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I Just Can't Stop Loving You

Page 2

by Imari Jade

Satoshi laughed and clutched his stomach. “Ouch. I think it’s broken.”

  “You’re lucky you didn’t get hit in the face,” Masaaki told him. “All of you. You have another concert to perform in two weeks in Amsterdam. Lucky for you I got the strip joint owner to drop the charges.”

  Cristal wondered how much Masaaki had to pay him for him to do that.

  Masaaki turned to Ichiro. “I’m surprised at you. I thought you were packing. You’re supposed to be on a plane tomorrow headed home to be at the hospital for the birth of your babies.”

  Ichiro rolled his eyes at Masaaki. “I’ll be there.”

  “You better,” Masaaki said. “I promised Shaundra you’d be there.” He walked out of the holding cell and the rest of them followed.

  Cristal smirked. She’d bet Ichiro wasn’t looking forward to going home. They’d all planned to be on a plane tomorrow and fly back to Osaka to be there for the births. They’d finally got Mr. Niigata to agree and now this had happened. “Can you hold off telling Mr. Niigata until after we’re in Osaka?” Cristal asked Masaaki. “I really want to be there for Shaundra.” She batted her eyelashes at him like a girl.

  “Well,” Masaaki said. “I guess it can wait. But you better go straight to bed when we get back to the hotel.”

  “I promise,” Cristal said. She kissed Masaaki on the cheek and walked over to the claim window to get her things.

  “Suck up,” Satoshi said to the back of her head.

  “If I rear my head back fast and hard, I can break your nose,” she told him.

  “You are so violent,” Satoshi said as she moved away from the window with her purse and high heeled shoes.

  Cristal waved the purse at him. “I am not afraid to use this on you.”

  Masaaki looked at her.

  “I’m just teasing,” she said.

  The others collected their belongings and followed Masaaki out of the jailhouse.

  Cristal looked at her watch. It was nine at night and they had a six A.M. flight. She supposed she’d just have to sleep on the plane.

  Kenshin, their driver and the fifth member of Aomori, stood outside the limousine waiting for them. He smirked. “I am so glad I did not go with you guys.” Kenshin often accompanied them on their adventures, but had been sticking close to the hotel since he was always on call for Masaaki and Mr. Niigata. He didn’t get in as much trouble as the original four members, but he wasn’t innocent either.

  “Shut up and drive,” Cristal told him.

  He poked his tongue at her like a kid and helped her inside. The rest of the guys climbed in and he drove them away from the curb as they headed for the hotel.

  Takumijo was asleep before they made it to the highway. The rest of the guys looked tired too and her shoulder still hurt.

  “Do you think Shaundra will be surprised to see us?” Satoshi asked her.

  Cristal nodded. “She won’t be expecting us. I can’t let her go through this alone.”

  “She’s had other babies before,” Ichiro said sullenly. “She prefers doing things by herself.”

  Cristal ignored him. Most of this was his fault anyway. The rest of it was Mr. Niigata’s fault for booking the tour near Shaundra’s due date. It was bad enough they had to leave her on her own for two months with just a nurse to look after her. Takumijo and Satoshi had gotten the nursery together just days before they left Osaka. She hadn’t had time to arrange a baby shower for her friend, or be there for her after Ichiro destroyed her world. She’d bet anything Shaundra was spending her days crying her eyes out for the gorgeous blue-eyed idiot. Cristal gazed over at him when he wasn’t looking. What had possessed him to cheat on such a good and loving wife? And why had Yi-jun chosen some blonde haired-starlet over her? Cristal sighed. Men could be so inconsiderate. If she was Shaundra, she’d divorce his cheating ass and marry someone like Harper. The man loved her and would do anything for her while Ichiro put everything before her.

  Kenshin drove the limousine up to the front of the hotel and parked, but did not turn off the motor. They got out and walked up through the door while Kenshin drove off to park the car.

  “Go straight to bed,” Masaaki told them like they were a bunch of kids. “We’ll be leaving for the airport at five.”

  Everyone groaned, but did not argue with him.

