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Across the Stars and Ashes (Guardians of the Night Book 3)

Page 5

by Pixie Lynn Whitfield

  “You look like hell. No pun. We don’t have that system just because we’re known as Fallen or whatever, you know.”

  Draven didn’t stop to respond right away, and instead began gulping down a bottle of blood. When that was gone, he took a deep breath, and despite the urge to grab another, turned to look at his odd newly-informed brother.

  “I think you need to learn what puns are. And jokes in general before you try to make them.”

  The Fallen shrugged.

  Draven caved and grabbed another bottle.

  He grabbed a third while he was drinking the second, already knowing he would need it as well.

  “What is up with you?” Seth certainly noticed, too. He looked genuinely worried. The others began to turn and stare in their direction out of curiosity. He began to wonder if they knew anything about him and where he’d come from all along as well. When he began to scan his eyes around the room at each individual, some took his gaze with no trouble. Some adverted theirs away with clear guilt or shame. But he didn’t have time to stand around and question them.

  “I don’t know. You and I have to go though. Thomas said he’d explain on the way. Get your gear and come on.” With the third bottle finished and discarded, at least he felt mostly satisfied and the pounding was back down to a dull ache again. The unexplainable up-and-down emotional roller coaster of fury and sorrow had felt sated for now. It’d even become easier to walk. On the way out with Seth, he grabbed one more bottle, along with a bottle of whiskey, to carry with him. There might be a long trip ahead, he didn’t know.

  He couldn’t help but wonder why it’d taken him so much to try and recover, and yet still not feel completely whole? It’d never been an issue for him to have to have that much blood at once. Draven started to fear what Thomas would tell them.

  Chapter Thirteen


  “I hope you know what you’re doing.” Draven narrowed his eyes at Thomas as they climbed into the SUV. He took a quick swig from the whiskey bottle. Seth frowned at him and he shrugged carelessly. It wasn’t like he was the one driving.

  In fact, during their brief meeting in the office, a few of the Fallen had happened to be eavesdropping and now it seemed the whole damn place was getting abandoned to go on this trip. When the engine cranked courtesy of the Fallen driver—Cam if he could remember the name correctly—the other vehicles behind in the garage cranked up as well.

  “How long is this trip?” he asked after taking another swig of the stinging drink. He winced.

  “Will you take it easy with that shit?” Seth yanked the bottle away from him. Draven let out a growl and lunged toward him.

  Thomas, up in the front passenger seat, spun his head toward them and let out a shout. “Hey! How about the both of you put an end to the bullshit right now and focus on the task?”

  Draven stopped grappling for the bottle and sat back with an angry grunt. Seth huffed and tossed it down to the floorboard.

  “Yeah, now I can certainly tell you two are brothers,” Thomas added before turning back to face the front. “And it’s a long trip so get comfortable.”

  “You never answered my other questions.” Draven snapped.

  “Ethan called shortly after I was done with the dream walk or whatever. He’s there and willing to help. Right now, it might not be a bad idea.”

  “And you think you can trust him after everything? He just up and disappeared after they took her. Come on now, we could be heading straight into a trap.” Draven stared at the back of his friend’s head. Thomas didn’t turn to face him when he let out a loud sigh.

  “Does it really matter? We know where she is. If you knew you were still heading toward a trap, would you still go try and get her?”

  Draven’s fists clenched in fury on his lap. What kind of ridiculous question was that?

  “I thought so, too.” Thomas replied as if reading his thoughts before falling into a numbing silence again.

  They must’ve been traveling in silence for at least another thirty minutes before Draven finally had the courage to approach the subject he’d been worrying himself over all evening. His hands were shaking against the armrest of the door as he tried to hurry and tuck them against his chest, flexing his fingers a few times before crossing his arms. He could really go for another drink when the agitation started bubbling to the surface again.

  “Did I lose it, Thomas?” he finally burst, breaking the silence. He continued in a rush because he could feel another heavy onset of unexplained feeling and pain making its way through his body. “Did I lose the Bond with Zarah somehow? What is going on with me?” As he finished asking, the hard pounding returned to his temples but he clenched his teeth and ignored the annoying pain.

  He saw Seth turn to him in shock before his attention went to Thomas to wait for an answer.

  “Is he serious? Can that even be done? How?” Seth was asking incredulously. He moved closer to the middle of the seat. Draven tried to inch away from him. He didn’t need the pity.

  Thomas slowly turned in his seat to face them. He had tears in his eyes from what Draven could see in the dark interior of the vehicle. The bright neon blue dash illuminated the growing red rings of his bloodied hazel irises.

  “It can be done if a piece of her is gone… The only way this is possible is either she’s dead, or she’s been turned Rogue again. And she’s not dead.”

  Chapter Fourteen


  The frenzy pounded at Zarah’s temples. She could hear Lucas speaking as she lay curled against the wall of the small room, but his voice sounded like it was in a tunnel. Her teeth clenched against the onslaught of the stomach cramps and chills.

  “Well… You just thought you were hungry before. How about we test it now?”

