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Branded by the Sheriff

Page 16

by Delores Fossen

  “Trust me,” Beck added. “Get on the floor.”

  Nicole gave a shaky nod. Using her right hand to steady herself, she started to lower herself to her knees.

  Beck waited.

  Watching Pete.

  His brother glanced at Nicole. Just as Beck had figured he would do. It was just a glance. But in that glance, Pete took his attention off Beck and Faith.

  That was the break Beck had been waiting for.

  He dove at Pete.

  Though Beck was moving as fast as he could, everything seemed to slow to a crawl. He saw the split-second realization in Pete’s eyes. And then Pete reacted. He didn’t turn the gun on Beck.

  But on Faith.

  Pete lowered the barrel of the semiautomatic right toward the back of Faith’s head.

  And he fired.


  Faith moved as quickly as she could, but she figured it wasn’t nearly fast enough. She braced herself.

  Death would come before she even knew if Beck had heard her. “I love you,” she’d said. It might be the last time she ever had a chance to say that to anyone.

  She was feeling and hearing way too much for Pete’s bullet to have killed her. Instead, she realized that it’d smacked into the tile floor less than two feet from her.

  Pete’s bullet had missed her.

  The sound of the fired shot was deafening, and it roared through her head, stabbing into her eardrums. It was excruciating, but since she could feel it, she knew she was very much alive.

  So was Beck, thank God.

  With his momentum at full speed, Beck crashed into Pete, and into her. Pete’s gun dislodged from his hand and landed somewhere behind them.

  “No!” Nicole yelled. She scrambled to the side to get away from the collision.

  However, because Faith was directly in front of Pete, she wasn’t so lucky. She was caught in the impact, again. Caught in the middle of the struggle. But this time, the stakes were even higher.

  Aubrey was on her way there.

  “Run!” Beck told her.

  From the corner of her eye, she saw Nicole do just that. She threw open the back door and rushed out into the night. Maybe the woman would call the deputy. But as distraught as Nicole was, Faith couldn’t rely on her for help. She and Beck had to stop Pete.

  “Now!” Beck snarled to her. “Get out of here.”

  Faith wiggled her way out of the fight and somehow managed to get to her feet. But before she could run, Pete latched on to her ankle and tried to pull her back down. She fought, kicking at him, but he was pumped on adrenaline now and was fighting like a crazy man with triple his normal strength.

  Then things got worse. The doorbell rang.

  “We’re here,” Marita called out.

  Marita’s announcement nearly caused Faith to panic, but she forced herself to concentrate on the task. She gave Pete another hard kick, and that broke the vising grip he had on her. She felt him reach for her, and he groped at the floor.

  Faith ran. But not out the back as Nicole had done.

  Frantically, she looked around for Beck’s gun. She didn’t see it, and it took her a moment to figure out why.

  Pete had it.

  Oh, God.

  Pete had the gun.

  “Come in!” Pete shouted to Marita, dodging a fist that Beck had tried to send his way. “Beck needs help.”

  “No,” Faith countered. “Stay back.” And she hoped they’d heard her and would do as she said.

  She looked around the floor for another weapon and remembered Beck’s service pistol. Faith grabbed it from the top of the fridge where he’d put it right after they’d returned from seeing Darin.

  “Stop!” she yelled.

  Pete didn’t. Neither did Beck. Pete managed to land a hard punch on Beck’s jaw, and the momentum sent him backward. The two men weren’t separated for long because Beck dove at him.

  The doorbell rang again, and it was followed by a knock. “What’s going on in there?” Tracy asked.

  Faith hurried to him and held out his service revolver. Beck snatched it from her hand and got up off the floor.

  Pete did the same.

  And the two brothers met gun-to-gun.

  “Don’t,” Beck warned, his voice a threatening growl.

  The corner of Pete’s mouth lifted. A twisted, sick smile. “You think a bullet can go through your front door?” He didn’t wait for Beck to answer. “Because I do. God knows what a bullet would hit…”

  Pete didn’t have to aim in that direction. Faith realized his gun was already pointed there. Just to Beck’s right. And that put it in line with the door.

