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Hank & Fallon_Something Wonderful

Page 6

by Lynn Stark

  The ache in his leg let him know he probably shouldn’t, but Fallon ignored it in favor of spending time with his father. Mathew had spent a lot of time with him these past two weeks, but that was because he was an invalid. His grandfather had been there, too, talking about a trip to Maine he hoped they could make before the end of summer. He was very excited, and Fallon and his dad had listened with interest and amusement.

  “Sure. Where’s your car?”

  “Around the corner. I just had my annual physical. I’m good for another year. How’s the leg?”

  “Sore, but I’ll live.”

  They walked along the sidewalk, in the direction Hank had taken. Fallon rather hoped he would see the man again, but doubted he would do so, unless they visited the same store. Surely Hank would have left the parking lot by now?

  Nope. Hank was just backing out of the parking space when Fallon and his dad entered the lot. Fallon choked back a laugh as he saw how cautious Hank was as he maneuvered the small car.

  Mathew chuckled. “Cute car.”

  “Yes. Hank named it Zippy.”

  “Really? Doesn’t seem like he’s letting it do much zipping.”

  Laughing, Fallon slapped his father on the shoulder. “You have no idea. I’ll tell you about it on the way to the store.”

  Hank grinned and waved at them as he finally headed toward the street. Fallon waved back, as did his father, before Hank pulled out onto the street and drove away slowly.

  “You stay here. I’ll pick you up on the way out.”

  Fallon stood there while his father went for his car, wishing he was riding with Hank. It would have meant folding himself into the small car, but he wouldn’t have minded. Time spent with Hank was worth any discomfort he might have experienced.

  As they drove to the grocery store, Fallon told his father about his time with Hank that day, sharing a laugh with the older man. Once again, Mathew Connolly stated his opinion about how Fallon and Hank would be good together.

  Maybe they would, Fallon conceded to himself, but he was terrified to have any attempt he made to get to know Hank better blow up in his face.

  It was cowardly, but it was safe.

  Chapter Five

  What could he possibly have to offer a guy like Fallon? The question ran through Hank’s brain as he went over the inventory for the new winter coat display. It wasn’t the first time he wondered about Fallon. Hell, it wasn’t even the tenth time. He was becoming obsessed with the older man.

  Older man. How much older than Hank was Fallon? There had to be at least ten years’ difference between them, maybe more. Fallon had gone to a fancy university, was the owner of a successful business, and could probably have any man he wanted. Why would he even look twice at a former druggie? If Hank’s past drug use wasn’t bad enough, there was the fact that he had no formal education, and only had a few hundred dollars in savings after putting the down payment on Zippy.

  Fallon had returned to work a few days ago, and Hank lived for the moments when he would see his boss walking around the store, examining everything with a critical eye. If Fallon thought he was particular about the way his apartment was kept, it was nothing compared to how he wanted the store. Hank admired that, as did his coworkers. If anyone didn’t like the way Fallon ran the place, he had never heard them complain. It was a good place to work. Fallon paid a fair wage, and there were benefits, including contributions to the 401(k)s of the employees. If Hank worked at the store until he retired, he would have a nice sum awaiting him. That was a few decades away, however, and he was more interested in the here and now and the affects a certain man was having on him.

  Hank’s dick was particularly affected. There were times when it decided just the sight of Fallon was reason enough to get hard. Then Hank would be forced to straighten garments on the racks or shelves where his lower body would be hidden until he could distract himself long enough for his dick to behave.

  This attraction and fascination Hank felt for Fallon was probably an aberration. He would get over it. After all, he had been attracted to men before, and it had eventually faded. That’s what was happening now. It had to be, otherwise he had the idea he was in for some serious heartache.

  “Hey, Hank, the boss has called a meeting in his office after the store closes.”

  Swearing under his breath, Hank waved to his coworker. “Thanks. I’ll be there.”

  Closed in the office with Fallon and a dozen others wasn’t Hank’s idea of a good time. Why couldn’t the meeting be in the employee lounge? It didn’t feel as intimate as the room with Fallon’s personality stamped all over it. While the room was typical of the era it had been created, with dark paneling, shelves filled with books, and a desk larger than Hank’s car, Fallon had incorporated his personal touches, lessening the overall stiffness his great-grandfather had obviously desired when he had it designed.

