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Legacy of Death: Revenge (Legacy of Dreams Book 2)

Page 41

by Thomas J. L. Green

  “That’s not where our headquarters is,” Astril observed.

  “No shit,” Zerae remarked and led them on to the part of the Voidwalker’s part of the camp. She followed her cautiously while Leena was tagging along with them, fully consumed by the smoked lamb leg she grabbed at the storage. They raised a few curious looks, but nobody stopped them or asked anything as they marched toward the headquarters.

  “Tell Chloe I’m here,” Zerae told the guards in a sharp tone.

  “That won’t be necessary, she is inside,” one of the guards motioned them in.

  “So, what have I missed?” Zerae tossed up as they entered.

  Inside were Chloe and two other Voidwalker warriors going over a lot of maps. It was a total mess.

  “Thank Goddess you are here, things have been getting really messy,” Chloe breathed as she saw them.

  “Fill me in, I’ve been away for the past month,” Zerae commanded.

  “Where to start… the pirates made a huge storm to stop the Palai fleet and buy time. That worked. Palai armies embarked on the shore and started digging a battle line. The Pirates did the same, more or less. Now comes the weird part, the Palai attacks didn’t stop. It’s not like before where entire cities disappeared overnight, but we are losing isolated units, supply convoys, a small village here, a bridge there. The pirates spread out to try to catch them, they already lost two captains in the process and got nothing. One was killed by some assassins and the other by bandits who appeared out of nowhere,” Chloe described.

  This is the power of the Dreamwalker. Normally, their fleet should be pinned down and isolated as it has no way to communicate with anyone. But since they can coordinate through the Dream World, they can easily send half of it as independent units who commit one sabotage after another, all in perfect coordination, so they do not get caught. This isn’t enough though, we can withstand guerilla warfare and they do not have a supply route so they will run out of food and other basic supplies much faster than we do. I am missing something.

  “That’s pretty bad… why do I feel like this isn’t all of it,” Zerae remarked.

  “It gets worse. Half of the cities in the region have started revolting. Apparently, the pirates had kept them on a tight leash and now they feel like they can get out of it. Well… they aren’t wrong because as a whole, we have no good way to communicate, have to keep most of the forces at the defense line against the Palai army and can’t move around quickly. With that, we are running out of food. The cities and villages which the Order burned at the start of the war were major hubs for fishing. With them gone and the supply convoys disappearing, we are running thin on supplies. Now I don’t mean just the pirates. Even, we have started running low on food,” Chloe explained.

  They knew the pirates could make a storm, didn’t they? Of course, the Palai fleet is turtling at the shore; they don’t need to do anything other than wait for the pirates to cancel the magical storm. We cannot really attack them because that way we would lose all advantage of being the defenders and, on the other hand, the mutinous cities and guerilla warfare whittles us down. Admiral Elias la Grace does not have his title for the show.

  “How are our clans doing?” Zerae asked.

  “Poorly. We have lost every skirmish with the Palai Order, badly. We are down by another two hundred people and we haven’t even had a big fight or something like that. It’s just patrols going missing and scouting expeditions not returning,” Chloe remarked.

  “Alright, I’m going with you to the next large meeting. For now, I need detailed knowledge of capabilities and usual tactics of your clan so I can make a plan. Astril, go to the Darkscreams and set me up a meeting with Hilmeria,” Zerae commanded, “Leena, take it easy with the food. You are eating twenty people worth of rations, tone it down.”

  Astril smiled and left. Leena sighed and sadly put the lamb leg aside.

  “What do you mean that you don’t really have frontline fighters?” Zerae asked in disbelief. They had gone over the forces of the Voidwalker clan. “Then how the hell do you fight? By what you are saying, you are literally all long ranged magic wielders… that just can’t work no matter how I look at it,” Zerae evaluated.

  “Well… it does work when Sibyl is around. The way we do is that she goes ahead and the rest of us stay behind and just bombard where she told us with spells. She eventually comes back and tells us we are done,” Chloe admitted.

  “How do you know where the enemies are?”

