Dream On

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Dream On Page 12

by Renita Pizzitola

  She charged me.

  We went at it head-to-head, evenly matched, which frustrated the hell out of me. I was better than this lady and I’d be damned if I let her win. Grayson watched with his mouth ajar. He stepped forward to intervene.

  “Don’t even think about it.” I warned. I’d win this fight fair and square. I kicked her hard and high shoving her to the ground. She pounced back to standing and eyed me up and down as if making a decision. Her mouth pulled back into a sneer, splitting open the fat lip I’d given her. A drop of blood appeared and with the back of her hand, she wiped it clean.

  “I considered leaving, giving up on your body, but now seeing what you’re capable of, I have to have it.”

  She yanked off a bracelet, and with a flick of her wrist, it extended into a whip. In one quick motion, it snaked toward me. My feet jerked out from under me. Everything went black.

  Chapter 15

  My shoulders shook hard as my eyelids fluttered open. Golden eyes stared down on me.

  “Alex.” I sat up and scooted myself as far away as possible. I’d awoken back in his bed and didn’t have anywhere to run. My heart slammed and my breathing quickened as I pressed into the headboard.

  “Emory, no. Shh, it’s Grayson.”

  I shook my head. “I don’t believe you. How did I get here?” My thighs were completely exposed, so I grabbed the blanket and pulled it to my neck.

  “It’s over. I promise it’s me.” Tentatively, he put his hand out. “Ask me something, anything to prove it.”

  Thoughts raced through my mind. What was something only he would know?

  “Where did we meet?”

  “In the old west. You were a damsel in distress and I saved you from a beast. Not that you needed saving.” He grinned. “But you and your little friend were on the outs.”

  Only he would answer my question with that much Grayson-ness.

  “Grayson? It’s really you?” I relaxed as I moved closer to him.

  “It’s me, I’m back. Because of you, I’m back.” He caressed my cheek.

  “How did I get back? I don’t feel so good.” I rubbed my head, trying to remember why it hurt.

  “You hit your head hard. You scared me in there. I worried you wouldn’t make it back without waking first. I didn’t know how much time we had.”

  I sucked in a sharp breath at the memory. “What happened to Nadine?”

  He looked away as he answered. “She’s gone.”

  “She got away?”

  “No.” He scratched his head. “Her spirit died. She won’t be coming back.”

  “You killed her?”

  “Actually, Alex did.” He met my gaze.

  “What? How?” Why would Alex do that? How did Alex do it?

  “He flipped. You went down and I rushed to you. When I looked back at him, his eyes were crazy and he charged her. He used the whip and strangled her.”

  My hand clasped my throat. “That’s scary.”

  “Very, but it saved your life.” He rubbed the back of his neck and looked away. “That guy has it bad for you.”

  “Where did he go?” I shouldn’t care, but I had to know.

  “Still there, I guess. As soon as I saw what he did, I came back to my body and tried to wake you, it took you awhile but here you are.”

  “So, he’s stuck in the dream realm?” I bit my lip. He might be a lunatic, but I wouldn’t wish that on anyone.

  Nodding, he found my hand and guided me closer to him. “I think you should rest. You’re a little pale. Lay back down.”

  Though I probably needed rest, fear still gripped me.

  Noticing my expression, a hint of a smile appeared. “I’m not going anywhere. I promise. I’ll stay with you, not that I have anywhere to go anyway.” He glanced around the apartment.

  I hesitated then slid back down and snuggled into the pillow. He grabbed the blanket and tucked it around me.

  Looking at my sleep shirt, he raised an eyebrow. “I’m sorry but I have to ask, are you wearing my shirt?” He stared at his bare chest. When he looked back to me, his bewildered expression caused me to laugh so hard a tear escaped the corner of my eye.

  “No! Well, yes, it’s your shirt, but not the one you were wearing. Apparently, you have on a lot more than you normally sleep in anyway. So just be happy you even have pants on.”

  “That’s weird and seriously creepy.” With a quick raise of his eyebrows, he gave me a suggestive smile. “I bet you’re disappointed.”

