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For the Love of Mike (Men Of Maine Series Book 2)

Page 11

by Diana Tobin

  Pressing a kiss to her mother’s temple she said, “Thank you, Mama.”

  “Ooooh, did you get the blue one?” Charley bounded up to them. “Dani found the perfect shoes. C’mon.”

  “Go on,” urged Nettie. “I’ll meet you in just a minute.”

  Mike let Charley lead her away, leaving her mother to wait for her dress to be bagged properly. In the shoe department, Dani was in front of a mirror admiring the nude toned sandals on her feet. Thin straps wrapped around her feet and ankles holding the shoes in place and the heels, while not chunky, were maybe two inches high.

  “Those are pretty and look good for dancing,” said Mike. “They’ll go with anything.”

  “Yeah,” replied Dani, turning her foot one way then the other. She shoved a pair of silvery shoes into Mike’s hands. “What do you think of these?”

  “Lovely.” The thin silver leather straps went across the toes, crossed over the arch to hug the ankle. Rhinestones were sprinkled across the toe strap and down a straight line of the thin four inch heel. “You’re apt to break your ankle trying to dance in these, though.”

  “They’re not for me. They’re for you. Try them on.” Dani and Charley led her to a chair, pushing her to sit.

  Charley was on her knees tugging off Mike’s boots before the words made sense. “For me? But—”

  “They’re perfect with the dress Grammie got you.”

  Nettie arrived at that moment and took the seat next to Mike. “Oh, those shoes are lovely. How do they feel? Not that it really matters.”

  While Mike had been looking from her daughter to her mother, Charley had gotten the silver sandals on her feet. Staring down at her feet she said, “I’m gonna need a pedicure for sure.” Carefully getting to her feet, Mike made her way over to the mirror. Even in her jeans, the shoes were beautiful. So feminine and sexy. Turning to see the sparkles running down the back of the pointed heel, she looked up to meet the smiling faces of the three females. “You’re right, all of you. They’re perfect.”

  Nettie clapped her hands together in delight. “Good! Underwear next.” Before Mike could say a word, she continued. “Dani needs a good strapless bra for her dress and knowing you,” she frowned at her daughter, “you need new.”

  “Mom, there’s no arguing with Grammie when her mind’s made up,” stated Dani bending down to take off the pretty sandals and put on the ballet flats she’d worn.

  Mike’s breath caught in her throat and tears welled in her eyes. It was the first time Dani had called her mom. She exchanged a look with Nettie who sniffled a bit. When she trusted her voice to work Mike said, “Very true, honey. Let me pay for our shoes and we’ll move on to the next item.”

  By the time they stopped for a late lunch, all four had new undies. Nettie found a young woman who explained to Dani how to be properly fitted for a bra, something Mike found just as interesting and useful. As her mother had predicted, Mike’s underwear tended to be plain and practical, except for the pink lace bra Ethan had found so fascinating. She decided to splurge and get more lace and satin in the hopes a certain someone would come to appreciate it.

  Nettie, too, got some new items blushing slightly when Mike gave her a smile over her choices. Even Charley got some tank tops to wear under her shirts, not yet ready for a bra.

  They lunched on lobster rolls, French fries, and fruity drinks declaring calories didn’t count on a Girls’ Day. Discussing how lucky they’d been with their finds, Mike suggested they stop at a sporting goods store in Freeport on the way home.

  “You girls could each use a new winter coat.”

  “Christmas is next month,” Nettie cautioned.

  “It won’t matter if they freeze to death before then,” said Mike. “Dani needs a good warm coat, and her old one is too big for Charley. And Charley’s is just plain old.” The Sparks family had always been on a tight budget. All but Denny, who too often claimed he could spend what he’d earned.

  “Can we afford to be spending all this money?” Dani asked quietly.

  “Yes,” Mike assured her. “I managed to save some over the years. Business is picking up at the shop. In fact, I’m looking for another stylist, and I’ve some ideas for other services we could add. We can afford to get the things we need.” She placed her hand over one of Dani’s. “I promise you, we’ll be all right.”


