A Royal Secret

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A Royal Secret Page 17

by Jerry Cole

  “You really are dense as fuck,” Helena said, and it took all of Steve’s inner strength not to sock her in the face. “Steve, listen to me, Bobby knows exactly what he’s doing. You think Louis would just let him stay here, would let him become prince if Bobby turned around and said no?”

  “No,” Steve said slowly. He couldn’t understand why Helena wasn’t more furious. “Why would he force himself to abide by such stupid rules?”

  “He wouldn’t.” It was Helena’s turn to talk slowly, as if Steve wasn’t catching up with the rest of them.

  Given that his outburst had tipped over his chair and startled even Jamie, Steve was beginning to think maybe he wasn’t. Nobody else had been surprised, so unless they were all in cahoots to confuse the fuck out of him, he was missing something. “What are you talking about?”

  Helena frowned. “He didn’t tell you last night?”

  “Tell me what?”

  Cursing under her breath, Helena rolled her eyes heavenward, as if asking for strength. “There are ways to get a declaration changed, Steve. I’m a politician’s daughter. He asked me last night if I knew any ways of helping with that. I thought he would have told you when he came to see you.”

  Steve shook his head, blowing out a slow breath, some of the anger receding with it. “Why wouldn’t he tell me?”

  “I didn’t think you’d stay,” Bobby said.

  Steve’s head jerked up, but he couldn’t make his mouth work.

  Helena said something unsavory, and gripped Bobby’s hand. “Talk to him, Bobby, before I bang both of your heads together. Communicate like an ordinary couple, and maybe you wouldn’t fight like this.”

  “I’m sorry,” Bobby said as soon as the door closed behind Helena.

  “Sure,” Steve said, dropping onto one of the couches. They were probably more expensive than his entire apartment, but for once that didn’t bother him. “She’s right. We don’t talk to each other.”

  Bobby moved to join him, leaving a gap between them on the couch. “I’m sorry about that too.”

  “So am I.” Steve rubbed his hands on his knees and looked at Bobby. The words he wanted to say were stuck around the lump in his throat.

  “I wanted to say whatever would keep you here with me,” Bobby said, rescuing Steve from having to choke out his words. “But you didn’t give me a chance to explain before you made assumptions about me.”

  That was fair, and Steve’s cheeks burned with shame. “I know.” He sighed, brushing a hand over his face. “I was determined to hate everything about this life you’ve chosen, because I don’t understand royalty or why anyone would willingly choose it. I’m trying, because it’s you, and I love you and want you happy, but I guess I’m great at fooling myself into thinking I’ve accepted it.”

  Silence fell over them both. The only sound in the room was the slow tick of the clock, and their friends’ voices filtering through the door. They were outside, clearly waiting for Steve and Bobby to get their shit together.

  “I want to be here,” Bobby said, tone adamant.

  “I want to be here, too,” Steve said just as strongly. He did, for Bobby, and perhaps that was the problem. “I don’t know that I want to be here specifically, but wherever you are.”

  Bobby’s face softened. “Steve.”

  “I’m sorry. I’m going to try harder. As long as you promise to cut me some slack, all right? I’m new to this whole royalty thing.”

  “Wanna know a secret?” Bobby said, smirking. “So am I.”

  Steve laughed, shaking his head. “Yeah, I know. I guess I just get mad where the grand prince is concerned.”

  Bobby nodded. “I know, it’s incredibly flattering.”

  “Good,” Steve said quietly, watching silently as Bobby reached over, taking Steve’s hand in his own. It was a comforting gesture, and Steve shifted closer to Bobby on the couch, hand on his face. “I love you, and I promise to try harder.”

  “I love you too,” Bobby said quietly. “And I promise to try just as hard.”

  Steve hesitated, giving Bobby enough time to refuse, or pull away, but when he didn’t, just tilted his head up a little, Steve pressed a kiss to his lips. It was the first time they had done so since their fight, and Steve’s whole body shuddered, deepening the kiss as his hand slid around to the back of Bobby’s neck, holding him in place.

  Bobby groaned, eyes fluttering closed as he clenched a hand in Steve’s shirt, tugging him forward. Steve didn’t know how long they sat there kissing, breaking away to catch their breath, then diving back in. He had missed it, just being with Bobby, enjoying the feel of his mouth on Steve’s. The feel of his heartbeat under Steve’s fingers, and the roughness of his beard. That was something Steve didn’t know he would miss.

