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Dream On

Page 6

by Renita Pizzitola

  “It’s getting late. I need to get home.” I tried to hide my own displeasure in admitting that.

  His shoulders sagged and he frowned. “Already?” He glanced at his watch. “It’s barely after midnight.”

  I laughed, “Yes, but we’ve been here since seven. I need to go.”

  “Okay. I’d offer you a ride but I came with a friend. Can I at least call you a cab?”

  “That’s a great idea.” Why would a thieving body snatcher be so considerate? It frustrated my already confused mind. “I’m going to find Penny.”

  “Okay, I’ll meet you by the front door.”

  I slid off my bar stool and only teetered once on my quest to find Penny.

  “Hey, I think it’s time to go.” I shouted over music.

  Penny looked at her new entourage of men and frowned. “Really?”

  I shrugged an apology, and she caved. She said her goodbyes and followed me to the exit. As promised, Alex stood there.

  “I have a cab waiting outside.”

  As we approached the cab, Penny slid in first but I hesitated.

  “If you need a ride back to your car in the morning, you have my number.”

  “Thanks, that’s nice of you.” And I meant it, which was unfortunate because I kind of wished I could hate the guy. I turned to slide in but he grabbed my hand.

  “Emory, will you call me, even if you don’t need a ride?”

  His adorable expression was my end-all. I nodded, wishing so desperately he was the person he was supposed to be. He misinterpreted my wistful expression because the next thing I knew he leaned in for the kiss and my muddled brain had a slow–possibly intentionally slow–reaction time. After all, this might be the one chance I’d get to kiss Grayson, sort of.

  My body reacted and I kissed him back. My common sense screamed at me to stop, but my deprived body pressed into him as his warm mouth covered mine. Of course my brain, although functioning under a bit of a haze, kept reminding me this was Alex and this wonderful, sensual kiss was very, very wrong. With some reluctance, I put my hand between us and urged him back.

  “Probably not the best idea right now.” I smiled.

  He grinned back. “Sorry. You’re just, well, you’re beautiful and I’m not just saying that. I kind of had a moment there. I’m sorry. I’m not usually that impulsive.”

  Of course he wasn’t. He was a calculating body snatcher and I’d just kissed him. Eww. What was wrong with me? My romantic moment came to an abrupt halt, leaving me in full-on kissing remorse.

  “I need to go, cab’s running.”

  “Yeah, sure. Call me. If you want.”

  “I will.” My head bobbed enthusiastically, because when it came down to it, of course I would, my job wasn’t done. I had to remain in communication with the guy.

  I slid into the cab and shut the door. Penny looked up from the phone in her hands and shot me a sly grin. “Yummy.”

  With an internal groan, I forced a weak smile. What would Grayson think if he knew I kissed the guy? Crap.

  Chapter 8

  I had the next night off and waged an internal battle the entire day. Should I sleep at home and wait until my next dream job to talk to Grayson in spirit form, or head over to my office and speak with him in dream form? In dream form, I ran the risk every dreamer ran–weird scenarios, little control over emotions, saying things I hadn’t intended. The last one was my major problem.

  I was scared the dream version of me might spill about the kiss I’d shared with Alex–and Grayson’s body. The kiss my body wouldn’t forget. I touched my lips absentmindedly. Why did I kiss him? My own liquor-induced stupidity frustrated me. I was supposed to rescue his body from this guy, not make out with it. I had put myself in an awkward situation.

  I told Grayson I’d visit with him post-date, but just thinking about it gave me butterflies. If I waited until work, I’d avoid slip-ups, but wouldn’t have enough time to really talk.

  I grabbed an overnight bag and prepared to head over to my office.

  * * * *

  After finding any and every excuse to busy myself and avoid sleep, it was finally time to meet the man of my dreams, literally and figuratively. I lay in bed and prepped myself.

  I needed clarity in what I planned to tell him and found mental rehearsal good for just this scenario. Now, where to have the dream? I didn’t want it anywhere busy, but didn’t want to be alone with him either. The park seemed like the perfect place. It would have people, but not too many. We wouldn’t be confined and it would provide distractions if necessary.

