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Tempt the Dragon

Page 19

by A. C. Arthur

“They killed the Fratelli brothers, and those guys have worked here for years. Now this guy says he’s got a witness who saw Aiken and Mel leaving Montoy’s house?” The sharp tone of Mag’s voice clearly showed how pissed off he was.

  Theo’s feelings at this moment couldn’t be contained to mere words. “He could be bluffing about the witness. But we haven’t had a chance to talk to both Aiken and Mel about everything that happened that night, so let’s go do that now. If he’s sniffing around us he’s got a pretty strong reason and we need to be prepared. As for the Fratelli brothers, have Bleu contact the families. We cover every expense they have as a result of this. I mean it, Mag. Funerals, burials, their kids’ college expenses, everything!”

  Mag nodded. “No doubt,” was the Drakon’s solemn reply.

  Theo had already begun shutting down everything on his desk, thinking that it may have been a mistake to allow Aiken and Mel some time to regroup after the Montoy meeting and subsequent vampire takedown.

  He’d been in Aiken’s place before, fighting a process that stole every weapon he was used to using to defend himself, because ultimately there was no way to fight the Selection. Especially not in the instance of two Drakon. He wondered how the hell they’d managed to go eighty years apart without dying of the physical torture. Aiken was a pro at compartmentalizing. He’d been on point with his job and more than a cordial member of their clan—he was their family. And yet, there was so much none of them really knew about him, because he’d hid it so well. Now, however, it was probably time for everyone to put all their cards on the table.

  Because if there was one thing Theo was not going to take sitting down, it was the fuckin’ Royal Blood killing his employees, especially the human ones. If they wanted to take this war to the next level, he was here for it, so those bastards had better be prepared.

  Chapter Thirteen

  She was fuckin’ beautiful. He’d been watching her go through the simulation they’d created for the last fifteen minutes and all he could do was stare in awe.

  His mate was amazing.

  The way she moved was mesmerizing. Her body was lithe and graceful and at the same time strong and sexy. She moved through the steps they’d designed for her with ease. Kicking one leg back behind her, she turned to land a punch and in the next seconds knelt to retrieve the gun that had been knocked from her hand, crouch low on the ground and aim at her imaginary opponent. And it wasn’t over.

  She ran, full speed, leaving trembling tree limbs and falling leaves in her wake. Glancing at the stop clock in his hand she was only a minute into what they’d previously timed as a five-minute sequence. He heard her growl before he saw her again, a mid-level warning that the beast was fast approaching. More cracking of branches and this time the ground trembled. She was back.

  In a flurry of light she stopped just inches away from him, barely out of breath, Drakon eyes blinking back at him as he nodded for her to continue. A double back flip set her about twelve feet away. Sticking the landing, she stood still, listening to the air and every animal in the partially forested area on the expanded land of the Office. Striking out to her right, she jabbed her opponent in the neck with a hard wrist/palm strike. A side kick dropped another opponent and then it was time.

  Falling to her hands and knees she kept her head lowered for muted seconds. His heart thumped louder, the beast inside anticipating this moment of the sequence. When she raised her head, it was a slow and deliberate movement. Her hair was wild and wavy around her face. She’d drawn those twirling markings around her eyes again until she looked like a tribal goddess. And those Drakon eyes, they were like endless pools of golden light that pulled him in deeper each time he gazed into them. She winked and the breath he hadn’t been aware he was holding whooshed right out of him.

  Her shoulders moved first. A rolling motion that looked pretty normal, basically like any other human who’d maybe sat at a desk staring at a computer for too long and simply needed to stretch their muscles. But there was nothing simple about what was about to happen. The shift was a powerful move on the part of a Drakon. It was the moment when the beast was allowed full reign over their being. There were steps that had to be taken so that transition came easily for both the body and the mind. It took a lot of practice to get to the point of being able to shift in seconds without jeopardizing equilibrium and accurate brain function.

  Mel was a fast learner.