  Oh, God. That nearly brought Faith to her knees. Her baby was in danger.

  “Try to warn them and I’ll shoot through the door,” Pete warned. “I have nothing to lose.”

  Faith didn’t cower. “And you have nothing to gain from hurting my child.”

  “True. But it’ll be nice to see you suffer.”

  Every inch of Beck was primed for the fight, and his face was dotted with sweat from the struggle. “Faith did nothing to you.”

  “Yes, she did. She came back. She made me think she’d written that blackmail letter. She made me believe I had to stop her. The woman’s just bad luck, Beck. She always has been.”

  Faith saw Beck’s finger tense on the trigger, and he had his attention fastened to his brother’s own trigger finger. One move, and Beck would shoot him. Faith didn’t doubt that. But what she did fear was that even if Beck shot him that Pete would still manage to shoot.

  Aubrey could still be in danger.

  She heard the scrape of metal, a key being inserted into a lock, and she glanced at the front door.

  Just as it opened.

  “No!” Faith shouted. And she automatically turned in the direction of the door. She had to block any shot that Pete might take.

  She only made it one step before the bullet rang out.

  * * *

  BECK DIDN’T EVEN WAIT to see where Pete’s bullet had hit.

  Or who.

  He couldn’t think about that. Right now, he had to stop Pete from firing again. Each shot could be lethal.

  Still, Beck couldn’t stop the rage that roared through him. Pete had put Aubrey and Faith in danger. To save his own butt, his brother had been willing to hurt a child.

  Beck grabbed Pete’s right arm. He wanted to shoot his brother. To end this here and now. But Beck couldn’t risk another shot being fired.

  Not with Aubrey and Faith so close.

  Faith yelled something, but the blood crashing in Beck’s ears made it impossible to hear. Besides, Beck only wanted to concentrate on the fight.

  Beck dropped his gun so he could use both hands to try to gain control of Pete. His brother was fighting him, trying to re-aim his gun in the direction of the door. Beck wasn’t able to get his finger off the trigger.

  Pete fired again. The shot landed somewhere in the ceiling, and white powdery plaster began to rain down on them. Good. As long as that shot wasn’t near the others.

  Beck heard the sound then. A cry.


  Every muscle in his body turned to iron. God, was the child hurt? Or maybe it was Faith who’d taken the bullet. Maybe both were injured. Hell. He could lose them and all because of his selfish SOB of a brother.

  “You can’t save them,” Pete growled.

  It was exactly what Beck needed to hear. Not that he needed a reminder of what was at stake, but his brother’s threat was the jolt that gave Beck that extra boost of adrenaline. Nothing was going to stop him from saving Aubrey and Faith.


  From the corner of his eye, Beck saw Faith running toward the front door. There was no color in her face, and she appeared to be trembling. But she was headed in Aubrey’s direction. Hopefully, she’d take the child and run. He wanted them as far away from there as possible.

  With both his hands clamped onto Pete’s right arm and wrist, Beck u
sed his body and strength to maneuver Pete backward. Toward the wall. Pete didn’t go willingly. He cursed, kicked and spat at Beck, all the while using his left fist to pound any part of Beck that he could reach.

  Beck slammed him against the wall. The impact was so hard that it rattled the nearby kitchen cabinets. Still, Pete didn’t stop struggling. Beck didn’t stop, either. He bashed Pete’s right hand against the granite countertop. The first time he didn’t dislodge the gun.

  But the second time he did. Pete’s gun fell onto the granite.

  Even though he was unarmed, Pete was still dangerous. So Beck didn’t waste even a second of time. He caught onto his brother’s shoulder and whirled him around, jamming his face and chest against the wall between the cabinets and the mudroom door. There wasn’t much room to maneuver, but Beck wanted to get Pete onto the floor, facedown, so he could better subdue him.

  Pete didn’t cooperate with that, either, but Beck had the upper hand. With his forearm against the nape of Pete’s neck, he put pressure on the backs of his brother’s knees until he could get him belly down onto the tile floor.

