A Royal Secret

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A Royal Secret Page 16

by Jerry Cole

  Steve laughed. That answered his question over whether Jamie would have jumped the gun in talking to Sam. He replied. I’ll be sure to tell him. Thanks, Sam.

  His mother hadn’t contacted him, and Steve didn’t know whether to be annoyed or grateful Jamie had decided not to tell his mother. Steve wanted to do it in person, but he would have to talk to Bobby first. He’d put off telling her until then and ask Jamie to keep silent until he’d figured out the best way to tell her.

  Scrolling through his phone, Steve was distracted enough he didn’t hear the first knock at the door. The second was more insistent, and he sat up on the edge of the bed. “It’s open!”

  “Steve?” Bobby hovered awkwardly in the doorway, as if he had no right to be there.

  “You can come in,” Steve said. He dropped his phone on his pillow and gave Bobby the once over. There were soft dark smudges under his eyes, he had his hands in his pockets, but his eyes were on a point of the wall just above Steve instead of at Steve. “You wanna sit down?”

  Bobby nodded jerkily, crossing the room to sit next to Steve. He was perched on the edge, hands in his lap, and Steve sighed, wondering if he was going to have to pry the words out of him.

  “I hope the party wasn’t too overwhelming,” Steve said quietly. “I’m sorry I didn’t stick around.”

  “I wouldn’t have asked you to,” Bobby said, his voice low but strong. “It’s not as if I wanna be paraded around.”

  They lapsed into silence, and Steve had to fight the urge to reach over and take Bobby’s hand. “So, tell me. What do you want to do?”

  Bobby frowned. “Right now?”

  “No,” Steve said, waving a hand around the room. It didn’t encompass everything he wanted it to, but it was enough. “With this, being prince, becoming the ruler. You said make a difference, but what does that mean?”

  “I don’t know.” Bobby’s voice was quiet. He winced. “I have all these grand ideas in my head, and when I first came out here, I thought it would be easy. Louis has been telling me how things work, and explaining decision making, and trying to get me ready. It’s going to be so hard to change things, and all I could think at the start was I couldn’t—I had made the wrong decision, and I shouldn’t have come out here.”

  Before today, Steve might have welcomed that comment, especially if meant being able to take Bobby back home, but he could see the expression on Bobby’s face, and knew that wasn’t what he wanted. “If you had told me that just yesterday, I would have come and got you.” Bobby looked startled, and opened his mouth, but Steve placed a hand on Bobby’s arm and squeezed gently to keep him from talking. “Let me finish.”

  Bobby stared at Steve’s hand, and Steve moved to take it away, but Bobby curled his own fingers around Steve’s.

  Swallowing thickly, Steve smiled gently, feeling a thrum of happiness under his skin. “I know that’s not what you want, even if you think it’s going to be hard. You can change things,” he said, rubbing his thumb over the back of Bobby’s hand. “I have faith in you, and I’m gonna stay and help.”

  “You said that,” Bobby said, his voice hoarse. His eyes were bright, and his lips were slowly curving upward. “Didn’t think you meant it.”

  “I deserve that,” Steve said with a wince. “I wasn’t exactly supportive. I want you to be happy, Bobby, whatever that means.”

  Bobby didn’t answer right away, staring down at their joined hands. Steve gave him time to work out what he wanted to say. Eventually, he looked up at Steve, expression pensive, despite the smile on his face. “You still make me happy.”

  Steve’s chest tightened with happiness and it seemed as if a weight had been lifted from his shoulders. “Yeah?”

  “It didn’t stop just because we had a fight,” Bobby said. “It hurt, I’m not gonna lie—I know it hurt you too—and I thought maybe we couldn’t fix it, but I love you.”

  “I love you too,” Steve said immediately, curling a hand around the back of Bobby’s neck. He didn’t want to kiss Bobby, not just yet, but needed the contact. “Whatever you need from me, you’ll have.”

  Bobby tipped forward, resting his forehead on Steve’s shoulder, and Steve kissed his temple, brushing the hand on Bobby’s neck through the hairs at the nape of his neck.