  Cristal said good night to everyone and entered her room excited but tired. In two or three days, Aomori would be welcoming two little additions to the fold.


  “You got arrested?” Amaterasu Yamaguchi asked Takumijo as they left the restaurant where they’d just had a very late dinner.

  “Yes,” he answered. “Are you appalled?”

  Amaterasu smirked. When she did that, her eyes twinkled mysteriously and made him go weak in the knees. “No,” she answered. “What happened this time?”

  Takumijo shrugged. “Satoshi got us involved in yet another fight.” It sounded horrible even to him.

  “You guys are the worst,” Amaterasu said with a laugh. “Shit, how did I miss out on that? Did you guys tear the place up?”

  Excitement flashed in her eyes. As far as girlfriends went, Amaterasu was the best. “Yeah, Mr. Niigata is going to have a fit when gets the bill.”

  “I don’t see any bruises,” she told him.

  “I protected my face,” Takumijo said.

  “I knew you weren’t an angel when I met you.”

  True, Aomori was notorious for getting into trouble, but instead of it turning her off, she seem to thrive off the knowledge that her boyfriend was a troublemaker. The only other people who would see the levity in the situation would be Cristal and Shaundra. That little revelation surprised him. Unlike some people he dated, Amaterasu would have no problem fitting into the Aomori menagerie. He guessed Masaaki thought so too when he hired her on as a backup dancer for Aomori without an argument. The other dancers liked her too, which meant less squabbling and cat fights. The only person in his life who didn’t like her was Osamu, which didn’t surprise him. Osamu was jealous of anyone who tried to get close to Takumijo.

  “So, how did you guys get out of jail so fast?”

  “Masaaki paid our bail and got the club owner to drop the charges.”

  “Wow, he must be a great manager,” Amaterasu said.

  “He has his moments,” Takumijo said, looking over at her. She looked lovely in the short gold lame after-five dress that showed off her spectacular legs. She’d done her long black hair differently for their date. Instead of pulling it back in a ponytail, she’d pulled it to the top of her head in a chignon. He kind of liked it that way. It made her look classy and adorable at the same time. And it warmed him inside to know she’d gone to all this trouble for him.

  Kenshin drove the car into the driveway of the nightclub, but didn’t turn off the motor. Takumijo assisted Amaterasu out into the crowded parking lot. He slipped on his sunglasses to disguise his appearance, and then escorted Amaterasu into the club. Kenshin drove away, but would be returning for them in an hour.

  “This place is nice,” Amaterasu said as he led her over to a booth.

  It took a bit of research on his part since he didn’t know that much about Paris, but he’d lucked out and found a club where he could take her dancing. He’d snuck out after Masaaki sent them to their rooms after they were released from jail.

  The waitress arrived.

  Takumijo’s French sucked so he had to depend on his date to order for them. The waitress left and returned a few minutes later with glasses and a bottle of champagne icing in a bucket. He smirked, unlike Cristal, who didn’t have a problem drinking beer; Amaterasu’s tastes were strictly high class. The waitress uncorked the bottle and poured the bubbly liquid into their glasses and then she left them alone.

  Soft jazz music played all around them and couples danced under the dimmed romantic lighting.

  Takumijo raised his glass for a toast. “To new beginnings,” he said, staring into her eyes.

  Amaterasu clicked
her glass to his. “And good times,” she replied. She sipped the champagne and then placed her glass down on the table. “Let’s dance.”

  Takumijo gulped down his drink and followed her onto the dance floor.

  “I like this number,” she told him as she wrapped her arms around his waist.

  Takumijo wrapped his arms around her neck and began to sway with her. He loved dancing with Amaterasu. He liked the way she felt in his arms. His body reacted to hers.

  She laid her head against his chest. The pleasant scent of her hair reminded him of a gentle summer’s breeze.

  Takumijo gulped. If he didn’t control his emotions, he could very well get swept away. She was the only woman he’d cared about in a long time and they had so much in common. Like Cristal, she wasn’t afraid to take chances and didn’t care what others thought of her. She was intelligent and witty, and she didn’t seem to mind his little quirks. He smirked. She had a few quirks of her own. The music ended. Amaterasu excused herself and went off to the ladies room while he returned to the table. She returned moments later and they continued their conversation and drank more of the champagne.

