The Wolf's Man Friday
Page 8
Dammit. Sebastian shook his head, trying to get the water out of his eyes. He could sneak out….
And what? Go back to the office? It wasn’t like he was particularly sneaky or inconspicuous. And he wasn’t really willing to leave Jaxon….
No. None of that.
That wasn’t how this worked. He needed to send Jaxon back to Texas and go home.
The shower curtain opened, Jaxon stumbling into the stall, eyes mostly closed. “S’okay.” He patted Sebastian’s chest.
“Shh.” He wrapped his arms around Jaxon, the motion instinctive, immediate, and weird.
“Mmm. I don’t live in Dallas.”
“Hmm?” What?
“You were going to send me back to Dallas. I don’t live there.” Jaxon leaned on him, water soaking his hair to a dark, almost purple color, little silver streaks appearing.
“Oh. Where do you want to go?” He found the shampoo, lathering up his hands.
“With you. I hear Estes is amazing.”
“It is, but….” He didn’t need an assistant at home, right?
“But what?” Jaxon stroked his belly, drawing little circles with his fingers.
He started washing Jaxon’s hair, eyes crossing with the electric connection. Touching this man made every other thought in his head fly away.
“Mmm. We’re staying today for Ty. He wanted to sleep. We can play.”
“We are?”
Jaxon nodded. “We are. That wreck shook up his antlers.”
“I should go back and deal with it. Someone is gunning for the pack.”
“No.” Now Jaxon looked up at him, blinking water out of his eyes. “We let them try to come get you.”
“At home?” His house backed into the mountain, was his den, a place of pure joy.
“Not in your den, no. But somewhere we can control.”
“The snows are coming soon.” And then they’d be in, working and…. Not they. Him. Right? Him.
“I’m your assistant. Really, I can help. Don’t fire me yet.” Those clever fingers dropped to his cock.
“Uhn.” He growled softly, his thighs going tight.
“Yeah. I mean, this isn’t my job. This is because I want to.”
He liked that, because Jaxon wanted to. He wanted more than was reasonable.
“Me too.” Jaxon kept touching, leaning in to kiss his chest and upper arms.
Sebastian blinked over, the confusion totally overwhelmed by pure need. He wanted more loving, more nips and licks and closeness.
“I have it. Come back to bed. Come let me love you. You promised last night.”
Sebastian turned off the water. “Did I?” He chuckled. “I guess I did.”
“You most certainly did.” Jaxon grabbed a towel and began to dry him, the fabric rough on his skin.
He tingled all over, the slight scrape of the cloth heightening his senses, and he twisted, searching for more.
Jaxon gave him everything he needed. The towel fell away, those warm hands moving on his skin. Together they headed for the bed, the sheets that smelled like them.
He stretched out, Jaxon on top again, but he had a feeling he wasn’t getting another ride. Sebastian was gonna catch this time.
Sebastian pulled the sheets over them, the chill from the AC too much for wet, bare skin; then he grabbed a handful of Jaxon’s ass and drew them together.
Moaning, Jaxon licked a line up his chest to his chin before nipping right there.
He groaned, the sensation sharp enough to make his eyes cross. He squeezed Jaxon’s ass, loving the soft skin and hard muscle. Jaxon nuzzled into his throat, low sounds making him shiver, somehow making it okay.
He spread his legs when Jaxon knelt up between them, petting his chest and belly.
“Have you?”
“Uh-huh.” He wasn’t really supposed to, he thought, but he caught and pitched and liked both.
“Mmm. That will make it easier.” Jaxon stroked his cock for a moment, getting it good and hard.
Sebastian panted, the pleasure enough to make his balls draw up tight. He blinked, trying to find his equilibrium, his center.
“No stress, babe. I got this. I got you.” Jaxon winked at him, playful, easy. “I’m good at it.”
“I bet you are.” He touched where he could reach while Jaxon rolled to one side to find the lube he’d stashed in a drawer just in case.
“You inspire me,” Jaxon told him.
He snorted, the sound cut short when Jaxon grabbed his cock and tugged again. Hard. That made him arch and spread wider, offering.
“See?” Jaxon chuckled, then let him go to open the lube.