  Deliberately lingering as others filed into Fallon’s office, Hank hoped to remain in the background. He was surprised to see that extra chairs had been brought in, suggesting that this wasn’t going to be a quick gathering. He sat down and hoped no one paid any attention to him.

  Fallon greeted them warmly. It couldn’t be said Fallon wasn’t a friendly guy. Everyone liked and respected him. Hank listened as their boss spoke about their sales during the past few months and what he hoped for the following quarter. He then surprised them by announcing that all employees would receive an increase in their wages, as well as a bonus. Hank heard the gasps of surprise all around him. So, this is why the people working the early shift had been so cheerful as they left. It explained a lot. Fallon must have asked them not to say anything, because as far as Hank could tell, everyone in the room was surprised.

  Fallon straightened from where he leaned on the edge of the massive, mahogany desk to reach for a stack of envelopes. He handed them out with a smile, graciously accepting the thanks from his employees. Each person filed out of the office then, and Hank’s brilliant plan to remain unnoticed only served to have him be the last one in the room with Fallon. Hell, he hadn’t even had enough time to fantasize about crawling under the desk and giving Fallon a blow job.

  “Maybe you can buy something nice for Zippy,” Fallon said as he looked down at Hank. His silver-gray eyes sparkled with mischief. “How are the two of you getting along?”

  “Great!” Hank said with a grin. “It’s nice not having to bother someone to bring me to work or pick me up. I mean, sure, there always seemed to be one of my housemates in town, but I still like having the freedom to come and go.”

  “And how are other things going?”

  They had never discussed in detail the hows and whys of Hank being in Silver, but Fallon was no dummy. He knew. “They’re going pretty well. Better, actually, than I thought they would. I mean, I had thought I would struggle more. Not that I don’t have moments when I get cravings,” he admitted, grimacing. “And I have to fight it, but it’s not as hard as it used to be.”

  The smile Fallon gave him warmed Hank all the way down to his toes. “I’m glad to hear that.” Fallon cleared his throat and paused. He looked closely at Hank, and Hank could see the color rising in his handsome face. “I know this will be unexpected,” he began, causing Hank’s heart to begin to pound in his chest. “And tell me if I’m out of line.” Okay, out with it, Hank thought, his fingers curling around the envelope he was holding. “Would you consider going to supper with me Thursday night? I know it’s your night off, so if you have other plans, I’ll understand if you can’t.”

  The last was rushed out, as if Fallon was giving Hank the perfect excuse not to accept. It was strange to see Fallon so uncertain. Lacking confidence was something Hank would never have suspected the man capable of.

  “Uh, yeah, okay,” Hank told him awkwardly. They had eaten together before. Several times, in fact, as Hank had prepared meals in the apartment and Fallon had asked Hank join him. “Sounds good.”

  “Are you sure? I mean, I have no expectations b
eyond sharing a meal with you.”

  Damn, Hank thought. He would have to work on that. He stared up at Fallon as his dick got hard and his face heated up.

  “You need to expand your expectations,” Hank whispered, hoping the guy got his meaning.

  Fallon straightened and moved closer to Hank. His eyes were darkening. They were the gray of storm clouds. It wasn’t fire Hank was seeing in their depths, but lightning. The sudden intensity in the man’s gaze struck deep into Hank’s core.

  “Tell me something, Hank. Do you feel obligated to do this?”

  “Obligated?” he parroted stupidly.

  “Because you work for me. Do you feel obligated to go to supper with me…to help me expand my expectations?”

  Hank shook his head. “No. Should I?”

  “No. Never. Your job is secure, no matter how this might or might not turn out between us.”

  Swallowing hard, Hank’s gaze dropped to the man’s lips. They were firm and begging for Hank to lick them. He licked his own instead, as they were suddenly dry. He rubbed his fingertips on the slacks he wore. “Good to know, but I wasn’t worried. You’re an honorable man. You would never do anything so despicable as to use your power over me to get what you want.”

