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Rowdy Page 10

by Amarinda Jones

  “I thought you’d like the surprise.”

  I hate surprises. Augusta was pretty sure she had told Newton that. Her life had too many surprises in it.

  “Well, come in.” Maybe she sounded a little begrudging but Augusta could not help it. I do not need surprise visits now. It was only her innate good manners that could not allow the man who had helped her stand outside in the hallway. “So why you are you here now, after all this time?” Augusta wasn’t surprised Newton looked at her with shock. It was hardly a great welcome for someone who had come thousands of miles.

  “I thought with your thirtieth birthday approaching you might need a friend.”

  Right. Of course that sounded logical and yet that niggling feeling in her gut warned her to be careful. She pushed her glasses up onto the bridge of her nose and assessed him. On the whole he was pretty weedy looking and he fitted Tilly’s description of being part of the geek squad perfectly.

  “You’re beautiful, Rowdy.”

  “I’m not.” And him saying she was made her feel even more ill at ease. Hiccup.

  “You are.” Newton’s eyes roamed her face and body in fascination.

  “You sound amazed.” And why was he looking at her as if she was some sort of science experiment?

  “No, it just you build up a picture of someone and you’re not what I expected.”

  As expectations went, this was not how she’d imagined Newton. The man who had helped her all these years seemed different in person. Am I judging too harshly? Am I tense because of my birthday tomorrow? Because of that dream? Was it him or the situation she was in making her feel this way? Something told her all was not as it should be yet she should be glad to meet him. He had aided her as no one else had when she had been searching for answers. Tilly’s words about him being useful but needing to watch him rang in her head.

  “Is Argon still here?”

  That was who she needed right now. Argon. Augusta wanted to tell him what she felt about Newton and see if he agreed. She caught herself slightly when she realized how important Argon’s opinion was to her.

  “He’s around.”

  “You’ve fallen in love with him.”

  This was definitely not something Augusta wanted to discuss with Newton. He knew too much about her life already. Besides, it was none of his business.

  “Do you think it’s because you’re just caught up in the whole curse thing that you think you love him?”

  Think I love him? Like I am too stupid to know otherwise? His words got Augusta’s back up.

  “It’s complicated.” She moved over to her desk where her can of Mace was. He was a friend and yet friends did not make you feel like you had to Mace them.

  “Tell me, Rowdy,” Newton urged as he followed her. “You always tell me everything on email.”

  And yet in person I don’t want to because you are creepy.

  “I don’t want to discuss Argon.” As she said his name, Augusta sent out a silent prayer for him to come to her. She needed to feel safe once more. Argon’s presence did that. “What I need to do is get rid of zombies.” Work was a safe topic and it was something that she could discuss with Newton. Anything else like her birthday or Argon, Augusta was reluctant to get into. Regardless of whatever else she felt about Newton, he knew how to deal with the supernatural.

  “So, you spoke to Fred Ward?” Of course Newton knew she had. He had planned for the timid office manager to get the zombies, then offer help to get rid of them. He had to keep Rowdy dependant on him for aid so she would be too caught up in saving an innocent to save herself when she really needed to. He smiled as she hiccupped once more. That was cute and it was a good indicator of how insecure she was at that moment. All Newton needed to do was continue to undermine that security and she would be ripe for the plucking.

  “Yeah, trying to work out how to move them on.”

  They won’t move without your beloved Argon’s head in a sack. It infuriated Newton that Rowdy was so politely distant from him and that Cardissan was still in the picture. But not for long. Zombies love immortal flesh and Rowdy would be too caught up in chasing them to know what was happening to her and her lover until it was too late. Newton had it all planned. The minute she turned thirty her full powers kicked in. He was very certain he was one of the few people who knew how powerful she would become. And I know how to take those powers from you witch. Newton had been practicing the spell to strip her powers for the past two years. He had it down pat.

