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First of my Kind

Page 50

by Stevens, Marc

  Coonts gave me a mischievous smile. “Commander I think I know how to trigger Drayen’s trap when the time comes. It will cost us a comm buoy and most probably Dema’s transport.” Grawl were famous for being deceitful and sneaky so anything Coonts could come up with had to be a doozy. By the time Coonts laid out his plan he made me a believer. We needed to get started right away on the groundwork necessary to spring the trap.

  “Klutch bring Kergan to the transport and make sure he is gagged and restrained. It would not take many words from his mouth for me to accidentally kill him on purpose.” Klutch gave me his usual horrific smile and said, “Roger that Commander!” Coonts and Justice got to work on their part of the plan while I sat down at the comms station and worked on my message to Drayen. It took me a little while to get it right but it finally came together the way we intended it to. “Justice, go ahead and transfer the message to a comm buoy whenever you are ready.

  “Affirmative Commander, we are ready for you in the transport.”

  “OK Justice, I’m on my way.” We were at six hours and counting until we reached the outpost. Coonts plan had us stopping a little farther out and going to full stealth and negation mode for our final approach. The comms buoy needed to be launched as soon as we came out of hyperspace. The video embedded message of me calling my old buddy Drayen up and telling him I was back to do some business was the key to the whole plan. I had dressed up in my first 699 armor to make the recording. The blacked out now obsolete armor system should set Drayens head to swelling to the proper amount of indignant superiority. It would appear to Drayen I was sitting in the command seat of Dema’s transport. In the background Kergan was strapped to a seat and gagged. The message said I had artifacts I wanted to sell him and I also had a prisoner that was a clan sibling of Eiger’s. I would tell Drayen we could ransom Kergan to the pirates for a large profit. I brought the prisoner with me and my crew would be here in three planetary rotations with a ship load of artifacts.

  It was hard getting the crew to stay on task when they laid eyes on the Zaen battle armor after Justice got done tattooing the monstrosities on them. Coonts stared at his for more than ten minutes before asking me what sort of beast was on the front of his armor. I assured him that the skeleton with a creepy jack-o-lantern head was something that scared people back on my planet all the time. I wasn’t sure where Justice got the concept of Halloween from, but it somehow seemed appropriate. Coonts and Klutch were getting their gear together so they could board our now complete assault shuttle. They would depart within the next hour and make a short transition to the outpost under the guise of traders having artifacts to trade. Klutch would use an alias and go incognito as a trader while Coonts stayed out of sight on the shuttle. Klutch would take some of the artifact 2762 we had and make legitimate offers for supplies. When the trap springs shut Justice would let them know it was time to stir up trouble on the outpost. We figured a diversionary disturbance might get Drayen to divide his defensive preparations between the two possible threats.

  Justice transitioned us back to normal space time and immediately launched the comm buoy. I went to the hangar to see my crew off and wish them luck. I gave Coonts and Klutch a quick embrace and told them for the tenth time not to take any unnecessary risks. All threats were to be dealt with by maximum force. They were to gather any information available on the whereabouts of Tria and her father and report it back to me. Hopefully Justice and I could deal with Eiger and then start our own assault on the outpost. Drayen would learn the true meaning of being an albino because it was the last thing he was ever going to be.

  I watched as Justice launched the shuttle out of the hangar and then headed to the bridge so I could get the gods eye view of our plan as it unfolded. Justice cloaked the Legacy, and we started our approach to the outpost. We would launch the Grawl transport and Justice would remotely pilot it to the outpost. If Drayen wanted to get chatty, Justice had a little video and comms trickery set up so it would look like I was piloting the transport. I would be able to video comm Drayen through the transport communication system when in fact I was on the Legacy. Before Justice launched the transport, I visited Kergan for what I thought would be the last time. As I entered the transport I saw he was struggling against his bonds. When he noticed me watching he stopped and started mumbling through the gag in his mouth. He was shaking his head, and the mumbling got louder. “What’s the matter Kergan don’t you think your clan sibling will be happy to see you again?” Kergan’s eyes were bugging out of his head and the mumbling sounded a lot like someone pleading for their life. I turned my back on him and closed the transport hatch. “Justice, launch that piece of sewage out of here!”