  Closing my eyes, I practiced what to tell him, reminding myself not to mention the kiss. Over and over again, my mind replayed what I planned to say, all while envisioning a park. Sleepiness settled over me and I drifted off.

  I walked along a sidewalk and stopped, laughing at a funny squirrel. It was huge. I’d never seen such a large squirrel.

  “Interesting.” I turned at the sound of Grayson’s voice. He walked up beside me and tilted his head to the side, observing the chubby squirrel make his third attempt to climb a tree. “Do you think this is your subconscious way of telling you people should stop feeding the squirrels in the park?”

  I laughed. He was probably right. But that word did something else–it stirred something in my memory. Subconscious. What was it about my subconscious I needed to remember?

  “I kissed Alex.” I blurted. My hand flew to my mouth. Oh no. No, no, no. My mental prep had the opposite effect. Instead of helping me guard my private thought, it made it a front-runner.

  “Um, okay. So, how was I?”

  “I’m so sorry. I wasn’t supposed to say that. It’s just, well, I tried to prep not to...and just came out. I’m sorry.” Mortified, I turned away. I was used to being in control during dreams. On the rare occasions I wasn’t, at least it was just a dream. Did my clients feel like this when I invaded their dreams?

  “It’s okay. I–” He cleared his throat. “I, uh, I don’t know what to say. I guess you two hit it off?”

  “No. Well yes, maybe a little. See, I thought if I kept him drinking, he would divulge more information. Problem is, I drank a bit too much, and when it was time to go, he kissed me. I had a slow reaction time.” I shifted my eyes downward. “Or something like that.” I met his gaze, but looked away. “And to answer your question, good.”

  I slapped my hand over my mouth again. I was stuck in my own forgot-to-wear-my-pants dream. Embarrassment overwhelmed me, as my mouth became a slippery slope of mortifying confessions.

  Grayson chuckled. “Good to know.”

  “Next time we get together, let’s meet in a client’s dream, okay?”

  “Really? But I much prefer this.” He grinned.

  “Me, not so much.”

  “Let’s sit down.” I nodded and we found a park bench. “So, besides the fact I will one day make you an awesome lover, did you find out anything else?”

  My cheeks burned. I had no intentions of things going any further with Alex, and Grayson’s implications infuriated me. “It was a mistake. I’m not hooking up with your body. I was drunk. It won’t happen again.”

  “I wasn’t talking about my body.”

  I tightened my jaw before it descended to the floor. I peered around, wondering if I even spoke with the real Grayson. Maybe I’d dreamt him. It seemed the only way to explain his blatant come-on. I searched for his spirit form.

  “What are you looking for?” He glanced around as well.

  “I think I’m dreaming,” I said, met his gaze then sought the real Grayson.

  “You are dreaming,” he said with an amused expression.

  “No, I mean about you.” I clarified.

  “As flattering as that sounds, I’m real. Feel free to dream about me, but you don’t need a stand in. I’m willing to be an active player in any dreams you have.”

  “Yep, I’m dreaming.”

  He laughed so hard, I half-expected to see tears.

y do you think you’re dreaming? Can’t a guy find you attractive and it not be a dream?”

  “Well sure, but you. Well, I mean look at you, and you aren’t just saying I’m pretty. You’re implying a lot more than that.”

  He rubbed his chin, his expression thoughtful. “Just implications. Hmm, guess I need to work harder.”

  I blinked, stunned into silence.

  “Look, I’ve been stuck in dreams a long time, and I’m being forward. Sorry.” Cocking a grin, which nearly killed me, he leaned back against the bench stretching out his long legs and placing his hands behind his head. “Really, we do need to get back to business, but feel free to let the dream go wherever you want afterward.”

  I stared at him.

  He chuckled. “Okay, I’m done. Now tell me, what did you find out?”

  “Actually, not much.” I frowned, still a bit baffled by what had just transpired. “He talked about his computer business, and some other random stuff, but I didn’t get much. He never blurted out he was a body snatching dreamwalker or anything good.” I stared into Grayson’s eyes searching for the flecks of green I loved. “What am I supposed to do? I need help here. How do I get more info out of him?”