  “We don’t… Sibyl tells us beforehand where to shoot and when,” Chloe replied.

  “How do you not hit her?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “How come you never get ambushed? I mean, you stay behind, but any randomly roaming enemy unit would see the spells and go for you,” Zerae pressed.

  “I don’t know… Sibyl tells us where to stand and from where to expect an attack if any,” Chloe stated awkwardly.

  She’s clearly not kidding… I don’t know what to say.

  “Alright, we can work with that. I don’t know how Sibyl does her stuff, so we will get the Darkscreams to be our frontline. Also, we need to control rations. Put everyone at half the daily rations, the only time someone gets to eat fully is whoever is going out to fight in the next two days,” Zerae commanded.

  “Isn’t that a little excessive? It’s not like we are going to run out of food anytime soon,” Chloe contested.

  “This war isn’t going to end anytime soon either. We cannot count on any supply convoy ever reaching us and we have to keep enough supplies to handle a swift march back to Voidspire in case we have to,” Zerae refused.

  “I’m sorry to say this, but I’ve noticed that you have changed the way you talk about this war. Before it was about triumph and victory, now there isn’t even a hint of these words in what you are saying,” Chloe observed.

  “Right now, we are like a leaf in a hurricane. There is no victory to be had in here. We need to survive long enough to get the clue on how to reach our Goddess from the pirates and then we need to leave. Leena, get Astril and both of you go hide somewhere in the forests until we go out to battle. Make absolutely sure that Mathilde, Allicia or anyone else from our clan cannot reach you with any orders,” Zerae exclaimed grimly, “one more thing. Everyone, hide all the food you can and don’t let anyone you don’t trust know where you hid it. The pirates will eventually run out of food as well; we need to be prepared to lie about how much food we have when it happens.”

  Everyone went on to fulfill her orders. Zerae observed it with deep satisfaction. Bossing people around was the favorite part of her job. Later that day, a war meeting was called, so Zerae headed there with Chloe.

  “What the hell is she doing here?” Mathile Hellwind sneered as she saw Zerae enter the war room together with Chloe.

  “She is my special advisor and shall attend all official meetings from now on,” Chloe rejected calmly.

  “Special advisors require the approval of the matron; I do not remember granting anything like that,” Mathilde contested.

  “Here are the papers, all signed by Elaine Darkscream herself,” Chloe handed Mathilde a scroll.

  She went on to study it. “This doesn’t look like her seal or signature,” she observed.

  “By our law, such accusation can only be brought up before high council. Unless the other two matrons are present, with all due respect, your opinion on the validity of these documents is irrelevant,” Chloe replied coldly.

  And people are surprised why I have trust issues. Of course, the papers are as fake as it gets, but Elaine will likely cover for her if this ever gets to the high council. We abuse Elaine a lot, don’t we?

  Mathilde just turned back to the map. Zerae followed Chloe to their place.

  “Your ranks seem to have thinned, pirate lord,” Zerae remarked as she passed Ur’Thul’Gar.

  “SAY FUCKING WHAT?” Shih, one of his captains jumped up to Zerae.

  Zerae just smirked and ignored her.
  “Surely you have some suggestions to improve our situation, advisor,” Mathilde remarked poisonously.

  “Of course, I do. We are starting to run low on supplies and the allied cities are turning rebellious. The most inconveniently positioned one, as far as my intelligence goes, is Kaeby. We should break their army, steal their rations and use the remaining civilians to our advantage. In particular, we shall give the Order a taste of their own medicine and direct the civilians toward their encampments, while we regain our key supply route that passes through Kaeby and is now unusable,” Zerae proposed.

  “A bold plan, but we cannot devote nearly enough forces for this,” Ur’Thul’Gar contested.

  “I don’t need your forces. I shall take the Voidwalkers, some Darkscreams and be done in a week,” Zerae stated confidently.

  “Do leaders of the named clans agree?” Ur’Thul’Gar asked.

  “Yes,” Chloe and Hilmeria confirmed in unison.

  “Very well then, this is one issue. Now onwards to the next one,” Ur’Thul’Gar confirmed it. Chloe and Zerae spun on their heels and headed for the doors.