  “Acknowledged Commander.”

  I watched as Justice guided the transport out of the hanger then I headed for the bridge. Justice informed me the transport had made its jump and would exit hyperspace near Drayens outpost. I took my command chair and waited for the transport to exit hyperspace. Justice gave me a heads up Coonts and Klutch were about to dock with the outpost and everything seemed normal at this point. They had no problem getting a docking berth and Klutch would do a quick recon to see what the scuttlebutt in the market area was like. I hoped he wouldn’t venture far from the shuttle because he was wearing his standard Tibor armor. I already knew it wasn’t of the best quality and if things happened fast, he would have to hustle back to the shuttle to get properly geared up.

  “Commander, the transport has exited hyperspace and is now fifty two minutes to the outpost.”

  “Roger that Justice let me know if you come up with any unidentified ship traffic.”

  “Affirmative Commander, I have an incoming message from Coonts. I will put it on the screen for you.”

  Coonts appeared on my command screen. He looked dangerous in his battle gear, pumpkin head and all. “Commander something is happening on the outpost. A security alert is being broadcast throughout the outpost and it is telling everyone to return to their ships for a temporary quarantine lockdown. Klutch is on his way back to the shuttle and we will be standing by.” We were as ready as we would ever be. Now if we could get Eiger and Drayen to co-operate with our plan, I would be a lot less nervous.

  “Commander the outpost is hailing the transport, and I have verified video of Drayen requesting to speak with you.”

  “How close are we to the transport Justice?”

  “Fourteen minutes behind the transport at our current velocity. I will place a visual marker on the main display. If we increase our speed to maximum, we will overtake the transport in six minutes Commander.”

  “OK Justice put Drayen through to me.”


  Drayen appeared on the screen and he hadn’t changed a bit. He looked as shifty as ever. “It has been a long time Mr. Myers. I thought something unpleasant might have happened to you.” It was all I could do to keep from yelling out something unpleasant was definitely going to happen to you, but bit back my retort. He was already getting a superiority complex, so I didn’t think he knew I was up to something. “You should have more faith in me Drayen; I am a very versatile individual as you can see by the guest I am bringing with me.” Justice had split off two sections of screen for me. One was Drayen, but the other was the video of what Drayen was seeing. I was sitting in the command seat of the transport in my 699 armor and just behind me was Kergan strapped to a seat. “That is quite an amazing feat Mr. Myers may I ask how you managed to capture Kergan?” “No you may not, for now let’s just say I have made a large amount of new friends and anything is possible if you know the right people.” Drayen face gave him away after my comment. I could practically feel his burning hate for me. “You don’t look so well Drayen are you ill?” The evil in Drayen’s eyes was like looking at burning coals. I thought he was about to explode. He couldn’t contain his anger anymore and he screamed out. “YOU ARE ABOUT TO DIE YOU MINDLESS BEAST!” The transmission abruptly cut off.

  “Commander I have detected
disruption waves from a hyperspace transition. The disruption is directly between the outpost and the transport. I am now picking up targeting data from a Galactic Union battleship and it is targeting the transport. I will attempt evasive maneuvers. The battleship is hailing the transport I will put it on the screen.”

  “Your only chance to live human is to surrender or you will die!” I had to admit Eiger was the meanest Murlak I had ever laid eyes on. I decided to see how far I could push things while Justice closed the distance between our ships. “If you care what happens to Kergan, we might be able to make a deal we can both profit from.” If anything the Murlaks face took on an even more sinister look. “There will be no deals human. Cut your drives and surrender, I will not tell you again!” I had to throw one more at him to see his reaction if nothing else. “Eiger, I will spare your clan siblings life and give you five hundred million credits along with a ship load of artifacts that will arrive in two and a half planetary rotations.” My last statement made Eiger’s eyes grow to the size of saucers and he turned his head away from the view screen. “Justice, are we ready to attack?”