  “We’ll remind everyone about your mom, and we’ll make sure Louis knows you’re not gonna be walked over.”

  There was a huff of breath against Steve’s shoulder, and Bobby nodded, movements short and jerky under his hand. “Thank you.”

  “You don’t have to thank me for doing something I should have done from the very beginning.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Steve woke up disorientated, taking a moment to realize where he was and why. The bed had been incredibly comfortable, so much so he wasn’t sure he wanted to get out of it. He groaned, sinking back into the pillows. His phone was silent on the bedside table, and Steve was startled to realize he had slept right through. Checking the time, he was relieved to see it was only eight in the morning. His job had given him an internal clock that always woke him at the right time. Which reminded him of yet another thing he would have to sort out back in New York. He scrubbed his hands over his face, not relishing the thought of having to pick up his entire life and move it to another country.

  Still, Bobby was in his future, and as much as he feared what was to come, being with Bobby was the best thing about it. Stretching, Steve kicked off the duvet and swung his feet to the floor, loving the feel of the carpet under his toes. It was softer than any he had back in the apartment.

  The footman had brought his bag up shortly after Bobby left his room, and Steve grinned as he tugged clothes from his bag. Reminders of their talk last night made his body feel light, the worry and uncertainty fading beneath the sense of excitement that came from learning the new life he was to share with Bobby. Was that accurate to say? It wasn’t as if they were getting married or anything, merely dating, but being at the palace would test their relationship more than it had already.

  Surprisingly, given his reaction to Bobby wanting to move in the first place, Steve was surprised he wasn’t more antagonistic toward the idea of moving his life to Mercia. Then again, perhaps he had been half-expecting it since the decision to come to the palace to fight for Bobby.

  You sacrificed for the people you love.

  Washed and dressed, Steve hovered awkwardly in front of the door. He didn’t know what the protocol was for having breakfast, especially as Bobby requested their friends join them. Thankfully, Daisy had told him to call her if she was needed, so he sat on the edge of the bed, calling down to wherever it was the staff stayed when they weren’t working.

  “Mr. Mitchell,” Daisy said on the second ring, sounding breathless. “Is everything all right?”

  “I could ask you the same thing,” Steve pointed out. “Am I interrupting something?”

  “I was just heading up to your room,” Daisy explained. She must have been on a cellphone then, which made sense. “Your friends have arrived, and I was coming to inform you breakfast will begin in fifteen minutes.”

  Knowing Jamie, Helena, and Noah were in the palace had Steve’s heart picking up pace. He couldn’t wait to join them. “I’m not sure where I’m going.”

  Daisy sounded as though she were smiling when she answered. “I’ll show you to the dining room. I’ll be with you soon.”

  Steve hung up and straightened up his clothing as he stood, not knowing why he was bothered. He didn’t usually try and look any more presentable than throwing on his clothes and hoping for the best. The palace wasn’t college, however, and he could appreciate it might take a little more care and attention to look as if he belonged. For that, he thought, I’d have to feel like I belong.

  There was a brisk knock at his door a few moments later, and Steve pulled it open. Daisy had her hair in a different style, piled on top of her head and out of her face, and she was already smiling. “Did you sleep well?”

Yes, thanks,” Steve said, slipping out into the hall and shutting the door to his room. “I appreciate you showing me around.”

  Daisy crossed to the stairs and Steve followed, able to hear voices from downstairs. Watching his expression, Daisy laughed gently. “When the palace is quiet, noise travels.”

  That was definitely worth remembering. “Is Grand Prince Louis awake?”

  It wasn’t what Steve had been planning to say, and the question threw Daisy for a moment. She hesitated and then shook her head. “I don’t believe so. I don’t really speak to his butler, but he’s been downstairs for a while, so I don’t think he’s been required yet.”

  Steve wondered if Bobby had his own butler as well. It was such a weird concept, but then Steve was wondering around with a maid who had been assigned to him for the duration of his stay. Another adjustment, and at least Daisy was kind and easy to talk to. “Sorry, everything’s new around here.”

