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The Curious Life of the Unfortunate Duchess: A Historical Regency Romance Novel

Page 31

by Emma Linfield

  He swallowed hard. With this thought came the realization that this exquisite creature was now his betrothed and someday he would be allowed that liberty.

  It was quite the overwhelming thought.

  “I have always loved riding,” Juliana confessed with a conspiratorial smile. “There is a certain freedom that comes from sitting a horse that one can never get in any other way. When I am riding I feel that I am truly free. Though I fear it has been a while since I have indulged in the activity.”

  “Then come with me tomorrow.”

  He thought she might refuse, but she smiled timidly and nodded once.

  Platters of meat arrived, and he was busied with cutting a piece from the joint for her, laying several succulent morsels on her plate. She blushed and ducked her head as he did so, embarrassed by the attention.

  Martin was coming to like that about her, this fine blend of vulnerability and strength. He turned to his neighbor on the other side, an older matron whom he likewise offered to serve.

  As the night progressed, Martin was able to discern only a little about this girl he claimed he would marry. Juliana was no shy wallflower. She talked vivaciously to her neighbors, maintaining a certain reticence regarding her sudden engagement. He liked that she was cautious in her speech, for it showed not only discretion but a certain quick mind.

  I want to know her better.

  Indeed, they would need to talk. Perhaps tomorrow on their ride, he could discover more about this splendid girl, and possibly they would have time to settle things between them as well.

  The meal passed almost too quickly. Martin was quieter than he usually would be, spending his time watching her, coming to know her small mannerisms, listening to the way she interacted with those around her. She had an uncommon wit; it was a wonder she was still unattached.

  Her family though — therein laid the key. The display he’d seen had been unseemly at best. He knew little about the Viscount, but then he’d never paid attention to the gossip of the ton, nor had he been exceedingly social. He was attending this ball tonight, entirely at the behest of his dearest friend.

  This definitely would have to be rectified.

  As the meal concluded, he searched for her father, wanting to make official his impulsive claiming of the man’s youngest daughter.

  But he was nowhere to be seen. The other two girls were easy enough to spot; their bright locks so matched their sister’s auburn hair and stood out easily as they moved again to the floor to dance.

  Juliana had disappeared almost as soon as the meal had ended, claimed by the daughter of their host. He watched them go with regret, consoling himself with the thought that they would ride together come morning.

  Martin watched Juliana and Susanne disappear arm in arm, He tried to disguise his annoyance and turned to answer a question from an acquaintance, someone with whom his father had done business. This led to more conversation and discussion of a matter that had been pressing for some time regarding some land that he had been wanting to purchase.

  Well, that took a different turn than expected.

  The night passed without him being able to enjoy further festivities at all. He missed the last dance by mere minutes and was forced to watch from afar as Juliana danced with someone else entirely.

  Allan found him on the sidelines.

  “Martin, will you stay a moment? I wish to speak with you.”

  “Speak then,” Martin said, waving his hand toward the dance floor. “As you can see, I am finally free of business, and my intended has gone on to dance without me.”

  Allan’s face was troubled. “It is about her, that I wish to speak. Perhaps you’ll come back to me at my rooms later tonight? I have a bottle of brandy that would be just the thing to celebrate your coming nuptials.”

  The offer was genuine, but the sentiment was not. Allan had been Martin’s best friend since childhood – a circumstance created by the fact that their mothers were sisters. Over the years though, the friendship had stayed strong, even if the family connection had not.

  Allan watched him now, as only a friend would, with eyes dark and serious, beneath a furrowed brow that bespoke of a much deeper worry.

  “I have done something you dislike,” Martin said, with a suspicion as to what that might be.

  “You will come then?”

  “We are as brothers. Of course, I will come.”

  Allan nodded and turned back toward the blue-eyed blonde who watched him with such intensity. She tilted her head a little to one side as he approached. Martin did not miss the short nod with which Allan answered her.


  There was a certain uneasiness as Martin turned. The dance was over and the party was finally breaking up for the night. He saw Juliana walking toward the door, adjusting her wrap. She was wasting no time in leaving. She looked tired, walking with her sisters with her head down, leaving without a word to him.

  She was unhappy. Even from here he could see she was not pleased with how the night had turned out.

  She was too far away to catch without making a scene. He thought about it, not wishing her to leave like this, but also respecting her enough to avoid doing something that might reflect poorly on her later.

  I will see her tomorrow. All will be well.

  But still, he could not shake the uneasiness that settled over him as she walked out that door.

  Want to know how the story ends? Tap on the link below to read the rest of the story.

  Thank you very much

  Also by Emma Linfield

  Thank you for reading The Curious Life of the Unfortunate Duchess!

  I hope you enjoyed it! If you did, may I ask you to please write a review HERE? It would mean very much to me. Reviews are very important and allow me to keep writing the books that you love to read!

  Some other stories of mine:

  The Redemption of the Scared Duchess

  An Unusual Lady for the Tormented Duke

  The Enigmatic Governess of Buford Manor

  The Betrayed Lady Winters

  Also, if you liked this book, you can also check out my full Amazon Book Catalogue HERE.

  Thank you for allowing me to keep doing what I love!

  Emma Linfield

  About the Author

  Emma Linfield has always been passionate about historical romances. Ever fascinated with the world of Regency England and being utmost inspired by Jane Austen and Georgette Heyer’s work, she decided she wanted to write her own stories. Stories of love and tradition being mixed in the most appealing way for every hopeless romantic, much like herself.

  Born and raised in Southern California, Emma Linfield has a degree in Creative Writing and English Literature, and she has been working as a freelance writer for the past 10 years. When she isn’t writing, Emma loves spending her time with her own prince charming and two beautiful children, all the while enjoying the famous Californian sun and ocean.

  So, hop on to this exciting journey of Dukes, Earls and true love with Emma and find pleasure in the old fashioned world of Regency - an Era of pure romance, elegance and high fashion!




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