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The Wolf's Man Friday

Page 17

by Julia Talbot

  “BOY, WHAT the hell happened to you?” Ron’s voice was irritating and comforting all at once, but the touch of the huge hand was gentle as Ron petted him as he was lifted from the car. “Bring him in, Alan. Are you okay? Let me see your eyes.”

  Sebastian looked up, his body screaming with pain from the simple movement. He felt as if someone had kicked him like a football. Over and over.

  “Shh. The doctor’s coming. We have everyone on board and watching. You’re all safe.” Ron stroked his ear.

  Alan carried him, but he could hear Jaxon, could smell him. That comforted him.

  “Put him in the room next to mine, with a guard at the door.”

  “I’ll stay with him,” Jaxon murmured, making him try to smile.

  “Good. Alan, you stay across the hall. Doc is on the way.”

  “Okay.” Alan laid Sebastian on the bed, but he could feel that Alan was dragging ass. Poor guy.

  He leaned over, nuzzled one hand. Pack. Brother.

  Alan stroked his ruff. “Get some rest, bud. I’ll see you in a bit.”

  He let his head fall, snuggling into the pillow as he waited for his mate. The sudden quiet made his ears ring, and he took a deep breath, smelling Jaxon.

  “I’m right here. I just want to check the room.”

  His tail thumped, which should have been humiliating, but this was his mate. Of course Sebastian was eager for him.

  “I know, but I have to look.” Jaxon checked under the bed, in the closets, around the windows.

  He groaned, his heart racing for a moment, the drugs doing crazy things to his system. Jaxon came to him, touching him, which calmed him.

  “It’s safe here. I need to check you too, okay?”

  Check me for what?

  “Injuries, tracking devices, listening devices.” I need to touch you, mate.

  My Jaxon. Out of everything, what had terrified him the most was the idea of losing his mate before they ever got to begin.

  Jaxon hummed, the sound so foxy it made him chuff out a wolfy laugh. Then Jaxon touched him, hands digging into his fur to feel his body. “Yours, Sebastian. You scared me.”

  Scared me too. No more being Mr. Stoic. Mr. Adventure. The one cat was… sick. Terribly sick, and he wanted Ron to suffer.

  Until they caught this bastard, they were all in trouble.

  Jaxon settled next to him. “You’re good. I think the drugs are the worst of it.”

  The injection sites hurt too. He could only imagine the bruises.

  “Right. I’ll want to look you over as a human too, but for now we can rest. You’re safe.” Jaxon’s voice shook a little on the last words.

  I am. You came for me.

  I did. I always will. Jaxon stroked his fur, loving on him.

  Always was a long time, but he’d take it.

  Right now he would just take the warmth of Jaxon’s body and the steady sound of Jaxon breathing. He pushed his muzzle against the sweet chest, inhaling deep.

  “I got you.” Jaxon explored him with a gentle touch, petting him so careful.

  He moaned, rubbing his head against Jaxon’s hands. Sleep called for him, deep, sure, inexorable.

  “That’s it, babe. Rest now. Sleep.”

  Stay. Stay, mate.

  Right here. I promise.

  I believe you. He closed his eyes, allowing himself to rest.

  JAXON STAYED with Sebastian.

  He’d promised, after all, and Alan knew more of what had happened on the road than he did. Right?

  Regardless, he was here, with his mate, where he belonged. He stroked Sebastian’s hair, because he’d shifted to his human form during the night. Cuddling.

  The bruises at shoulder and chest were brutal, deep and dark and marked with the darts they’d used to drug him. There were other bruises, but they were slight, so Jaxon figured they must have treated him better than expected.

  Of course, they hadn’t had Sebastian long. Long enough, he guessed, but not too long.

  He shook his head. He had his mate back now, and he needed to move forward, not back. They had to take care of shit. Now.

  Jaxon wanted to see Ron as soon as Sebastian woke up. Someone had to have answers, dammit. They’d better, because he had a feeling this kitty wasn’t giving up.

  Shh. You’re loud for a fox.

  Foxes are chatty, puppy.

  I thought wolves were vocalizers.

  You have nothing on us. He winked down into Sebastian’s bloodshot eyes. “Hey.”

  “Hey. God, I’m thirsty.”

