I was the main reason why these events all had happened to her, to us, in the first place.

  I owed it to her to help her exorcise the demons that still haunted her.

  My bitterness and jealous emotions seemed pointless when one truly saw the bigger picture. I was more subdued compared to how I had been an hour ago. Besides, I should be grateful that having Kyle here tonight had brought out that information instead of Sienna hiding it from me. She would probably endure all of the demons that hounded her until the end of time. Sienna was stubborn. Still, it was quite apparent we needed to work harder on our marriage.

  It was our first year—we were bound to make hundreds, maybe thousands, of mistakes—but as long as we communicated and compromised, we would have a much stronger bond.

  After dinner, Lucy and Toby didn’t stay long since the two had important business to take care of first thing in the morning. Since Lucy wasn’t sure what type of business venture she wanted to get into, she had offered to shadow her husband, to learn more about how to handle business dealings and transactions.

  “I better go, too. I’m still jet-lagged,” Kyle said out loud, turning to Sienna before he directed me his gaze. “Thanks for having me, Knightly. I appreciate that my relationship with Sienna didn’t end because you guys got married. This means a lot.”

  This was his way of offering me an olive branch, and as much as I wanted to hate the man, I knew that his short vacation here would open Sienna up. Furthermore, in doing so, I hoped she’d bare more of her thoughts and fears. After all, this was her best friend since childhood. They shared some kind of bond that even I couldn’t interfere with or penetrate. It was terrible to admit this, even to myself, but it was the truth. Therefore, hopefully, with my acceptance, it would benefit us all—as long as he didn’t cross the bloody line and try to steal my wife away. In such an eventuality, this cease-fire would no longer exist.

  “It’s time to move on. I love my wife, and I’d do anything to make her happy. Having you in her life makes her so much more blissful. I’d do anything to keep it that way. Thanks for coming over, Matthews.”

  Sienna’s hand clasped mine before giving it a quick squeeze. It was her way of saying thank you without telling me so. “I’m stepping to see Kyle out, maybe even speak to him a little bit more, if you don’t mind…”

  “Go on, you don’t need my permission.” It took every ounce of me to say it, although I knew it was time. I trusted my wife, so much so that I fought the urge to even go to the window and watch them converse. The old me would’ve gone rampant from being a jealous prick, but I knew I had to shed that old habit and be a man worthy of her. It was a difficult task, most especially since I kept counting down the seconds that ticked by, yet I’d rather hear it from her instead of spying on her.

  Marriage had changed me. Last year, I would have thrown the gauntlet and caused strife between us. Now I realized those childish antics wouldn’t solve much of our problems.

  Striding back to the living room, I headed straight towards the aperitif cart that held excellent whiskey and cognac. Choosing my favorite choice of cognac, it took three helpings until I heard the door open and shut, before Sienna’s footsteps echoed in the foyer.

  “Babe?” she called out.

  “In here. Just having a nightcap.”

  I heard her sigh before coming into the room. “Well, that was a success.” There was something in her voice that indicated she was quite shocked.

  “You sound surprised. Didn’t think I had it in me, did you?”

  “I knew you did… I just never thought you’d stretch it as far as Kyle.” She spoke as she strode towards me until she stood on my side, and we ended up gazing at each other for a long moment. “How are you feeling?”

  “Honestly? I’m actually quite relieved that he was behaving himself. It’s obvious that he’s still madly in love with you, but as long as he doesn’t try and snatch you away from me, I have no problem with him being your friend.”

  She gave me a warm smile before taking both of my hands and kissing my knuckles with her soft lips. “I’m lucky to have you on my side, and I love you even more for granting me this.”

  My wife.

  My only weakness.

  She owned me—heart, body and soul.

  “So… care to tell me what you two spoke about?” The question had been nagging on my mind, even though I had acted like everything was dandy.

  She rolled her eyes, grinning wickedly at me. “Just couldn’t wait to get that out, could you?”

  “A man can only endure so much torture, poppet.”

  “Well…” she trailed off as she slowly strolled to the side of the living room, hips swaying provocatively, as if she was in some kind of sensual dance.