  By the time it was done, both Pete and he were fighting for air. Both of them were covered in sweat and blood from their cuts and scrapes.

  But it was finally close to being over.

  “Faith, are you all right?” Beck called out.

  Since he’d expended most of his breath in the fight, he had to repeat it before it had any sound. And then he waited.


  He didn’t hear her say anything. No reassurance that she was okay. But he could hear footsteps. Frantic ones. Something was going on in the living room. Before he could call out to Faith again, there was another sound.

  The back door opened.

  It was Nicole.

  “Let Pete go,” she said. Her voice was trembling as much as her hand.

  And she had a gun in her hand.

  Beck cursed. He didn’t need another battle when he hadn’t even finished the first one.

  “Nicole,” Pete said through his gusting breath. “I knew you’d come back for me.”

  “I didn’t do this for you. What you did was stupid, Pete, but I can’t let you go to jail. Despite what you’ve done, you’re still my husband. Part of me still loves you.” She turned her teary eyes to Beck and pointed the gun right at him. “I’m a good shot,” she reminded him. “Now let him go.”

  “Go where? Pete’s a killer. What if he turns his anger on you?”

  “He won’t. I’m the reason he killed.”

  “He could hurt someone else,” Beck reminded her. “You’d be responsible for that.”

  “What do I care if Faith Matthews and her bastard child are hurt?” Her attention went back to Pete. “I’ll get you out of this, and then we’ll be even. I want you to leave and never come back.”

  That wouldn’t be good enough. Beck knew Pete wouldn’t stay away. As long as his brother was alive and free, Faith and Aubrey would be in danger.

  “I can’t let him go,” Beck insisted.

  “Then I’ll have to shoot you,” Nicole insisted right back.

  And she would.

  Beck could see it in her eyes.

  She’d already crossed over and left reason behind. She was going to save Pete whether he deserved it or not.

  Nicole adjusted her aim so that it was right at Beck’s shoulder. She wasn’t going for the kill, but it didn’t matter. The shot could still be deadly, and even if it only incapacitated him, it would leave the others vulnerable.

  Cursing under his breath, Beck readied himself to take evasive action. He’d roll to the right, dropping to Pete’s side. It might cause Nicole to think twice about shooting. But then it would give Pete the opportunity to break free.

  “Nicole!” someone yelled.


  Hell. She’d come back.

  Nicole automatically looked in the direction of Faith’s voice. Beck couldn’t see her. She was behind him.

  But he saw the movement of something flying through the air.

  Nicole tried to adjust her aim. But it was too late. A coffee mug slammed right into Nicole’s hand. Maybe it was the impact or the surprise of the attack, but Nicole dropped the gun.

  Pete went after it.

  So did Beck.

  Both of them scrambled across the floor toward it.

  Above them, Nicole moved as well. Faith, too. Beck could hear Faith’s footsteps, and he knew she was going after Nicole.

  And Faith might get hurt in the process.

  Beck caught onto Pete and slammed him against the floor. Nicole reached down, to help Pete or get the gun. But reaching was as far as she got. Faith grabbed Nicole and with a fierce jerk, she yanked her back. It was the break that Beck needed. His hand clamped around the gun, and this time, he came up ready to fire.

  “Move back,” Beck told Faith.

  Nicole reached for her to try to use her as a shield, but Faith darted across the room just out of Nicole’s reach.

  “Don’t move,” Beck warned Pete when he tried to get up. His brother turned his head, and their gazes connected.

  Beck made sure there were no doubts or hesitation in his eyes. Because there certainly wasn’t any of that in his heart.

  “I will kill you,” Beck promised.

  Pete laid his head on the floor and put his hands on the back of his head. Finally surrendering.


  Faith frantically checked Aubrey again.

  She hadn’t seen any blood, or even a scratch, but she had to be sure that Pete’s shots hadn’t harmed her child.

  “No, no, no,” Aubrey fussed, batting Faith’s hands away. The little girl rubbed her eyes and yawned. She was obviously sleepy and didn’t want any more of this impromptu exam.