  “And you, Hank, would you use the power you have over me for your own gain?”


  His gaze was now on Fallon’s Adam’s apple. Hank wanted to suck on it. The man smelled incredible. He wanted to sniff him, too.

  “I could fuck you here and now.”

  It was a statement of fact.

  It was irrefutable.


  Hank’s dick, as hard as a steel rod, throbbed behind the zipper of his slacks. If Fallon kept talking like that he was going to come.

  They were close now, only a couple of inches separating them. Hank could feel the heat coming off of Fallon’s body. He inhaled Fallon’s scent. Closing his eyes, he tried to imagine what it would feel like to have the heat of the man’s skin on his skin, their bodies rubbing together, the friction setting their passion afire.


  Hank blinked. Tilting his head back, he looked up at Fallon. “What?”

  “You better go. I’ll see you Thursday. I’ll pick you up at seven. I’ve made reservations for the restaurant at the hotel at Paradise Lake.”

  “You were that confident?” Did the guy think he was easy?

  Shaking his head, Fallon gave him a crooked smile. It was cute and endearing, tugging at Hank’s heart. “No. I just had hope. If you had turned me down, then my back up plan was to take Dad and Gramps.”

  Hank laughed at that. The tension he had been feeling slowly left his body. Except for his hard dick. The thing was aching. Hank was in desperate need of relief, but that wouldn’t happen until he got home. Did he really have to wait until Thursday?

  Evidently Hank did have to wait. A strong hand on his arm turned him toward the door. Fallon walked him to it, but only after he released Hank’s arm. Hank missed the contact. He could remember every time Fallon had touched him, usually when Hank had been assisting him as he recuperated, but it always left him wanting more.

  “I’ll see you Thursday evening,” Fallon told him as they paused in the open doorway. “If you change your mind, don’t be afraid to let me know.”

  Shaking his head, Hank knew he was giving Fallon a look that told the man he was crazy if he thought there was even the slightest chance Hank would change his mind. “I won’t be changing my mind. But the same goes for you. Call me, if anything changes.”

  Fallon nodded, but he didn’t speak. His eyes, however, said it all. Hank glanced downward and saw the impressive swell. Swallowing hard, he turned and hurried down the hall to the rear stairs. He had to get home. Hell, he had to get out of the building before he turned around and begged Fallon to let him suck his cock.

  A low, agonized moan left Hank’s lips as his balls clenched and he came. He was grateful there was no one around and for the relative darkness as he hurried to his car. Zippy’s bright blue paint gleamed in the glow from the security light. Hank barely noticed as he hit the button and the door unlocked. He jumped in and started the car. As always, Zippy was happy to get going. Zippy was a very happy car. Hank drove home as quickly as the laws would allow. Once home, he planned his entry to the house. The best way in would probably be through the kitchen, taking the stairs up to his room. If he went in through the front, he was more likely to encounter someone. Knowing there was likely a sizeable wet patch on the front of his slacks, he wanted to avoid his housemates.

  Locked behind his bedroom door, Hank stripped off his clothes and tossed them into the hamper. He grabbed his towel, wrapped it around his waist, and then picked up the case with his toiletries in it. He hadn’t seen anyone on his way upstairs, but that didn’t mean that someone wouldn’t pop out of one of the bedrooms. Glancing out, he saw that the door to the bathroom was open. He didn’t waste any time claiming the room. Locking the door, he went to the shower and turned on the water, dropping the towel as he did so.

  How the hell was he going to make it until Thursday? The question circled around in Hank’s head several times as he washed his hair and scrubbed his body. It was only Monday. Did Fallon know what he was doing to Hank? How could the man want to wait? Hank had seen the evidence stretching the front of Fallon’s slacks. The guy had been ready to bust a zipper.

  Hank rubbed his tender flesh carefully as he leaned against the shower wall, his imagination taking off. Had Fallon locked himself in his office after Hank left and jacked off? Or had he been able to get upstairs to his apartment? Hank could easily imagine Fallon unfastening his belt, lowering his zipper, and then releasing that huge cock, stroking it as he sat in the large leather chair behind the mahogany desk.

