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Safe With Me, Special Edition

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by Shaina Richmond

  Safe With Me, Special Edition

  Shaina Richmond


  * * *

  This is a special edition of an erotic romance series. It includes all parts published to date. The series will end in Part 8, tentatively scheduled for April or May of 2012.

  For more information please visit the author's website (see "From the Author" below).

  ### From the Author

  Shaina Richmond

  The first part of this series is available for free at most major retailers. I do not have the ability to make it free at Amazon. That is all I am allowed to say about it here.

  Safe With Me, Parts 1 through 7

  By Shaina Richmond

  Copyright 2011 Shaina Richmond

  Published by Hartley Independent, a division of

  Gossamer Publishing, LLC

  All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

  Join the mailing list at Shaina Richmond's website to receive an email when the next part is added:


  Tuesday, October 5, 2010

  I watched her walk inside the coffee shop. I didn’t know the pretty blonde's name but I was sure we had a few classes together.

  As she walked to the counter a strap of her backpack caught the top of her t-shirt, pulling the material tight against her left breast. It lifted her shirt, showing a little of her soft stomach. She stopped walking and stood still while she yanked the bottom of her t-shirt back down to her waist. Her left hand tugged vigorously at the backpack. I heard her groan as the strap stayed in place, holding her plump, massive breast captive.

  I chuckled as I took a sip of my iced tea. After a half hour of studying the not-so-exciting world of municipal bond markets, my classmate’s struggle was a welcomed distraction.

  My eyes focused on the gorgeous breast twenty feet in front of me. It was covered by a thin, pink cotton t-shirt that did nothing to hide the firmness of her nipple. She wore a white hooded sweatshirt over her t-shirt. It didn’t look heavy enough to keep her warm on such a cold day.

  Should I try to help her? Surely I was strong enough to loosen that stubborn backpack. And, in doing so, I could make a clever comment about how cold it must be outside for her nipple to get so hard. She’d laugh and toss her head back. Her long blond hair would fall off her shoulders onto her back in slow motion. Thankful for my help, she’d lift up her shirt to give me a better look at her tits before I rip her clothes off and throw her down on the dirty hardwood floor.

  Shit, I gotta stop watching so much porn. My cock tightened against my zipper. I shifted my weight in my chair, trying to move things around without being obvious.

  Finally, her backpack let go of her shirt. She shook her head and walked toward the counter, carrying the backpack on her arm like a purse.

  “You all right?” The barista chuckled. “Havin’ some trouble today?”

  She smiled. “Yes, actually. It’s been one heck of a day already.”

  He leered at her as she read the menu on the wall.

  “I’ll have a large iced latte,” she said.

  “You want whipped cream? It doesn’t come with it but I’ll give it to you anyway,” he said.

  Does he really think that’s impressive?

  "Aw, that's so sweet of you," she said.

  “No problem.” He gave her a dorky smile. “What’s your name?”


  "Susie… I'm Greg. Nice to meet you."

  "Nice to meet you, too." She smiled at Greg, then slung her backpack over her right shoulder and walked away from the counter, stopping a few feet from my table.

  I saw her scan the room, biting her lower lip. I turned around in my chair to assess the seating situation. I hoped she needed to prepare for the next day’s test in Finance 202 so I could invite her to sit with me without looking desperate. I imagined her tits accidentally brushing against me as we huddled together to discuss our questions. Maybe I could reach across her for a pen while her hard nipples casually dig into my arm…

  I felt my cock push against my metal zipper again.

  "Susie! Iced latte!"

  "Thanks, hon."

  She gave Greg a little wave and another smile and picked up her drink. I glanced at the table to my right and saw a guy lean forward in his chair, watching her intently as she stepped away from the counter.

  I knew it was time for me to pounce before the other guy could offer her a seat. I waved. "Need a place to sit?"

  She turned toward me, her head cocked to the side. "Yeah. Do I know you?"

  I extended my hand and rose slightly from my chair. "Tyler Campbell." It took all of my effort not to stare at her chest as I introduced myself.

  "Susanna Lombardi.” Her hand felt cold from being outside but her skin was soft. I gently moved my arm up and down to see if her tits would bounce a little as we shook hands. They did. I'm evil.

  "Lombardi? You don't look Italian." Shit, my flirting skills are rusty.

  "Yeah, I get that a lot,” she said. Her voice was low for a woman, with a hint of a Southern accent.

  She sat down across from me and put her backpack on the table. While she was busy getting her books out, I used the opportunity to stare at her for a few seconds, unnoticed.