  He looked up and rubbed his jaw. “Do you think he’s a dreamwalker?”

  “I can’t say.”

  “One way or another he knows how to get into bodies which means he has to know how to separate from them as well. We need to find a way to convince him to leave my body.”

  “Leave where? Like into a dream?”

  “A dream would be perfect. It’d draw him out long enough for me to get back in.”

  “What if he just tries to get in the next time you leave it, or worse yet, what if he tries to snatch my body?” I hadn’t thought about that possibility, but now found it a legitimate concern.

  “Now that would be blasphemy. Feminine perfection invaded by a man. I won’t stand for it.” He feigned outrage.

  “I’m serious.” I tried to hide the forming grin. “We don’t know how desperate he is for a body. What if he doesn’t have one of his own to go to?”

  “That’s something I’d never thought about. Wouldn’t that make him a ghost?”

  “Yeah, hmm, doesn’t seem right. Maybe something’s wrong with his body and he wanted to escape it?”

  “Maybe, or he’s locked up in prison and searching for a way out.”

  I shuddered, thinking I might have just been making out with an inmate. “Maybe he’s just looking for something better.” I hoped.

  “What do you mean?”

  I absentmindedly gave Grayson’s hot body a once over. “Like when you move from an apartment to a home.”

  He raised an eyebrow.

  My cheeks burned. I hadn’t meant to imply upsizing. “I mean, he’s a computer guy, right? Well, maybe he’s smart, makes good money, et cetera, but his life lacked something. A girl. Maybe the body he was born with isn’t doing the job, so he went looking for better housing, so to speak.”

  Grayson chuckled. “I don’t think I’m better housing.” Now I raised an eyebrow. Had this guy been away from mirrors too long? “I think more like an available unit.”

  Which went back to my body-squatter theory.

  “Okay, whatever his reason, we need to pull him out. It would seem easier to do if we figured out why he’s in your body in the first place. What’s his Achilles’s heel? Money, power, love?”


  “That’s always the answer for you guys, isn’t it?” I shook my head in mock disapproval.

  “I’m serious. If you’re right about the computer nerd seeks true love, he’s after sex.”

  “Sex and true love aren’t the same things.”

  “Oh no, not at all,” he said, his tone laced with sarcasm. “I mean every man you know is searching for ‘The One’. Sex is just an added bonus, to true love, of course.”

  “Ha ha,” I returned his sarcasm. “Okay so you made your point. I still don’t see how we lure this guy out of your body for sex, seems a little counter-productive.”

  “Not if the only way to get what he wants is in a dream. And what if he thought there’s a way for him to experience the real thing, while the girl thinks it’s just a dream.”

  “Oh, that’s seriously sick.”

  “Thank you,” he said deadpan, keeping his eyes narrowed and gaze focused straight ahead as if in deep thought.

  I grinned. “Okay, so the sicko plans to get some in a dream. Let me guess. I’m supposed to be the girl?”

  “Wow. Someone’s a little full of herself. I never said you were his dream girl, but if you want to do it, okay. By all means.” He put up two hands as if pushing the assignment over to me. I glared and he laughed. “I’m kidding. Look, it’s okay if you don’t want to take any of this on. It’s a lot, I know. I’m just thinking aloud.”

  “Please, I’m a dreamwalker. I’ve seen worse. One more thought, in spirit form he’ll look like–well, whatever he really looks like. How’s he supposed to convince me to have dream sex if he doesn’t look like you?” As soon as the words left my mouth, I realized the set up I’d just provided.

  A hint of a smile played around his lips.

  I quickly clarified. “It would be like agreeing to have sex with a stranger, since I won’t recognize him.”

  Clearly, he’d thought along the lines I’d expected, but he kept it to himself and managed to stay on topic. “I guess that’s the good part. You won’t need much convincing.”

  I eyed him warily. “I’m starting to think maybe I should just pretend this is a bad dream and forget it ever happened.”

