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The Story of Western Science

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by Susan Wise Bauer

  three principles of, 160–63

  Channeled Scablands, 149–51

  Chaos: Making a New Science (Gleick), 213, 252, 255–56

  reading sources for, 256

  chaos theory, 255–56

  Charles I, king of England, 88n

  Charles II, king of England, 60, 88

  Charlotte, queen of England, 116

  chemia, use of term, 84

  chemistry, chemists, 84–87, 106, 116, 117, 128, 129, 135, 153, 187, 191, 202, 204, 226, 255

  see also biochemistry

  Chicago, University of, 149

  Chicxulub, 149

  China, flood in, 124

  chromosomes, 177–78, 189–93, 201, 202

  Church, Christian, 203

  and the age of the earth, 106-10, 137

  Aristotelization of, 75-76

  on creation, 106

  and heliocentrism, 76-79, 80

  and human dissection, 64

  and the Inquisition, 76-79

  and medieval education, 42

  Methodist, 137

  Protestant, 116

  Roman, 50-51, 75-79

  chyme, 65

  chymical furnaces, 81, 146

  chymistry, as term, 84

  Clarke, H. T., 27

  Clements, William, 153

  Clifford, William, 220

  coal, 116–17, 157

  Cohen, Bernard, 102

  Cohen, H. Floris, 41

  Cohen, Seymour, 194

  College for the Promoting of Physico-Mathematical Experimental Learning, 88

  Columbia Plateau, 149–50

  Columbia University, 178, 189

  Comenius, John Amos, 82

  comets, 111, 151, 152, 154

  Commentariolus (Copernicus), 1, 46–49, 51

  common notions, 27

  Commonwealth, 88

  Compendium of the Almagest, The (al-Farghani), 41

  compounds, 226

  computers, 254

  conclusion, in scientific method, 58

  Considerations on the Nature, Quality and Distinctions of Coal and Culm (Hutton), 116–17

  Constantinople, 41, 43–44

  continental drift, theory of, 141–48, 143, 149

  derision for, 143–44

  continental shelves, 146

  continents, 126, 141–42

  continuous creation model, 245

  contraction theory, 141–42, 144

  convection, in continental drift, 146–47, 147

  Copenhagen, Denmark, 232

  Copenhagen, University of, 106

  Copenhagen interpretation, 234–35

  Copernicus, Nicolaus, 1, 61, 65, 82, 86, 197, 241

  orbital scheme of, 48–52, 48, 55, 71, 76–77

  core, of earth:

  as liquid, 142–43

  as molten, 108–9, 112, 135, 141–42

  cork, 186

  Corpus (Hippocrates), 5–8

  corpuscles, 85, 86, 226, 228

  Correns, Carl, 177

  cosmic background radiation, xix, 246–48

  cosmology, 252–56

  Cosmology and Controversy (Kragh), 243n

  cosmos, xviii

  Newtonian rules for, 215–17

  see also universe

  Cowley, Abraham, 60–61

  Cracow, University of, 46–47

  Craftsman (divine creator), 12–14, 16

  creationism, 167, 209

  evolutionary scientists vs., 209

  Creation of the Universe, The (Gamow), 246n

  Cremonini, Cesar, 75

  Crick, Francis, 19–200, 302

  Cromwell, Oliver, 88

  crust, of earth, 141, 146, 147, 153

  culm, 116

  cupels, 85

  Curie, Marie S., 136, 192

  Curie, Pierre, 136, 192

  Cuvier, Georges, 103, 115, 120–27, 128–30, 132, 162, 166

  cytology, 180, 182

  Dalton, John, 226

  Darwin, Charles, 155, 163, 166–76, 190

  Darwinian fundamentalism, 209

  Darwinism, 18, 163

  defense of, 181–84

  neo-, 199–211

  opposition to, 179–81

  see also evolution; natural selection

  Davies, Paul, 248

  Dawkins, Richard, xviii, xix, 34, 155, 199, 203, 205, 208, 210, 252

  Dean, Dennis, 119

  death, 158–62

  De circulatione sanguinis (Harvey), 69

  deductive reasoning, 57–58, 66, 91

  Deep Impact, 256

  “deep time” chronology, 113, 118–19, 125, 126, 137

  deferents, 39–40, 49

  De humani corpus fabrica (Vesalius), 64–65

  Delbrüch, Max, 194

  Deluc, Jean André, 116–17, 119

  Demiurge, 13, 25

  Democritus, 9, 11–12, 18, 32, 33

  demon, use of term, 253

  demonstration, observation and experimentation in, 63–69, 72

  De motu (Berkeley), 216

  De motu (Galileo), 71–73

  De motu cordis (“On the Motion of the Heart”; Harvey), xix, 53, 63, 68–69

  Denmark, Danish, 55, 106, 178, 231, 232

  deoxyribonucleic acid, see DNA

  deoxyribose, 188

  De rerum natura (On the Nature of the Universe; Lucretius), 34, 36

  Derham, William, 99

  Descartes, René, 96

  Descent of Man, The (Darwin), 172

  design, 12-13, 16-18, 32-33


  biological, 206–11

  change in, 253

  “Deterministic Nonperiodic Flow” (Laplace), 254

  Dialogue concerning the Two Chief World Systems, Ptolemaic and Copernican (Galileo), 53, 70, 75, 78–79

  reading sources for, 79

  Dialogues (Plato), 13, 14

  diastase, 187

  diastolic action, 66

  dimensions, two, three, and four, 218–20, 225

  dinosaurs, extinction of, 152, 153–54

  Diogenes Laertius, 26

  disciplinary reductionism, 204, 208

  Discourse on Method (Descartes), 96


  gods in healing of, 5–6

  hereditary, 190–91

  natural factors vs. divine in, 12

  displacement, 28


  animal, 63–64, 67

  human, 9, 63–64, 68–69, 72

  DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), 193–97

  discovery of, 185–86, 188

  preservation of, 199–203, 205, 209

  Dobzhansky, Theodosius, 182–83

  dominant characteristics, 175

  Dominicans, 78

  Doppler, Christian, 218

  Doppler effect, 218, 239

  Double Helix, The: A Personal Account of the Discovery of the Structure of DNA (J. D. Watson), xix, 155, 185–86, 195, 197–98, 255

  double-helix model, 185, 196–97, 199–202

  Drake, Stillman, 72, 79

  Dufour’s gland, 204

  Dujardin, Félix, 186

  Dutton, C. E., 142


  calculation of age of, 106–13, 115–16, 124–25, 134–40, 141

  catastrophic change theory of, see catastrophism

  as center of universe, see geocentric model

  composition of, see geology, geologists

  cooling of, 108–9, 111–12, 141–42

  layers of, see strata

  as one of many planets, 106, 110

  orbit of, 29–30, 47–49, 77, 81

  as prime entity, 11, 13, 37

  projected end of, 118, 134–36, 140

  rotation of, 47–49, 77, 97

  science of, xviii, 103–54

  seven Epochs of, 113, 114

  size of, 30

  slow change theory of, see uniformitarianism

  warming of, xviii

  earthquakes, 142

  earth science, 103–54
br />   see also geology, geologists

  East India Company, 169

  East Indies, 170

  eccentric (core of universe), 39–40


  of Aldebaran’s moon, 47

  lunar, 4

  solar, 4, 223–24

  ecology, 184

  Edda, 250

  Eddington, Arthur, 223–24, 238

  Edinburgh, University of, 115, 166

  education, Christian, 42–43

  Egypt, ancient, 4, 84

  Einstein, Albert, 3, 151, 213, 215, 220–24, 222, 225, 227, 231, 233, 233, 234, 235–36, 238–39, 242, 243

  Einstein 1905: The Standard of Greatness (Rigden), 227n

  Eismitte, Greenland, 146

  elaboratories, origin of term, 82

  Eldredge, Niles, 208

  electricity, 220, 221

  electromagnetism, 220, 230, 246

  electron microscopes, 233

  electrons, 226–29, 231–34, 236

  Elements (Euclid), 27

  elephants, 120–21

  Elizabeth I, queen of England, 56

  Elliot, Hugh, 163

  Ellis, Robert, 61–62

  embryology, 180, 181

  emotions, DNA preservation as motivation for, 206

  Empedocles, 11

  empirical inquiry, 17–18

  “empty, the,” 12, 32


  Einstein’s equation for mass and, 221

  properties of, 230

  sun and, 135

  engineering, 70

  entomologists, 204

  entropy, 135n


  adaptations to, 170

  life affected by, 161

  environmental science, xviii

  enzymes, 187, 192–93

  Epicurus, 32–34, 61

  epicycles, 39–40, 46, 49

  epilepsy, 6

  Epitome of the Almagest (Regiomontanus), 44–45, 46

  Epochs of Nature, 113, 114

  equant, 40, 46, 49

  Erasistratus, 64

  Eratosthenes, 105

  erosion, 111, 130, 141, 142, 150

  Essay on the Principle of Population (Malthus), 169, 170

  Essay on the Theory of the Earth (Cuvier), 127

  Establishing the New Science: The Experience of the Early Royal Society (Hunter), 88n