  “The meeting isn’t over,” Mathile sneered.

  “We are here for the Voidwalker clan. Our full capacity has just been assigned to a mission. Thus, I see no reason to further participate in this meeting. We shall attend the meeting after we succeed,” Chloe retorted over her shoulder and left.

  “I shall see you in my office once the meeting ends,” Mathilde snarled at Zerae before she had the chance to leave.

  “Yes, matron.”

  “What the hell do you think you are doing?” Mathilde shouted as soon as they met in her office, “you disappear for a month and then openly defy me the second you come back?”

  “As an unranked warrior, I have no duty to inform you of my whereabouts unless I’m under written orders. I have received no such orders,” Zerae contested.

  “How dare you? I am your mother! I brought you into this world and this is what you give me for it? You murdered my daughter, you failed to give life, you failed as the War Leader and now you throw formalities in my face?” she demanded.

  The words pierced Zerae like a spear, “I know I have failed you, mother. I know… but we are in the middle of a war; this is no place for personal matters.”

  Mathilde slapped her so strongly that she almost fell to the ground.

  “You are unworthy of your name. Unworthy of being called my daughter. Now leave! Go have your battle for Kaeby. This is the last attempt at redemption I shall ever give you. Should you fail with this mission you had put upon yourself, you will resign from all positions, renounce your name and leave into exile, forever. Are we clear?” Mathilde sneered.

  “Yes, matron,” Zerae bowed and left. Her eyes were burning and watery. She went straight to Belenus, got on him and left.

  “RAAAAAAAARGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!” Zerae roared. It didn’t help. Nothing helped. The anger was burning inside like a second sun.

  Why? Why does the curse not let me go? Why does it keep getting stronger? How… how do I control it?



  She turned Belenus and flew over the countryside. It wasn’t long before she saw the light. She made the descent to get closer.

  A former hunting cottage, now likely a refuge packed with people.



  Belenus burst into flames. Zerae relished the heat. She directed the massive bird and landed on the roof of the cottage. It set the cottage on fire. People started shouting and running out. The closest one was a woman. Zerae leaped off Belenus and severed her in half with one fluid swing. There were over twenty people huddled in the cottage. She hunted them down to the last child.

  I am perfectly calm now. The burning has subsided, the cursed flame lays dormant. Why? I have no answer. No theory, no idea, nothing.

  Zerae got back on her mount. It didn’t seem to disapprove, in fact, it didn’t seem to care the slightest bit. She lifted off and headed to the main camp. She tried to find Astril and Leena, but couldn’t find them.

  Typical, the only times they do what I tell them to are the times when it ends working against me. The bitches are now fucking somewhere in the forest and I’m stuck here. FUCK!

  She went to sleep in her tent and went to Chloe the first thing in the morning.

  “Are we ready?” Zerae asked Chloe.

  “I guess,” Chloe sighed.

  “What’s with enthusiasm?” Zerae tossed up.

  “It’s kind of weird to go fight without Sibyl,” Chloe admitted.

  “Chill, we’re gonna win,” Zerae smirked.

  “I hope,” Chloe smiled weakly.

  “Send someone to get Astril and Leena, I’m going to get Hilmeria and her people,” Zerae commanded.

  “Alright,” Chloe confirmed.

  The march toward Kaeby was bad. The warriors were hungry and demotivated, so it dragged. Zerae wanted to shout and scream but knew it wouldn’t help, so she kept the burning rage inside and did what she could to look calm.

  “What’s the matter?” Astril suddenly caught her from behind in an unfocused moment.

  “Nothing,” Zerae refused.

  “You know, we could drop to a side, have a bit of fun and then catch up,” Astril proposed.

  “Sorry, Astril, I’m really not in the mood,” Zerae breathed.

  “Later then,” Astril, “when do you think you will be in the mood?”

  “After the battle is won,” Zerae sighed.

  “Oh come on, we’re gonna march for four days,” Astril contested, “you can surely spare a few hours.”