  He wished he could take her back home to Osaka, but Masaaki had put his foot down and said no. Everyone could not go back and the dancers would have to stay in France and continue practicing for the next concert. That meant he had to make the most of their time together so she wouldn’t forget him or be tempted by one of the other dancers.

  Kenshin came back for them and took the scenic route through the streets of Paris on the way back to the hotel.

  “This is so amazing,” Amaterasu said, staring out of the window at the Eifel Tower.

  The sight next to him was pretty amazing too.

  “We must come back here to see it by daylight,” she said excitedly.

  He supposed that could be arranged. Just the two of them, alone in Paris. “Sure,” he said, realizing he’s just made a commitment. He groaned. So out of character for him. He didn’t do commitments or long, meaningful relationships.

  “I hear they have some great art at the Louvre too,” Amaterasu said, settling back in the seat next to him.

  Art? He didn’t do museums either. “Okay,” he agreed, burying himself deeper into this relationship thing.

  Amaterasu moved closer and cuddled next to him. She laid her head against his shoulder.

  Takumijo’s body hardened with desire. This feels like a relationship. Did he have it in him after repeatedly telling himself all these years he’d never be swept into such a thing?

  “I’m going to miss you while you’re gone,” she told him. “Practice will be so boring without you there whipping us into a frenzy.”

  His insides felt like it had a frenzy going on. He chuckled deeply to mask his uneasiness. “I do like to keep the backup dancers on their toes during rehearsal.” To him, their contribution was just as important as Aomori’s. He leaned over and kissed her on the top of her head. “I’m going to miss you, too, but we’re only going to be gone a week and then we’re flying back. We can’t spare any more time than that.”

  “Why do I get the feeling you guys are more excited about this birth than Ichiro?”

  “It is a big event in all our lives,” Takumijo said. “They will be the first babies born to Aomori. We have been together since we were kids. These babies symbolize our growth and our future.”

  “But they’re Ichiro’s babies. Wouldn’t you like to have kids of your own someday?”

  Takumijo’s eyes widened with surprised. He’d never really thought about it. “Maybe, but I have a pretty hectic life at the moment.”

  Amaterasu chuckled. “Relax. I don’t mean at this very moment. I think you would make a great father. You’re kind and caring and you know how to have fun.”

  “Oh, yeah, I’m the poster child for fun. Do you know how many times I’ve been arrested? The kid is going to have to live with my indiscretions.”

  “It’s not like you’ve committed any heinous crimes.”

  No, he supposed she was right, but he did lack discipline and self-control at times. He sighed. He supposed he could work on that.

  “You just know how to enjoy life.” She snuggled closer.

  Takumijo reached up and touched his chest. Why is my heart beating this way? Him, a father? Pole dancing would definitely be out, and he guessed he would have to give up stalking Ichiro. Well, maybe not that.

  They arrived at the hotel much too quickly for him. Takumijo didn’t want their date to end so soon, even though he knew he had to be up in a couple of hours to get the flight back to Japan. He helped Amaterasu out of the car and said goodnight to Kenshin.

  Kenshin winked at him, got back into the driver’s seat and left to park the car in the hotel’s parking garage. He and Amaterasu were holding hands when they entered the hotel lobby and inside the elevator. Their rooms were on the same floor, but down the hall from each other. Takumijo did the gentlemanly thing and escorted her to her door. “It’s been fun,” he said as Amaterasu slid the key card into the lock.

  “Yes, it has,” she agreed as the door opened. “But it doesn’t have to end yet.”

  Takumijo turned and looked back at her. “Are you sure?” he asked. His body was already responding to the idea of remaining with her for just a little while longer.

  She smiled and nodded. “Yes, very sure.” She took his hand and gently tugged him inside the room with her.