  He’d leaned down to whisper. When she’d finally heard what he’d been trying to tell her, she forced her head up to look at him. Her lips peeled back to reveal the longer, more dangerous fangs, and nearly roared.

  “No. I want everyone out. Now!”

  She saw a small frown momentarily before his smile returned. “I find it interesting you’re already trying so hard to fight it. Maybe you do have more Warrior blood in you than I thought… Worthy of an honorable death, perhaps.” He turned away and started toward the door with his guards.

  “Nonetheless,” he continued, non-stopping as she watched his retreating back, “I’m certain you won’t be able to fight it long. Especially with your company.”

  She grabbed at her pounding head again, trying to focus on the fuzzy images around the room. Before the door closed behind Lucas and his guards, she saw a figure shoved violently into the room, landing hard on their stomach. They smelled strongly of blood, causing her to recoil back against the wall in horror and fear of the coming time in the confined space.

  “Zarah?” The voice began to wheeze, the body moving into a slow sitting position against the opposite wall. The seconds ticked by as she blinked her vision into a clearer adjustment and focused on her company. The scent of blood had already begun overwhelming her. She licked her lips, clenched her fists, and continued rooted to her tight corner.

  “Well… Ethan, it seems we are in a bit of a situation now.”

  Chapter Fifteen


  The Bond was gone and Draven had basically lost his mind when he found out the reason behind it. Being in a similar position once, Thomas wasn’t so stupid to not notice when his friend woke the other evening, exhibiting the symptoms of a broken Bond.

  After brief communications with Zarah, and then later his own past Rogue creator that he’s come to somewhat decent terms with, Ethan, he knew things were escalating where his sister was kept. He’d had no idea how far things would be taken though… or how quickly. As soon as he realized the Bond was split, he knew they’d have to act fast and make a change in his original plans.

  Seth had to punch Draven unconscious after the news sunk in of Zarah. He’d flipped and began lunging, screaming abo
ut her need for him and how idiotic everyone around him has been. Thomas didn’t blame his anger really, but he also needed him to try and calm down. So he was slightly grateful for Seth coming along for the ride after all.

  “You’re certain she’s Rogue?” Seth interrupted his thoughts from the backseat.

  Thomas glanced backwards at him, scrutinizing the concern he saw on the Fallen’s face. He hated the way the guy seemed to care so much about his sister. He swallowed the rising annoyance.

  “Yes, I’m sure.”

  “But she cured. I thought she couldn’t turn again.”

  “We’re not invincible,” he snapped before turning to stare out of the window again. He caught a brief glimpse of Cam clenching his fists on the steering wheel in silence but didn’t acknowledge the observation. What was with these Fallen?

  “Whatever.” Seth grumbled and shifted in the back seat. He kicked at something while getting comfortable. Probably the liquor bottle Draven brought with him, now in the floorboard somewhere half-empty.

  It was going to be a long drive if they couldn’t find a faster mode of transportation soon.

  Chapter Sixteen




  Zarah stared at Ethan from her corner. At least an hour must’ve passed since he was thrown into the room with her. He stared back. Neither of them had said anything else. They only sat in silence, staring at each other, waiting for the other to make the first move.

  She wasn’t blind though. Every time she shifted and hissed in pain from hunger and injuries, she saw him jump. He’d already moved into the best position he could in the corner across from her.


  Thump. Thump. Thump.

  Zarah continuously grabbed at her ears to ignore the thumping. It was a sound easily ignored by any normal Vampire or Halfling. A heartbeat. So rarely heard with Vampires, unless they’d been injured severely enough to make the organ work more than what they necessarily needed it for. Ethan’s body was trying to regenerate from his extensive injuries then, causing it to work louder and faster. And she could hear every beat when it pumped. The sound echoed throughout her head.

  She didn’t know why, or even care then, he’d been hurt and put in the room to be her meal. The more time that passed, the sweet smell of his blood put her one step closer to a frenzy. Taking a glance over at him again, she clamped her jaw in determination and continued to stay curled against the wall.

  Ethan finally broke the silence. “Zarah. You can, you know. Especially after what I did to your brother, and with helping Nathanial… Just think of it as that justice you’ve been wanting. It’ll help you survive. Do it.”

  She looked at him. The desire to accept his offer was almost overwhelming enough to have her lunging across the room. But no. No. She was determined to fight through this until her body could rid it. She only shook her head violently in protest, afraid to speak.

  He sighed, wincing at the same time. She swallowed.

  “Would you like to know how I ended up here like this at least?” When his question interrupted her humming some more minutes later, she stopped and stared at him again while waiting for him to continue.

  “Lucas walked in to my room earlier hoping to have a meeting with me about observations I’d promised to discuss before… Except when he walked in, he caught me in a sound sleep. He was unable to wake me, and knew what was going on because of his own abilities, because your brother was in the process of some dream visit or walk thing. Whatever it’s called.”

  “Thomas visited you?” Zarah finally managed to bring herself to stutter. He nodded in response with eyebrows raised.

  “Has he done that with you? It’s kind of creepy if you ask me.”

  She almost wanted to laugh but only nodded and waited for him to continue.

  “So yeah. Lucas pulled me out of the dream. He knows more than I’d hoped now.”

