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Kissing Cousins

Page 9

by Diana Tobin

  He just hoped Gusta would be able to forgive him his big mistake.


  The next few weeks fell into a pattern for Gus and Web.

  Gus was up and off to work early each morning, returning home mid-afternoon. They took turns making dinner, and each did household chores as needed.

  They picked the last of the blueberries, freezing most. Gus tried her hand at a blueberry pie and blueberry syrup from one of Emma’s recipes. She took Web at his word and re-arranged the kitchen to her liking, thus coming across Emma’s collection of recipes. As it turned out, Web helped with her kitchen job, wiping down walls, cleaning shelves, and deciding where things should go.

  Web usually managed to be home when she was, and either convinced her to do something with him, or involved himself in any project she came up with.

  Web always asked about her day at work; a new experience for her. She’d tell him who she’d met that day, for whom Web usually had a story to relate. He was entertaining and gave her insight into the townspeople.

  Rarely did she know how Web spent his days while she was gone.

  At first, she didn’t want to ask. When she realized she was dredging up an old habit from her time with Steve, she shook it off with disgust. Asking after her ex-husband’s day when he returned home either got her a snide remark or a tale of woe. If she didn’t ask, he berated her for not caring enough. A no-win situation.

  However, when she asked Web about his day his comments about meetings or workouts were short or noncommittal. Almost as if his life were bland until she returned home.

  Gus knew there was nothing bland about Charles Webster.

  She was surprised at how willing he was to spend a quiet evening at home with her. While they watched a movie or show on TV, she would work on a project, with Web asking questions about what she was making, or trying to create. More often he coaxed her into playing a card game.

  Playing cards or a board game was something she and Steve had never done. At least, not once they married. Steve hated losing at anything, and if she lost a game, he told her how boring it was to play against someone who didn’t provide a challenge.

  Web didn’t seem to care who won, he enjoyed the fun of the game.

  Gus decided he must be dating while she was at work. He was always available during her free time. He planned day trips for the two of them on her days off. He’d gotten the boat out and taken her for a cruise around the lake the first weekend after she started her job.

  At times, it felt a bit like being married without any sex.

  He appeared happy to see her when she arrived home, and Web was an affectionate man. He was always touching her in some way, often giving her a hug, a light pat to the arm or back, and the most wonderful shoulder rubs.

  Whenever they went someplace together, Web drove his Jeep and insisted on helping her in and out of the vehicle. She stopped protesting when she realized he wasn’t treating her as if she were helpless, but more as if she were precious. Gus offered the use of her car, but Web claimed he wasn’t sure it could take much more use. She knew he preferred to drive because he liked being in control. Gus was learning the distinction between being in control and being controlling, like her ex.

  Web took her out one day to be sure she could handle his Jeep, claiming in case of an emergency. Once he knew she had no problem, he kept trying to get her to drive it to work. Gus told him that was ridiculous. Her car was holding up fine, it was only a few miles to the coffee shop, and that was the only place she went alone. Otherwise, Web was with her, driving them both.

  She couldn’t remember ever having someone spend so much time with her other than Hope.

  Web always kissed her goodnight, too. Granted, those kisses were to her cheek, forehead, and nose, but kisses all the same.

  A man as handsome and virile as Web had to have a woman, or dozens of them, somewhere.

  Maybe she should just ask.

  “Good. You’re finally home,” Web said, giving her a hug.

  Gus smiled at him. “Did we have plans I forgot about?”

  “Nope, but you gotta come see.” He grabbed her hand, pulling her along with him as he headed for the stairs.

  “Wait. Web. Let me put down my things.”

  “Oh, yeah.” He pulled her purse from her shoulder, took the light jacket she needed in the mornings from her hands, tossing both to the couch as he led her through the living room.

  “I’ve had the tour upstairs, you know.”

  “Just go,” he urged. “You haven’t seen this yet.”

  Once she reached the landing at the top of the stairs, he turned her to the master bedroom, standing close behind her.

