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Safe With Me, Special Edition

Page 6

by Shaina Richmond

  The others weren't in the house yet. Almost immediately, Michael and Dan made their way inside the house behind Joan and closed the door.

  Ahhhh... closing the door. That would've been smart.

  Dan, Michael, and I went to the kitchen and each helped ourselves to a beer then headed to the living room. Michael turned on the Wii. Yeah, we're not studying, I told myself.

  Joan and Susie disappeared into the kitchen. I wondered if they were talking about me, or about whatever crisis Joan called her about the day before.

  Dan opened a closet in the back of the living room that looked enormous from where I stood. He got out the drums and guitar for Rock Band.

  "Don’t you guys ever study?" I asked.

  "Once in a while," Dan said.

  Well, at least I'll have some fun today. My roommates played this once in a while. I would occasionally sing if it was a song I really liked, or if I'd had enough to drink.

  "Honestly, we do study," Michael said, "but that test today was brutal. I think we need to relax."

  "Also, we're getting pretty good at this," Dan said. I found him surprisingly tolerable."You should've been here over the weekend. We downloaded some new songs."

  "You mean at the party?" I asked.

  "Yeah. We all took turns playing and anybody who wasn't playing an instrument was playing a drinking game. Every time we messed up they took a drink,” Dan said.

  "All of us were tore up by 8 o’clock!" Michael said.

  They both erupted in laughter.

  I already liked being a part of this group. It was different from hanging out with my roommates, who had been my primary social group since I moved there several months earlier.

  In the corner of the living room was a 60 inch flat screen LED HDTV. Inside the large, black console under the TV I saw a Wii, a PS3, an Xbox, and several other electronic devices that I didn't have time to identify before Michael shut the doors of the console. No wonder everybody's over here all the time. I wondered how she could afford all that stuff.

  I chuckled to myself as I realized why I hadn't noticed the huge TV the first time I was in her living room.

  The girls were still in the kitchen when we started to play. The guys picked a song I didn't know very well. I offered to play drums. Michael sang and Dan played guitar.

  I was a much better drummer than I thought. I was sure it was nothing like playing real drums though.

  The song ended. Michael picked another one. I didn't object. It took my mind off the fact that I wasn't having sex with Susie.

  Susie and Joan were still in the kitchen talking. I secretly wondered if something was going on between the two of them. But Joan trusted me enough to tell me a secret that seemed very painful to her. If she said they stopped having sex over a year ago, I had no reason not to believe her. But, was I naive? What if Joan had an agenda? Maybe she still liked her and secretly wanted to ruin my chances. No, I didn't think that was it. I was usually quite perceptive about people. Joan seemed really needy and desperate for love, and that's how she ended up with a crush on her best friend. I figured that was probably how she ran Caleb off.

  Still, I wondered what I would find if I walked into the kitchen.

  The song ended and I got up to get another beer. In the kitchen I saw Joan and Susie sitting a table, laughing.

  "So, what's going on in here?" I asked.

  "Nothing. Joan was just telling me about a guy she met over the weekend."

  "Oh really?" I asked. I felt relieved.

  "Yeah," Joan said. "It was funnier in person though."

  "I find that hard to believe," Susie said, laughing.

  I opened the fridge to get another beer. "I think they're waiting on me. You two should come join us," I said as I headed back to the living room.

  "We will," Susie said.

  I walked back to the living room where we played another song. Michael wanted to play drums. I played guitar. Dan sang with gusto. I was surprised to find myself laughing.

  I turned around after the song to see Joan and Susie sitting on the couch. They clapped and cheered for us. I was thrilled to see her sitting there in about the same spot on the couch where I had defiled her the night before.

  It was 4:45 pm. Susie said she needed us all to leave by 5:30. I was disappointed that I wouldn't get to be alone with her. But I was glad to be having a good time with new friends.

  Michael picked another song. "It's Susie's turn!" he yelled. "Sing!"

  "Uhhh... I haven't had anything to drink."

  "Come on, you know you want to!" Michael stared at her.

  "Well, not really, but okay." She got up and took the microphone. I sat on the couch with Joan.

  I could see why they wanted her to sing. She had a pretty voice and she danced as she sang. Joan smiled at me when she caught me examining Susie as she moved in front of us.

  The song ended. "Okay," she said, "I did it. Who's next?"

  Joan piped up. "Me! I didn't get to sing at all the other night." She got up and took the microphone.

  Susie sat down next to me on the couch. I could have tried to get another turn with the guitar or drums but I was right where I wanted to be. I tried to maintain my composure. I couldn’t stop thinking about the things I did to her the night before, and how great it would be to go for ‘The Couch, Part II.’

  The song started. Joan was obviously the best singer so far. I knew I had limited time to talk to Susie alone as they played.

  I leaned down to speak into her ear. Her hair smelled like coconuts. I let myself inhale her scent for a second. "So... the blanket.... did you wash it?" I wished I had taken it with me to keep as a souvenir.