  “Affirmative Commander, The target is still unaware of our presence. On your order I will increase forward velocity to maximum and target the battleship’s aft shields just above the star drives. I will attempt to disable the ship once its shields are down. If the battleship’s return fire brings our shields below thirty percent, I will be forced to make a transition. I recommend we launch a minimum of twelve anti-matter missiles to insure crippling Eigers ability to repair any damage our first pass will inflict.”

  Whatever had Eiger’s attention quit distracting him. I had a feeling it was Drayen squalling over the comm channel raising the bounty. I would know soon enough if he shoots down the transport. I decided to sweeten the pot and see what happens. There was a renewed look of anger on Eiger’s face and before he could get a word out of his mouth I said. “I’ll give you the billion credits Drayen gave me to hunt down your clan siblings!” The look of shock on the Murlaks face was priceless. Whatever he was about to say never made it out of his gaping mouth. He was momentarily speechless.

  “Commander, the transport is being targeted by the outpost and I am detecting multiple missile launches. I now confirm eight anti-matter missiles targeting the transport. Eiger’s flagship is now turning away from the transport and is moving towards the outpost.”

  “Eiger, do we have a deal?” Without another word the Murlak cut off our comms. I wanted to laugh out loud at the turd I had just dropped in Drayen’s soup but I had other plans. “Justice, attack Eiger’s ship!” I looked back up at the screen and saw a bright flash quickly followed by several more. The transport no longer existed. If Eiger thought he had a better deal, it was no longer a possibility. I was pretty sure Eiger would be really pissed off at the alleged deceit on Drayens part. My thoughts were confirmed when I saw several red missile tracks leap out from Eiger’s ship towards the outpost. That was not what I wanted to happen. Justice opened fire with our main weapons into Eiger’s flank. The back of the battleship was obscured by a brilliant white cloud as we hammered its shields. Justice was firing missile after missile at the pirate ship. To my relief the missiles that Eiger had fired were now making a tight turn back towards our direction. The strobing effect of my view screen from our continuous weapons fire was a little disorienting but I could not tear me eyes away from the battle. It seemed like a blink of an eye and we were past the battleship and turning to make another pass. “Justice, tell Klutch and Coonts to go weapons free.”

  “Affirmative Commander, message sent. I have eliminated Eiger’s missiles and our shields are holding at forty six percent. We have heavily damaged Eiger’s battleship. Our second pass will target weapons and remaining shield projectors. I have zero emissions from the battleships star drives and have minimal targeting data coming from point defense systems. I recorded two missile impacts after the battleships aft shields failed. Your diversionary ruse created confusion and enhanced our surprise attack. I suspect the ship’s A.I. was conflicted by Eiger’s orders and their counter fire was delayed by his actions.”

  “Let’s make sure Eiger won’t be going anywhere and then take me to the outpost so I can find Tria.”

  “Roger Commander!”

  I looked up at the view screen as Eiger’s ship leaped back into focus. Justice made surgical strikes on the battleship’s remaining point defense systems and shields. I could see the flashes of our strikes on the hull and then we were past the target. From what I could see the once beautiful Galactic warship was devastated along its port side from amidships back to the massive crater that had once been the engineering spaces. The growing debris field forming around the battleship was littered with the bodies of the pirate crew. When I returned with Tria, I would board the ship and search for the DEHD core. If Eiger was not among the dead, I would end his miserable life and the galaxy would be a much safer place without him. “Justice, take us back to the outpost and destroy those missile launchers.”

  “Acknowledged Commander, I have located the source of the missile tracks and should be able to disable the launch ports without causing major damage to the outpost. Coonts and Klutch have encountered light resistance and have destroyed two security bots. They have not obtained useful information concerning Tria’s whereabouts. They are working their way through the lower ship docks and will report back if they discover any useful intelligence.”

  “Roger that Justice, tell them I will work my way down from the site of the missile launchers.”

  “Acknowledged Commander.”