  Jaxon kissed the tip of Sebastian’s nose. “Let me get you some water.”

  “Alan’s okay?”

  “He got a whack on the head, but he’s okay. He healed way faster than you. Damn drugs.”

  “I tried to fight them. I swear.”

  “I know. I was with you a good bit of the time.” Not as much as he’d wanted to be. Their mate bond would strengthen over time, from what he understood.

  Just like now, he could feel Sebastian’s shame, his worry.

  He grabbed a bottle of water from the cooler Alan had brought them. “You know, you have nothing to be ashamed of.”

  “Yeah, yeah. I had to be rescued.”

  “Everyone needs rescuing at some point.” That was so true, based on how he was never out of a job. “Besides, you had already found your way out.”

  “I did.” Sebastian grinned a little at that one. “And Ty was kinda awesome with the shotgun.”

  “I know, right? Who would have thought?”

  “He’s fierce.” Sebastian paused, clearly gathering his thoughts. “What do they want?”

  “The cats?” His heart fell a little. “You didn’t overhear anything?”

  “Not much. The big one, the mountain lion? He was the leader. Anytime the others tried to talk, he shushed them.”

  “That makes sense. They’re not known to be team players.”

  “Yeah.” Sebastian pulled a face. “They were more organized than I expected, but that was the bobcats. They had a system.”

  “So hired help.” Because otherwise, why take orders? That sort of loyalty took pack or payroll.

  “Right.” Sebastian sighed. “My head hurts.”

  “More water.” Jaxon fed Sebastian sips of water, his heart hurting for how pained and down Sebastian was.

  “I’m sorry. This whole thing sucks.”

  “It does. We have to figure this out, babe. You need to talk to Ron again. I know he’s hiding something.” Jaxon hated that it all fell to Sebastian.

  “Then I’ll figure it out. It’s my job, right?”

  Right or wrong, it was what it was. Jaxon wasn’t going to let Sebastian go it alone, though. He was in it to win it, and once the war was over, they’d convince Ron to let Sebastian be.

  Alan was way better suited to Alphadom. Really. His Sebastian was an artist, a being of pure imagination and sensuality.

  Jaxon hummed. He needed Sebastian to be well so he wouldn’t feel skeezy lusting over his injured lover.

  Sebastian scooted over, cheek on his thigh.

  He stroked Sebastian’s hair. “You need anything, babe? Aspirin?”

  “You. Time. My brain working again.”

  “The drugs are taking a long time. They overdosed you bad.”

  “It burned off quick, once you were close. The bond. Are you having any symptoms?”

  Jaxon blinked. Huh. He had been damn sleepy. “I didn’t think of it that way at all.”

  “You sure helped me focus.”

  That warmed him. “I was terrified,” Jaxon admitted. “I thought I’d really lost you for a bit.”

  “I know.” Sebastian nuzzled him some more. “Not fun.”

  “Not fun.” That was the understatement of the year.


  Jaxon ruffled that amazing hair, which needed a washing. “Stop it.”

  “Uh-huh. I need a bath and some food. Maybe some peanut butter.”

  “Yum.” Pea
nut butter. Jaxon chuckled as Sebastian waggled his eyebrows. Silly goose. He really didn’t love peanut butter, but Sebastian thought it was the shit. “I can call… who do I call to get you a sandwich?”

  “This place is stupidly like a hotel. Just call nine and it takes you to the kitchen.”

  “No shit?” Jaxon lifted the phone and dialed nine.

  “Kitchen. May I help you?”

  “Hi, this is Jaxon. I’m with Mr. Sebastian? He would like a peanut butter sandwich and some milk.”

  “Would you like anything, Jaxon? We have roast beef and gravy, as well as chicken salad.”

  It really was like room service.

  “Uh, roast beef. Can you send double in case?”

  “Of course. We’ll send some dessert as well.”

  “Thank you.” He hung up, then burst out laughing. “Good God.”

  “Ron is… he’s the Alpha. He has this down.”

  “I guess so.” Jaxon returned to Sebastian, helping him prop up on the pillows before taking his hand. “I like your house better.”

  “Me too. I like our place, our bed. The studio.”

  “The kitchen. I would rather cook for you.”