“Hush.” He stuck his tongue out, playing, trying to ease the tension.
“Nope.” Jaxon’s eyes met his. “Is there anything you don’t like?”
“Not so far. I like sex. A lot.” Did that make him a slut?
“I just wanted to make sure. This is gonna feel cold.” Jaxon slid two fingers in a slow circle around his entrance.
His hole clenched, but he didn’t pull away, more just squeezed Jaxon’s fingers with his ass.
“Oh, you’re good, babe. I can tell.” Jaxon slid one finger inside him, and yeah, it was cold, but it felt perfect. Jaxon’s eyes flashed gold, and the groan made him feel fifty feet tall.
Jaxon worked that finger in and out, testing him, teasing. He moaned deep in his chest and let himself feel it, let himself go with it.
His hips rocked, his legs straining, and when Jaxon added another, he groaned, one knee falling out to make room. That opened him up for Jaxon’s fingers to slide right in, and he got an approving noise.
“Oh, you’re made to touch and be touched.” Jaxon swooped down, tongue sliding along his balls, his shaft.
“Uhn!” He worked to stay still, not thrashing. No hurting the fox.
“I won’t break.” Sharp teeth teased the veins lining his cock.
“Oh fuck. I might.” How did Jaxon know to do something so fucking mind-blowing?
“Mmm.” I’ll keep you together, babe. Every. Glorious. Inch.
Glorious, huh? That was nice. He grinned, bearing down to take more.
Jaxon nodded, tongue sliding over the tip of his cock and stealing a taste.
He immediately leaked a little precome, everything in him wanting to give Jaxon whatever he needed.
Those fingers in him quirked, rubbing hard against his gland, shocking the hell out of him. He arched clear up off the bed, but Jaxon eased him back down, hitting the same spot over and over.
Yelps and barks escaped him, tearing from his chest as he fought to breathe.
“Listen to you. God, I can’t wait to fuck you.” Jaxon sucked the head of his cock again.
“Please. Fuck, I need.” He ached, he was so fucking hard.
“So beautifully too. I want all of you. Every bit.” Jaxon licked and nibbled all the way to his balls, then pushed at them with that clever tongue.
He began to babble, to beg with his body and soul, needing to be touched and taken. Jaxon. It was Jaxon who did this to him. He loved sex, but he’d never once begged before.
Jaxon took pity finally, adding more lube to the action before pulling those fingers free, replacing them with a hard-as-diamonds cock.
Sebastian surged down, taking the long, heavy prick in and filling himself up. Jaxon laughed, the sound pure joy.
“Needy pup!”
“Not a pup!” God, that felt perfect. Jaxon was just right, opening him up until he grunted with the pressure.
“No. No, you’re full-grown and hotter than hell.” Jaxon panted above him, eyes like beacons. They drew him in, made him go still and wait for Jaxon to be seated fully in him. “Oh, babe. That’s it.”
Jaxon sank in and in and in, until there wasn’t an inch left to spare.
They stared at each other a moment. Then he grabbed Jaxon’s ass. “Move.”
“Fuck yeah.” Jaxon pulled back, then slammed back in, spearing him deep.
He slid on the sheets with the force of it, barking out his pleasure. “More!”
Jaxon didn’t need more encouragement. The hard thrusts rocked Sebastian and he braced himself on the headboard, his entire body singing with need.
Panting, sweating, Jaxon looked like some kind of Celtic demon, all red hair and glowing eyes. He was stunning.
Jaxon swooped down, kissing him so hard his breath caught in his chest. He clung to Jaxon’s back, his cock mashed between them so hard he wanted to scream.
Sebastian! The cry echoed inside him, the loudest thing on earth.
He growled, his whole body on fire. “I can hear you.”
“I can feel you. Everywhere.”
“Yes. Yes. God.” He wrapped his legs up as much as he could, tilting his ass to take more.
Jaxon hooked him behind the knees, giving him something to lean into, giving them both more, deeper, harder. That lean body was surprisingly strong, and Jaxon’s hips worked like a piston.
He’d never needed so badly. Never. Never burned like this.