  ether, 37, 96

  ethics, 205

  of Epicurus, 33–34

  of Plato, 12

  ethology, 204, 205–6

  Etna, Mount, 130

  Eton, 80

  Euclid, 27

  Euclidean geometry, 218–19

  eugenics, 206

  “eureka” (I have found it), 28

  Evershed, John, 239

  evolution, theory of:

  forerunner of, 157–63

  human beings in, xx

  philosophical basis of, 16–20

  see also Darwinism; natural selection

  Evolution: The Modern Synthesis (Huxley), 155, 179, 183–84

  Evolution above the Species Level (Rensch), 183

  evolutionary biology, 236

  biological determinism vs., 206–11

  evolutionary psychology, 207

  experiment, experimentation:

  extrapolation in, 100, 112

  mental vs. actual, 87

  proof through, 68–69, 85, 197

  technological helps for, 80–93

  truth revealed through, 86–87

  experimental method, 94–102, 108, 111, 121, 122

  development of, 57–58, 63–69, 72, 82, 87

  Experiments in Plant Hybridization (Mendel), 155, 174, 178

  extinction, of species, 120–24, 152, 153

  Eysenck, Hans, 209

  Farghani, Ahmad al-, 41

  Farrington, Benjamin, xvii

  Ferguson, Kitty, 241n

  Filippenko, Alex, 241

  fire, as element, 11, 13, 37–38

  First Three Minutes, The: A Modern View of the Origin of the Universe (Weinberg), xix, 213, 238, 248–51

  Fisher, Osmand, 142

  Fisher, Ronald, 200–201

  Fitzgerald, George, 226

  Fitzroy, Robert, 167

  Fizeau, Armand, 218

  fleas, 81

  Flemming, Walther, 177, 189

  floods, 124, 135, 149–50

  Florence, Italy, 80

  food, as essential to human beings, 169

  Foscarini, Paolo Antonio, 76

  fossils, fossilization, 119, 129, 133, 142, 152, 159, 180

  theories of, 90–91, 107–8, 120–24, 143

  fourth dimension:

  time as, 223

  warping of, 219–20

  fractions, 22n

  France, French, 110, 112, 120, 130, 136, 157–58, 162, 181, 186, 187, 216, 218, 227, 253

  Frank, Steven A., 203

  Franklin, Rosalind, 195–96

  French and Indian War, 157n

  French Revolution, 121, 124

  Friedmann, Alexander, 243

  fruit flies, 189–93, 200

  furnaces, 81, 85, 146

  Galápagos Islands, 167–68

  galaxies, 30, 73, 215

  motion of, 241–42

  multiplicity of, 240–41


  anatomy texts of, 63–65

  Harvey’s challenge to, 65–69

  Galileo, 53, 70–79, 89, 96–97, 131, 221

  Church investigation of, 76–79, 80

  falling objects experiments of, 71, 72, 74–75, 77–78, 97

  microscope of, 81

  reading sources for, 79

  telescopic observations of, 73–74, 74, 81, 240

  Gamow, George, 197, 246

  Gauss, Carl Friedrich, 218–19

  Geber, 84–86

  Geiger, Hans, 228–29

  Geiger counter, 228, 235

  gemmules, 174, 178

  “General Scholium” (Newton), 99–102

  General Theory of Relativity, The (Einstein), 223–24

  genes, 189, 193, 199–201

  in DNA preservation, 200–203, 207

  as molecules, 192

  origin of term, 178

  Genesis, 112, 116, 118, 124, 128, 137, 180

  genetics, 178, 180–84, 236

  biochemistry in, 185–98

  manipulation of, 199–201

  population, 200–203

  Genetics and the Origin of Species (Dobzhansky), 183

  genotypes, 190–91, 193

  geocentric model, 29–30, 37–45, 39, 40, 50, 74, 79, 82

  Geographika (Eratosthenes), 105

  geography, 105, 117, 184

  Geological Society of London, 129

  geology, geologists, xx, 89, 103–54, 252

  genesis and evolution of, 105–14, 121, 125, 130–31, 137–38, 151, 159

  origin of term, 116–17, 123

  three interlocking principles of, 131

  see also catastrophism; uniformitarianism

  geometry, 21–29, 43, 70, 218–19, 223

  George III, king of England, 166

  Gerard of Cremona, 43

  Germany, Germans, 45, 83, 85, 112, 120, 144, 157–58, 177, 179, 180, 186, 189, 190, 206, 226, 228, 232