  On the ground amidst dried and frozen leaves, dirt and twigs, her fingers moved, hands transitioning from the flat four fingers and thumb formation to a small C-shaped configuration with six-inch-long and deadly sharp claws extending from where her fingers used to be. They’d done this over a dozen times since yesterday morning when they’d finally emerged from his suite. The burst of light that came when her spine elongated, permitting her five-foot-seven stature to stretch taller than the hundreds-of-years-old trees in the forest. By the time the stretch was complete, her dragon’s head would have formed, the tail extended in a long whoosh. The roar of her beast came next, a sound captured by the height of the mountains, echoing throughout the space below.

  He wanted to clap, to give her a standing ovation, or better yet to fall at the feet of greatness because that’s what her dragon form was. From its perfectly scaled body in a brilliant yellow color, to the strong breaths it took when it was turning slowly, bending down so that now her head was coming up beside him. The eyes grabbed him again as he turned so they’d be face-to-face. In this larger form the luminescent gold pools glowed, still showing his reflection but offering him a glimpse at another part of her at the same time. It was there, deep in those pools of gold, that his love for her really blossomed. Until the emotion filled his chest and his next breaths were labored.

  “You’re phenomenal,” he whispered as he stepped closer, reaching out a hand to rub along the dragon’s cheek as if in awe.

  He’d seen a world of dragons, had touched them, flown alongside, fought and killed them. But none of those moments compared to right now, touching this one particular dragon and knowing that she was allowing and wanting this touch as much as he did. It was a feeling he wasn’t sure he’d ever be able to describe.

  In another burst of light she was back in human form. Aiken had no idea where the light came from, probably what lived deep inside her, but each time since the first, when her shift began that light accompanied it. Changing to and from the beast was an explosion of brilliant gold and yellow for her.

  “How fast this time?” She was giddy with the energy of training and he resisted the urge to scoop her up in his arms and swing her around with his own excitement.

  Then he recalled her question and remembered to stop the timer. “Two minutes, thirty-two seconds.” Give or take a few for the time he’d stood there gawking.

  She giggled. “Shaved a whole thirty seconds off the last run.” Obviously pleased with herself, she ran her fingers through her hair. “I can feel the magick running through me just like you said. When I’m in dragon form there’s like this liquid energy running through my veins instead of blood. And it feeds everything, from the sharpness of my thoughts and instincts, to the quick and efficient breaths and the strength.” Her body shook. “It’s amazing!”

  He could only nod his agreement because she was absolutely right. Watching her was amazing.

  “Fly with me again.” She grabbed his wrist urging him. “There’s nothing like that, nothing I could’ve ever imagined, I mean. Come on, go with me again.”

  Denial didn’t even cross his mind. He reached for the hem of his shirt and pulled it over his head. He preferred to remove his clothes before shifting when he could, rather than return to a heap of shreds. Unwilling to wait for him to finish, she stepped closer and began pushing at the sweatpants he wore.

  “I don’t know why you came out in all these clothes. You knew we’d be training.” She fussed while he allowed her to help him undress. Her hands
on his body in any capacity was arousing as hell and even her excitement about flying wasn’t going to make him forego that pleasure.

  “It’s the middle of winter.”

  She sucked her teeth. “And you’re a two-hundred-and-ninety-year-old dragon. The last thing you have to worry about is getting frostbite.”

  He chuckled because she wasn’t wrong, and thankfully, after accepting her Drakon half completely, she no longer had to worry about that either. So those sexy little hunter outfits she loved to wear wouldn’t make him frantic with worry about her freezing in these wintry temperatures. They would, however, still make him jealous as fuck whenever anyone else gawked at her in said outfits.

  The second he was naked she was ready to shift, but he cupped his hands on her cheeks and tilted her head up so he could stare down at her. “I’ve waited so long for this, to be here like this with you. It seems like forever.”