  “If I end up having to stay here, will you come with me?” Sebastian sounded so young.

  “Of course I will.” He hoped he wasn’t lying. Ron would be well within his rights to kick Jaxon to the curb. He could only hope even if he got fired, he could claim the mate bond.

  “Of course you can. If you want to.”

  “I do.” He wanted to stay with Sebastian forever.

  “Then that’s that.”

  “Okay.” Very deep down he knew better. Things were never that simple, but he would keep that worry to himself. Ron was the pack Alpha. Sebastian would do as he had to.

  He shook off his thoughts. For now Sebastian needed to eat and rest. That was all he had to make sure of.

  “Mate, you okay?” Look at that deep frown.

  “I am.” He didn’t have to force his smile, and he reached up with his free hand to stroke Sebastian’s hair. “You need a bath after we eat.”

  “You can come make sure I get clean. I might miss a spot.”

  “I intend to. I can’t let you fall or something.”

  “Right. No falling. No slipping. No missing my footing.”

  “You’re already too bruised.” The knock on the door heralded the food.

  The young lady left them a tray and more drinks for the cooler.

  “I feel like I need to tip her,” Jaxon murmured.

  “Ron pays well. No worries. He’s a fair Alpha. A good guy.”

  “Cool.” Once she left, he lifted the domes on the plates. There was a neat peanut butter sandwich cut into triangles, with carrot and apple slices. Two plates of roast beef and gravy on open-face sandwiches. Salad with Italian. Mousse. Pie. Wow.

  Sebastian’s belly snarled like it was trying to get out of his skin.

  “You want to start with the sandwich?”

  “I’d better. Just in case.”

  “You keep it down, the rest will go down easy, I bet.” He hoped.

  “Sure.” Sebastian grabbed the PB&J. “I guess slow, right?”

  “Right.” He found the forks and the salt and pepper.

  Sebastian snapped the sandwich up in three bites, teeth clicking together.

  “Rest a minute, see how it sits?” Jaxon would happily feed his mate all the things, but no one needed to get sick.

  “Mmm-hmm.” Sebastian’s eyes glowed a warm gold.

  “Good, huh?” Jaxon fed Sebastian a bite of bread.

  “Yes. Yes, good. More.”

  “One bite at a time, babe. Easy. She said they had plenty.” Now some beef. It was delicious, feeding Sebastian little bites. Better than eating himself, though he did some of that too.

  Sebastian leaned against his side, nibbling, licking at his fingertips.

  They were both smiling by the time all three plates were clean. The salad could wait, and they could have dessert after the shower.

  “That’s better. I think I might live.” Sebastian actually looked awake, alert.

  “Mmm. They sent us dessert too. Want a shower?”

  “Goddess, yes. Please.” Sebastian stood, helped him up.

  Much better. So that was part of the key. Feed the fever, so to speak. He led his mate to the big en suite, hand in hand.

  The shower wasn’t theirs, but it worked, and the hot water and soap made things slide. They rubbed at each other’s skin, wiping away the last two days.

  “Oh, that’s better, mate. That’s so right.”

  “It is.” His body had missed Sebastian’s solid presence. His mate made him dizzy and like a rock, all at once.

  He finally just wrapped his arms around Sebastian and held on, letting the water pour over them. Sebastian buried his nose in Jaxon’s throat, and they swayed a little, both of them vocalizing.

  He held on, but that line of stress nagged at him. Sebastian wasn’t built to lead a huge pack, didn’t thrive on the pressure and danger.

  “Shh.” Sebastian soothed him, running both hands up and down his back. “Shh. I’ll be okay. I have you. I will keep you.”

  “Love.” He turned off the water finally, before grabbing towels. “Come back to bed.”

  “Love. Do you think they’ll mind if we rest?”

  Like he knew.

  “I bet if I tell them you’re still tired if they knock, no one will peep.” He would put Ty on the door.

  “Right.” Sebastian wrapped the towel around him, then dragged them back to the bed.

  Jaxon laughed, pleased as punch at how Sebastian’s strength was returning.

  “Laughing at me.” Sebastian nosed him. “Rest.”

  “I am. I mean I will. I want mousse.”

  “Sweet tooth.”

  “I don’t want it to get icky!” He was gonna eat his feelings. Sue him.

