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Rowdy Page 11

by Amarinda Jones

  “Yes,” he hissed out as if trying to control himself.

  “What about this?” Augusta dropped her head down and licked the tip. She felt the muscles on Argon’s thighs bunch up and clench tensely. Excellent. Needing no more encouragement, Augusta sucked the head of his cock inside her mouth as she wrapped her hand around the base of it. The contrast with the softness of his skin to the hardness of his flesh was interesting. She sucked his shaft deeper into her throat, wanting to take as much as she could inside. Lengthwise she could only hold so much in her mouth, so Augusta decided to concentrate on sucking what she could and running her hand back and forward along the exposed cock. She was pleased when she heard the deep, feral growl that escaped Argon’s lips, for she was in total control of her man.

  “Augusta?” Her name came out choked from between his lips.

  She tried to ignore the hand that tried to gently push her away. Augusta had never thought cock sucking would have been an enjoyable experience for a woman. She now knew that it depended on the man. Making love to Argon was all that mattered.

  “Augusta.” The words came out more firmly, a hint of desperation in their tone. Argon succeeded in pushing her mouth from his flesh.

  She licked her lips and looked up from his shiny, wet cock to his face. “What?”

  “You know what.” Argon ran one long finger over her bottom lip. “I am about to come in your mouth.”

  “Getting turned on there, oh powerful immortal?” Augusta teased as she wondered what that would taste like.

  “I want to come inside you. Now stand up and take off your shorts.”

  The thought of Argon commanding her to strip was so exciting and hot that she stood immediately.

  “Yes, sir.” Augusta reached for the waistband of her shorts. She pushed them down until they dropped at her feet leaving her standing in only her pink cotton knickers. “Anything else I can do for you?”

  “I want to see your breasts.”

  “You could just strip me with a wave of your hand.” She stood in her knickers before a man she had in essence only just met and yet not one hiccup threatened her. But then Augusta was not nervous. She knew exactly what she was doing.

  “Yes, but I want you to do this of your own free will.”

  The idea of stripping for him was such a huge turn on that Augusta wished she had been wearing something more exciting.

  “It’s not the clothes, Augusta True,” Argon said as if reading her mind. “It’s you.”

  She needed no further encouragement. She pulled her t-shirt off over her head and flung it across the room to land over a lampshade. Augusta then stopped and rubbed her hands over the lace covered mounds of her breasts. Her eyes locked with Argon’s. She was aching for him to touch her.

  “Take your bra off.” His words were clipped almost as if he was annoyed that he was having trouble keeping control.

  “Yes, sir.” Augusta’s hand moved around and undid the snap of her bra. She had never really understood the fascination men had for these lumps of fatty tissue but when Argon looked at her breasts as if he wanted to devour them she didn’t need to analyze it further. Desire was all that mattered. “My knickers?” she asked teasingly. “Do they come off?” Augusta looked at Argon’s cock. It was standing up rigid and twitching. Something was definitely about to come off.

  “Yes, take them off now.” His voice was hoarse with need.

  Augusta slid her hand down her stomach and into her panties feeling the wet curls between her legs. She touched her clit and massaged gently, her eyes never leaving his.

  “Augusta,” Argon growled low in his throat as he watched her.


  “Stop that.”

  “Why?” Though she knew why. And touching herself wasn’t anywhere near as good as Argon’s hands between her legs.

  “For a woman who says she doesn’t know what she is doing you are driving me wild.”

  “That was my fiendish plan.”

  He patted his thighs. “Hop on, Augusta True.” A condom appeared instantly.

  She fought the urge to slide on down the length of his erection.

  “Do you need me?” She stilled her fingers on her clit because she was in danger of making herself come.


  “How much, beautiful man?” Crap. I did not mean to say that last bit out loud.

  Argon’s eyes crinkled into a tender smile and he held his hand out to her.

  “Please come to me, Augusta True. Be with me.”

  That was it. Any other plan she had to tease him dissolved under that smile and those words. She went forward and straddled his lap, body poised above his cock. As she slid down the hot length of him her eyes never left Argon’s.

  “Oh, Argon…” Her eyes closed as she allowed sensation to take over. Augusta felt his hands on her breasts as she began moving back and forward on his lap. She pulled at his shirt buttons in the need to touch his skin. Augusta was seconds from coming. Will it always be so for us? So desperate?

  “I would be a happy man if I died now.”

  “You’re immortal.” Buttons shot off in all directions as she reached her goal.

  Argon trapped her hand against his chest. “If I could die.”

  “Well, it would be kind of hard to explain.” Naked woman found straddling smiling, dead man. News at eleven.

  “But worth it.” Argon held Augusta to him as she stiffened, her body tense under the orgasm that hit. She shuddered and her mouth found his in a hungry kiss full of passion.

  “Oh yes,” Augusta panted against his lips as she felt him jerk within her. She wanted to feel his essence spurting up inside her. She wanted everything he could give her.

  “Soon, Augusta,” Argon said as if knowing her thoughts. “Very soon.”