  Mike planned for them to eat with Ethan and his boys the next night. She’d put a stew together in a slow cooker, dropping it off at his house on her way to work. Not knowing what time they’d return to Webster she hadn’t worried about other meals, but was sure they’d all have the evening meal together.

  The Hair Mousse was by no means swamped, but a steady stream of clients came in. Rose knew of another stylist who might be looking to re-locate and promised to get in touch with her. Mike made an appointment for Dani to have a mani and pedi on Saturday before the big dance.

  “Once you’re finished with her,” she told Rose, “I’ll do her hair. I can’t believe she’s actually going to let me.”

  “What color is her dress?”

  “Teal. A beautiful color on her. It’s strapless, fitted through the bodice, then floats down to her ankles.” She grinned at her co-worker. “Billy won’t know what hit him.”

  “Is it serious with them?”

  Mike frowned slightly. “I don’t think so. They’ve become friends. He’s respectful, a bit quiet, doesn’t take himself too seriously. You know, opposite of Ed Dawson who thinks he’s God’s gift to women. Billy and Dani often study together after supper. Much as he loves hockey, I think he misses attending school. Dani says he’s always asking her what’s going on and when he found out about the dance, said he’d take her.” She lifted her shoulders a bit. “Seems like a nice thing for him to do, and I’m glad Dani is getting involved with school activities.”

  “She didn’t do that before you moved here?” asked Rose.

  “Not after being hurt.” Mike had told Rose about the accident that had injured the girls and taken their mother’s life. “Eventually, she drove away her friends, and barely attended class. She was convinced she limped like Quasimodo.”

  “I never would’ve guessed she had a problem if you hadn’t told me.”

  “Exactly,” Mike agreed. “Try telling a teen anything.”

  That night, once the meal was over, Mike was able to get a few minutes alone with Ethan. “I wanted to be sure you knew Billy is going to the Homecoming Dance with Dani on Saturday.”

  “He is? Smart kid.”

  “I can plan supper before, but I don’t want to insult him by offering to drive them to the dance. Do you know if he has a license?”

  “He does, but he doesn’t have a car.” Ethan rubbed a finger over the back of her hand.

  “You think it would all right if I loan him my truck?” She bit her lip. “Not the most elegant way for Dani to arrive at the dance, but…”

  Ethan slid his hand over hers, tugging her closer. “Why don’t I let him have my SUV for the evening? They can figure out their own meal, and I’ll take you down to Augusta for dinner. That is, if you let me drive your truck. You don’t have to chaperone, do you?”

  Mike shook her head as she looked at him. “Are you asking me on a date?”

  He leaned forward to press a kiss to her lips, then licked her bottom lip before diving in for more. When he finally pulled away, he said, “Don’t you think it’s about time?”

  “Oh, yeah,” she said grinning.


  Mike admitted she was nervous. She hadn’t been on a date since…she scrunched up her nose, trying to remember. Over five years ago. The night the fatal accident had taken Nancy’s life and destroyed the Sparks family.

  Denny never took Mike out, not alone or with his daughters. Not even on their wedding day.

  Mike and the girls had gone out with Bruce a few times, but she didn’t consider those events dates. Those times had been Bruce’s way of reminding them all they
were alive and needed to rejoin the living. Not to remain hidden away at home, or at the bottom of a bottle as Denny had done.

  She suspected Bruce knew the truth about her marriage to Denny, but they never discussed it. Perhaps that was why Bruce thought she’d consider a relationship with him. As far as Mike was concerned, she had a relationship with Bruce and it was called friendship. Nothing more, nothing less.

  What she had with Ethan was entirely different.

  She wasn’t exactly sure what they had, but she was willing to explore the possibilities. She was long overdue for some fun for herself. It wouldn’t make her a bad mother. In fact, taking some time for her own wants and needs would give her life balance

  Smoothing a hand down the front of her dress, she ignored the slight tremble in her fingers and wondered how Dani’s nerves were holding up. She was headed for the stairs when a knock at the door announced the arrival of their dates. The thought of mother and daughter dating on the same night brought a smile to her lips.

  Mike came down the stairs carefully, not wanting to twist an ankle in the ridicously high heels. That would put an end to the evening before it could start. She was nearly at the bottom when she heard an indrawn breath and a rumbled, “Have mercy!”

