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For the Love of Mike (Men Of Maine Series Book 2)

Page 9

by Diana Tobin

  He looked up to see Michaela’s eyes following the path of his fingers. Was she thinking how they would feel on her body?

  “Um, I can pick her up, save you a trip to the rink. It’s not really out of the way and you’re between my house and the center.”

  “Whatever is easiest for you. I want to help Dani in any way I can, even if she won’t believe it.”

  “Why is that? What makes her think you don’t care about her?” He reached across the table for her fingers, wrapping his longer ones around her dainty narrow ones. “You were so young when she was born. Is that why she thinks you don’t love her? Does she feel she trapped you and resents you for it?”

  Michaela stared at him with wide eyes. “Did she tell you that?”

  “No.” He tightened his grip when she tried to withdraw hers. “I asked her how old you are so I know you were much too young to be having babies when she was born. Is her attitude typical teenaged girl?” Her snort disavowed that. “Most kids know their mother’s love them, yet Dani seems to doubt it. I don’t understand. You are one of the most loving mothers I’ve ever seen.” He grinned at her, “Of course, you had a good example.”

  “Thank you.” She gripped his hand with both of hers and blinked back tears. “I—uh, let’s discuss your fee.”

  Ethan blinked at her before his mind caught up to the fact she was speaking about lessons again. “Are you going to cook for me?”

  “Yes. We can trade services,” she proposed.

  “No. I’ll pay you for doing the cooking. In fact,” he reached for his wallet, “let me give you money now so you can get supplies. The lessons are my gift to Dani.”

  “I can’t let you do that,” Michaela argued.

  “Yes, you can,” he insisted. “Let’s see how it goes. She may love the sport, but hate my methods. We’ll work out details later.” He pushed back his chair and rose to his feet. “Walk me out.”

  At the front door Ethan removed his jacket from the coat tree and slipped it on. Then, he took down one he thought was Michaela’s and helped her put it on. “Why do I need my coat?’

  “I want you to walk me out,” he replied. He held the door open for her. “Will we get our first meal tomorrow?”

  “Yes. We’ll eat with you tomorrow night. I’ll be able to organize meals on Sunday when I have all day to shop and plan.”

  “Good.” He placed his right arm across her back, guiding her away from the light over the front door to the darkness surrounding his SUV.

  “What didn’t you want the girls to hear?”

  “Hmm?” He stopped with his back to the house and gently swung Michaela around to face him. “Oh, you mean why did I want you to walk me out? Because I didn’t want to be interrupted when I do this.” Planting his feet, he wrapped both arms around her, urging her toward him as he bent his head and pressed his mouth to hers.

  Her lips were soft and moist. He ran his tongue over her full bottom lip, then gently placed his teeth in the center. Her gasp gave him entrance to taste her fully, and he did so with great pleasure. “I’ve wanted to do that since I first saw you,” he said against her lips. Tilting his head, he again took her mouth.

  There was a humming. From her? A growl. From him? Ethan didn’t know and didn’t care. He could taste the wine she’d sipped and it went straight to his head. No, the sweet taste of her was making him drunk.

  His mouth trailed across her cheek to her ear where he nuzzled and inhaled the luscious scent of Michaela. He wanted to lap every inch of her, head to toes, then start over again. He wanted to explore every bit of her, over and over.

  He pulled her tighter against him, letting her feel the hardness of his chest, the hardness in his jeans. He wanted her to know what she did to him. But, for now, he would settle for one more deep kiss.

  Finally, finally, when it was either let her go or fulfill some of his fantasies, he lifted his head and put some space between them. Pleased with the stunned and glazed look in her eyes, he forced himself to step back before he took her up against the side of his car.

  “I’ll wait till you get inside.” He gave her a gentle nudge toward the house. “Goodnight, Michaela.”

  Her breathy, “’Night,” nearly had him reaching for her again. Instead, he nodded his head, urging her to move away.

