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Luck Be Delanie

Page 10

by Shelli Stevens

  “Actually, Phoebe could probably use some advice from you,” Gabby interrupted. “That is, if you have a moment.”

  Phoebe’s eyes rounded and her mouth gaped. She lowered her gaze to the desk and inwardly cursed. Gabby had not just said that.

  “Is that so?” The officer’s tone warmed. “Something I can help you with, Ms. Jeffries?”

  “Actually, she’s a Miss,” Gabby went on perkily. “She’s not married. She’s single and very much available—”

  “Gabby.” Phoebe sputtered and lifted her head to glare at her friend.

  “Right. You know? I’m going to put on a pot of coffee and give you two a moment to chat.” Gabby grinned and slid off Phoebe’s desk. She paused in the doorway, her whisper anything but, “Ask her about the ex-boyfriend.”

  Craig Redmond stepped into the office and a moment later the door swung shut.

  Phoebe’s pulse quickened and she ran her tongue over her lips. The sudden silence in the room emphasized by the heavy ticking of the clock on the wall.

  “So I’m supposed to ask about your ex-boyfriend?” he finally said softly.

  She winced. “Yeah, I heard.”

  He gave a quiet laugh and crossed the room, pulling out Gabby’s chair and bringing it over to Phoebe’s desk.

  She watched him sit down next to her, his uniform tightening across his broad shoulders, and another wave of awareness swept through her.

  Too young, Phoebe. Not to mention the fact you’ve given up dating.

  Despite her declaration, her body still reacted when she met his dark, sensitive gaze. What was wrong with her? For years she’d avoided developing even the smidgen of interest in a man. Why was this guy so different?

  “What’s going on, Ms. Jeffries?”

  “Call me Phoebe. Please.”

  Ms. Jeffries made her feel about a decade older than him. Which, actually, probably wasn’t too far off base.

  “Okay. Phoebe.” His full lips twitched into a slight smile. “What is the situation with your ex?”

  She leaned back in her chair and crossed one leg over another, drawing in a deep breath. His gaze seemed to follow the movement.

  “It’s nothing really,” she muttered. “I’m probably wasting your time, Officer.”

  “It’s not a problem. Really. Especially if there’s anyway I can help.” He cleared his throat. “Or the San Francisco P.D. in general.”

  “Of course. Well, let’s see. Back in my last couple years of college, I dated a man…”

  “How long ago was this?”

  The question was perfectly normal coming from a cop, but Phoebe pursed her lips. Well, might as well put her age on the table. Get it out there.

  “Seven years ago. I was twenty-two the last time I saw him and just finishing up college.” She watched his face, looking for surprise or disappointment. There was neither. Maybe she’d read him wrong, maybe there was no interest on his side.

  “Okay. Go on.”

  She closed her eyes, not wanting to see the reaction on Craig’s face when she told him the next bit. And, with her eyes shut, it also helped her go back to that moment in time. To those last few days with Rick.

  “The two years I was with him, he was physically abusive. I was convinced that I loved him, so I wouldn’t leave him. He said we were soul mates and there was no other woman he would ever love more than me.” She grimaced, wondering how she could ever have bought such bullshit. “I was young and naïve. Told myself that what was happening was normal or that I’d just pushed him too hard the days he knocked me around…”

  Images flickered behind her closed lids. Of Rick holding her in his arms, kissing her cheek in the same spot his fist had connected with moments before. He’d beg for her forgiveness, crying and confessing he didn’t know what had come over him.

  “So you were together for two years?”

  Officer Redmond’s gentle question prodded her from the disturbing memory.

  “Yes,” she admitted huskily. “We were. And then I left him.” Or had tried to. “I finally managed to cut him out of my life completely, which he wasn’t thrilled about. It got to the point where I changed my number and last name. Moved.” She shrugged and opened her eyes. “After a while he seemed to get the point, and moved on. Last I heard, he’d relocated to New Jersey.”

  There was a pause, before he asked, “Have you seen him at any point in the seven years?”