  Gibraltar, Strait of, 58

  Gilluly, James, 150

  glaciers, 142, 149

  Gleick, James, xviii, 213, 252, 255–56

  glossopetrae, 107


  as creator, 120, 129, 132, 134–35, 161, 167, 179–80, 199, 216–17

  and divine revelation, 76

  in Great Chain of Being, 18

  intervening in natural order, 112, 217

  in natural philosophy, 100

  Goddard, Dr., 90

  gods, Greek, 3–7, 9, 12–13, 18, 23, 32

  gold, 85

  Gorgias of Heraclea, 6

  Göttingen, University of, 219–20

  Gould, Stephen Jay, xviii, 155, 199, 206, 208–11, 252, 255

nbsp; grasshoppers, 178, 189

  gravitas (heaviness), 97


  in four-dimensional universe, 219–20

  in general theory of relativity, 223

  Newton’s theory of, 97–102, 215–17

  Great Chain of Being, 18

  Great Deluge, 124–25

  Great Instauration (Bacon), 57–60

  Greece, ancient, 32, 240

  atomic theory in, 226

  change in, 16–20, 118

  chemistry in, 84

  European rediscovery of scientific legacy of, 43–44

  geography in, 105

  language and vocabulary of, 14–15, 19, 47

  mathematical measurement of universe in, 21–31, 38–39

  number system of, 30–31

  origins of universe in, 3–8, 38, 43, 106, 118

  philosophy of, 10–15, 16–20, 25–27, 32–34

  Greek Science: Its Meaning for Us (Farrington), xvii

  Greenland, Wegener’s expeditions to, 144, 146

  Gribbin, John, 248

  Guericke, Otto von, 83

  Guicciardini, Nicolò, 98n

  Haeckel, Ernst, 163, 177

  Haldane, J. B. S., 200, 201

  Hamilton, William D., 202, 205

  Hamilton’s Rule, 202–3

  Hammond, J. C., 145

  haplodiploidy, 202

  Harmony of the Spheres, 23

  Harvard University, 154, 206

  Harvey, William, xix, 53, 63–69, 70, 92

  reading sources for, 69

  Hawking, Stephen, 52, 248

  hawkweed, 176

  healing, 5–6, 68

  heart, nerves and, 72–73

  heart function, 65–68

  Heath, Thomas, 31

  “heavy matter,” 37, 46, 71

  Heisenberg, Werner, 232–33

  Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, 233

  heliacal rising, 4

  heliocentric model, 29–30, 46–52, 48, 55, 76–78, 96–98, 216; see also solar system

  hemipterans, 189

  hemophilia, 190–91

  Henking, Hermann, 189

  Henslow, John, 167

  Heraclitus, 11

  heredity, see inheritance

  heresy, 76

  Herodotus, 32

  Herophilus, 64

  Hess, Harry, 146–47

  Hipparchus, 105

  orbital scheme of, 39–41, 39, 50

  Hippasus, 24

  Hippocrates, xviii, 1, 3–8, 9–11, 13

  His, Wilhelm, 188

  “Historical Sketch of the Progress of Opinion on the Origin of Species” (Darwin), 173

  History of Animals (Aristotle), 1, 16, 19–20, 111, 120

  History of Christian Theology, A: An Introduction (Placher), 76n

  History of the Royal Society of London, The (Sprat), 87n–88n

  Holmes, Arthur, 103, 134, 137–40, 146–47

  Hooke, Robert, 53, 80, 82–83, 87–95, 107, 186

  contention between Newton and, 95–96, 100

  Hooker, Joseph, 171

  Hoyle, Fred, 213, 238, 244–49, 251

  Hubble, Edwin, 213, 238–43, 250–51

  Hubble’s Constant (H0), 242

  Huggins, William, 218, 239

  human beings:

  biological impulse as motivation for, 200–203, 205, 207, 209


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