  “It won’t be easy.” Nor was this. The woman he expected to see was someone like a shy Olive Oyl, someone he could manipulate because she was not aware of her powers. But Rowdy was anything but. She dressed plainly in shorts and a t-shirt and had those awful glasses but beneath all that she was dazzling. And she was wary of him. That was only too evident to Newton. He planned on winning her trust back. He needed Rowdy to trust him again. “How many zombies are there?” He knew there was likely to be a dozen.

  “We saw only one.”

  So Argon had been with her. Damn his immortal hide. Newton looked at the ring on her finger and his gut tensed. A Cardissan matrimonial ring. This was not good. The immortal was bound to her and it would make it harder for him to take either of them by surprise. Was Rowdy even aware she was married?

  “They travel in groups of four.” The other eight will be a surprise for you.

  Augusta tilted her head and looked at him thoughtfully. “I read it was usually more than four.”

  “Trust me Rowdy. I know of what I speak.”

  Another cold shiver ran down her spine at his “trust me Rowdy”. This is all so wrong. Just as Augusta was considering her options on how to get rid of her guest who had traveled thousands of miles to see her, Argon appeared at her side. She saw Newton stiffen in shock. Augusta felt Argon’s hand curl possessively around her waist. Now I am safe. She had never needed anyone to make her feel safe before but then Augusta had never had anyone like Argon in her life before either.

  “Augusta, my love.” He kissed her lips, his eyes on hers, filled with understanding as if he knew what she was thinking.

  Hiccup. Although she felt better for his presence, that one last hiccup was hard to hold in. She watched as the two men sized each other up.

  “Newton.” Argon nodded but did not offer his hand.

  “Argon.” Newton stood taller as if preparing for a battle.

  Men were fascinating creatures. It was all about who was louder, bigger and who could piss further.

  “I’ve just come to visit Rowdy,” Newton’s eyes never left Argon’s. “We have been friends for a long time.”

  “Yes, so I’ve heard. I have to wonder why you show up now after all this time.”

  “Does there have to be a reason other than friendship?” Newton’s tone was defensive.

  Augusta felt Argon’s hand tighten at her waist. He felt it to. She was sure of it. There was something not right about Newton being here now.

  “It just seems odd that it’s around Augusta’s thirtieth birthday.”

  Newton brushed off a piece of lint from his sleeve. “‘Just a coincidence.”


  Everyone in that room knew that Argon did not believe that.

  “You’ve had a long flight Newton. Maybe you should have a rest and come back later.” Augusta needed time to think about this latest happening and she could tell Argon wanted to throw the man out on his ass, but even a creepy guest was entitled to walk out of their own volition.

  “I’m fine.” Newton stood his ground, reluctant to move, his eyes on Argon.

  “You heard the lady.” Argon was not a man to take a threat to those he loved lightly.

  “I do what I want.” Newton’s eyes narrowed at the dark man.

  Argon flexed his hands into fists. “You’ll do what I say.”

  As if turning thirty and dealing with the witch, possible forced marriage and the worlds colliding thing wasn’t enough, Augusta now had to deal with two m
en wanting to beat each other up. Of course the smart money was on Argon but cleaning up blood to win the bet wasn’t something she wanted to do.

  “Okay let’s just calm down.”

  Newton turned on her. “He started it.”

  “Did not,” Argon mimicked the other man’s whiny voice.

  Augusta barely suppressed her smile at Argon’s tone.

  “I don’t care who started it. I don’t need this now.” Augusta pulled away from Argon. She gave him the look that she wanted her visitor gone. He nodded his head. Although it was totally against all radical feminist ideals, there was something to be said for having a knight come to your rescue.

  “Whatever you are after Welshman you will not get it.” Argon moved up to the man until they were toe to toe. “I will protect Augusta with everything I have.”

  “I mean no harm to Rowdy at all.”

  The way Newton said it sent a shiver down Augusta’s spine. There is something not right with him but what?

  “See, I have this distinct feeling that you here to try to use Augusta for some purpose of your own.”

  “What? Don’t be ridiculous.” Newton was instantly on the defensive.