  “Micki! You look wonderful,” declared Nettie. “Danielle! You’re breathtaking.”

  Billy gulped. “I’ll say. Coach, I might need you for backup to help keep all those other guys away.”

  Ethan barely heard the young man. He couldn’t take his eyes off Michaela. He’d thought she was pretty the first time he saw her, but tonight—she was beyond beautiful. He pressed a hand to his chest trying to get a breath. Someone nudged him in the back and he stepped forward, holding out a hand to her as she came down the last steps.

  “Hello,” she said softly. “You look very nice.”

  He licked his lips. “You look amazing.”

  “Pictures,” announced Nettie. “We need pictures before you all take off.” Wil handed her a camera and there was a bit of discussion about where Dani and Billy should stand.

  “They look nice together,” Mike said quietly.

  “Yeah,” Ethan agreed without taking his gaze from her.

  “Can I have the keys, Coach?” Billy nudged Ethan. “Coach?”

  “Huh?” Ethan turned to see Billy standing in front of him with his hand out. “Oh, keys. Here.” He handed them over with a frown. “You drive carefully. You have precious cargo.”

  “Gee, Ethan,” Dani said. “I’m not sure whether to be flattered or insulted.”

  Everyone but Ethan laughed. Wil placed a hand on his shoulder. “You just told Dani she’s cargo. She doesn’t look like any cargo I’ve ever seen.”

  Ethan blinked and felt heat rise to his face. “You are a vision, Danielle. And, you, young man,” he turned to Billy. “You take good care of her—or you’ll answer to me.”

  “Yes, sir. Dani, you need a coat. It’s cold out tonight.”

  Nettie rushed to a closet. “Dani, do you want the fur stole that was my mother’s?”

  Wrinkling her nose slightly, Dani said, “No, thank you. I’ve got a knit wrap to keep warm.”

  Charley came down the hall with a lovely white knit stole. “Grammie, do you know how to knit? I wanna learn how to do this.”

  “Dani, that’s lovely,” said Mike. “Where did you get it?”

  “Mrs. Yablonski loaned it to me.” Mike helped secure the warm wool over Dani’s bare shoulders.

  Ethan took the fur wrap from Nettie’s hands. “I hate to cover up this beautiful dress, but we have dinner reservations, and as Billy said, it’s cold out.” He wrapped the fur around Mike, his hands lingering a bit.

  Wil opened the door for the foursome. Just as Billy was about to step out, he turned back to face Ethan. “By the way, Coach, ditto.” He nodded toward Mike. “You take care with Miss Mike.” Grinning, he escorted Dani to Ethan’s SUV.

  Placing a hand on each of their backs, Wil urged Mike and Ethan out the door. “Have a good time. Don’t hurry home. I’m going to show these girls how to play poker. Bye.” With that, he shut the door.

  For a moment, Ethan and Mike stared at each other on the doorstep. Then, they both smiled.

  “I thought I’d never get you alone.” Ethan nuzzled the side of her bare neck. “I love your hair up like this. Makes it easier to get to your lovely neck.” He pressed his lips below her ear and sucked lightly.

  “Ethan,” she moaned.

  “Yeah, let’s go.” He took a step then looked down at her feet. “Those shoes are sexy as hell, but can you walk in them out here?”

  “Very carefully,” she stated, holding his arm for support as she took a couple of steps.

  The next moment, Ethan scooped her up in his arms and carried her to the passenger side of her truck. She opened the door, and he placed her on the seat, then stepped in close to press a kiss to her mouth. “Been wanting to do that since I saw you coming down the stairs.” He gave her another kiss. “Maybe later, I’ll make it down to those luscious toes.” He winked before closing her door.

  Mike pressed a hand to her heart. “Oh, boy.”


  Once Ethan was behind the wheel of her truck, he pulled her across the seat next to him. “You’re too far away over there.” He buckled her seatbelt, then lifted his hand to stroke the fur wrapped around her shoulders. “Will you be warm enough?”

  “I think so,” she whispered.