  Chapter Nine

  An hour later, after a long, hot shower with Argon that left them both clean and very much sated, Augusta turned on the television and watched the news with him. It seemed so natural curled up beside him on the sofa, in her robe, as they listened to the usual events unfolding—religious and political debates, wars raging and the economy going to hell in a handbasket due to financial mismanagement. The various world leaders pontificated on this and that but nothing in particular that would help solve problems. People would still die, be crippled by debt and attack one another for greed.

  “Have world leaders always been this stupid?” This man had been alive for a couple of hundred years. Argon must have seen it all.

  “Yeah, pretty much,” Argon agreed as one of his hands massaged her satin covered thigh. “Nothing changes and no one seems to get any smarter.” He stopped talking when Augusta straightened up as she listened to a report on a man slashed by a fuel-powered lawn edger by a stranger who was reported to be smiling as he calmly shredded the man’s skin before walking away as if nothing had happened. It was stated as being the third similar attack in as many days. “And people are still sick and cruel.”

  “Yes,” Augusta murmured absently. That last report about the attack was horrific and yet there was something about it that played on her mind. When the next news item came on she knew what it was that worried at her. “Oh crap.”

  “What?” Argon looked at her perplexed.

  “They’re talking about the annual Zombie Walk.” She listened intently to the newsreader. “I forgot about that.”

  “People dressing up like zombies and pretending they’re the living dead?” Argon responded as the report finished. “What’s the point of that?”

  “Well, there is none.” The man had been alive forever but trivia seemed to have passed him by. Luckily Augusta was the queen of useless information. It had been necessary when the agency had been running as neither she or Tilly knew when it could come in handy. “Every year there is a Zombie Walk in Brisbane City. Lots of countries do it. People dress up to look like the undead or at least that’s what they think zombies look like.”

  “But you and I know they don’t. Zo
mbies, apart from their smell, look like most humans.” Argon waved his hand and turned television off. “So why do people do this Zombie Walk?”

  “Because they can.” Augusta stood up. The need to get to her computer and check out some facts was overwhelming. “Why does anyone do anything they do?”

  Argon followed her over to the office she had set up in a corner of her apartment.

  “So you’re thinking if we suddenly have real zombies it would be the perfect time for them to make an appearance for real zombies could fit in with the fake.”

  “Exactly.” Normally this would have been the time Augusta would have emailed Newton for information. He had, in the past, held a veritable storehouse of knowledge in his mind. But she was not comfortable dealing with that man any more. He had changed from a friend to someone bordering on foe. The fact that both he and the zombies were in Brisbane at the same time did not escape her either. Normally she and Tilly only heard of maybe one or two zombies every couple of years. Four, or more likely a dozen, for she did not trust Newton, did not turn up without reason. “Newton—”

  “No, not a coincidence to me either, Augusta True.”

  Argon’s accuracy at reading her thoughts had gone from annoying to necessary for Augusta. That he knew what she was thinking and did not think it was unusual was important to her because it provided her with something she needed. Someone to trust. Yes, she trusted Tilly but having Argon to trust was different. Tilly would follow her heart with Titch and she was divided by loyalty. Argon was totally hers.

  “So why now?” Although she knew the answer. It was something that had been on her mind forever.

  “It has to be your birthday.”

  “Yes.” That was the obvious answer. Neither of them knew what tomorrow, her birthday, would bring and that’s what made it all the more dangerous. “So we know Newton is here for that reason but the undead?” What was the connection there? As far as she knew, zombies cared for no one and did nothing unless there was something in it for them. But what? She was a would-be witch about to a have a supposedly auspicious birthday. It was not like the zombies were looking to bake her a cake to celebrate.

  “We know zombies are not as Hollywood portrays them. The do not eat brains. Zombies are spiteful creatures who maim and kill for no reason.” Argon’s eyes were thoughtful on hers as Augusta sat down in front of her computer. “They could be here for any reason. The attack on those people was classic zombie. They’re technically dead so they believe why can’t everyone else be.”

  “I had read that they were childish in their spite.” In fact Augusta had almost as good a knowledge as Newton due to years of working with Tilly. It was amazing what tidbits of information she retained. “They also want to create more of their own kind.” There was the belief that if you were killed by a zombie you became one. “Tilly thinks they kill as part of a membership drive.”

  Argon smiled at her words. “Tilly always thinks outside the box.”

  There was an interesting relationship between Tilly and Argon. Tilly was in love with Titch, an ex-spellbinder, who used to report to Argon. Neither Tilly or Argon spoke to each other without arguing and there were times when Augusta believed they enjoyed that snappy relationship. “Tilly likes you despite the games you two play.”

  “I like her too.” Argon watched as Augusta tapped on the keyboard searching for information. “What do you hope to find?”

  “I’m not sure.” Augusta had clicked on her favorites and was going through the list of chat groups that always discussed the latest supernatural events. “Newton found me via the internet and I want to see what the various chatters are saying about zombies and in particular Brisbane.” And me.

  “And maybe an ancient curse?”

  “Yes.” There was no point lying. Argon knew all there was to know about her.