  Argon flicked a piece of fluff from the other man’s shoulder.

  “You know as much as any of us about Hester’s curse.”

  “I’ve tried to help Augusta,” Newton’s words came out in an angry rush.

  “Just make sure you don’t help yourself in your efforts. I don’t like people giving my lady a hard time.”

  Newton stepped away from Argon. “I will go but I’ll be back.”

  Augusta watched him leave. Only when the door shut behind him did she feel full air capacity come back into her lungs. A wild series of hiccups exploded from her. A glass of water appeared magically in her hand. As she gulped it down, Argon rubbed her back gently.

  “Something is not right about your Welsh friend.”

  Augusta swallowed the last drop of water. “No,” she agreed as she placed the glass on a nearby table.

  “I’m glad you called me, Augusta True.”

  Who else would I call? Who else would care enough to come running?

  “You heard me?” Augusta went from feeling chilled with Newton to warm and cared for by Argon. So this is love? I like it. Can I depend on it is the question. The habit of being alone was hard to break.

  “Of course. We are linked. Don’t you feel that?’’

  Oh yes.

  Argon looked down at the computer on the table. He spotted the old logo from Tilly’s agency and a can of Mace. The Mace he was happy to see. It meant Augusta could look after herself if she had to. The agency stuff did not please him. It meant she planned to chase the zombies.

  “What are you doing with this stuff?” Argon knew the answer already. He could see the determination in his wife’s eyes as she twisted the matrimonial ring on her finger. How would she react when she knew they were married? Argon was pretty sure that would take precedence over chasing zombies. Augusta would be madder than hell but he could handle that. Augusta in danger was harder to deal with and Newton Cadwalder spelled danger.

  “What does it look like?” Augusta nervously paced away from him.

  Argon sighed. “Why?” He knew the reason. She was a stubborn perverse woman and he loved that about her.

  “Well, I have the zombie thing to sort out. People need the agency back up and running.” Her eyes locked with his. “And I need something to take my mind off—”

  “What? Us?” Argon knew that the wildfire of emotions that had sprung up between them was burning fast and furious and Augusta was having trouble with being out of control but there was no other way for them. They would always be an all or nothing couple, and nothing wasn’t an option for Argon.

  “Maybe I need to slow down a bit,” Augusta admitted with a tired sigh. “Maybe I don’t know what I am doing. It’s all going so fast and I’m scared.”

  “Of what?” Argon would fight any demon she had, but fighting her fears was harder. “I love you, Augusta True.” He never imagined he would have gotten to say that to anyone in his life. It felt good.

  “I know you think you do.”

  She was so pigheaded sometimes. “Augusta—”

  “I’m just confused,” she interrupted him as she reached for Argon’s hands. “I had this dream.”

  Argon listened as Augusta told him what she had seen and felt in her dream. That she felt it was real he did not doubt. She clutched his hands as if he was her lifeline. I am. The dream told him two things. She loved him. She might struggle with the words but the feeling was there and that made him feel like he was the most powerful man on the planet. Technically he was the seventh most powerful man, and there was infinite power and then there was the power of love. It kicked immortality’s omnipotent ass. The other thing was, Augusta was prepared to fight for him and no one had ever done that before for him. Pride mixed with intense love made him sweep Augusta into his arms and hold her, never wanting to let go.

  “I’m not going anywhere.”

  Augusta looked at him as if she wanted to believe him but was just too scared to.

  “How do you know?”

  “I know.” Argon had been though his fair share of wars and hard times. He knew what it was like to struggle with everything around you. Being immortal was no guarantee of happiness. Argon knew his happiness stood before him and he would do whatever it took to make Augusta feel safe and loved. “You’re just scared by the unknown, about what will happen tomorrow on your birthday.”


  “It may just be good.” Argon lifted each hand in turn and kissed the palms. The small sigh of pleasure that escaped Augusta’s lips made him smile.