  Naked and sprawled on Fallon’s desk, Hank would watch, licking his lips as Fallon teased him. It was an erotic sight, the man he loved with his cock and balls out of his pants, his thumb sliding over the wide head and through the pre-cum leaking from the slit. Hank’s mouth watered for a taste. He could easily become a slave to everything about Fallon, from smelling his rich woodsy scent, to tasting the salty tang of his cum. Hank’s mouth watered for a taste, but his body was aching for Fallon’s complete possession.

  The man, however, seemed to enjoy tormenting Hank. It was a sweet torment, but it was still torment. He moaned as Fallon continued to lazily stroke the shaft of his cock. Hank’s gaze followed the movement while admiring the thick veins twisting along its length, as well as the dark hair covering Fallon’s balls.

  Hank nearly jumped out of his skin when Fallon leaned forward unexpectedly. He opened a drawer on the left and reached in. When he saw what it was, Hank’s heart began to beat a little faster.

  Oh, hell, it began to pound against his chest so hard and so quick Hank feared he might pass out as his excitement level grew tenfold.

  “Turn around and get on your hands and knees. I want to watch as you stretch yourself,” Fallon told Hank as he tossed the small bottle of lube onto the desk beside him.

  Eager to comply, because lollygagging would have only meant he had to wait that much longer, Hank quickly did as he was told. The air around Hank seemed to sizzle and spark with electricity. His excitement level was about to spike. Taking a deep breath, he pushed two slicked fingers through the ring of muscles. He heard Fallon’s sharp intake of breath, which he thought was a remarkable feat, considering the blood was pounding in his eardrums. Deciding to give the man a show, he worked his fingers, stretching the taut muscles until he could put three fingers, and then four. Having seen the size of the man’s cock, he knew he would need to be prepared. Not that Fallon’s cock was an over-sized monster or anything, but it was large enough that Hank’s body would remember being fucked by it tomorrow.

  “Hank, come here. Climb on.”

  Eager, Hank withdrew his fingers, wishing he had something to wipe them with, only to turn around to find Fallon holding out
a napkin. He wiped away the lube and tossed the crumbled paper aside before leaving the desk in order to straddle Fallon’s lap, his legs draped over the arms of the chair. As he placed his hands on broad shoulders, Fallon gripped Hank’s hip and guided the head of his cock to Hank’s twitching hole. He shuddered as emotion ripped through him. The anticipation was certainly going to kill him.

  Fallon’s breath was warm on the skin of Hank’s neck and shoulder. Leaning forward, he nibbled the lobe of Fallon’s ear, laughing softly when Fallon groaned. As his body began to slide down the hard, latex-covered shaft, Hank breathed through the slight burn as muscles stretched, adjusting to the width of Fallon’s cock. He felt his limbs begin to tremble. His excitement was growing. His cock and balls pressed against Fallon’s abdomen. It wouldn’t be long before he came.

  Closing his eyes, his arms now wrapped around Fallon’s neck, Hank…

  “Hey, you’re using all the hot water!” The annoyed shout was accompanied by pounding on the bathroom door.

  Hank’s eyes flew open as his fantasy shattered. His dick went limp almost as fast.

  Muttering an unholy curse, he turned off the water and left the shower. He didn’t even bother with drying off. He just wrapped the towel around his waist, grabbed his bag, and left the bathroom, pushing past the mood-killing dumbass who was grinning. He damn well knew what he had interrupted. Asshole.

  Living with so many people really sucked, Hank thought as he closed himself in his bedroom and flopped down on the bed. Maybe it was time he thought about moving out on his own again. He was a lot stronger now. He had confidence in himself, something he hadn’t had before. It was definitely something he would discuss with his therapist.

  Suddenly exhausted, Hank rolled off the bed and dropped the towel from his waist to the floor. He grimaced when he saw how wet his blanket was before pulling it back and checking beneath. Relieved that it was dry, he was about to turn off the light when he saw the crumpled envelope he had been given at work. Smoothing it out, he tore it open and withdrew the check.


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