  Amaterasu gazed over at Takumijo as he peeled the clothes from his muscular body. Oh my. It was even better than she’d imagined. Besides the rippling muscles, he had unblemished skin and to die for abs. He had a dancer’s body, slim but muscular in the shoulders. She used her hand to fan herself as he danced a little erotic number just for her while the music played in the background.

  Takumijo had set the perfect romantic mood with light rock filtering out of the speakers, dimmed lights, and him. Ooh, it was just too much. He’d had her out of her clothes seconds after she locked the door, and he had her positioned on her back and propped up on pillows so she could watch his little performance. Her nudity was covered only by a sheet.

  “No need to be shy,” Takumijo told her as he moved his slim hips to the music. “Let me entertain you.”

  Of course he’d told her earlier about his scandalous little routine with the male dancer at the strip club, describing it in intimate detail to her. She smirked. She would have loved to have seen that. But he appeared to be recreating a part of the act right in front of her. The only things missing were the pole and the naked Frenchman. Ooh, la la. Takumijo didn’t need company to turn her on. All he had to do was shake that nice butt and he had her.

  He turned his back to her as if reading her mind and began sliding the briefs down his hips, exposing two glorious white orbs to her delight. Amaterasu gasped with excitement. The man had the best butt in Paris. The briefs slid down his muscular thighs and legs and now nothing stood between them. He turned to face her and her eyes landed on his erection. “I guess you’re ready to take care of business.”

  He smiled and suited up with a shocking royal blue condom he pulled from his wallet. “Let’s rock,” he said, sliding onto the bed next to her.

  Amaterasu giggled and moved into his arms.

  Takumijo moved closer to her and rewarded her with a big, sexy kiss against her lips.

  Amaterasu draped her arms around his neck and pulled him down on her. His tongue darted between her lips. The taste of champagne on his breath excited her.

  He kissed his way down her body, gently teasing her breasts and her nipples with his tongue. She shivered with each flip of his tongue. He stopped long enough to cup both breasts in his big hands.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he said. His voice deepened as he looked down on her.

  “Thanks,” she said as she stared into his gorgeous face. He wasn’t a pretty girly-boy like the other members of Aomori. His face was manlier, with a strong chin and dazzling dark brown eyes. He
continued to rub her breasts and stroke the nipples until they budded. He kissed one as one of his big fingers decided to do a bit of exploring between her legs.

  She parted her thighs, giving access to her womanhood. “Ah!” she moaned as he eased the finger inside of her.

  “You’re tight,” Takumijo said, like it surprised him. He worked the finger in and out of her a couple of times to encourage her natural lubrication.

  Amaterasu squirmed a bit as his finger dug deeper. Takumijo slipped the finger out and then tried to introduce two. Her thighs closed around his hand.

  “Don’t go all soft of me now,” he told her tenderly. “I need to prepare you so there won’t be any discomfort.”

  She relaxed and her body responded to his touch.

  Takumijo lowered his head and kissed her again. He withdrew his fingers and nudged his way between her thighs. She wasn’t a virgin, but it had been a while since she’d trusted a man to get this close to her both mentally and physically.

  She let him take the lead.

  Takumijo guided himself to her wet hole and gently touched the head against her opening.

  Amaterasu gulped and prepared to be entered. He nudged the head through and she wrapped her legs around his waist, taking in more of him.

  Takumijo made love to her slowly and tenderly, whispering endearments into her ear as he brought her over the top quickly. Her body shook and the orgasm occurred, thrilling her from her head to her toes and giving him more juice to ride on.

  Takumijo kissed her again and then changed positions, putting her on top. He filled her completely this way and she enjoyed the idea of being in control.

  “Oh, girl, you’re so sweet,” Takumijo said as he helped guide her actions by sliding her body back and forth while she ground her pussy into his pelvis.

  Passion for the man built up rapidly as she concentrated on yet another orgasm threatening to erupt from deep inside of her. “Ooh,” she gasped as it exposed itself.

  Takumijo stopped moving and allowed her to ride it out and when it was over, he bent her upper body toward him and kissed her gently. Moments later, she slumped against him, exhausted.


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