  When they pulled apart for the last time, Bobby’s eyes were wide, and he pressed into Steve’s hold. “You’re going to have to face my father eventually.”

  “I know,” Steve said, not appreciating reality crashing back down on him. He sighed, lips quirking up when he saw the dazed look in Bobby’s eyes, the soft expression on his face. “We should probably get that over with sooner rather than later.”

  “I can’t say I won’t enjoy watching him try and face down your mom.”

  Steve’s heart picked up the pace a little. “You were serious about that?”

  “Steve,” Bobby said, chastisement in his tone. “I want you to have everything you need. If that means getting your mom out here and making sure she knows she’s welcome, so be it.”

  “God, I love you,” Steve said, pulling Bobby back in for another kiss. It was awkward for a moment, Bobby laughing against his mouth, but all too soon, it deepened once again. Steve wanted to press him down, make out and fuck him until they were both satisfied, but they had friends right outside the door, and shit that needed to be sorted out before they could do that. Reluctantly pulling back, Steve stroked the side of Bobby’s face gently. “I wanna fuck you so bad.”

  Bobby groaned. His eyes fluttered shut as he pressed into Steve’s hand. His tongue flicked out, wetting his bottom lip, and then he opened his eyes. They were dark, but not so blown that Steve could see pupil. “Later.”

  It was a promise, and Steve nodded. “You can count on it.”

  With a sigh, Bobby tugged on Steve’s hands as he stood, pulling Steve to his feet. “We have friends we need to get rid of.”

  “I heard that,” Helena said through the door, which was proof enough she was eavesdropping. Steve flushed at what she might have heard but shrugged it off easily enough at Bobby’s wicked grin.

  “Then you’re just lucky we decided not to fuck until tonight, aren’t you?”

  “Bobby,” Steve hissed, still somewhat scandalized at the thought of saying that kind of stuff in a palace. Then again, Bobby was a prince and he was still talking like it.

  Bobby was smiling softly, as if he knew what Steve was thinking, and pushed open the door. Helena was waiting, leaning on one shoulder, a smirk on her face as she pushed off the wall.

  “Get everything said you needed to?”

  “You know,” Steve said. “Are the others still in the dining room?”

  Helena shook her head. “You were taking so long they decided a tour was in order. Managed to convince Gregory—and some poor maid—to walk them around.”

  Steve groaned, guessing which maid had been dragged into it. “Daisy’s gonna kill me.”

  “Daisy?” Bobby said, frowning, a furrow between his eyes.

  “Don’t get jealous,” Steve said amused. “She’s the sister of your butler or something, I don’t know. She was kind to me, and apparently, she’s my own personal maid.” He couldn’t help the wince at that.

  Bobby laughed gently. “Goes hand in hand with royalty, I’m afraid.”

  Steve looked pained. “I’m not royalty.”

  “Yet,” Helena said primly, and walked in the direction of the staircase, in search of their friends no doubt.

  The idea of tha
t was shocking enough that Steve froze. Bobby was laughing at him; Steve could tell from the expression on his face. He breathed out slowly and thought about it for a moment. He and Bobby wanted forever before all the shit, and he doubted that had changed, though he didn’t want to say so for sure until he suffered the worst the palace had to offer. He was under no illusions he hadn’t yet done that.

  “Relax, Steve,” Bobby said eventually, pressing a kiss to Steve’s lips. “Stop panicking.”

  “I’m not,” Steve said truthfully. He smiled, wrapping a hand around the back of Bobby’s neck. “We said forever, right?”

  Holding his breath, he hoped he hadn’t made a big mistake. Bobby’s eyes widened, and his breathing seemed shaky. “That’s a big step.”

  “Obviously I’m not asking now,” Steve said dismissively, holding Bobby’s gaze. “But that doesn’t mean it might not work if we want it to.”

  “You are in a palace with your prince boyfriend,” Bobby pointed out, gaining more confidence by the moment. “That’s not something you’d have done before, right?”

  “Definitely not,” Steve said, tugging Bobby back in, holding him close. It was foolish, perhaps, to do so in the middle of the entrance hall, but Steve didn’t care. Bobby obviously didn’t either, because he was grinning, head tipped back so he could look Steve in the eye. “So, I guess it can only get better from here?”