  Touching her hands to his wrists she nodded. “It does, but I don’t want to think about all that time. I only want to focus on right now, Aiken. This very moment is all I want.”

  Putting his mouth on hers was a given, the quick response of her tongue coming out to meet his was bliss. But before that could go any farther she was pulling away, turning and in another blast of light shifting and taking to the sky. He was only seconds behind her, soaring into the night air. The area in which they had space to train, shift and now fly was a couple acres from the Office, but still on the land Theo owned as their refuge. When they flew at night, it was usually in this space or farther south over the forested area because it was close to the mountains where clouds sometimes hung low. This gave them a bit of cover in case some human might be stargazing. As a general rule they flew higher than even the planes were allowed to go, close to the veil that separated the Human Realm from other realms. This would ensure no human sightings. So when he cut to the right and rocketed ahead of her, she eagerly followed until they were passing through the gauzy tufts of clouds lifting higher into the deeper indigo sky.

  She flew alongside him now, wings spread out to what would equate to the size of a football field. The wind cut across the beast’s skin, tickling its nostrils as they soared. It was so peaceful up here, so open and free. They could be like this forever—selected, mated, in love—and nothing else would matter to him. He’d have it all. A gust of cooler air hit and his beast dropped a few feet, wings wavering slightly as he attempted to remain steady. That had never happened to him before.

  Looking back he saw she’d followed him but was still coasting without any problem. The sight of her beast, elegant and glorious surrounded by darkness and the stars she loved so much, lent a little calm, but something had made his beast falter. Continuing to glide through the sky, one beast soaring after the other, the man’s thoughts, worries, concerns were buried beneath the beast’s loudly beating heart. The heart that had yearned for this connection longer than the man could’ve known.

  A quick shift and his beast was turning, heading back in the direction from which they’d come. She followed, until they were finally cutting through the clouds, descending down with the group of trees in sight. He was familiar with this area and so he knew exactly where to land that would take them back to the clearing where they’d been training. In a practiced twist and turn, the magnificent beast spiraled down toward the ground. She mimicked his motion until they both landed and shifted back to human form.

  Aiken didn’t wait a beat before pulling her in his arms and dropping his mouth down onto hers again. Her response was to wrap her arms around him and accept every bit of hunger piled into that kiss. One hand moved down her body, to cup her ass, while the other came back up to hold the nape of her neck. He leaned into her, taking the kiss deeper. The feel of her fingers pressing into his back, moving down to where she gripped his naked ass in return. He groaned and she pulled out of the kiss, only to place her mouth on his neck, down to the line of his shoulder, and over his chest.

  He gasped when she tongued one nipple while rubbing her fingers over the other. She was steadily moving downward and his throat tightened with the urge to yell out in anticipation. Instead he ran his fingers through her soft hair, letting his blunt-tipped nails scrape along her scalp, before grabbing tufts of hair and holding on.

  “Can’t stop,” she whispered, her tongue moving down his abs, circling at his navel and then proceeding lower as she fell to her knees.

  Hell, he didn’t want her to stop. Not now, not ever.

  His dick was in her hands in seconds and he sucked in a breath when she looked up at him.

  “I’ve wanted to do this since the moment you pulled me out of that cloak in the vamps’ townhouse.” With one hand cupping his balls, her warm breath whispered over the head of his dick and all coherent thought threatened to flee his mind.

  “I’ve wanted you to do this every day for the last eighty years.” There, that seemed clear enough. It was certainly the honest truth.

  Her wicked grin spread quick, a mischievous sparkle lighting her topaz brown human eyes, seconds before her tongue extended to touch the slit of his dick.

  His teeth clenched and gritted until it felt like his jaw would lock. Tightening his hands in his hair, he whispered, “Take it, baby. Take it all.”

  Of course she teased him first. Tempting him with the tip of her tongue running along the pronounced head of his dick, brushing the sensitive skin with warm moistness that had every muscle in his body tensing.

  “You wanna play with me.” He groaned. “Now of all times, you wanna play.”