  “No, I haven’t. I did everything in my power to make sure he couldn’t find me. And then…the last few weeks, I keep thinking I see him. Various places.”

  Craig sat up straighter in the chair, his eyes narrowing. “Has he approached you? Threatened you?”

  “No, he hasn’t come near me. Which makes me wonder if it’s him.”

  “It sounds like you managed to start a new life,” Craig said. “Disappeared from his line of sight. How do you think he could have found you again?”

  Phoebe hesitated and felt some of the blood drain from her head. “A few months ago, I received an award for the work I do here at the shelter. At the ceremony, a reporter took my picture and there was a write up in one of the smaller papers.” She paused and nibbled her lip. “I honestly didn’t even think he’d see it or even be looking for me anymore.”

  Craig’s gaze softened. “You never know with some of these nuts. Your co-worker seemed to think there was a possibility he was stalking you. Is that a concern of yours?”

  Her lips parted as she tried to figure out how to respond to that. “Maybe if I could be sure it was him I was seeing. But I’m not. If I’m just being paranoid…”

  “Have you been paranoid like this in the last seven years? Thought you’d seen him before?”

  “No, I haven’t.”

  He stared at her, and the concern in his gaze surprised her. It seemed a little more personal than just an officer’s businesslike concern.

  “And I realize there’s really nothing you can do.” Her laugh came out awkwardly.

  “Not until he makes a move, unfortunately. Stay vigilant.” He shook his head and set something on the desk. “I’m going to give you a card with a number to call. If he approaches you or threatens you, contact us again.”

  Phoebe palmed the card, curling her fingers over it and feeling like a complete idiot.

  “Thank you for your time, Officer.”

  “No problem.” He hesitated and stood. “I wish there were more I could do. But until—”

  She lifted her hand to stop him and grimaced. “I know. Trust me, I know how this works. Gabby was just worried about me.”

  “She a good friend outside work?”


  “Good. She’ll keep an eye out for you. Stick close to you.”

  “No doubt.” Her mouth twitched. “She’s actually convinced me to go out with her and her guy tonight. There’s a funk band playing down at The Retro, you ever been there?”

  He gave a soft laugh. “Once or twice.”

  “Was it worth the cover charge?”

  “Might be. The only times I was there I was working undercover.”

  Her mouth rounded. “Oh. I see.”

  His gaze turned considering before he stood and gave curt nod. “You ladies take care and give us a call if there’s any trouble.”

  “Will do.” She watched him turn and leave the office, her gaze shifting downward to his ass in the tight pants.


  The door closed behind him and she pressed a hand to her warm cheek.

  Gabby was right. She really did need to start dating again. Or at least get her sex life back on track.

  Though she still had no clue where she’d gotten the gonads to tell the officer about her plans tonight. It had been kind of a passive aggressive hint that he should show up. But it wasn’t like he would. Why would he?

  She was likely just part of the business he took care of during the workday. He probably went home, cracked a beer, and forgot about anything that had to do with his day job. Ma
ybe had some hot little girlfriend waiting for him back home too. Actually, very likely.

  Gabby rushed in, her gaze bright. “How’d it go?”

  Phoebe scowled and swerved her chair back to her computer. “I just made a complete idiot of myself. You are so on my shit list, missy.”

  Chapter 2

  After five minutes of shimmying his Hyundai into the tiny parking spot, Craig climbed out and clicked on the alarm.

  He smoothed his hands down the crisp designer shirt and wondered for the tenth time since he’d left his house what the hell he was doing.

  Jogging across the street when there was a break in traffic, he drew in a deep breath and shook his head. The line outside The Retro had dwindled to only a few people.

  The man who stood outside, checking IDs and taking money, glanced up and spotted Craig. His bored expression morphed into a scowl of dismay.

  “What the hell, you think they’d send someone else undercover this time. I promise, man, I’m not letting any minors in.”

  Craig grinned and lifted his hands. “I’m off duty tonight. I swear.”