  She turned her head to look at me, then she licked her lips. I moved my ear closer to her mouth when I saw she wanted to speak. "It's drying right now," she whispered. I closed my eyes for second, enjoying the feel of her breath against my cheek. "You really had me worked up. That blanket was in bad shape."

  Mmmm... the thought of her juices flowing...she tasted so good. It drove me crazy to sit on that couch with her again. I wanted to rip her clothes off.

  "So what are you doing tonight that you need us to leave at 5:30?" I asked. I tried to sound innocently curious. But really, I wondered if she had plans with someone else, and whether or not I should be jealous.

  Susie licked her lips again and looked into my eyes. Then she turned her face to whisper in my ear. “I was kinda hoping I'd be doing you at 5:30.”

  I almost dropped my beer.

  "Oh! Yeah.... Wow… Yeah." I couldn't find a response. Yeah. She's definitely my dream girl.

  "So..." she whispered in my ear, "let everybody leave. If anybody notices, I'll make up some reason why I need you to stay."

  I was thrilled to be the subject of her evening again, especially since it was a total surprise. My earlier disappointment turned into frustration that I had to wait another forty five minutes to get her out of those clothes.

  But a part of me was still disappointed. Why did she insist on keeping it a secret? Was it because she would eventually tire of me and she didn't want to have to explain it to the group? I really hoped the day would come when I could be her boyfriend and we could be open and proud of our relationship. We could just excuse ourselves and go to her bedroom and let everybody stay out here doing whatever they wanted as long as they could handle our noise. If she were my girlfriend, I'd be proud to let people hear us. Damn proud.

  "So, how do you know I don't already have plans tonight myself?" I asked, resisting the urge to take her hand and drag her to another room.

  "I don't. I was just being optimistic. Why? Do you need to be somewhere?"

  "Absolutely not," I whispered into her ear. I kissed her cheek as my face brushed past hers. The song was just about to end. It was excruciating to have to wait another half hour to be alone with her. It wasn't even 5:00 yet.

  The song finally stopped. Michael checked his phone and listened to his voicemail. "Well, it's been fun you guys
, but I have to go. Roommate crisis." He didn't elaborate.

  "Yeah, I should probably go too," Dan said. "Got some business to take care of." I didn't care enough to ask.

  Susie gave me a quick glance and a big smile. "Well, I'm sorry you guys couldn't stay longer. Thanks for stopping by." I ran to help the guys put the instruments back in the closet, trying to get them out of the house as fast as possible.

  We said goodbye to Dan and Michael. The only one left was Joan. She looked at both of us, grinning from ear to ear. "I guess I'll be leaving now."

  "What is it?" Susie asked.

  "Oh, come on! I'm not stupid. I walked in on you earlier! Have a good time." She hugged Susie goodbye at the door. "Tyler - it's been fun." She hugged me quickly.

  "Thanks, Joan." I said.

  I couldn't believe my luck. Everybody left early. And Joan seemed to be fine with me and Susie spending more time alone together. Maybe she really is over her.

  As soon as the door shut behind Joan, Susie turned the deadbolt, then took my hand and led me to the stairs. "Let me give you the upstairs tour," she said.

  "Sure." I held her hand as she led me up the stairs in silence, then to a room on the right. She flicked the light switch on as she walked inside. "Okay, here's my bedroom. Great tour, huh?"

  "Awesome tour." I immediately grabbed the hem of her shirt and pulled it up over her head. She smiled as she wiggled out of it. Then I reached behind her and unhooked her bra and pulled it off, watching her soft ivory breasts bounce out of it. I walked her backwards to the bed, stopping when the back of her legs touched her bedspread.

  "I'm not sure what I wanna do first," I said, then bent down to kiss her as my fingers tugged at her zipper. Even though I didn’t know where to start, I knew I’d need her completely naked.

  "Just do whatever you feel like doin’, baby," she said between kisses. I loved how she called me "baby" in her sexy drawl.

  I had a feeling I could ask her to act out any sexual fantasy and she’d do it. Part of me wondered if I was so horny for her because I had gone so long without regular sex - except with myself in the privacy of my own bedroom. Maybe I was sexually frustrated and she was a refuge I didn't know I needed.

  I stopped kissing her for a moment and pulled her pants and panties to the floor. It turned me on to have her standing there naked while I was still wearing my clothes. I wanted to totally ravish her and I didn't feel like being gentle about it. Maybe I shouldn't have waited so many months to do this.

  She stood in front of me, smiling. Just like the night before, she made no mention of turning out the light. Her body was beautifully curvy. Her skin was so pale, so perfect. I felt like I’d waited years to see that soft, naked body again. My eyes focused on her tits, then her mouth, then her tits again, then ran up and down her body from her head to her pretty, red toenails. Too many choices. A good problem to have, I thought to myself.

  "Tyler..." she said, breathlessly, "do whatever you want. I'm yours tonight."

  It would've been better if she'd just said "I'm yours" and not added "tonight." But I was willing to live for tonight. At once, I unzipped my pants and kicked them off. I rushed toward her and, using my left arm between her legs and my right arm behind her back, picked her up and laid her down on the bed, hard. The blankets on the bed gave her a soft landing. But she hit the bed with a resounding "whack."