  She took a few steps, slipped a bit on the gravel, caught herself and continued heading for the door. She was at the front step when he said, “Sweet dreams, darlin’,” his accent as thick as the part of him prodding at his zipper.


  “Did Ethan leave?”

  Mike still wore her heavy jacket as she blinked Charley and Dani into focus. “Um, yes.”

  “Why didn’t he say goodbye?”

  “We…were discussing some details.”

  “Sure you were,” Dani smirked. “I suppose you convinced him not to give me lessons.”

  The sexual fog cleared from her mind. “Of course not. I expect he’ll have a schedule for you tomorrow. We’re having dinner at his house.”

  “That should be cozy.” Dani folded her arms across her chest.

  “I’m going to be cooking for Ethan and his boys. That’s how I can afford your lessons.” Mike stared at Dani for a moment, then shoved her hair behind her ear. “If you both have finished your homework, it’s time for bed.”

  Charley wrapped her arms around Mike’s waist. “Goodnight, Mama.”

  “Goodnight, sweetie.” She kissed the top of Charley’s head. “Danielle?”

  “Yeah, I’m finished.” Turning around, Dani headed back down the hall to the room she shared with her sister.

  Mike suppressed an exhausted sigh. Danielle’s dislike—or did it go beyond that—was tiring. She knew she couldn’t give up, but a time out would be lovely.

  “Here’s a hug from Dani,” Charley said squeezing again. “She’s excited about skating.”

  Smiling down at the child in her arms, she said, “Good.”

  “When do I get to take lessons?”

  “We’ll have to see, honey. Right now, Dani needs them to help with her leg. If business picks up at the shop we might be able to afford lessons for you in a few months.”

  “Can’t Ethan teach me, too?” Charley’s lip poked out in a pout.

  “I don’t know, honey. We’ll have to wait and see. Now, you get to bed.” Giving her another kiss, Mike urged her down the hall with an, “I love you.”

  Locking up and turning out most of the lights, Mike headed up the stairs to her own bed. Once she was snug under her covers, she relived those moments in Ethan’s arms and the kisses they’d shared.

  No one had ever kissed her the way Ethan did. Like she was his first and last breath. Like he could swallow her whole. Like she was all he needed.

  She’d felt his eyes following her around the kitchen, making her skin heated and prickly and feeling more beautiful than she’d ever hoped to be. At the same time, she’d had trouble keeping her gaze from his body. All that hard muscle hidden beneath his clothes and she hadn’t missed the proof of his wanting her. She’d tried not to stare at the crotch of his jeans, convincing herself it was a trick of the lighting.

  But, when he held her close out in the driveway, she’d known the hard length she’d felt against her belly was no trick.

  Mike had wanted to slip her hands inside his clothes. No, she’d wanted to rip them off his body, climb all over him and explore every inch. If he hadn’t stopped kissing her, if he hadn’t put space between them, she feared she’d have done just that.

  No one had ever made her feel like that.

  She wanted to feel that way again.

  She barely knew him—yet, that was a lie. She knew his walk, his scent when he was close, the timbre of his voice. She knew he was thoughtful, cared deeply about his sport, and the young men in his charge. She knew he cared about her mother and had respect for her. She knew he liked both her daughters; look at the extent he was willing to go to help Dani.

  And, she knew
the way his drawl thickened when he was aroused.

  Standing next to his SUV as he kissed her, devoured her mouth, she’d felt his arousal and heard the honeyed words drip from his tongue.

  Just as they had the day she’d met him.

  He’d stared at her breasts, barely restrained by the cups of her bra, that day in her mother’s store. Even as he’d teased her, insulted her, his accent held the sultry tones of the South. He’d been aroused by the sight of her, even then.

  Mike had never had that kind of effect on a man. It was a heady, empowering feeling.

  She’d certainly never affected her husband as she did Ethan. But, they hadn’t married for love, they’d barely liked each other. As she had told Dani, she and Denny had married simply for the girls.