  Gus gasped when she saw the bed. “It’s huge.”

  A king-sized sleigh bed replaced the old double bed she’d seen previously. The dark vine carved headboard was across the far corner of the room so the large bed faced her at the door. The comforter was shades of grays and blues. Four pillows, two each in a dark and light blue, were propped against the headboard.

  Web led her into the room. “What do you think?”

  “I think it’s beautiful.” Gus ran her fingers over the vines carved along the top edge of the footboard. “Is the quilt from the old bed?” Folded at the foot was a wedding ring patterned quilt.

  “Yeah. Gran made it.”

  Gus looked at him. “Do your feet hang off this one?”

  He smirked at her. “No. Okay, to really stretch out, I have to lie crosswise. Come over here.”

  Web led her to the side of the bed closest to the windows. “Lie down.”

  “I’m sure it’s comfy,” she protested.

  “It is. Just do it.” He stared at her. “Please.”

  Gus slipped off her shoes before climbing up onto the bed. Web sat next to her, then scooted behind, drawing her down to lie next to him. Turning on his side, he rolled Gus in front of him to face the window.

  “Look.” He pointed to the windows. “At night, you should be able to see the moon and stars.” Web had his arm over her and his cheek pressed to hers so they were looking in the same direction.

  Gus could feel every inch of his hard-muscled body along the back of hers. She swore she could feel the beat of his heart before realizing it was the pounding of hers. His cinnamon-scented breath flowed past her lips.

  She closed her eyes and imagined his lips trailing over her body with those spice-scented kisses. He would lick and taste secret places on her body as his fingers glided over her. He would press his big, hard body onto hers, into hers–

  Gus jerked her eyes opened. “Um. You painted.”

  “What were you thinking about?” He murmured as he nuzzled his nose against her cheek and ear, letting his breath tickle her skin.

  “I…the co-color.” She swallowed hard. “Th-the pale gray is nice. Oh,” she moaned as his lips trailed down the side of her throat. “Ne-new curtains. You got new curtains, too.”

  Web pulled her tighter against him, while his lips brushed across her jaw. “Mmm. To close out the light, or to close in what I want kept private.”

  She was melting, right into a big, gooey puddle. But, it needed to stop. No matter how good it felt, how good he felt, she needed it to stop. He wasn’t serious; she knew Web couldn’t be serious about her.

  But, the hard length she could feel pressing against her bottom sure felt serious.

  She turned her head, whether to avoid what Web was doing or to give him better access, she wasn’t sure. “Web. What are you doing?”

  “Showing you my new bed.” He pressed his cheek back against hers again as he pulled her to him. “I took your advice and changed rooms. I decided if I was going to do it, I’d make the room over while I was at it. Do you like it?”

  “It’s lov— it’s wicked good.”

  Web barked out a laugh and rolled to his back, taking her with him. “Now, I supposed you’ve decided you want this room.”

  She lay on her back looking around th
e room. The gray and blue theme was restful yet masculine without being overly macho. “Well, now that you mention it…” She turned her head to grin at him.

  “Tell you what, I’m a generous man.” He smiled. “I’ll share.”

  They stared at each other for long moments.

  Finally, Gus said, “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  Now serious, Web asked, “Why not?”

  She turned her gaze back up to the ceiling. “I doubt your girlfriend would approve.”

  He shifted so his weight was on one elbow and he could look down at her. “What girlfriend?”

  “You must have one.”

  He shook his head to deny her claim.

  “All right, maybe not one girlfriend, but women.”

  “I don’t have a harem stashed away, if that’s what you’re asking.” His hazel eyes glittered as he stared down at her.

  “I’m sure you have women after you all the time. Good grief! I know the women around here aren’t blind.”

  He leaned closer to her and grinned. “Do tell.”

  Gus licked her lips and saw his eyes track the movement. “You date–”

  “I’ve been known to.” He leaned closer still, sniffing at her hair.