  Bobby laughed, leaning in for a kiss. “Don’t tempt fate, Steve.”

  “I’m not afraid of fate,” Steve muttered, drawing Bobby in for another kiss.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  “How do you feel about coming out to the palace?”

  Jackie narrowed her eyes. “Steve Mitchell, I taught you better than that.”

  “Than what?” Steve said with an innocent smile. Nobody was buying it, but he couldn’t help it.

  There was a telling silence, and then Bobby poked his head into frame, resting his cheek on Steve’s shoulder. “Hi, Mrs. Mitchell.”

  “Bobby!” Jackie’s tone and expression immediately warmed. “I see Steve found you.”

  “He did,” Bobby said, just as warmly. “I hear I have you to thank for him getting his shit together.”

  “Bobby,” Steve hissed, feeling as if he was always chastising Bobby for swearing at inappropriate times.

  “Relax,” Bobby said, waving a hand. “Your mom’s a nurse, Steve, she hears worse every day.”

  Jackie nodded in Bobby’s direction, and then narrowed her eyes. “Is what Steve is telling me true?”

  “That you’re allowed at the palace?” Bobby shrugged. “Of course it is. I wouldn’t have told him he could invite you if I wasn’t sure, Mrs. Mitchell.”

  Jackie rolled her eyes. “You know it’s Jackie, Bobby, I’ve told you that already.” She hesitated. “I’m not sure that’s something I should do.”

  “Why?” Steve said immediately. Shaking his head at the look on her face, he sighed. “Sorry. If you really don’t want to come here, then I guess I could always fly out there to speak to you.”

  Jackie was silent for a moment. “Is there something you need to talk to me about?”

  Steve winced. “I don’t want to do it over video, Ma. I want to tell you in person.”

  “All right,” Jackie said, leaning on the table, her arms folded. “If it’s that important to you, I’ll come out there. Though,” she continued, and she shifted her stare to Bobby, raising her eyebrows, “you should warn your father I’m coming.”

  Bobby coughed into his hand and Steve almost wanted to say I told you so. When he had recovered, Bobby sighed and nodded. “I promise.”

  Jackie didn’t stay on video for much longer. She had a shift later that day, and it made Steve feel a little guilty he wasn’t still working at his job. He knew he didn’t have to do anything, and Bobby had assured him of that, but Steve was used to being busy. He had yet to hear back from the college about his studies, and everything was making him nervous.

  “Everything all right?” Bobby asked, rolling over onto his shoulder. He was stretched out next to Steve on Steve’s bed, the place Steve had chosen to make the call to his mother.

  “Just thinking. I feel like I should be doing something.”

  Bobby stared at him for such a long time Steve was starting to get uncomfortable under the scrutiny. To avoid looking at him, Steve placed the laptop on the floor, turning back to see Bobby’s attention hadn’t wavered. There was heaviness in the air that had nothing to do with awkwardness, and Steve was glad he thought to move the laptop, when Bobby shuffled closer, pushing Steve onto his back. Steve went willingly, Bobby hovering over him, their legs tangled together, and Bobby’s hips pressed against Steve’s. Bobby’s arms framed his head, and Steve reached up to touch his face, thumb brushing the skin beneath Bobby’s eye. Bobby was smiling gently, something warm and unexplainable in his eyes. “You’re here with me. I don’t care what you want to do as long as you stay.”

  “I already told you I was,” Steve whispered.

  Bobby nodded, and Steve’s hands moved to Bobby’s waist, tugging the shirt out from Bobby’s pants. His palms slid against the warm, soft planes of Bobby’s back, and Bobby shivered under the touch, his head dropping to Steve’s shoulder.

  “I missed you,” Bobby said, his voice wavering, almost muffled against Steve’s shirt.

  Steve closed his eyes, hating himself for how long it had taken him to get his shit together. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t,” Bobby said.

  “I missed you too.” Steve covered the break in his own voice, with a cough, one hand sliding to the back of Bobby’s head, threading his fingers through the fine strands of Bobby’s hair. It was as if they had never been apart. The hurt remained, Steve doubted that would ever go away, but the ease with which he could touch Bobby, the way Bobby breathed and felt and moved, everything was just the same. “I am sorry.”