  Justice took us in low over the outpost. It was just a blur on my command screen when he opened up with the rail cannons on both side of the Legacy. The rear view showed large plumes of rock and dust blasting up from the surface of the outpost. Justice made another slower pass to insure we did not have hidden pop up launchers to deal with. I did not care for the large antennae farm located on the pole of the massive outpost and since it had become one of my MO’s I had Justice annihilate the multitude of masts and dishes. They would have to find another way to call for help. I ran to the ready room and geared up. I could feel the beast within me straining at the peripheries of my mind. “Justice, take us back over the launcher site and make me a hole. I want you to make sure no one escapes from the outpost or the battleship while I search for Tria.”

  “Roger that Commander.”


  The images in my visor changed to an exterior view, and I felt the smallest of tremors from the rail cannons blazing away at the surface. When the debris floated away from the crater all I could see was a fiery sparking pit as I jumped clear of the hangar bay and propelled myself down into the darkness. I landed in a tremendous pile of rubble and slid haphazardly down the side of the mess until I came to a wall with a view screen and what used to be a control panel of some kind. I got back to my feet and worked my way around the large room until I came to a hatch. Backing up to the rubble pile I held up my right arm. A crosshair appeared on my visor and it was blinking red then yellow. I had learned from experience that those were only last resort shoot warnings. I scaled back up the rubble pile and stuck my arm over the crest and my crosshair flashed green to yellow. That was good enough for me and I triggered a burst of energy. The flash from the weapon blacked out my display. When it reset I saw a glowing hole about a foot in diameter in the large hatch and atmosphere blasting through the hole like a steam whistle on an old train. I lifted my left arm and gave the door a single round of high explosive. The door unexpectedly blew into the room with me and it collided with the pile of debris just a couple feet below me. The tornado size blast of atmosphere coming through the now missing door stirred up a tremendous array of dust and crap making it hard to see what was on the other side. I needed to be more careful about indiscriminately blowing doors open in case I stumbled across Tria. It was time to let everyone on the outpost know how this would play out. “Justice, broadcast over the PA systems that any
one carrying a weapon or attempts to leave the outpost will die. Put it on a continuous loop.”

  “Acknowledged Commander.”

  I was going to give Coonts and Klutch a sit rep but before I could get a word out, my ears were assaulted by a piercing whistle. I shut down my comms confirming my belief someone was jamming voice communications on the outpost. I didn’t know if Drayen was responsible or not. Whoever’s idea it was to shut off my message, just cost anybody who didn’t hear it their lives. The jammer was powerful and was located somewhere on the outpost. My attempts to raise Justice were futile. I needed to move and let the chips fall where they will. I forced my way through the blowing atmosphere coming out of the doorway and made my way into a huge chamber. There were heavy overhead cranes and assorted large pieces of equipment sitting everywhere.

  When the shooting started everybody stopped what they were doing and took off for parts unknown. I could see a large freight elevator on the far side of the room and headed in that direction. The elevator was on another floor and I saw nothing that could let me know where it went to. The beast within me was making it hard not to randomly blow up everything. I appeased it a little by blowing the elevator doors into the shaft and then sending a couple of rounds down behind them in case someone tried to move troops in the lift. I leaned over and saw my rounds explode in the shaft several hundred feet below me. Hopefully the elevator was full of hostiles waiting for a chance to take a crack at me. I scanned the shaft and saw the entrance to the next floor down. It was about sixty feet below me. I took aim and blasted the doors out of their frame. Jumping down the shaft I boosted until I was hovering just to the side of the blasted opening. I could see no movement and boosted myself a little more until I had my feet on the edge of the floor. This looked like the outpost I remembered from my last visit. There was a maze of hallways and doors everywhere. The occasional large hole in the overhead let me know to be ready for anything. I needed to find someone who knew the layout of this place and I needed to do it quickly. Pulling my shotgun from my shoulder mount I set it for the explosive slugs. Pointing it at the first door to my right I squeezed the trigger. The doorway disintegrated into a large ragged hole exposing what used to be a storage room that was quickly being consumed by a raging fire the slugs had touched off. This would take forever if I couldn’t find a guide. I took off running down the straightest of the hallways then stopped when I noticed a door that was taller and wider than the rest. I backed up a few paces and hit it with the shotgun. It was a stout door because it took three rounds to blow a large enough opening for me to fit through.


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