  “Y-you could bring them here. At night, I mean. I can stay…What are you doing?”

  Web had moved his right leg over both of hers while he straddled her torso with his, keeping his weight on his forearms. “Are you offering to leave the house so I can have an orgy?” He brushed his lips over the dent in her chin.

  “A-an o-orgy?” How the hell was she supposed to think when he was all but lying on top of her, rubbing that sexy mouth of his over her face?

  “I’m not into that sort of thing,” he murmured in her ear.

  “N-no?” Was that shaking whisper her voice? What was happening to her? Her heart raced like a locomotive, her breathing was choppy as if she’d run a mile, and yet she had the most delicious floaty feeling. “Web?”

  He was kissing and nipping her jaw, her chin, her lips. “Mmmm.” His chest was pressed to hers and she felt herself moving her breasts against him, wishing they were skin to bare skin.

  His lips trailed down her throat and her hands were in his hair, urging him closer. Web lifted his head, whispered, “Ah, Gusta,” before taking her mouth with his.

  His lips were warm and firm and smooth. He brushed them back and forth across hers, then traced them with the tip of his tongue. Gently, he sucked on her lower lip, pulling it between both of his, opening her mouth so his tongue could gain entrance.

  He swept his tongue around her mouth, dancing over her own, before drawing it into his mouth.

  Web stopped kissing her long enough to draw breath, then growled, “More,” before applying himself to the task again.

  Gus could hear moans and growls of satisfaction, but wasn’t sure if she was making the sounds or they came from Web. Maybe, both of them.

  Finally, Web pulled back slightly and said, “Now, what were you saying?”

  “Wh-what?” Why wasn’t he kissing her? She could feel the solid weight and length of him over her, but she wanted more. She moved one bare foot, wanting to pull him closer to where she needed him most, but could only reach part of his leg. She rubbed her toes over the hair on his calf, then down to his ankle, before gliding back up to his calf.

  Web was grinning at her. “Were you going to offer to leave the house at night so I could …entertain a woman or two?”

  Her eyes were half-closed as she concentrated on what her foot was doing. Then his words penetrated her sensual haze and her eyes snapped open. “What? No! Yes.” She drew in a deep breath that pushed her breasts against his chest. “You need to move.”

  His eyelids lowered slightly as he brushed his lips near her mouth. “Which part do you want me to move first?” he said in a husky whisper.

  Gus blinked, then felt her face heat as she thought what she wanted him to move and where she wanted him to move it. “Oh, God!” she gasped.

  His tongue dipped in the dent in her chin. “Just Web, honey.”

  “Y-you’re not making s-sense.”

  “I like when you stutter.” His tongue danced over her lips, before he pressed a soft kiss to them.

  “I-I don’t stutter.” She lied. “I’ve never stuttered before.”

  “Even better,” her murmured, settling himself more firmly against her. “Now, where we were?” His mouth was traveling down her throat, heading for the vee of her shirt.

  “You have to get off me.”

  He stopped, lifting his head and chest, but the action pressed his hips against hers. “Can you breathe?”

  “I can breathe fine–”

  “Good.” He settled back over her and returned to kissing his way down the front of her shirt.

  “Web. Please, don’t.”

  He stopped, again, and looked up at her. “Am I hurting you?”

  She shook her head.

  “Do I repulse you?”

  “Oh, God, no!”

  “Then why do we have to stop?” He gently brushed a fingertip over her chin. “We won’t do anything you don’t want. I promise.”

  “Please. Don’t tease me.” Her voice wavered when she meant to sound strong and sure.

  “I promise to deliver on my teasing,” he said with a cocky grin.

  “Web, you know this isn’t right.” She hated the defeated sound of her voice, but she couldn’t bear disappointing him.

  “What’s wrong with this?” he growled. “You haven’t said, or acted, as if my touches disgust you. You just said you’re not repulsed by me.”

  “They don’t. You don’t,” she hastened to assure him.

  “Then why shouldn’t we enjoy each other?” he demanded.