  The bouncer lifted an eyebrow and held out his hand. “ID and ten dollars.”

  Craig fished his wallet out of his jeans and drew out his license and the money.

  The bouncer glanced down at the license and took the money. “Twenty-five? Hell, you’re older than you look.” He handed back the ID. “Don’t know why you’re shitting in the same place you eat, bro, but go on in.”

  “Thanks.” Craig slipped the license back into his wallet and stepped through the doors of the bar.

  The snap of the bass greeted him, driving the beat of the laidback seventies funk song the band played.

  He wove through the crowd, scanning the group of people for her. Though it was possible she hadn’t even come. She sure hadn’t seemed all that excited when she’d told him of her plans for tonight.

  But she had told him. The blood rushed through his body, tightening his dick and making him draw in a unsteady breath. Damn.

  He’d been called out to the office of Second Chances many times in the past few months. And each time he’d noticed her.

  Phoebe Jeffries. She was confident, friendly, and sexy as hell. And up until today, he hadn’t let himself think for one moment that she held even a spark of attraction toward him.

  But today, when they’d been closed in her office together, discussing her past…

  His fists clenched at his side and his jaw tightened. He’d never have imagined her having been an abuse victim. She was too strong. Didn’t put up with shit.

  But maybe that’s what happened to someone when they overcame that type of horror.

  As if his internal sensor knew she was near, his gaze swung to a table in the corner of the bar.

  Phoebe sat on the outside edge, nursing a beer between her palms and looking uncomfortable.

  His blood pounded a little harder as his gaze ran over her. Damn.

  Her dark hair had been straightened into a sleek curtain, instead of curly like she usually wore it. And he hadn’t thought it possible, but she was even sexier outside of work than she was in the skirts she wore to the office.

  He thought about the thigh she’d inadvertently flashed him earlier today, when she’d crossed her legs during their conversation. They’d been so smooth and pale, and the sight of her soft-looking skin had almost given him an erection on the spot.

  There was no skirt on her tonight—her denim-clad legs under the table gave that fact away, but the light blue blouse was cut low and he knew when he saw her up close it would be a near match to her eyes.

  Her gaze lifted toward where he stood, almost as if she’d known he was there. He saw her eyes widen and her mouth part slightly.

  She leaned over to whisper something to Gabby. A second later, Phoebe slid out of the booth and crossed the crowded floor toward him.

  “Hi.” Pushing her hair off her shoulder, she gave him a hesitant smile. “I’m surprised to see you here, Officer. Are you working tonight?”

  The light caught her face, her gaze sparkling up at him. He was right, her shirt was an almost-exact match for her eyes. They were the prettiest blue.

  “You can call me Craig. And, no, I’m off duty.” He moved his gaze over her face before letting it drop for just a moment to her cleavage. “You mentioned this place earlier and I thought I’d drop by.”

  He lifted his head again to watch her expression, wondering how she’d react to his blunt reply. Though the fact that he’d shown up at all should be a clear sign of his interest in her.

  She didn’t look at all uncomfortable, if anything her smile grew.

  “I’m glad. You should join us.”

  “You sure your friends are cool with that?”

  Phoebe lifted an eyebrow. “Did you forget that part where Gabby practically threw me at you earlier?”

  He gave a soft laugh. “No, I didn’t forget.” Unable to stop himself, he reached out and caught a strand of hair that still lingered by her neck. “Why do you think I really showed up tonight?”

  She swallowed visibly and ran her tongue over her lips. “Well. In that case, can I buy you a beer?”

  “I was about to make the same offer.”

  “You can get the next one.” She stepped back and smoothed her hands down her thighs. “What do you drink?”


  “Okay. I’ll be back in a second.”

  As she moved past him, he swung his gaze to watch her advance on the bar. His lowered his gaze to her ass, snugly cupped in the dark blue denim.

  Damn, she was hot. And that confidence he’d noticed earlier carried over outside the office. No giggling, or silly games. She’d known exactly what she was doing by mentioning her plans to him for tonight, and when he’d taken the bait, she’d clearly been pleased.