  When this side of her came out to play, it never failed to hypnotize. My cock grew harder by the second, and the witch was making me lose my train of thought. All of my blood had mostly gone south, throbbing for something else entirely.

  Bloody hell.

  “Sienna?” I rasped out, needing her to answer before I pounced on her and shagged her senseless.

  She bestowed me with her typical, beguiling smile that weakened my knees. “If you insist… We spoke about new things in our lives. How his parents are doing, who he’s dating, or if he’s interested in having a threesome with us. You know, that kind of thing.”

  My throat hurt. “I beg your pardon?”

  “You heard me.” She eyed me with dancing eyes. “That would spice everything up. Besides, I’ve always wondered what it would be like—”

  Common sense absolutely deserted me as my ears grew hot. My heart tightened and everything else evaporated except for one purpose.

  “Sienna!” I shrilled as I chased after her, but she kept walking away, almost running from me.

  But I was much more agile than her, consequently I caught her, wrapping my arms around her hips as I demanded harshly in her ear for her to explain, needing her to clarify it for me.

  “Blake!” she giggled as she tried to get away from me, which only infuriated me further.

  “You’ve been dreaming about his cock, Sienna?” My fury took over, almost pushing me to the edge as I imagined what she wanted to do with her ex-lover. “Is that what this is all about? You wanting to fuck him again because you couldn’t seem to help yourself?” I hissed as I pushed her against the wall, caging her in to look her straight in the eye. I needed to see the truth, once and for all.

  Worry started to settle in her features. Good, I thought as I sought her eyes. “You’ve been yearning for his cock all this time, my lovely, conniving wife?” I thundered into her face.

  She opened her mouth, looking sorry, before she cast her gaze down so I couldn’t see the lies she bore in them. “Blake, I’m sorry. It started as a joke. I didn’t mean for you to get upset.”

  “You think puncturing my heart is a bloody joke?” I ground out, losing my mind as I pictured them fucking again in the damn hotel room. “You know the kind of torment you put me through when it came to him, Sienna. You know,” I whispered, curbing the need to shake her.

  “Babe, I’m so sorry. I didn’t realize how deeply it affects you. It was a poor attempt, and I apologize. I never meant to hurt you at all.” She cupped my cheek as I looked away. She cupped my other cheek to force me to face her again before she slowly kissed me as she apologized at the same time. My heart sped up from having t
his intimate contact with her, but I was still absolutely infuriated to the point I wasn’t prepared to simply let it go yet.

  His dress shirt. High heels and topsy-turvy hair. And that look that said it all the moment she walked into the apartment, looking thoroughly fucked.

  The feeling of being stabbed—the same kind of emotions rolled off me, as if it had just occurred—seized me wholly. Needing to stop her from kissing me, I tried to slowly push her off, however she cupped both of her hands behind my skull and kissed me explicitly.

  “Kiss me back, damn it!”

  “No,” I gritted out, not ready to play the doting and loving husband to her just yet. She needed to be taught a lesson; that she couldn’t conjure such poor jokes to see my reaction. I would never inflict such idiotic puns just to get her riled up. We were better than that, or so I had thought. “This is enough—”

  “No.” She fought me back, harder this time. “I’m not letting go until you’ve forgiven me. If it’s going to take hours of kissing, I don’t care. I said I was sorry!”

  This woman was pushing for madness.

  Fine, I conceded darkly. Fine!

  Pulling my zipper down, I hastily took out my cock as I roughly pinned her against the wall, lifted her dress, and pushed her thong aside before plunging into her without concession. I fucked to punish. I fucked her tight cunt to get my point across, literally and figuratively speaking.

  “Yes!” she gasped wantonly. “I need this—I need you and your thick monster of a cock.”

  Christ, she knew what happened to me whenever she talked nasty whilst fucking her witless.

  “Whose cock do you live for, Sienna?” I gripped both of her breasts as she slid up and down each time I thrust into her.

  She laced her fingers behind my neck, hooking herself up further so I could hammer my rigid length farther into her depths. “Baby, that’s it…” she moaned with pure abandonment. “I’m coming—God!” she shrieked. “I love you—so much!”


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