  Her t-shirt fit loosely, showing her supple, milky white skin down to the top of her cleavage. I imagined those huge, milky white breasts attached to her soft, plump body, bouncing up and down on top of me.

  My eyes went from her cleavage to her eyes as she continued. "I know I'm too light to look Italian. A lot of people think I'm nuts for not trying to be darker. But I don't wanna look like a leather purse when I'm 30."

  "There's nothing wrong with your paleness," I said. "You shouldn't try to change the way you are. It's very nice." I wanted to pay her another compliment but I was too distracted by my visualization of her soft, naked body and the thought of my tongue gliding across her hard nipple. I couldn’t remember another time when I’d been so flustered by perverted thoughts of a beautiful woman I’d just met.

  "That's sweet of you. But it's easy for you to say. Tans are favored in this college town." I could see straight down her shirt when she leaned across the table, casually laying her forearm across mine. "See the difference? You make me look like a ghost."

  After a few seconds she drew her arm back as if nothing had happened. I hope I don't have to stand up for a while. I hadn't gotten hard in public since the tenth grade.

  I’d never been so attracted to a girl who looked like her before. Skinny brunettes with dark complexions usually caught my eye but I couldn’t remember reacting to any woman like I had the soft, curvy blonde with ivory skin sitting across from me. It didn't help that a subtle, peachy vanilla scent lingered in the air after she leaned across the table.

  Susie took a long look at
my hair. "I love your hair. It's so healthy it makes me sick. You don’t see many long-haired guys around here.”

  My hair was long but not quite halfway down my back. I wore it down that day instead of my usual ponytail.

  "I'm Indian,” I said. “Uh, I mean, American Indian, mostly. My mom is half Indian and half something else. We're not sure what.”

  She laughed, to which I responded with nervous chuckling. Damn, I need to be careful before I say something really stupid. I picked up my iced tea and took a drink, trying to get my thoughts in order.

  "Well, Tyler, whatever genes your mother gave you, they've made you very handsome." Without pause, and without eye contact, she changed the subject. "So, are you studying for the test in McCray's class tomorrow?"

  I wondered if I should respond to her compliment. I decided not to, considering how quickly she’d moved on. But at least I knew what she thought of my looks.

  "Yes. You?" I asked.

  "Yes. I should’ve studied more for the last one. I won't be caught off guard this time. He's tricky but as long as you work through the examples in the book, his tests are no big deal.” She paused to drink her frozen coffee before continuing. “I did that for the first test and got a 98. I got a 90 last time because I was lazy. Don't spend too much time on the lecture notes."

  "That's good to know. I’ve gotten a 92 and an 84 so far. Maybe we could go through the examples together?" I asked.

  "Yes! I’d love that." Her gray-blue eyes widened.

  The way she smiled and responded to my unusually dorky conversation made me breathe a little easier. "So," I asked. "You said your name’s Susanna, but I heard you tell Greg at the counter that your name is Susie. Which do you prefer?"

  "I don't care, really. Susie's fine. But it sounds like a little girl's name. Call me whichever one you want. I just ask that you pick one and stick with it. I'm like a trained dog. If I get used to your voice calling me Susie, I won't know who you're talking to if you call me Susanna."

  I laughed.

  "I'm serious!" She giggled. "I'm such a weirdo. Some people call me both. So, you can call me either one but make sure to use them equally or I'll get really confused."

  I smiled, knowing I was already in the first stage of developing a serious crush on her.

  We opened our books to discuss the text. In less than an hour I’d moved to the chair on her left. I made it look innocent enough, like I just wanted to be close enough to compare my work with hers, side by side. My arm got to brush against her breasts a couple accident, of course (ahem).... I was sure she hadn't noticed.

  Our conversation deviated from the books in front of us quite a bit as the hours flew by. She immediately recognized a line from one of my favorite movies when I quoted it, leading to a long discussion of obscure movies we both liked that most of our friends hated. That led to a discussion of TV, then video games. I’d never met a girl before who liked video games as much as I did. I was usually afraid to tell girls I’d spent a year of my life addicted to an online role-playing game but she admitted to playing the same game. She shook her head and blushed when I tried to get her to admit just how long she played.

  Susie was so very different from the boring girls I'd met since I transferred for summer school in May. She was quirky and interesting. Talking with her was easy, like catching up with an old friend. It would’ve been even easier if I could’ve controlled my thoughts of ripping her clothes off.

  Greg's shift ended at 8:00 pm. I only knew because at approximately 8:01 pm he plunked a frozen latte down in front of her.