  “I’m really not in the mood, Astril, grab a dildo or play with Leena if you can’t handle the little wait,” Zerae sneered.


  It took them four and half days to reach the outskirts of Kaeby. Zerae had scouts sent ahead before they broke camp in the hills. Everyone was exhausted and bored from the march, so the camp building went slowly at best. Zerae had the food storage unsealed so everyone could get a good meal and even some wine. That helped the mood, but not their prospects. As the scouts returned later that day, Zerae called a meeting in the main tent.

  “So, what are we looking at?” Zerae asked. The leadership of the operation was all gathered there. She, Chloe, Hilmeria, Astril and Leena.

  “We have six hundred Voidwalkers, four hundred Darkscreams and three Hellwinds,” Hilmeria started.

  “We should send three people back, so we have exactly a thousand,” Astril remarked playfully.

  “Shut up, Astril!”

  “The city of Kaeby is a well-fortified city with three fortresses surrounding it. They are manned by about six thousand men, a third of whom are militia. We haven’t been noticed, for as far as we know. We should be fine for the night, but we shall be seen tomorrow by the morning patrons,” Hilmeria finished.

  SIX THOUSAND? I thought they would have two thousand men, at most three. This is horrendous news!

  “Have everyone enjoy their meals and drinks. I shall prepare some plans overnight and we choose between them by the report on their morning patrols. Have the remaining scouts spread out through the night, so we have an advance warning in case we are found. Chloe, send some of your trackers to map the forests, have them find potential spots to make a camp if we need to move,” Zerae ordered.

  “Yes, War Leader,” they confirmed happily. Zerae shook her head and broke the meeting.

  “Now we aren’t marching,” Astril observed, “now you have enough time.”

  “I don’t. Sorry, Astril, but I need to go to Dream World,” Zerae breathed.

  Astril made a disappointed face. Zerae ignored her and rushed to her tent. She took a soft sleeping drug to fall asleep and made a short prayer to the Goddess. She has been calling for Lucas for over a week and he had yet to show up. This was the last chance. She focused on the Palai amulet a
nd recited the incantation: “For my battle ends at dawn, the last dawn of my soul, the dawn of the thousand suns.”

  “Finally showed up, heh?” Zerae asked in a tired voice as Lucas woke her up.

  “Had some small issues,” Lucas replied, “how is it going?”

  “I called you over eight days ago… anyway, let’s check something first,” Zerae smirked and pulled a clock from under the pillow. She enjoyed seeing Lucas’ eyes widen in surprise.

  “Six hours, really? You spent six hours watching me sleep after entering my pocket,” Zerae pierced him with a look.


  “Alright, I need to know where the entrance to the escape tunnel of Kaeby is and I need it in…” she checked the clock, “at most two hours.”

  “What makes you think I know that?” Lucas contested.

  “Nothing. But I am sure you have someone you can go ask,” Zerae didn’t let up.

  “What do I get for doing it?” Lucas pried.


  “Then why would I do it?”

  “Because you do care about me. Right now, I have two days to pretty much conquer Kaeby or I shall be sent into exile, which would literally destroy my life,” Zerae revealed.

  “And you plan to abuse me for it,” Lucas narrowed his eyes.

  “Yes. I don’t care if this is some love at first sight thing, I remind you of someone or whatever the hell is the reason for it, but I shall take full advantage of it, Dreamwalker,” she stated poisonously.

  “It’s under the hill of their western fortress; there are three large rocks, the middle one has a mechanism to move it to access the tunnel underneath it,” Lucas conceded.

  “That wasn’t so hard, was it?” Zerae smiled viciously. “And what’s with that face? You showed weakness; you are going to pay for it. That’s how things work among the Faye. Anyway, what the fuck was with the succubus thing back in Sirissi Skalla?” She rose from the bed in the meantime.

  “Why are you almost naked?” Lucas tossed up.

  “Even donkeys need a carrot. Now answer me!” Zerae demanded.

  “Her name is Xanthe. She’s a spirit, one that can seduce anyone and then more or less control the person during… intimate contact,” Lucas admitted.


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