Jaxon sat up straighter to grab his cock again, stroking it along with each thrust.
Yes. Yes. Yes. The words were a hymn ringing through his brain.
He lost everything. Everything but Jaxon and heat and the smell of sex. Soon. Please, soon.
“Soon, babe. I swear.”
“Yes. I can’t—” He was losing words.
Jaxon groaned and pushed deep. “I have you.”
“Now. Now.” I can’t last. Sebastian felt like a teenager again.
You don’t have to. Come on my cock, babe.
Sebastian howled, the words whispered in his brain shorting him right out. He came so hard his teeth rattled, and Jaxon stayed with him all the way, one hand around his dick.
Once he flopped back on the bed, Jaxon thrust hard and fast, three, maybe four times before heat filled him, marking him deep inside.
He watched Jaxon through the whole orgasm, moaning at the pleasure that crossed Jaxon’s face. He’d never been so interested in someone else’s orgasm in his life.
This one, though, he’d remember forever.
Jaxon slumped down on top of him, cock still deep inside. Sebastian let himself hold on, arms solid and strong around Jaxon.
Nuzzling his chest, Jaxon exhaled, a long, happy sound. “Uhn.”
All he could do was hum in answer, his whole body melted and sated.
Told you we should rest today…. The thought echoed in his mind, but he wasn’t sure this counted as rest.
“Stay,” he muttered. “Please.”
“Mmmm. Not going anywhere, wolfman. You feel too damn good.”
He closed his eyes and rumbled softly. That was right. Too damn good. He drifted off to the feel of Jaxon stroking his hair, and he would swear he heard Jaxon say it again. I got you.
ABOUT THE time they got off the main highway and started up the beautiful, twisty road to Estes Park, Jaxon was practically hanging out of the car. “Oh, b-boss, this is amazing.”
“Yes.” The higher they climbed, the more Sebastian relaxed. Jaxon could see it—the man’s hair was loose and wild, the suit exchanged for jeans and a hoodie, the lines around the full lips gone.
He was a decade younger all of a sudden, and so happy. Jaxon was going to keep it that way if it killed him.
“We’re almost home, Seb.” Tyrone sounded ecstatic. “You won’t need me for a few days, right?”
“Right. More than right. You get to go home too.”
“Coolios.” Tyrone sounded so tickled.
“Do I get to meet the herd?” Jaxon asked.
“Sure. Anytime. My dam loves company. We’re up higher in the park.” Ty shot him a bright grin.
“Cool. I want to see everything!” How frickin’ amazing was this place already? Canyons and running water.
“You’ll have access to a Jeep. A snowmobile.” Sebastian rolled down the window, the air pouring in shocking with its cold.
“Oh.” Goose bumps rose up on his skin. “It’s colder than home.”
“We need to buy you clothes. It gets worse.” You’re staying right? You won’t go?
I’m right here. He reached over and touched Sebastian’s hand.
Sebastian relaxed, fingers stroking his. “We can find some things in Estes, some in Boulder.”
“Yep. I’ll be good.” We can snuggle.
Sebastian grinned, the look stunned.
He grinned back. Jaxon had no idea what this was between them, but he wasn’t going to miss out. He was charged with protecting Sebastian, and he was heading to the man’s den, his lair.
He wanted to see and sniff everything. And everywhere.
They began to climb higher and higher, up beyond the town. The roads became smaller and smaller, and finally an iron gate blocked the way. Tyrone hit a clicker and they were on the way up toward a huge glass fronted house.
Jaxon’s eyes bugged out. “Look at that! Oh my God, so pretty.”
“My den.” Sebastian looked indescribably happy. “Home.”
I want to see!
They pulled up and the garage door opened for them, and Jaxon couldn’t believe it. Three Jeeps. Snowmobiles. Skis. Snowboards. Look at all this. Such amazing toys. And there was room to run out here. Lots of room.
“You need me, Seb?”
“Go home, Ty. We’ll manage. Nan did her cleaning and brought some basics.”
“Thanks, boss. You two be good.” Then Tyrone traded the big car for a Jeep and headed out.
Sebastian stood for a long second, then closed the garage door. “Would you like to come in?”