  Bobby lifted his head, pushing back gently against Steve’s hand. His expression was open, impossibly hopeful. “I know you are. So am I. I just want—”

  “What?” Steve whispered, stroking his fingers through Bobby’s hair. Bobby let out a soft noise, and Steve shifted his hips, felt Bobby’s dick hardening against his thigh.

  “You,” Bobby said, unashamed, his eyes darkening with lust. Bobby’s hand touched his face, thumb rubbing at Steve’s bottom lip, and Steve couldn’t resist darting his tongue out, licking at the pad of Bobby’s thumb, hearing the hitch in Bobby’s breath, watching the bob of his throat as he swallowed.

  “You can have me,” Steve said. The hand on Bobby’s back slid down, beneath the waistband of Bobby’s pants. It had been a long time since Steve had seen Bobby in jeans, and he found he missed them. The benefit was that without a belt, Bobby’s pants were easier to get into. The briefs were just as easy to navigate, and as he palmed the curve of Bobby’s ass, Bobby grunted, rolling his hips forward. Steve’s breath caught in his throat, his dick painfully hard, and he wanted desperately to get his fingers around it. The hand in Bobby’s hair slipped between their bodies, but Bobby batted it away, weight resting on one arm.

  “Don’t,” Bobby said, strained. “I wanna be the one to touch you.”

  Steve wanted to say just you, but his tongue felt too heavy in his mouth. His hands went to the bed as Bobby shifted back, straddling Steve’s hips, smoothing down Steve’s shirt, and bunching the fabric between his fingers.

  “Want you naked,” Bobby bit out, and tugged Steve up by his shirt. He shifted back as he did so, and it was awkward for a moment, their heads almost clashing together, but Bobby managed to get Steve’s shirt over his head and toss it onto the floor. Steve wondered, briefly and hysterically, if anyone had ever had sex in this room before, and then Bobby’s mouth was on his neck, mouthing at the skin of his throat, and it didn’t matter anymore.

  Bobby had always been the best at making Steve feel good, and he tilted his head back, giving Bobby better access. Grazing his teeth against Steve’s throat, Bo
bby’s fingers tightened on Steve’s hips, nails digging into the soft skin. Steve relished the burn of both teeth and fingers, and rolled his hips, relieving some of the pressure on his dick.

  “Please,” he ground out.

  Bobby made an amused sound in the back of his throat, and his lips sucked at the underside of Steve’s chin, the corner of his mouth. “I’ve got you.”

  Steve realized abruptly he always had. Bobby pulled back, pushing on Steve’s chest until Steve went back down against the bed, stretching out, and fisting the sheets in his hands. Bobby shifted lower, hands on Steve’s thighs and he rubbed them upward. Steve could see his dick thick against the zipper and fastening of his pants, wanted Bobby to open it and get it out, stroke him and let him cum.

  “I’ve got you,” Bobby said again, and Steve realized he had spoken it aloud. Bobby’s mouth curved into a wicked smile as his fingers teased the waistband of his pants, and it took all of Steve’s willpower not to shove him off and do it himself. Bobby wanted to take it slow for a reason and Steve could understand it; it had been so long that quick would have been easy, but neither of them wanted easy, they wanted lasting.

  “Please,” Steve ground out, lifting his hips as Bobby tugged at his pants and briefs in one smooth motion, pooling them around Steve’s knees and leaving them there. Between the clothes and Bobby’s bulk straddling him, Steve couldn’t move much of his lower body and he felt pleasure zing up his spine, heels digging into the mattress. “Fuck, Bobby.”

  “I know,” Bobby soothed, hands rubbing up Steve’s thighs. Steve could see his cock, thick and red as it curved toward his belly. It was leaking, he could see it glistening in the light, and Bobby smirked, fingers sliding carefully up the shaft and Steve jerked at the touch, breath catching in his throat. Bobby huffed out a breath and though it started amused, it hitched at the end. “Fuck, Steve.”

  “I want,” Steve started, cutting off as Bobby’s thumb brushed the tip of his cock, smearing precum against the sensitive head. It had been so long since Bobby had touched him this way, so long since Steve had felt the familiar thrum of pleasure pooling in his belly. Bobby’s eyes were dark, his mouth curved into a familiar, soft smile and Steve rolled his hips as best he was able, trying to fuck himself in Bobby’s fist.


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