  She leaned over the counter, talking to the bartender, and the jeans tightened even more over her backside. He tore his gaze from her, willing his blood not to rush to his dick.

  He took the moment to check out the band on stage and some of the people dancing on the small dance floor.

  Someone moved to step past him and his shoulder slammed into Craig’s.

  Craig stepped back, his brows drawing together in irritation, as the taller man didn’t even bother to apologize.

  The man just gave him a hard stare, before scooting by him and out the door of the club.

  His gut prickled with a warning that something wasn’t right. A feeling he’d gotten all too used to with his job.

  “Your beer.”

  He turned at the soft statement and found Phoebe with a pint in her hand.

  “Thanks.” He accepted the drink with a slight smile, still thinking about the hardness on the other guy’s face.

  “Sure you’re up for hanging with Gabby and Justin? They’re fun. I promise.”

  “I’m up for it.” His mind shifted back to the woman in front of him and his thoughts hit the gutter. “I’m up for a lot of things.”

  “I’ll just bet you are.” Her laugh was throaty, her amusement genuine. “Come on, then.”

  Craig followed her to the table, not at all surprised to see Gabby grinning from ear to ear as she noted his approach. She whispered something to the man beside her and he glanced over, his gaze narrowed.

  Maybe a little overprotective? Now that he knew Phoebe’s past, he wouldn’t be surprised to face that from her friends.

  “Hey, look who I found.” Phoebe slid into the booth and then scooted over, making room for him.

  Craig sat down on the plastic cushion of the booth, his thigh brushing up against Phoebe’s. His cock strained against his jeans and he drew in a slow breath.

  “Well, hey there, Officer Redmond,” Gabby drawled and nudged her man in the ribs. “This here is my guy, Justin.”

  “Craig. I’m off duty.” Craig reached across the table to shake Justin’s hand. “Hey, what’s up, man?”

  “Not a lot.” Justin shook his
hand, but his expression clearly indicated he was still withholding judgment on Craig.

  “Phoebe mentioned earlier that this band might be worth seeing, so I dropped by.”

  Phoebe made a quiet harrumph.

  Justin laughed. “Not so much. These guys are sucking up the place big time.”

  “Yeah, you so owe me.” Gabby scowled and took another swig of beer. “I gave up watching the game on TV tonight for this.”

  “You guys Giants fans?” Craig asked, lifting his IPA.

  “Hell, yeah, we are,” Justin replied. “Season tickets.”

  “That’s cool. Yeah, I try to make at least a game a month.”

  Phoebe cleared her throat. “We should all go to one together sometime. I’ve never been.”

  He glanced at Phoebe, surprised by her statement. He found her gaze on his lips. She jerked her head up, as if realizing she’d been staring. Her cheeks filled with color.

  Desire built low inside him, rushing through his blood. He drew in an unsteady breath. Had she been thinking about what it would be like to kiss him? Because he sure as hell had been having similar thoughts. For a few months now, really.

  Damn but if he didn’t want to just cup her face and run his thumbs over the cheeks, before taking her lips in a hard kiss.

  What would she taste like? What kinds of sweet sounds would she make when he sank his tongue deep into her mouth?

  Phoebe shifted next to him, as if sensing his sensual thoughts. Her thigh scratched against his.

  A hint of desire flashed in her eyes, pushing his primitive side further to the surface.

  Wanting to test her limits, he gave a slight smile, still holding her gaze, and let his right hand rest on her knee.

  A small, visible tremble ran through her and he heard the shift in her breathing.

  Never mind if the band sucked, the idea of getting her on the dance floor and pressing those sweet female curves against his body held entirely too much appeal.

  “Dance with me?” His words were soft, and though he’d meant it to be a question, it sounded far more like a command.

  He half expected her to turn him down, instead she tilted her head and gave a slight nod.

  “Why not.”

  Setting his beer on the table, he slid out of the booth and held out his hand to her.


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