  He leaned back and smiled. “Funny, I was just thinking this is one of the best dreams I’ve ever had.”

  A smile crept over my face. I don’t know if it was the dream factor, but Grayson’s presence was pleasurable. I liked being around him and felt at ease. Our bantering was fun, kind of like with Johnathan, except this relationship exuded something that one didn’t. Chemistry.

  Chapter 9

  Now we had a plan. I needed to get to know Alex and do everything in my power to get him to fall for me. The real challenge, tempt him like crazy but never let him physically near me. Which in some ways, I think Grayson seemed a bit too pleased about.

  It was also his genius idea to pretend I was waiting for marriage. This was supposed to be my cover, and since the guy clearly would have no plans to marry me, we’d hopefully lure him into my dream to defile me. The whole thing was seriously twisted, but some tiny part of me got a thrill out of the challenge. Which probably made me a little twisted, as well.

  Of course, our plan was full of holes. I wasn’t sure how either one of us thought we’d ever pull this off. We based the entire thing on the assumption I was worth leaving Grayson’s body for, and while I don’t doubt guys will go to the ends of the Earth for a piece of ass, this pushed it.

  And, the whole not looking like Grayson thing bothered me. How was I to know when it was Alex in my dreams? I didn’t anticipate having a ton of sex dreams in the near future, but it would help if I were a little prepared for this.

  Of course, the biggest problem was if by chance the cards lined up, how would Grayson get back in before Alex realized what happened? I had no intention of having dream sex with him. Would we distract Alex long enough to give Grayson the window he needed?

  My head hurt thinking about the possibilities. I decided to take this one step at a time. Somehow, I must portray a virginal vixen, a challenge in itself. I just prayed Alex would stay interested in me long enough to give this plan a running chance, but Grayson swore guys always wanted what they couldn’t have. So, I’d give it my all.

  I planned an early dinner date with Alex, squeezing him in before a dream job. While getting ready I toyed with the idea of a fake business needing computer help. It still needed a bit of work to be believable. I tucked it away, keeping the idea on the back burner.

  Finishing the last touches of my makeup, I stared at
my reflection. Undoubtedly, I was attractive enough. I worked out, was a decent dresser, and even took the proper steps with my hair and makeup. In the end, I cleaned up nicely, but still didn’t see a chance in hell for this to work. The moment I used waiting and marriage in one sentence, Alex would bolt.

  I tugged my V-neck sweater down and ran my fingers through my wavy hair. Here went nothing. Grabbing my coat, I headed off to meet the possible inmate residing in Grayson’s body.

  When I arrived at the restaurant Alex already sat at a table. He waved and I made my way over.

  “Emory, you look beautiful. As always.” He helped me with my jacket and slid my chair out. “I’m glad you called.”

  I smiled. “Me too.”

  He sat across from me just as a waitress arrived. She grinned broadly at my attractive date. “Nate will be your server today. Can I get you started with some drinks or appetizers?”

  It seemed a waste of time to answer, considering her eyes never left Alex. Like a gentleman, he looked at me, awaiting my response.

  “I’ll have some water with lemon.”

  “I’ll have iced tea.” He ordered his drink with just a quick glance, his gaze returning to the menu.

  She smiled again at Alex but looked disappointed as she walked away. A twinge of jealousy rose in me. It didn’t bother me if the waitress had interest in Alex, but technically, she drooled over Grayson. When she reappeared with our drinks, her gaze once again, remained fixed on him. He remained friendly and smiled back, while I enjoyed an amazing mental picture of what accidentally tripping her might look like.

  Thankfully, she vanished and a few moments later Nate, our waiter, appeared. A young, attractive guy, maybe a college kid trying to earn some extra cash. As he approached our table, the corner of his mouth tugged up and his gaze roamed down and back up. He clearly liked what he saw–Grayson.

  Crap. I couldn’t win. I was with the restaurant’s most eligible bachelor. I watched Alex to see if he noticed our waiter’s appraising eyes. I hid the giggle threatening to escape as I pictured the real Grayson’s reaction when I told him the story. He’d probably have something cocky to say.


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