  Bruce may have hinted at wanting a marriage with her, and if she had aroused him as she did Ethan, she hadn’t been aware of it. In fact, the idea was a tad creepy. She loved Bruce, but as a friend, a brother.

  As for marriage, she didn’t think she wanted that again. She’d yet to see a marriage that was worth the trouble. Hers certainly hadn’t been. Not that she and Denny had any kind of real marriage, and he’d made sure the end was permanent. The authorities had ruled his death an accident, but she had her doubts, although she’d never speak of them.

  She pushed those troubling thoughts aside, instead, bringing to mind Ethan’s face. The feel of his hands on her body, the feel of his lips, teeth, and tongue.

  Those memories aroused her anew, and she fell asleep with a smile on her lips.


  Mike had their meal well under way and was mixing a batch of brownies for dessert when Ethan returned to his house with Charley and Dani. The day had been hectic except for the few moments Ethan and Mike had been alone at his house.

  When Rose had come into The Hair Mousse, Mike had gone to the grocery store to get what she needed for meals for the next three nights. At least, she hoped she’d gotten enough. Men could eat more than expected and growing male athletes had unheard-of appetites.

  Arriving back at her shop, Mike realized she had a truck full of groceries and no place to put them. She called Ethan, who agreed to meet her at his house to let her in and give her a key. At first, she hadn’t wanted to keep his key, but he pointed out how logical it was for her to have one considering their busy schedules.

  “All the boys have one. It makes sense for you to have one, too, so you can come and go as you need,” Ethan insisted.

  He carted in grocery bags, helped her put things away, then backed her against the refrigerator for a series of long, drugging kisses.

  “I-is this why you hired me?” she asked.

  “No,” he breathed next to her ear as he nuzzled the soft skin beneath. “This is a bonus. One I never expected.” Pulling aside the neck of her sweater he set his teeth against her collarbone and sucked lightly, making her shiver. “Doubt there will be a chance to show you my true appreciation tonight. Unless you agree to sneak out and meet me.”

  “I-I c-can’t.” She turned her head, seeking his lips with hers.

  He inserted a thigh between hers while he dragged one of her hands over his chest. Pressing her mouth to his throat, she felt the rumbling noise he made before she heard it.

  “Don’t ya wanna be a little naughty?” His hand slid down her hips to cup her bottom, lifting her up to the heat and hardness of his body.

  “Oh,” she moaned, her own hands splayed against the back of his jeans holding him fast to her. “Yessss.”

  “My door has a lock,” he murmured against her lips as his hands slid back up under her sweater.

  “Mmmm. You gave me a key.”

  He kissed her jaw and down her throat as he raised the hem of her sweater. “Bedroom door, sweetheart.”

  “B-bedroom…no. No. Ethan. I-I’m sorry. I can’t.” She stiffened, pressed her spine to the fridge at her back and waited for him to yell, curse, or just tell her to go to hell.

  He stood there, his body pressed to hers, his hand cupping her breast, and his head resting on her shoulder while his breath misted hot against her throat.

  Slowly, as if the movement pained him, he withdrew his hands from beneath her sweater, tugging the hem down at her waist. Resting his hands on her hips he said, “Are you angry?”

  “A-aren’t you? I didn’t mean—I wasn’t trying to…” She closed her eyes and tried to draw in a breath. “Y-you can’t bear to look at me, c-can you?”

  His breath huffed out against her skin in what could’ve been a chuckle. “Darlin’, I love lookin’ at you. I’m stayin’ here because I’m afraid if I step back, you’ll hightail it outta here.”

  “I wasn’t trying to be a tease,” she all but whispered. “B-but, I’m not ready.”

  He pressed his lips to her throat, then straightened to his full height, pulling her to rest her head on his chest. “Darlin’, I teased enough for both of us. I just wanted a few kisses, but,” he inhaled deeply and rested his cheek on the top of her head, “you go straight to my head.” He continued to hold her, smoothing one big hand up and down her back. “I’m not sure either of us is ready yet. You’re not gonna quit on me, are you?”