  He sighed. “You could leave this alone but I know you won’t.”

  Augusta’s eyes caught the words “A sudden stirring in Brisbane.” Others called it “inevitable” and one other mentioned the curse. She pointed them out to Argon.

  “It’s a problem that has to be fixed.”

  “And you’re going to fix it?”

  “If I can.” Though I have no idea how. But the thing was she felt responsible somehow for everything that was starting to happen around her. If Newton was mixed up with the zombies and they were in Brisbane because of her, then Augusta felt guilty for those people who had been attacked. It wasn’t rational but so little was in her life at the moment.

  Argon stood behind her and began to massage her shoulders.

  “You’re a good person, Augusta True.” He placed a light kiss on her lips as her head dropped backward and some of the tension was eased from her body.

  “You’re biased.” How did I go from hating Argon one moment to loving him the next? The universe was beyond weird sometimes.

  “I wish I could help with more knowledge but I only control spellbinders and then we only take on jobs for a specific purpose.” Argon’s voice indicated his lack of power in this situation was not something that pleased him.

  “I know.” Augusta understood. He was an immortal who did much good but only as the universe dictated. “What is happening with your spellbinder charges at the moment? Aren’t you worried they’re running amok?”

  “You are so much more important to me at the moment and they have always been able to take care of themselves,” Argon told her. “I am here to support you. I won’t leave you.”

  A sudden flash of the dream she had crossed her mind. Bodies everywhere, uncomfortable heat and Argon disappearing before she had a chance to say goodbye. Augusta shivered at his words. “I won’t leave you”. But will you have a choice?

  “It will be okay,” he assured her, hugging her close to his body.

  “God, I hope so.” But instinctively Augusta knew there was more to come.

  * * * * *

  “What are they, rabbits?” Andervarle’s voice was full of distaste as he watched though the window of Augusta’s apartment as the lovers embraced.

  “Yeah, rabbits,” Warren repeated as he tried to spit in disgust but only drool ran down from the corners of his thin-lipped mouth.

  Newton tried not to shudder in horror. Zombies were abhorrent to him. From their burning red-rimmed eyes to the disgusting smell they emitted.

  “You were human once,” he reminded them though he was not sure about Warren. He reminded Newton of a ventriloquist’s ugly dummy perched on someone’s knee waiting to say something ridiculous. “You would have had sex.”

  “Yes, but thankfully never again,” Andervarle answered as if the idea was appalling to him.

  “Yeah, never again.” Warren nodded his head obediently at the other zombie, mimicking his words in slavish devotion.

  Andervarle looked at the little creature at his side. Pure hatred shot from his eyes.

  “I doubt very much you ever had sex Warren, unless it was with yourself.”

  “It still counts,” Warren insisted in a high pitched whine.

  This was too much information for Newton. He needed them to carry out his plans but there was no way he wanted to know anything more about them than was necessary.

  “Anyway back to the topic at hand.” The sooner he could finish this discussion the sooner he could go and have a shower to rid himself of the garlic and mold smell he was sure clung to him.

  “Yes, you want the woman’s powers and we want the immortal.” Andervarle sounded bored. “How do you propose to get her powers?”

  There was a very old spell dating back to Hester’s time but they did not need to know that. He had promised much to the demon who had given it to him.

  “None of your business. Once I have them, you can have the woman.”

  Andervarle looked down at his nasty companion.

  “Do you hear that Warren? You’ll be able to get your rocks off with a woman.” He turned to face the human. “So you know our terms.”

I watch your back while you take the immortal.” Newton would do anything to get Argon away from Rowdy. The man had too much power over her and the sooner she was free from him the better it would be. Newton had contemplated keeping Rowdy with him once her powers were drained however he had a minute amount of conscience and he knew seeing her accusing eyes on his would be too much. Just the way she had looked at him when they met face to face still made him angry and sad. Angry that he had helped her for so long and sad that whatever friendship they had developed had died. “There will be no problems.” Newton doubted Rowdy would have a clue what her powers were anyway. She had been fighting this moment for so long that it was unlikely she would embrace them.

  “Good. See that there’s not. Humans can get quite pissed and want to cave our heads in and that doesn’t work for us.”

  The intense hatred that he saw in Andervarle’s burning eyes always chilled Newton.

  “Argon is weakened by his love for the woman. He will be no challenge.” Newton had to believe that. All past sources regarding Cardissan males indicated once mated with a Lawrence their strength started to leave them. The immortality stayed but they were not the same powerful beings they once were.

  “Do we trust him, Warren?” Andervarle looked Newton up and down, taking the measure of him.

  “Yes. No. Yes,” muttered Warren as he glared at Newton. “Maybe. No.”

  This earned an eye roll of contempt from Andervarle.

  “I keep him nearby as he does what he is told and is no threat.”

  Newton nodded his head in understanding. “That’s fairly obvious.”

  Warren roared in sudden anger, glaring hotly at them before he belched obscenely ruining the effect of his wrath.

  “See? Pathetic.” Andervarle slapped Warren in the head.


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