“I would.” He flung himself at Sebastian, trusting the wolf to catch him. As he’d hoped, Sebastian opened to him, grabbed him up, and swung him around.
“I already love your house.”
“You haven’t been inside.”
“No? Show me!” He kissed that sweet mouth, then hopped down.
They headed into a rustic dream—pine and glass, everything open and facing up into the mountains. The furniture was heavy and leather, covered with pillows and blankets. Jaxon had expected designer and he found a warm den, a place meant to live in.
“This is amazing.” His nose quivered, the scent of Sebastian here everywhere. “Which room is your favorite?”
“My studio. My bedroom. I couldn’t decide. They’re both upstairs.”
“Show me the kitchen first, because we need to hydrate.”
“Come on.” Sebastian led him toward the back of the house to a kitchen that was pure joy. Jaxon thought he might cream his jeans. Copper pans shone from hooks, the tile was bright and white, everything top-of-the-line. Granite counters, dark wood with chrome…. Lovely.
“Oh, you have a pantry closet.” He popped inside, and he could twirl.
“Uh-huh. You want a bottle of water?”
“Please. I can see why you love it here.”
“It’s home. It feels… right.” Sebastian pulled out two bottles of water and tossed one to him. The fridge was behind one of those cabinet panels, and Jaxon blinked, delighted.
“It’s stunning.” He popped the top and glugged it down.
“Thank you. I…. Do you want…? I don’t know whether to take you upstairs and just cuddle you in my bed or show you the guest room.”
“I-I can set up in the guest room if you like.” Jaxon touched Sebastian’s chest. “I would rather use it as an office, though.”
“Come upstairs. I’ll show you the bedroom.” The upstairs were two lofts—one was obviously a studio with colors and fabrics and amazing lights and tables; the other was a gorgeous bedroom with a massive bed that begged you to lose yourself in it.
He bounced from one place to another, so interested in Sebastian’s real life. The bossman persona was a construct. This? This was his wolf, decadent and alive.
Plans for his office began to form in his mind. He might even get his magpie friend to send a few things from his tiny house.
scents were deep here, heady and wonderful, and he caught himself wandering, peering in closets, and breathing Sebastian in.
When he turned around at one point, Sebastian stood in the doorway to the room he’d invaded, smiling, arms crossed over his chest. “You approve.”
“I do! I love it.”
“I’ll show you the room you can have. Would you like some socks? Sweats? I’m not formal here.”
“I would love some socks.” He really did need to get some clothes, but at least that way he could take off his shoes without his toes freezing solid.
“Here.” Sebastian pulled out socks and a pair of sweats. “They’ll be big but comfortable. I’ll go bring in wood in a bit.”
The bathroom was like a dream—complete with hot tub, walk-in shower, fucking sauna, and a view to die for. He stared for a long while, kinda forgetting why he was there. His inner fox twitched its tail. He wanted to run.
“It’s safe. I’m the farthest outpost for our pack. The Marcons have Aspen. The Hanovers have Vail.”
He turned to raise an eyebrow at Sebastian. “You just got home, though. I can wait.”
“Whatever you need.” Sebastian stripped off his shoes, plugged in his phone, and crawled into his huge bed with a sigh. “Oh….”
That sound was pure pleasure.
Jaxon blinked. Well, now. A nap would be amazing. He pulled up his too-big sweats and slipped into the bed from the other side. Sebastian grabbed him and yanked him close, curling around him with a soft groan.
He cuddled in, stroking Sebastian’s hip. Rest, babe. Just rest.
Home. Home. We’ll explore more later.
Anything and everything. For now he was in a nest of cloudlike covers that smelled like Sebastian, in his wolf’s arms. This was the perfect place.
This was home.
Chapter Seven
SEBASTIAN WOKE to darkness, but he wasn’t frightened, wasn’t the least bit off-kilter. His den surrounded him, cozy and right, the scent of pine and moss and fecund dirt filling his nose.
He was warm, his body relaxed completely for the first time in weeks.
He knew he needed to gather wood, to start a fire, and see if Nan had left him something delicious—hot dogs or lunch meat or burgers. Still, he was safe, happy.