  Sebastian curled up around him, the motion so deliciously lupine that it made him smile. He grabbed the mousse and dipped a spoon into it, licking off the yummy stuff with one swoop.

  “Mmm… pretty.” Sebastian nuzzled his thigh.

  “Are you trying to seduce me away from my mousse?” Jaxon asked.

  “Nope. I’m just enjoying you.”

  “Oh, I like that.” He stroked that wet hair. He needed a brush. The heavy mane was like raw silk, an addiction to his fingers.

  He loved Sebastian’s whole body, but that hair enchanted him, fascinated him, more than any dessert.

  He searched in the bedside table, humming as he found a comb. Perfect. It was still in plastic, so it was clearly for guests. Jaxon tugged it out so he could start working out tangles. Mousse was good; Sebastian was better.

  Grooming was life itself.

  He combed as gently as he could, but poor Sebastian was all snarled and tangled. He knew he had to be tugging some, pulling too hard.

  Not that Sebastian seemed to care. In fact, he was moaning softly, head tilted to give Jaxon better access. He chirruped softly, vocalizing as they groomed.

  Sebastian rumbled, the sound one of utter happiness. There. He’d done that. Him.

  Soon he could use his fingers to comb through the mass of Sebastian’s mane, smoothing it and sliding through it. Then Jaxon massaged Sebastian’s scalp, knowing his mate still had a bit of a headache.

  “Jaxon…. So good.” Sebastian’s face was a study in pleasure.

  “Mmmm-hmm.” Jaxon loved this. Touching. “I have you. Close your eyes and feel.”

  “I am. I do.” Sebastian leaned on him, arm around his waist. “You make things easier. Better.”

  “I do? You make me happy. Very happy.” But did that serve Sebastian best? He was supposed to be the man’s bodyguard, not his gooey lover.

  Jaxon had never been so damn conflicted about a job in his life. What if he was putting Sebastian in danger?

  “Stop. I was in danger before you showed up.”

  “You were
. I’m at least watching, right?” Vigilant. God, what a mess.

  “We didn’t do this to Ron. We didn’t do this.”

  “No, I know. You need to talk to him.”

  “I do.” Sebastian nodded. “Let me put some clothes on and I’ll do it.”

  “Now?” Jaxon chuckled, but sat up to let Sebastian rise. They needed this done.

  “Might as well. You’re just going to worry until we’re done.”

  “That’s how I’m made.” He had to know what was going on and how they could fix it.

  “Then we’ll fix it for you. Ease your mind.”

  “Thank you, mate.” He took Sebastian’s hand, kissing it.

  “It’s time to get to the bottom of this.”

  “It is.” Ron had to know something, and Sebastian was his heir, like it or not.

  “Let me get clothes. Do I have clothes?” Sebastian grabbed the phone, punching buttons. “Someone get me some clothes.”

  Jaxon watched, sadness like a lead weight in his belly.

  “Stop it. Stop that. I need you to believe in us.”

  “I do.” Jaxon went to Sebastian for an embrace. “I just have this feeling that nothing will be the same for you.”

  “Nothing is ever the same. If you stand beside me, I’ll adjust.”

  “I love you.”

  Sebastian smiled, then pulled him for a kiss that made his hair stand on end. That was the good stuff.

  Okay, he guessed…. He guessed he had this.

  Another knock came at the door. “Clothes for Mr. Sebastian.”

  “Thanks.” Sebastian answered the door, stark-assed naked and utterly unashamed.

  The guy on the other side didn’t seem bothered. Jaxon guessed with this much pack around all the time, there had to be some naked moments. “I brought your washed clothing as well, Mr. Jaxon.”


  “Tell the Alpha I’m coming, please.”

  “Yes, sir.” The man left them.

  Jaxon shook his head. “So formal.”

  “Just making sure Ron gets the message.”

  “I know.” He had no idea what to do. “I feel totally out of it.”

  “That’s the drugs, huh?”

  Jaxon nodded slowly. “I bet it is. That actually makes me feel better.” He had to remember the bond. Work with it. Let them both deal with it.

  “We’re going to figure it out, Jaxon. I have faith.”

  “Then I do too.” That was enough. Sebastian having faith. That made him happy.


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