  “Tragically. Now let me rest. Is it possible to get a spirit concussion?” I rubbed my head again.

  “I don’t know, but if you fall asleep I’m waking you every thirty minutes until I’m sure you don’t have a concussion.”

  “I think it’s every three hours.”

  “I’ll take the extra precaution.” Though he smiled, I didn’t think he joked.

  My lips curved as I closed my eyes, happy to have him here by my side. I relaxed my body and decided to finish what I’d started.

  I wouldn’t tell Grayson, but I needed to check on Alex. As insane as it seemed, I needed to know for myself if he remained in the dream realm, but no way would I do it in spirit. I’d check on him in dream form.

  * * * *

  There’s always that moment when entering a dream when people don’t realize they’re dreaming yet. Well, most people never figure it out, but for me it happens fairly quickly. This time it took a minute. I looked around, enjoying the beauty of the lake in front of me. I used to visit it with my family as a child. We had vacationed there so many summers growing up. I remembered it like a second home.

  A figure sat by the edge of the lake, his head in his hands, shoulders slumped. My heart heaved as I took in the gloomy sight. Who was he, and what brought upon such sadness? My body lurched forward. Something told me to go to him and comfort him, but as I approached, memories flooded my mind.

  The moment of realization finally came. I was in a dream with crazy Alex. It made my feet heavy. I sucked in a deep breath and willed the courage to complete the task that brought me here.

  “Alex?” I kept my tone soft, not wanting to sneak up on him.

  “Emory? You came back.” His entire face brightened as he looked at me.

  With a sympathetic smile, I sat next to him, careful to allow plenty of space between us. “I am here, but I’m not staying and neither should you.”

  He picked up a nearby rock and tossed it in the lake. “Where am I supposed to go? I have nowhere, no one.” His gaze met mine then returned to the glass-like surface of the lake.

  “You need to go back to your body. Your real one.”

  “Why? I was a loser then and I’m a loser now. What’s the point? At least if I’m stuck here I can be anything I want.”

  “Alex, you’re not a loser. Look at you. You started a business–a successful one. That was all you. Grayson’s body didn’t accomplish that for you. It’s still there, your business. Go home, Alex.”

  “Maybe I can run a business, but that’s it. I have nothing else to live for. No friends, no big city apartment, no beautiful girlfriend, nothing. This is me.” He gestured toward his body. “Look at me. Who would want this? You didn’t.” He scoffed.

  “That’s not fair, Alex. I didn’t reject you because of who you are or what you look like. This was never about you, and I’m sorry you thought it was. I tricked you and I regret having to do that, but I’m a dreamwalker too. Grayson needed my help.”

  “And that’s why you were attracted to me, because I looked like him.” It was a statement, not a question.

  “I can’t explain the way this situation made me feel. I have feelings for Grayson, yes, but I enjoyed spending time with you as well. I really did. You were sweet, and often I had to remind myself who you were. It was hard on me.”

  “Sweet.” He huffed. “Sweet Alex. You know I don’t want to be that guy.”

  “You weren’t just sweet, you were confident, sexy, driven, caring–the list goes on a
nd on. Those aren’t physical attributes, that’s you. It’s who you are. I guess being in a new body gave you the confidence you needed, but it’s still there. That’s still in there.” I touched his chest and his hand covered mine.

  “So are you.” He looked at our hands pressed over his heart. “I fell for you, Emory.”

  Swallowing hard, I pulled my hand back.

  “You don’t really know me, Alex. You didn’t fall for me. You fell for the person I portrayed. The image created to try and win you over.”

  He shook his head. “Nah, I know you. I may not have known what you did, but I saw you. It was always there. You can’t hide that.”

  “You’ll find someone else,” I offered.

  He sighed, looked down and shook his head.

  “You said you got a second chance on life. You made changes and took risks. Grayson may have taken his body back but you can never take back those changes. They’re a part of you.”

  “I wouldn’t even know how to get back to my body if I wanted to.”