  She shook her head. “No, I want to savor the taste of you.” Her breath fanned over his now wet tip and he had to steady himself as a wave of dizzy pleasure washed over him.

  Her mouth covered the tip next, sucking only that part of him between her pert lips, holding it there when she closed her eyes as if enjoying every second of this sweet pleasure. He couldn’t say he wasn’t enjoying it, as well—he just wanted more and he wanted it now.

  As if she could read his mind, she parted her lips, easing back to stare at his dick before blowing over the tip again. He closed his eyes so tight it was quite possible they might never open again. It was a good thing that possibility didn’t last, since the moment he cracked his eyes it was to see her opening her mouth wider, leaning in to take him once more. She eased the one hand away from his balls to join the other at the base of his dick, holding it while she pressed the length into her mouth.

  “Fuck!” If he thought her beast was beautiful, there was no comparison to the way she looked feeding his dick inch by tantalizing inch into her mouth. Gripping her hair tighter, he tilted her head back.

  Her eyes were partially closed, long black lashes against the smooth umber tone of her skin. She was gorgeous, his mind couldn’t scream that loud enough. Once his dick had totally disappeared inside her mouth, he breathed through clenched teeth. Opening her eyes she watched him, watching her, as she held him in the heat of her mouth.

  “You’re killing me,” he murmured. “Fuckin’ killing me with this game you’re playing.”

  In response, she eased her head back a little and began bobbing over his dick, dragging his now slick length in and out, while sucking so hard he thought his brain would explode. He watched her cheeks hollow, moved his hands with the motion of her head and sighed as the drizzle of pleasure inched down his spine.

  “So damn good,” he moaned, and began slowly pumping into her mouth. “So. Damn. Good.”

  Her pace increased, her fingers moving along the bottom of his dick, slipping down to his balls. She sucked harder, faster, until he couldn’t hold on any longer and frankly, didn’t want to.

  “I can’t stop it, baby. Please don’t make me stop.” He groaned, his fingers tightening once again in her hair. Her answer was to cup his ass with one hand, holding him steady, while the other hand still worked over his sac and her mouth held his dick hostage.<
br />
  He closed his eyes, let his head drop back on his shoulders and moaned loud and long as his release soared to the tip of his dick and filled her mouth. She stilled for a few seconds, letting him thrust until every drop was free. In that time he’d seen the stars, moon, sun and an entire galaxy while his body drifted through a sated abyss. His heart hammered in his chest and when he finally thought he could speak without sputtering total nonsense, he looked down at her.

  She’d swallowed and eased his length out of her mouth, licking the last remnants of his essence from the tip before she looked up at him.

  “You don’t play fair,” he gasped.

  “Never claimed I did.” Even her triumphant smile was gorgeous as she came to her feet.

  “Yeah, well, now it’s my turn.” But just as he reached for her, a high-pitched screeching sound echoed in his ears.

  Mel jumped and looked around. She’d heard it too.

  “It’s Theo. That’s the signal for the clan. We gotta go.” He grabbed his clothes while she went back to the tree where she’d dropped hers when they first came out. Once they were dressed they headed for the Office. Aiken’s mind circled back to the moment his beast had faltered in the sky, wondering if whatever Theo was calling them for, had any connection.

  Experience said it was probably so. Seems the beast had adopted Aiken’s habit of following his gut.

  * * *

  “Glad you could join us.” Reese never missed an opportunity to take a jab at whoever was in his sights at the moment. And since it seemed he’d fixated his attention on Aiken and Mel, the minute they walked into the conference room, he’d pounced.

  Like any other annoyance, it was better to ignore him. “What’s up?” he asked Theo as he took the seat beside Mel.

  Steele and Magnum were seated at the table along with Reese. Theo and Bleu were standing.

  “The others can jump in when they arrive. Let’s get started.” Theo pulled out the chair he normally sat in while Bleu activated the holographic screen behind him.


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