  “Or bad.” Lord, he was the sweetest man. When Argon looked at her as if she was the most important person on the planet she wanted to believe everything would be all right. Augusta also wanted to burst into tears. No one had ever cared for her like this before. It made her feel that she was special.

  “Whatever happens, we will face it together. I’ll never leave your side no matter what.” Argon lifted her face to his. He saw the sudden sparkle of tears in her eyes. “Are you going to cry?”


  “No, I never cry.” Augusta could not remember the last time she’d had a good howl. She sniffled then hiccupped as she looked into his eyes. Beautiful man. “No one’s ever cared for me like you have.” Augusta had not meant to say that but it was out of her mouth before she could think. And that was what Argon did to her. He disarmed all her fortress gates and slipped in so easily behind her defenses before she had time to think.

  Argon brushed away the stray tear that slid down her cheek.

  “I love and adore you, Augusta True. Caring for you makes me happy. You make me happy. Before meeting you I can’t remember the last time I felt happy.” He walked them over to the chair and sat down with her sideways on his lap.

  “Really?” Was it possible she had the ability to make him happy? Oh, I hope so. The thought that she could mean that much to anyone made her feel strong.

  “Oh yeah.”

  And then he kissed her. Augusta pressed forward, giving in to the feeling and not caring if it was wrong or right or Hester’s curse was about to bite her on the ass. There was only here and now, mouth to mouth and arms wrapped tightly around the man she loved that mattered. Newton? Zombies? Screw the lot of them. I have Argon and he is all I need. She could feel his cock pushing at the fabric of her shorts. Augusta pushed at his shoulders, breaking the sweet seal of their lips.

  “What?” Argon looked at her puzzled.

  “Are you always like this with every woman?” And I believe I hate very one of them that you have ever touched. Rationality was for other people. As confused and scared as Augusta was, she wanted sole possession of this man.

  “No, only you.” Argon pulled the glasses from her nose and placed them on a nearby table. “I cannot get enough of you, Augusta True” H
is hands went to her breasts, caressing the fleshy mounds. “I cannot think of other women when I am with you.”

  “Bloody good answer.” Augusta felt the same about him. This was why, despite the curse, she had wanted no other man before Argon. It was not that she was saving herself or some moral reason. She just wanted “the one” who could make her feel everything she had longed to feel. No other man had even come close to that before. Augusta wanted Argon with a passion that both amazed and scared her. The rush of wetness between her legs confirmed that fact. “I am sure I must be on heat.” She stopped and hiccupped when she realized she had said the words out loud.

  Argon threw back his head and laughed in delight.

  “Nah, you love me.”


  “Stubborn wench.” Argon freed her, allowing her to get up from his lap. He tilted his head to the side thoughtfully. “What are you thinking?”

  Augusta stood up and faced him. She had the sudden urge to make the first move on him but she wasn’t sure how she went about that. She knew what she wanted to do to him—drive him wild and have him begging for more. But do I have the nerve?

  “Just wondering about something.” She had the need to taste him but never having gone down on a man before Augusta wasn’t sure how to go about it without looking dumb. Do I drop to my knees, unzip and pull that bad boy from its confines or what.

  “What?” Argon leaned back and the chair and surveyed her.

  “Wondering what you taste like.” Augusta knew she was going bright red even as she said that words and the hiccup that escaped her lips was no surprise either. She felt incredibly dumb and naïve. It was not like she had not made love to Argon before. It was more that he always made the first move. “I’m not exactly sure how to go about this but go with me on this.” She dropped to her knees before him.

  “Augusta True, I’ll love anything you do to me.” He waited for her next move. “Need a hint?”

  “Nope, I am a woman.” She reached forward and unzipped his trousers. The thought of what she was about to do made her feel hot and amazingly turned on. The idea that giving pleasure to Argon could make her wet with need was exciting. When her hand freed his cock, Augusta smiled as Argon groaned. This was true power. Driving the one you love wild with sensation. She stroked the bulbous head of his shaft with her thumb. “Do you like that?”


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