  “That’s why I’m here. I had hoped to help you find your way home.”

  “Once I go back, I’ll be in my own body, forever.” He said it like it was a punishment for his crimes. “I’ll be stuck.”

  “I wouldn’t call it stuck. Your body isn’t holding you back from changing your life. Your spirit makes those choices, and your body just goes along for the ride.”

  He sighed and rubbed his thumb over the smooth surface of another rock he’d picked up.

  “Go home Alex, and don’t let this experience go to waste. Your business is still yours. Find another place to call home, meet a nice girl, live your dreams, but do it in your own body. Do it because you can.”

  “What other choice do I have?” I had no answer for him. He threw the rock out into the lake. “Tell me how I do it.”

  “You need to find your life cord. Concentrate on your center.”

  “Like my stomach.” His forehead creased as he scrunched his face.

  “Sort of, just feel deep into the pit of you.” I tried to think of a way to describe the feeling he sought. “Remember when you got your first kiss and your stomach tingled with butterflies? Find that tingling, focus everything on it. When you find it, you’ll start to feel a familiarity, like deja vu. That’s your body. Just follow it home. It’s ready for you, mind and body need to be together and once you allow the connection to happen, it’ll pull together like magnets.

  His gaze met mine. “I guess this is goodbye?”

  “Yeah.” I bit my lip.

  His expression fell and I sensed how hard this was on him, but I didn’t offer any false words of hope, no condolences that we would meet again, because quite honestly I had no desire to ever see that happen.

  He closed his eyes and his brow creased in concentration.

  “Relax, let it find you. Don’t overthink it.”

  He took a big breath and exhaled. After a moment, he flickered. He’d found his connection.

  His eyes opened, a little startled. “It is like deja vu.” I smiled and his gaze took me in, as if to memorize everything about me. “One last thing.”


  “You aren’t really a virgin, are you?”

  Chuckling, I waved goodbye. “It was nice knowing you, Alex. Please don’t waste the time you spent here.”

  He flickered again and his gaze panned the distant skyline, as if trying to understand where the pull came from. “Goodbye, Emory.”

  Chapter 16

  “How did it go?” Grayson brushed hair from my face and smiled.

  “How did you know?” I asked, rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

  “I figured you wouldn’t just leave the guy there. You’re a good person, Emory. Although, I think your desire to solve everyone’s problems is going to get you in trouble one day.” He smiled.

  “Well, he’s gone.”

  Grayson’s shoulders relaxed a little.

  “I helped him get home.”

  “You did a good thing. Now scoot over.” He nudged me to the side and I made room for him.

  “What do we do now? I mean this place–I guess Alex will cancel his lease–but you have nothing here. Where are you from anyway?”

  Grayson chuckled. “We’ll figure all that out, but not right this minute. You don’t have to solve all the world’s problems in one day.” He traced my cheek with his finger. “I think I may have to shack up with someone for a few days.”

  “Oh? Those nice twins you met?”

  “Ouch. That was a lie, by the way. Well, there are twins but they’re in their sixties or something.”

  I laughed so hard I cried. Grayson shook his head while trying to bite back a smile of his own.

  “I’m sorry, but you have to admit that’s funny,” I said, trying to stop my giggling.

  He shrugged and chuckled.

  “I never did anything with Alex either. I don’t know why you always jumped to that conclusion but nothing ever happened, and he respected the whole waiting for marriage thing.”

  “Hmm, so Alex kept my body pure? Good to know.”

  “Oh yeah? You’re waiting for marriage, too?”

  “As long as I was in there I think I qualify as one of those born-again virgins.”

  “It was a few months. Geez, how much action were you getting before you got body snatched?”

  “Wouldn’t you like to know?”

  I rolled my eyes. “Nah, not interested. Well good luck with that born-again thing.” I turned over.

  “You’re so cute when you’re jealous.”

  “Not jealous, just not interested. You’re probably out of practice anyway.”

  He reached over and poked my side. “Then practice with me.”