  “Mr. Gregory told me you were staying for an indefinite period,” Daisy said. “Are you a friend of the prince?”

  “Yeah,” Steve said, feeling the flush on his cheeks. He hoped Daisy didn’t comment on it, but she peeled off to the right at the bottom of the stairs and Steve followed. “We’ve known each other a while.”

  It wasn’t exactly true, given how quickly their relationship had moved, but Steve wasn’t about to go into detail. Steve and Bobby were the only two people who were entitled to that information, at least for now.

  “I’m glad he has friends,” Daisy said quietly. Steve was startled but let her finish. “He was lonely when he first arrived. My brother is his butler,” she added, throwing Steve a quick glance and then looking away. “He told me the prince is sad a lot.”

  Steve felt a touch guilty to hear it, knowing he could have soothed some of Bobby’s loneliness. That was something he could fix now that he was in the palace. “I hope we can help.”

  Daisy nodded, and Steve could see one of the doors already open, and the voices he had heard were those of his friends. The dining room was large, a huge table that could easily have seated twenty people. Bobby was at one end, grinning at something Noah was saying. Helena looked half-asleep as she rested against Jamie’s shoulder, who was busy tearing into a napkin, eyes on Bobby’s face.

  “Thank you,” Steve said quietly to Daisy, who nodded and slipped out of the room. To his friends, Steve spoke louder as he rounded the table. “You couldn’t come and wake me?”

  Everyone turned to him, but it was Bobby’s eyes Steve found his own drawn to. “I know how much you love to sleep.”

  “He does need it to look so beautiful,” Jamie chimed in, and Steve flipped him off as he took the seat next to Noah.

  “We can swap,” Noah said pointedly.

  “Why?” Steve answered, amused. “I can see Bobby just as well from here.”

  Bobby snorted, Helena and Jamie laughing gently, and Noah muttered something under his breath, elbowing Steve in the side.

  “So,” Jamie said. “Have you two sorted your shit?”

  Steve groaned. “Jamie, that’s none of your business.”

  “He means, yes,” Bobby said, staring at Steve. “Steve has a whole life back in New York, though, which is something I wanted to talk to you guys about.” At the look on Steve’s face, he hurried to amend. “Not because I don’t want him here, but I don’t want his whole life uprooted just for me.”

  “Just for you, nothing,” Steve said, adamant. “I told you I wanted to be here, and even if I have to quit college, I’ll do it.”

  The thought sent a spike of panic through Steve, and Bobby narrowed his eyes, as if he could tell. Jamie sighed audibly, and Steve wanted to flip him off, but he stopped at the look on Jamie’s face. “You can contact your tutors, Steve, and see if they’ll let you finish it here and get the work to them somehow. Sam’s looking into transferring your credits if they’re not helpful. We’re all willing to make the trip when we need to. Just your mom who you’ll need to talk to sooner rather than later.”

  “I’ll email my tutors later,” Steve said quietly, thinking about his mother. It would be easy enough to sort out college, if Sam was intent on helping, but his mother would be more complicated.

  Helena shifted in her seat, pulling away from Jamie as the door behind Bobby’s left shoulder opened, and a couple of maids came into the room carrying trays. Conversation halted while the breakfast was served, and Steve was glad to see nobody around the table was comfortable with being waited on, and it was only when the door closed that Helena raised her eyebrows at Bobby. “Not sure that’s something you can get used to.”

  Bobby nodded, using his fork to squash down the eggs on his plate. “Everything about this is weird, and I’m supposed to inherit everything.”

  “So, how wealthy are you?” Noah said, chewing on a piece of crust. Steve resisted the urge to tell him not to talk with his mouth full.

  “Noah,” Helena groaned. “You don’t just ask somebody that.”

  “Pretty damn wealthy,” Bobby said, flashing a grin. His eyes softened when he turned to Steve. “Which is why I think maybe you should go see your mom.”

  Steve frowned. “I thought you wanted me to stay here?”

  “I do,” Bobby said. He gestured at Steve with his fork. “That doesn’t mean you can’t leave. You’re not a prisoner, Steve.”