  Deputy Winston rushed in the door. He had his weapon drawn, and he hurried past them and into the kitchen. A moment later, the Ranger, Sgt. McKinney, followed. Then Deputy Gafford.


  Even though it’d been only minutes since her nine-one-one call, Beck now had the backup he needed. And once she had the all clear that it was safe to check on him, she would. Well, she would after Marita had taken Aubrey into the bedroom away from Nicole and Pete.

  She prayed Beck was all right.

  In the distance she heard the sirens from an ambulance. And she heard footsteps. Faith looked up from her now fussy daughter and spotted Beck.

  Oh, God. He was bleeding. There was a gash on his forehead. His left cheek. And both hands were bloodied.

  “The ambulance will be here any minute,” Faith told him.

  He looked at her. Then at Aubrey. He seemed to make it to them in one giant step, and he pulled them both into his arms. Faith’s breath shattered, and she was afraid she wouldn’t be able to hold back the tears of relief.

  “Is she hurt?” Beck asked. His voice was frantic. “Are you hurt?”

  Faith pulled back so she could meet his gaze. “We’re not hurt. You are. I called the ambulance for you.”

  His breath swooshed out. “You’re not hurt.” He repeated it several times and drew them back into his embrace.

  Aubrey rubbed her eyes again and babbled something. It sounded cranky, and Faith figured she was about to cry, but her daughter maneuvered her way into Beck’s arms and dropped her head on his shoulder.

  “I’ll see if I can be of assistance in the kitchen,” Tracy volunteered, trying to give them some privacy.

  “Want me to take Aubrey?” Marita asked.

  “No,” Faith and Beck said in unison.

  “All right then. I’ll just go outside and let the EMTs know what’s going on.” Marita took a step and then stopped. Her forehead was bunched up. “What exactly is going on?”

  He and Faith exchanged glances. He didn’t let go of her. But then she had no plans to let go of him either.

  “My brother is about to be arrested for three murders,” Beck explained. “Nicole will be taken into custody as well since s
he tried to assist him with his escape. And we need to look for Darin. He’s out there somewhere and needs medical attention.”

  “Oh. I see.” Marita turned pale. She waggled her fingers toward the sound of the sirens. “What should I tell the EMT guys? They’ll be here any minute.”

  “Have then come in and check out Faith,” Beck insisted.

  Other than some bruises and maybe a scrape or two, Faith knew she was fine. She couldn’t say the same for Beck. He’d need stitches for that gash.

  “And I want them to check out Beck,” Faith added as Marita went out the door.

  “I’m okay,” he insisted, kissing Aubrey’s cheek. He kissed Faith’s, too. “At least now I am. For a minute there, I thought I’d lost you.”

  “Me, too,” she managed to say. Her emotion was too raw to talk about.

  There was movement from the kitchen, and a moment later, Pete appeared. Handcuffed. Corey had a hold on him. The other deputy had Nicole cuffed and was walking her to the front door.

  Pete stopped, and Beck automatically turned so that Aubrey wouldn’t be near the man. “There’s nothing we have to say to each other,” Beck insisted.

  But Pete didn’t speak right away. He stood there, volleying glances among Beck, Aubrey and Faith. “You fell hard for her, didn’t you?” He didn’t wait for Beck to confirm it. “That’s how I feel about Nicole.”

  “You were ready to kill her,” Faith pointed out.

  “I wouldn’t have. Couldn’t have,” he corrected. “Love really messes you up.” His attention landed on Aubrey again. “I know she’s Sherry’s kid. Sherry showed me her picture. One she’d taken in a park, and she tried to convince me that I was the one who got her pregnant.”

  That gave Faith another jolt of adrenaline. “Did you?”

  Pete shook his head. “Not a chance.”

  Faith desperately wanted to believe him. “And since you’ve been so truthful in the past, I should just take you at your word?”

  “He’s telling the truth,” Corey volunteered. “This time, anyway. I saw the DNA results from the Ranger lab. He’s not the father. Neither are you, Beck. It’s Nolan Wheeler.”

  Nolan. In hindsight, it didn’t surprise her. Not really. Sherry had spent most of her life breaking up and then getting back together with Nolan.


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