  He pushed open the fur wrap and looked down at her. “Where have you been hiding this dress?” He ran a fingertip along the edge of the neckline, down to the vee and back up the other side. “Are you wearing that pink lacy bra under this?”

  Slowly, she shook her head.

  “Please tell me you’re wearing something under this,” he groaned.

  “I’m wearing something under this.” He nibbled at her collarbone. “Um, Ethan. If we keep sitting here, Wil and my mother are going to come out to see what’s going on.”

  He lifted his head to look deep in her eyes. “You are beautiful.” Slowly, he pulled the wrap around her before facing forward. Drawing a deep breath, he fastened his own seatbelt and started the engine. “Do we really have to go to dinner?”

  “You don’t have to take me out,” she said quietly. “I can go back inside and stay home.”

  He stopped at the end of the driveway. “Honey, I want to go out with you. You’re just very tempting.” He lifted her hand, pressing a kiss to her knuckles.

  “Good. You’re my first date in five years.”

  “What?” he whipped his head around to her.

  “I—haven’t been on a date since before the accident. You know, when the girls were hurt.” She fussed with her fur wrap and twisted her fingers together.

  Gently, he reached over to mesh his fingers with hers. “I think that’s something we need to discuss.” He pulled out onto the road. “The accident, not how blind and stupid the men in Connecticut are.”

  “I wasn’t in the car when it happened.” She tried to withdraw her hand from his, but he just tightened his grip.

  “So you’ve said.” He rested their joined hands on his hard thigh. “I’m glad you weren’t in the car. I’m sorry for the girls losing their mother, but I’m happy they have you.”

  He heard her gasp. “What—How…”

  Ethan kept his gaze on the road ahead. “I overheard Billy and Dani talking. She told him her mother died in that accident and you took care of her and Charley afterward. So you’re their step-mother.” Slowly, he released her fingers pressing her palm flat against his thigh. “I knew you were too young to have given birth to Dani.” She stiffened and tried to pull away, but he kept his hand over hers, the heat from her touch searing his leg.

  “I don’t consider them step-children,” she said firmly. “They are mine! I adopted them after Denny and I married. He insisted on it.”

  “Of course they are, honey.” He rubbed his hand over hers, pressing it again
st him and slowly moving her hand higher up his leg. “I’m just glad to know he didn’t take advantage of a young girl and get her pregnant.”

  “But he did.”

  Ethan gripped her hand so tight she protested. “Sorry,” he muttered. “What do you mean he took advantage of you? You mean before you were married?”

  “Not me. Nancy. The girls’—their real mother.”

  “Tell me.” He stroked her hand before placing his on the steering wheel as they traveled down the highway.

  Michaela told him of a fourteen-year-old Nancy who met nineteen-year-old Denny Sparks, and how the two instantly fell for each other. Once they realized Nancy was pregnant, they slipped away to get married. “I’m not sure their marriage was even legal. They lied about Nancy’s age, going before some small town JP who didn’t bother with much documentation.”

  Then, she told him how she’d come to meet Nancy by cutting her hair at the beauty college and they’d become friends. When Michaela met baby Charley and little Dani, she fell in love with the two little girls and remained friends with Nancy more for the sake of the children.

  “I know I have no right to judge, but Nancy and Denny weren’t the best parents.” For an instant, her grip on his thigh tightened. “They never abused them or really neglected them, it was that the two of them were more important than the four of them.” She heaved out a breath and began rubbing his leg. “I’m not explaining it well. Denny was a kid when they met. Too old for her, but still a kid. Some guys are men by that age, and some take longer. It’s like he never grew up, not until Nancy was dead—and then, it was too late.”

  Ethan placed his hand over hers. “What about Nancy? What kind of mother was she?”

  “Inexperienced. Unsure. In a way, I can’t blame her. From what little she told me, she didn’t have a good example growing up. Nancy’s mother worried more about herself, escaping into drugs and alcohol when life wasn’t as rosy as she’d like. It’s easy to see why Nancy fell for Denny.” She turned her hand over to hold his. “He came along on a motorcycle, whisking her away to a little adventure and a lot of love, one of the things she was missing at home. He had no business having sex with a girl that young, but…” Her words trailed away.


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