  "Whoa!" she yelled.

  "I'm so sorry!" I felt so stupid. I hoped she wasn't hurt. I just wanted her on the bed, and fast. Especially after she told me she was all mine.

  "No, it's okay." She smiled and giggled. "You surprised me! But, really, it’s okay. I like it rough."

  "Good. Because I have no desire to be gentle with you." Standing at the side of the bed, I took one of her ankles in each of my hands and pulled them as far apart as possible. Without hesitation, I rammed into her as hard as I could.

  "Yes!" she screamed. She was so wet. Not as soaked as she was the night before, but we'd only just started.

  I pulled all the way out and looked down at her. I held her thighs and pulled her toward me so I could have more control of her body. I wanted to hammer her. I don't know what came over me. In my thoughts about her earlier in the day I wanted to take my time with her, but when she told me 15 minutes earlier she had scheduled her entire night to have sex with me, it brought out something else.

  With her thighs in my arms I was able to guide her hips closer to mine. I thrust myself into her again, harder than before. She let out a beautiful high pitched scream. Her huge tits bounced chaotically.

  I pounded her a few more times before I fantasized about dominating her. I wondered what it would be like to tie her up and do whatever I wanted to her body. I didn't want to hurt her--I just wanted to get to know her body without her feeling the need to reciprocate. I hoped she'd be into it.

  So many thoughts went through my head. I wanted to fuck her. I wanted to taste her again. I wanted to tie her up and have my way with her. I wanted to spank her. I felt like an idiot. I couldn't concentrate enough to keep going.

  I pulled out of her and gently set her thighs back down on the bed, then sat down next to her. My thoughts were erratic. Our first time together was amazing but it was a surprise. I'd had hours since then to think about what else I'd like to do with her. It was too much.

  "What's wrong?" she asked. "Did you hurt yourself?" She sat up.

  "No. I think I just got too excited." I took a deep breath. I might as well be honest with her. "I hadn't been with anybody in a long time before last night. There are so many things I wanna do to you. I don't know where to start."

  "Oh," she said, softly. "That's really sweet." She smiled and looked at me, her eyes narrowed. I could tell she was genuinely touched by what I'd just said. I didn't know how to react. Not that I expected horror or disgust. I just didn't expect her to think it was sweet.

  "You think it's sweet?" I laughed. "Susanna Lombardi, I have never met anybody like you." I felt like a tool. And she seemed touched by what I'd just said--unbelievable.

  She laughed and slid closer to me on the bed. She ran her fingers through my hair, then pulled my face toward her and kissed me, slowly. She took my bottom lip into her mouth a little and sucked on it, licking it methodically. Her breathing was heavy as her tongue massaged my mouth. I let myself receive her kiss for a long time at her slow, steady pace. It somehow calmed me down to focus on nothing but that kiss.

  She stopped kissing me and pulled away, looking into my eyes. She was sexy as hell sitting there naked in front of me.

  "You know, Tyler, we could have more than just tonight. If you want, you can come over this Saturday and we can do whatever kinky things you've always wanted to do." She smiled and pulled my shirt up to take it off. Her voice was low and soft. "But - I don't want to assume you don't have plans again." She smiled. Oh, that gorgeous smile... "Like, maybe you have football to watch or something."

  "I can be here Saturday." It was a relief to know she wasn't done with me yet. I wanted her as my girlfriend at some point. But right then, I was horny as hell and I wanted to have as much sex with her as possible. She was my fantasy, and she had unleashed something within me I didn't know was there. I needed her.

  "Good." She took my dick in her hand and moved tightly around the shaft, then up and down a few times. Then she stopped. "Sit up with your back against the headboard."

  I moved one of her pillows out of the way and scooted back to the headboard. She quickly positioned herself to straddle me.

  "I hope this is all right," she said. "I've been thinking about doing this all day." She lowered herself down onto my cock as far as she could go until I felt her cervix.

  "Mmmm.... yes," I said. My eyes rolled back. "You are fantastic." I felt her pussy tighten around me.

  She lowered herself down, rose up, then slowly back down. I was reminded of the previous day when I thought about her milky white breasts and soft, plump body bouncing up and down on my dick. She wasn’t quite
bouncing yet but I knew she would be soon. It was a dream come true.

  Her pussy got wetter by the second, dripping down onto my balls. It felt more intimate to me than I imagined it did to her. We looked into each others eyes, smiling. I played with her tits as she slowly moved up and down on top of me. It didn't feel like casual sex to me. It felt like warm, slow love-making.

  I knew I was getting attached to her. Instead of over-thinking it and getting weird on her for the second time that night, I let my thoughts go where they wanted. I felt close to her like I'd known her for years. Like she wasn't someone I’d just met the day before. She was someone I loved right then. And she loved me back--in my mind. She leaned her face toward me and kissed me roughly and passionately as we fucked--as we made love. It turned me on even more to think about it that way.


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