  "It's on the house. And it's decaf. Want you to be able to sleep tonight." He winked.

  Yeah, I bet you do.

  "Wow, thank you. I love the customer service here." She smiled and picked up her free drink. "I'll be back."

  "Good. I'll be here."

  And then he left. Damn, I thought. Blond hair and big boobs will get you a lot of free things in life. "Does that kind of thing happen to you a lot?" I asked.

  "What?" She asked as she placed the straw in her mouth to drink from Greg's frozen decaf cup of desperation.

  Fuck, why did she have to put her lips on that straw while she was looking me in the eye? I almost lost my train of thought.

  "Oh please. You know what I'm talking about,” I said.

  "No, not a lot. But I like to be nice to people. I believe you reap what you sow. Kindness goes a long way."

  So do blond hair and big boobs! Not to mention her plump lips, skin like a porcelain doll, and a deep, sexy voice that could make serious money in the business of phone sex. Everything about her drove me crazy. I was glad the table covered my lap.

  After about 9 o'clock we stopped trying to steer the conversation back to the finance test. Instead, we bounced between more important topics, such as how much we both hated the color yellow, we both preferred snakes to spiders, and the fact that we each had Facebook accounts we barely used because we hated drama.

  She went on to ask about my family and their ties to the reservation. I gave her the whole story about my grandmother leaving to marry a white man. After hearing my own voice for longer than I felt was necessary, I told her we didn’t have to talk about it anymore but she begged me to go on, her eyes wide as she listened. I forgot what I was talking about more than once as my eyes wandered to her lips, and occasionally further down her body.

  I tried to hide my disappointment when I looked at my watch to see both hands pointing at 12. The hours had flown by like seconds. I had to think of ways to see her again. Maybe she could use a study partner? Was it desperate if I asked for her number?

  "I had a great time studying with you, Susie."

  "Me too, Tyler. I can’t believe it’s already midnight."

  We stood outside the coffee shop. Her gorgeous pale skin glowed in the light of the full moon. I wondered if she would think it was weird if I hugged her goodbye. I was desperate to know how her fleshy body would feel against mine. Damn, I also wanted to feel it under me and on top of me and in positions I'd only seen online.

  Maybe I could give her a ride home? It wasn't safe for her to walk alone. Besides, I also wanted to know where she lived. Maybe next time we could study at her place - maybe her bedroom. "Do you need a ride home?" I tried not to sound too hopeful.

  "I usually take the Drunk Bus from the Rec center a few blocks away,” she said.

  Ah, the Drunk Bus - a University method of transporting students between facilities late at night to cut down on drunk driving. I’d been warned to stay off of it unless I wanted vomit all over my clothes.

  "My car’s right here." I gestured toward the parking lot. "Why don't I drive you instead?"

  "Are you sure? The bus goes to Bailey Hall and I usually just walk a few blocks home from there,” she said.

  "A pretty girl like you shouldn't be out walking alone at night. Come on, I'm driving. I insist."

  She grinned. "Okay. If you insist.” I couldn't tell if the grin was in return for my compliment or not.

  We walked to the small gravel parking lot beside the coffee shop.

  "Here's my Cadillac," I said.

  I drove a champagne colored 1980 Chevy Malibu I’d rebuilt by myself a few years earlier. It wasn't the sexiest car in the world but I loved it.

  "Ooh! Is that a Malibu?" Her mouth hung open.

  Is she actually excited about this car? "Yes." I was stunned that she knew what it was.

  "I knew someone who had one like this. It's an 80, 81?"

  "Eighty," I answered.

  "It has a lot of power, right? I drove it and loved it. I could outrun anybody on the road. I like a car with power. When I hit the gas, I want it to move.”

  Looking back, I'm pretty sure that's the moment I fell in love with her.

  Susie and I got in my car and headed to her place. She made several more compliments about the Malibu, especially when I stepped on the gas. She seemed impressed when I told her I rebuilt the engine myself.

p; She was so fucking cool. I liked having her next to me. Her sweet, peachy vanilla scent slowly filled the car. My mind wandered to long trips we could take together, talking, laughing and listening to the radio. Of course, my mini fantasies ended with us in the backseat.

  She told me to stop in front of a two story brick house on Grant Avenue in a quaint little neighborhood. It was different from most of the residential areas close to campus. None of the houses looked like they were ready to fall over from years of too many parties.

  "How many roommates do you have?" I asked.

  "I live alone."

  "In this huge house?" It was one of the biggest houses on her street. "How did you manage that?"


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