  “What do you mean?” She asked with caution. She could gather from the little detail his injuries were from Lucas and his other Warriors after he’d been caught playing them.

  “I’d been arranging to have your brother and Draven come here so that you’d have a way out. Now it’s not going to be such a big secret anymore… And that’s why he’d injected you with the Rogue poison. He wanted your Bond broken. I’m sorry.”

  Zarah could feel the inexplicable rage building. She hadn’t stopped to think about the Bond and Draven. How stupid of her? Of course it would be broken when she turned. He was lost to her now. All because of Ethan’s stupidity. She clenched her teeth to fight a growing growl and began to see red.

  “They’re still on their way, aren’t they?” She managed to choke out. He shrugged through a wince nonchalantly.

  “I’m assuming. I mean, why wouldn’t they come? I was supposed to meet them at a location in two days… Except I won’t be there now. Your brother is smart though, he’ll figure out something went wrong with the plan.”

  She wanted to lunge at him again. Her body was crawling away from the corner as if it had a mind of its own slowly, moving closer in a low crouch, stalking.

  Noticing the movement, Zarah quickly retreated back in horror and shut her eyes. She tried to not breathe in the smell. Despite that Ethan’s new Halfling blood, thanks to her some time ago, could cure her in the moment, she knew if she tried to take a bite she’d kill him. She was too far gone with starvation and the Rogue virus. In order to keep him alive, she had to sit and fight through it.

  As if reading her thoughts, Ethan started to move toward her. “I told you, do what you have to do. My blood will cure you. Even if it kills me in the process.”

  “I said no!” She snapped, glaring at him. Their eyes met and he backed away from her hard stare with a nod. They fell into another long, uncomfortable silence.

  Some minutes later, shouts and gunshots were heard throughout the halls taking their attention away from the current situation and causing confusion to the other side of their room.

  “What the hell…” Ethan started, forcing himself to stand while frowning. Zarah remained on the floor. The two of them traded glances between each other and the door. It was beginning to sound chaotic outside as more feet pounded through the hallways and muffled shouts reached their ears.

  When the door blew open, Zarah hissed and jumped to her feet preparing for a fight.

  “Sis, it’s just us. Calm down.” Thomas stood in the frame. Draven stood back, almost seemingly being held there by Thomas blocking him.

  Chapter seventeen


  Calm? She couldn’t do that. All the smells rushed in, causing her eyes to dart around in panic. Thomas began to step forward, and she leapt backward shaking her head violently and screaming.

  “Stay away from me!”

  She watched all three guys stand motionless at the edges of the room, staring back. Draven tapped his foot anxiously but held back as instructed from the silent warnings Thomas kept shooting at him with his eyes. He was the furthest from her.

  “Zarah, we have to go.” Thomas said finally. He took a slow step back to the door again and waited, watching her. She began to shake as it dawned on her. The only way her body could cure fast enough to feed from one of the ones she’d cured or turned before… or from one of the Fallen. She never thought she’d be in this situation again and it terrified her.

  Or she could stay. Let them get Ethan out. He could help with ending Lucas and his Warriors. She could stay locked up for whatever the amount of time her body needed to heal on bagged blood instead.

  But when she passed this idea on to the guys, they protested immediately with angered shouts. Thomas and Ethan threatened to step up and drag her out, in which she quickly scuttled back into a corner and began yelling and hissing at them. They retreated again, allowing her her space and a few more moments to gather herself together before the hall was checked to be clear.

  Zarah hung far back from the group. Their bloody stench was too m
uch for her to handle being too close. Because of this, Thomas gave her a pair of pistols in case she needed to defend herself. Ha! As much as she was starving, she knew all she’d need were her teeth if anyone tried to attack.


  The word became a single, pounding thought. Her feet felt heavy as she lagged behind the group, watching in a slow motion blur while they took on the occasional attack from the oncoming human workers and Warriors. There were concerns she knew she should be focusing on, but all she could think about was the red swimming in her vision.

  They’d stopped moving and she felt herself coming to her senses slightly when she slammed into Draven’s back. He turned abruptly, starting to reach out to try and steady her wobbly form, but she leapt away before his hand could make contact. He started to say something, an agitated expression already making its way across his features, before everything started to unfold.

  Zarah’s attention wasn’t on the group. It was on the room they’d ended up in.

  “Thanks for joining us again, Zarah.” Lucas said, malice filling his voice. Warriors surrounded them with their weapons in the round office where their group had stumbled into during the fight to get out of the building.

  “And I guess I should thank you for bringing your friends along as well,” he added with a harsh laugh. She released a growl, starting to lunge toward the psycho, only for one of the nearby Warriors to shout something incomprehensible. Before she knew it, there were gunshots, more yelling around her and a sharp pain in her leg. There were more shouts, flashes of light, and confusion.

  Sound became muted to Zarah, a slow-motion effect as pain replaced adrenaline and she began to tumble to the floor. The red swam in her vision. Suddenly, the fighting slowed. She heard weapons dropping, and the flashing subsided. Her hearing started to return to normal as the pain intensified.


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