  “No, that’s not what I meant.” Steve was frustrated with himself and a little with Bobby. When had they stopped being able to communicate with each other? “I don’t think you’re keeping me here against my will, especially as I was the one who offered.”

  Bobby cocked his head in wry agreement.

  “Your mom hasn’t had a vacation in about fifty years,” Jamie pointed out.

  Steve didn’t want to invite his mother into somebody else’s house, especially when it was the palace of the grand prince, but his breath caught in his throat at the idea. It meant he wouldn’t have to leave Bobby behind, and he could explain everything to his mom at the same time.

  Bobby’s expression was pleased, but a little hesitant. “Are you sure? I don’t wanna upset her.”

  “Jackie was the one who kicked him up the ass,” Jamie said, smirking at Steve before addressing Bobby again. “You kind of have her to thank for us being here.”

  Steve sighed. “Thanks, Jamie.”

  “I don’t care who got you here, Steve, whether it was you or your mom. I’m just glad you are here.”

  It had to be true for Bobby to say it so unashamedly in front of their friends, and he flushed, staring down at his plate so he wouldn’t have to see his friends laughing at them.

  Noah elbowed him. “Your ears go red when you blush, did you know?”

  “Fuck you,” Steve snapped, kicking Noah under the table, but couldn’t help but smile in the face of his friends’ amusement. The lines around Bobby’s face were still present, but they weren’t as pronounced. “Won’t we have to ask the grand prince if my mom can come?”

  “Funny thing,” Bobby said, in a tone of voice that said it was anything but funny. “I can invite whoever I want to the palace, as long as I go where my father wants me to.”

  An image of Louis holding Bobby’s strings sprang to mind, and Steve grit his teeth against the urge to do something ridiculous like growl or find Louis and punch him in the face.

  “What’s the deal with him, anyway?” Noah asked.

  Bobby hesitated.

  “Noah, how many times have I told you to be careful what you’re saying?”

  “It doesn’t matter,” Bobby offered. “He knows I’m not happy here. He doesn’t care as long as I dance to his merry tune.”

  Jamie looked thoughtful. “But you’re still here.”

  Steve waited Bobby out. They had some variation of the conversation twice, but every time, he learned something new about Bobby’s motivations, and about Louis.

  “He’s ill,” Bobby said eventually. “Terminal. Wants someone in power who isn’t his sister. She’s
worse than he is, if that’s possible, and he thinks I’ll do a better job—especially if he thinks I’ll do things the way he wants them.”

  It was a stupid reason, in Steve’s opinion. Bobby could be—and was—lying through his teeth about the way he was going to rule, and Louis couldn’t trust that his word would even be followed. “What’s the point in that? He has no way of knowing if you’ll stay true to what he wants.”

  “Just the fact Bobby is here is enough,” Helena pointed out. “He gets some sick pleasure out of dragging Bobby back into the life Maria tried to free him from. I know,” Helena said gently, at the look on Bobby’s face, “I know she wanted the choice to be yours, but he knows that. He knows what she means to you, and he knows you hate it here. Watching you try and navigate this life must make him happy.”

  “Fucking hilarious,” Steve snapped.

  “Steve,” Bobby said. He looked grateful, but tired. “I’m the official heir apparent. When he abdicates, which he will just for the sympathy vote, I’ll have to sign the declaration and abide by whatever is in it.”

  Silence reigned around the table.

  “And what is in this declaration?” Steve asked, and he could hear the steel in his tone.

  Bobby wouldn’t meet his eyes for a moment, but Steve waited him out, knowing the tense silence would get to him eventually. “That I’ll abide whatever rules are already in place.”

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  “You shouting isn’t going to help anything,” Helena snapped, shoving Steve into the sitting room.

  Steve shrugged off her hands, and paced the length of the room, hands clenched into fists and anger sizzling under his skin. The idea of Bobby being forced into such a deal was ridiculous. He must have known what Louis was doing, and it didn’t matter anymore what Bobby’s mother wanted, it was ridiculous. “Why would he agree to sign a thing just to be a prince?”


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