  “Could you let me up so we can talk?”

  “I don’t think so.”

  “Why?” she squeaked.

  “First, you’d have to let go of my hair.” She stared at her fingers entwined with his burnished locks and immediately released him, letting her hands fall to the bed.

  Web grunted. “I liked having you hold on to me.” When she continued to stare at him, he continued. “Second, you have to stop running your foot over my leg or I’m going to rip off these capris, or whatever you call these pants you wear, so I can bury myself so deep inside you neither of us will see daylight again.”

  Gus stopped moving her foot over him. The action had become both soothing and arousing, so she’d forgotten what she was doing.

  Web shook his head slightly. “Not real sure that’s going to make a difference.”

  She gulped and stared at him.

  “Third, I like you right here, under me. Go ahead and talk.”

  “I-I…” She stopped, drew a breath, and tried again. “I can’t talk like this. I can barely think.”

  His grin spread from ear to ear. “Best thing I’ve heard, other than I’m the only one who makes you stutter.” He kissed her thoroughly before lifting his head again. “Do we still have to talk?”

  She nodded. “Web, I’m serious.”

  “Me, too!” He continued to stare at her, but must have seen her resolution. He blew out a breath in defeat. “Give me a minute.”

  Slowly, he rolled off Gus and to his back, then swung his legs off the side of the bed away from her. He got up and went into his bathroom, mumbling as he went.

  Gus had to be mistaken, but she thought he’d said, I’ve got a serious hard-on for you.


  Web stood inside his bathroom until he heard Gusta leave his room and go down the stairs. Then he shucked his clothes, turned the water on, and stepped into a cold shower.

  He hadn’t planned on seducing her. He couldn’t seem to stop himself. Hell, who was he kidding? He’d had trouble keeping his hands off her since she’d arrived.

  He’d been excited to share his surprise with her and one thing led to another.

  And, damn, he liked the feel of her against

  Those sweet little noises she made when they were kissing. And, her lips. God, he loved her lips. That lush bottom one made him want to sink in his teeth. Not to mention that sweet little dimple in her chin. The way she kept pressing against him…moving to feel more of him...

  Damn it! If he kept thinking about what they’d been recently doing, and what he had hoped they’d be doing still, he’d end up in this damn cold shower all night.

  He’d started working on his room when Gusta started her job at the coffee shop. She’d been so sweet to ask how he’d spent his day while she was working. Web hadn’t wanted to lie to her, so he answered as vaguely as possible and concentrated on what she’d done, instead. At first, she seemed surprised he’d want to know how her day had gone. Hell, he wanted to know everything about her. Soon, she was coming home with anecdotes about the people who’d stopped for coffee.

  Gusta had been right when she’d suggested he move to the larger room. He’d long ago outgrown his old room, literally. But he didn’t want to just move into the master bedroom, not without making it his own instead of it still being Gran and Pop’s room. He’d cleared out the furniture and clothes and began painting. Web had kept the door shut and the windows open in hopes Gusta wouldn’t notice the smell of paint and ask what he was doing.

  The one day he’d stopped by Moose-ley Coffee was to let Gusta know he was making a trip to Portland and wasn’t sure what time he’d be home. He could tell she’d wanted to ask why he was going, but something had kept her from voicing the question. Web had volunteered he had meetings.

  Which wasn’t exactly a lie. His meetings were with salesmen at furniture stores. Once he found what he wanted, he made arrangements for delivery, glad to have someone help him get the new things up the stairs.

  Web mostly dried off and stepped into his bedroom to grab a clean pair of shorts and a tee shirt.

  He looked at the new bed. It was big, but he’d wanted plenty of room. He could’ve made do with a queen size, but he intended for Gusta to share it with him.

  His brows came together in a frown. He supposed he’d rushed her. He had been trying to be patient. Gusta might have only been divorced a few months, but her marriage had ended years ago. They didn’t have to rush into anything permanent, but, God, he wanted to make love with her. Now!


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