  Mike lifted her cheek from his chest to meet his gaze. “You mean the cooking?”

  “That, too.” Ethan stared at her for a long moment. “I think we both know we’ve got plenty cookin’ between us. We can take it slow. Okay?”

  “I’d like that.” She stretched up to kiss his chin. “I should get back to work. We’ll eat around six. Will that work for you?”


  What the hell was he thinking?

  He hadn’t been, at least, not with the head above his shoulders. Offering to lock the two of them in his bedroom. He was a true glutton for punishment. One look at his naked body and Michaela would’ve been horrified and run for the hills, or laughed herself sick. Worst of all would be the pity. She’d stop seeing him as a man and only see him as a broken bit of humanity needing to be coddled. He’d sooner die than be treated like…nothing.

  The way Natasha had treated him.

  Yet, Ethan couldn’t stay away from Michaela, couldn’t stop the small touches that brought him in contact with her. A hand to her back as he stepped behind her, letting his fingers slide over hers as she handed him something. Fool that he was, he even liked hearing her talk to her daughters and the team members in his house.

  He’d volunteered to pick up the girls from Nettie’s coffee shop since Michaela was in the midst of preparing their meal. He needed the break from being around her, seeing her in his kitchen.

  When the hell did cooking become so sexy? He’d never thought of the kitchen as being a room for seduction, yet he’d certainly tried that afternoon, and was tempted to do so again.

  Nettie declined his invitation to join them for supper, saying Wil was taking her out.

  Returning with the girls, he got a funny feeling in the pit of his stomach as he watched Charley race through the living room to give her mother a hug. Dani didn’t race, nor did she greet Michaela with a hug, but her eyes lit with excitement as she smiled her greeting. Is this what it would be like to come home to a family each night?

  Dawson and Wells trooped in behind Ethan, breaking the spell.

  “Something sure smells good.” Ed Dawson headed for the kitchen. “Praise the saints! We got us a real cook, boys.”

  “Back away before you get burned,” Michaela warned. Much to Ethan’s gratitude, she waved a hot pan filled with crispy chicken at the young man. “You boys wash up. Not in the kitchen,” she added as Dawson made a beeline for the sink. “Dinner will be served in five minutes.”

  Mumbles of “Yes, ma’am,” accompanied scurrying footsteps.

  She smiled at Ethan. “Thanks for getting my girls.”

  “My pleasure. What can I do to help?” He so enjoyed the view of her in his kitchen, his home.

  “I’m glad you got such a large table.” She handed a platter of chicken to
Dani. “Will you set that on the table, please?” She began filling another platter. “You probably won’t always eat at the table, but I thought this first time, we could.” She looked to him for his approval.

  “Of course.” He watched her hand off the second platter to Charley. “It looks delicious, but there are only nine of us.”

  “There should be leftovers for lunch.” Michaela dished up mashed potatoes, gravy, corn, and green beans with bits of bacon sprinkled on top. “We didn’t discuss it, but I feel you guys should take turns cleaning up. Not that the three of us will be eating here that often, but even when we do I don’t feel we should have KP. Unless you disagree?”

  “No. I hired you for cooking, not cleaning. The guys know they have chores to do. You don’t even have to do the shopping, as long as you give me a list. Or, I’ll have one of the guys handle that part.” He was a fool, but was going to suggest it anyway. “Or, I can go shopping with you.”

  “We’ll figure it out. Much of that will depend on time and schedules.” She handed the last serving bowl to Ethan, picked up the gravy boat and headed for the table. “This weekend, I’ll work on menus and get better organized. If you want something to drink other than water, you have to get it yourself,” she announced to the room.

  Dawson pulled out a chair at one end of the long table and held it for Michaela. “Thank you,” she said politely. Then, he took the place next to her for his own.

  Billy Stone, the youngest member of the team, pulled out the chair next to Michaela and held it for Dani, then quickly slipped into the seat next to her.


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