  “I told you I’m not interested.” He poked me again and I squealed.

  “Please. You’re such a do-gooder. It’s got to be killing you to not make things right.”

  “I-don’t-want-to-practice-with-you!” I managed to get out between fits of laughter. I squirmed under his hands until I was on my back. “You know I’m stronger than you.”

  “And you like it rough. Man I have a lot to learn from you. Do you have a notepad or something I can write all this down on?” He glanced around the room.

  “Stop it,” I laughed. “I have a spirit concussion.”

  Concern flashed through his eyes. “Did I hurt you?” He touched my face, and I shook my head no. “I’m just giving you a hard time. You should rest.”

  It was surreal, staring into Grayson’s eyes. I was really with him, in the flesh. I’d wanted him for so long, it was hard to believe he was really there. Placing my hand on his face, I guided his mouth to mine. Our lips met and it was as sweet as I remembered. He positioned his body over me until I fit perfectly against him, like two puzzle pieces finding their match.

  He pulled back and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear smiling down on me looking just as happy to be there as I was to have him.

  “It’s a good thing I’m a sucker for reverse psychology.”

  “It’s a good thing I’m a fast learner.” He wiggled his eyebrows and a laugh escaped my lips.

  “You sure, because I thought we’d practice until you got it just right.”

  “Did I say fast? I meant slow. Really ridiculously slow, like it may take several lessons. Weeks’ worth even.”

  “I’m nothing, if not persistent.” I pulled his mouth back to mine. His hand slid down my body until he found my thigh, triggering a giggle.

  “Is there anywhere you aren’t ticklish?” His mouth never left mine, muffling his voice.

  “Not really.”

  “I love your laugh.” He wrapped my leg around him. “As long as you aren’t laughing at me.”

  In one quick motion, I flipped him over and straddled him. “I’ll try not to.”

  He grinned, ran his hands over my hips and up my spine. He guided my shirt over my head and pulled me back to him. “You know, I had a lot of free time in there
and nothing I dreamed up compared to this.”

  “I get that a lot.”

  “I’m sure you do.” He kissed me as my fingers trailed his chest. “All joking aside, thank you, Emory.”

  “For this?” I nibbled at his jaw line.

  “For never giving up. For getting me the hell out of there. And yes, absolutely,” he lifted my chin so our eyes met, “for this.”

  * * * *

  The next morning, I lay in bed, reluctant to move. Grayson’s arm lay haphazardly over me as if he’d been too exhausted to lift it properly. I grinned.

  Even though he hadn’t budged, he was awake. I slipped from underneath him and sat on the edge of the bed. I pulled my shirt over my head and glanced back at him. “I don’t even think Muay Thai practice is that intense.”

  Grayson lay on his stomach, his head half-buried in a white pillow. Grinning, he peeked out of one eye. “Just wanted to be sure we got it right.”

  “Are you tired?”

  He rolled onto his back, the white sheet twisting at his waist, exposing a perfect chest. Opening both eyes, he gave me an intrigued look. “You aren’t?”

  I hit him with a pillow. “That’s not what I meant. I’m just thinking we should get out of here. It’s kind of creepy spending the night in this guy’s place, now that the guy’s not you.”

  He looked around. “Good point.”

  “Let’s go back to my place.”

  “Do you think it’s stealing if I take some of these clothes? They wouldn’t fit the real Alex anyway.”

  “Nah. Take the clothes, although I don’t foresee you needing any.” I eyed him from head to toe.

  “You’re going to kill me. You’re a Muay Thai expert. I don’t think Alex worked out one day in my body.”

  “Funny, I thought the same thing.”

  He rubbed his taut abdominal muscles. “Are you saying he let himself go?” He pretended to be taken aback.

  “No. I just thought it was a shame to put such a perfect body to waste.”

  He grabbed my arm and pulled me back down. “Perfect, huh?”

  I shrugged as he kissed me again.

  “We have to get out of here. I’m not kidding, I feel like at any moment the real Alex is going to come bursting through the door.”


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